

Why do I disseminate my ideas to your/our internet global community?



Set Your Goals
Know specifically what you’re looking to achieve with your campaign. Is it a specific number of leads per month? Do you want phone calls, newsletter signups, or sales on your site? Is there a certain cost per conversion you want to achieve?

Understand your goals first because they’ll affect how you set up and manage your campaign.

Do Your Research
This is where most of your time is spent when working on a new campaign. Here are the 3 types of research to do:

Keyword Research – Use keyword tools to find the most relevant keywords people are typing into the search engines to find your product/service/company. Plan to spend at least a few hours on this…it’s the foundation of your campaign.

Competitive Research – Study the companies bidding on these keywords in AdWords. See who consistently is ranking at or near the top of the rankings (you can use a spy tool like iSpionage to help). Note their ad copy and offers. Visit their websites. Sign up for their mailing lists. Purchase their products.

Research Your Audience – Where are customers buying and reviewing products/services/businesses like yours online? Read their reviews. What do they love/hate about your competition? What are the deep needs/desires they’re looking to fulfill? What emotions are they expressing? While researching them, look for great quotes you can use for ad copy.

It’s All About the Landing Page/Offer
An irresistible offer on your landing page will overcome a lot of other deficiencies in your AdWords campaign. During your research you saw exactly what all your top competitors are offering. How can you offer something unique/different/better?

Use Exact Match Keywords
When first starting out with AdWords, keep your keyword list very small (5 – 10 keywords) and very focused (the ones people ready to buy are most likely typing into Google). Add all these keywords to your campaign as Exact Match keywords (meaning your ads will only be displayed when someone types that exact term into Google). This ensures your ads only show up for the most relevant search queries and not for variations Google thinks are relevant, but aren’t.

from https://www.crazyegg.com/blog/how-to-google-adwords/
