My name is Mitsuho Ikeda, Professor of social innovation, Center for the Study of Co*Design (CSCD), Osaka University. I am originally starting my profession as applied medical anthropologist, today "development anthropologist in public health," in Central America areas around mid 1980's in just cold-war period. After coming back to Japan, I have begun to teach medical anthropology and social medicine for undergraduate students of both Faculties of Dentistry and Nursing in a private university. Then I have moved from Hokkaido cited in northern Japan to Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Letters, Kumamoto University at Kyushu, southern part of this country, and taught cultural anthropology both theory and practice at the same moment of lecturing medical anthropology. That was a time of post-structural and post-colonial critique era in anthropological theories, we ---- both teachers and students ---- were absorbed in cultural studies and critical theories in cultural anthropology in post-cold war in the end of 1990s' social atmosphere. I published my second book entitled "Medical Anthropology of Practice/Praxis: Geopolitical development of health care system in Central America," (in Japanese) at beginning of new Millennium century but before 911. I was due to the dependency theory or world system approach under the influence of a kind of Western or New world Marxism theorem. But I was/am/have been liberated from these theories after my book publication and moved in to classical theories of anthropology and history of cultural anthropology from post-colonial point of view. Then I am more interested not only in teaching but also practicing anthropology in modern social issues. After moving to Osaka University, I am teaching action anthropology and public anthropology by introducing various human communication theories. I am self-nominated "workaholic, " not good term in nowadays especially for young people, and I have published 66 books (including edited) and 134 academic articles and more than 180 academic presentation, regretfully almost in Japanese. But today I am reflecting back on these things, and then in this year I have had chances two times presentations in English both in Korea and Japan. Today's my seminar title is, "Doing Medical anthropology as Critical Praxis," that I have believed in realizing academic tool of anthropological hermeneutics in Clifford Geert's sense. I am expecting to talk with our future generation of medical anthropologists in Shenzhen city. You can enjoy with more than 7,000 my web pages are now in (chiefly in Japanese, but in situ web search you can find out some English pages).
Copyright Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 2018
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