1923 シカゴ大学シリーズ第一作として『ホーボー』刊行
1930 『スラムの社会的背景’ニューヨーク・マンハッタン島におけるハレム東地区に関する研究』(The
Social Anttecedents of the Slum: A devlopmental study of the east Harlem
area of Manhattan Islands, New York City.)でニューヨーク大学博士号(教育学)
1934-1941 Work Progress Administration, WPA.
1943-45 船員社会事業プロジェクト(フィリピン、ソビエトなど)
1945-53 ドイツ労働組合復興事業
1953-62 ユネスコ
1963 カナダ・ニューファウンドランド・メモリアル大学教授(74歳)
1976 カナダ・ニューブラウンズウィック大学(〜84歳)
1986 死去
- An investigation of the effect of using tape recorded aural models
for home practice on selected sight reading and performance skills of six
th grade clarinet students / by James Nels Anderson. -- University Mic
rofilms International, 1979
- Desert saints : the Mormon frontier in Utah / by Nels Anderson. --
Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1966
- Dimensions of work : the sociology of a work culture / Nels Anderson.
-- D. McKay, 1964. -- (McKay social science series)
- Le Hobo: sociologie du sans-abri / Nels Anderson ; traduit par Annie
B rigant . L'empilisme irreductible / par Olivier Schwartz. -- Nathan,
1 993. -- (Collection essais & recherches ; . Serie "Sciences
humaines" / dirigee par Francois de Singly)
- Man's work and leisure / Nels Anderson. -- Brill, 1974. -- (Monographs
and theoretical studies in sociology and anthropology in honour of Ne ls
Anderson ; publication 4)
- Men on the move / by Nels Anderson. -- Da Capo Press, 1974. -- (Frankl
in D. Roosevelt and the era of the New Deal)
- On hobos and homelessness / Nels Anderson ; edited and with an introdu
ction by Raffaele Rauty ; : hbk, : pbk. -- University of Chicago Press
, 1998. -- (The Heritage of sociology)
- Our industrial urban civilization. -- Asia Publishing House, 1964.
-- (Essays in social sciences ; no. 1)
- Recherches sur la famille = Studies of the family = Untersuchungen
ube r die Familie ; v. 1. -- J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1956. -- (Schrift
enreihe des Unesco-Institutes fur Sozialwissenschaften Koln ; Bd. 3)
- Sociologia de la comunidad urbana : una perspectiva mundial / Nels
And erson ; [traduccion de Marti Soler-Vinyes]. -- [1. ed.]. -- Fondo de
C ultura Economica, 1965. -- (Seccion de obras de sociologia)
- Studies in multilingualism / edited by Nels Anderson. -- E.J. Brill,
1 969. -- (International studies in sociology and social anthropology ;
v. 8)
- The American hobo : an autobiography / Nels Anderson. -- Brill, 1975.
-- (Monographs and theoretical studies in sociology and anthropology i
n honour of Nels Anderson ; publication 9)
- The disabled man and his vocational adjustment : a study of the types
of jobs held by 4,404 orthopedic cases in relation to the specific dis
ability / by Roy N. Anderson. -- Institute for the Crippled and Disabl
ed, 1932
- The hobo : the sociology of the homeless man / by Nels Anderson. --
Un iversity of Chicago Press, 1923
- The industrial urban community : historical and comparative perspectiv
es / Nels Anderson. -- Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971
- The right to work / Nels Anderson. -- Modern Age Books, 1938
- The urban community : a world perspective / Nels Anderson. -- Henry
Ho lt, 1959. -- (A Holt-Dryden book)
- Trends in American sociology / edited by George A. Lundberg, Read Bain
and Nels Anderson. -- Harper, 1929. -- (Harper's social science serie s)
- Urban sociology : an introduction to the study of urban communities
/ by Nels Anderson and Eduard C. Lindeman. -- Alfred A. Knopf, 1928
- Urbanism and urbanization / edited by Nels Anderson. -- Brill, 1964.
- - (International studies in sociology and social anthropology ; v. 2)
- Work and leisure / Nels Anderson. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1961.
-- (In ternational library of sociology and social reconstruction)
- Work and leisure / by Nels Anderson. -- Routledge, 1998. -- (Internati
onal library of sociology ; 166 . The sociology of work and organizati
on ; 17)
- ホーボー : ホームレスの人たちの社会学 / N・アンダーソン著 ; 広田康生訳
; 上, 下. -- ハーベスト社, 1999. -- (シカゴ都市社会学古典シリーズ ; N o.3)
- ホボ : 無宿者に關する社會学的研究 / ネルス・アンダーソン著 ; 東京市社
会局訳. -- 東京市社会局, 1930