Pain in others
『先生、彼は死ぬ前にとても苦しんだので しょうか?』と。……苦痛があったかどうかをたずねられると医師は一般に『いいえ』と答え、次のような医師による「配慮や苦心の表現」とでも言えるような 返答をするようだ。
すなわち『鎮静剤のおかげで、彼は最期まで苦痛や不快な感じはなかったことは確かです』」(船津衛訳、1981:471-2、ただし文 章は適宜変えています)。
原出典:サドナウ(Passing on: The social organization of dying. 1967:146)
David Sudnow (mort
le 20 juillet 20071) était un sociologue américain. Il était l'un des
premiers représentants de l'ethnométhodologie avec Harvey Sacks,
Michael Lynch, etc. Il a complété un PhD en sociologie à l'Université de Californie (Berkeley) en 1965. Son premier ouvrage constitue une contribution importante à la sociologie de la mort. Également intéressé par la musique jazz, il a développé une méthode d'apprentissage du piano à partir de ses travaux (Ways of the hand : the organization of improvised conduct, 1978). Il a été lauréat du Guggenheim Fellowship. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Sudnow |
)は、アメリカの社会学者である。ハーヴェイ・サックス、マイケル・リンチなどとともにエスノメソドロジーの最初の代表者の一人であった。 1965年、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校で社会学の博士号を取得。彼の最初の著書は、死の社会学への重要な貢献である。また、ジャズ音楽にも興味を持 ち、その著作をもとにピアノを学ぶためのメソッドを開発した(『Ways of the hand: the organization of improvised conduct』、1978年)。グッゲンハイムフェローシップを受賞。 |
SUDNOW--David Nathan. With the
passing of David Sudnow on July 20, 2007 at Alta Bates Hospital in
Berkeley, California, came the loss of one of the last, great, original
ethnomethodologists; that small group of revolutionary sociologists who
believed that sociological studies of group processes were not simply
exercises in theoretical analyses or rationalizations after the fact
about people in groups, but rather were about social phenomena as
concrete observable facts (though often unacknowledged in situations).
In part derivative of the original observational methods of Emile
Durkheim's classical ''Suicide'' and the phenomenology of Edmund
Husserl, these ethnomethodologists would go into a psychiatric clinic
and ask for the embarrassingly difficult factual, observational
differences between patients and care givers. One of them walked into
my biochemistry suite at the medical school and said, ''Oh, this is
what those about you would call a laboratory.'' They flushed the
unwritten rule dividing the patient's and doctor's coffee machines in a
psychiatric ward by violating it. They demonstrated the strange set of
unwritten rules among chess players by upsetting an opponent
irrationally by simply exchanging pawns without any alteration in
position. In 1964, four years before Harold Garfinkel's, another of the
pioneers, book was published, ''Studies in Ethnomethodology'', Sudnow
published the field defining book, ''Passing On: The Social
Organization of Dying,'' now in its twenty-eighth edition, from the
data collected during two years of on-site observations. It was a
painful explication of the ''facts'' about how social class affected
the choice and execution of real procedures relevant to health care and
dying in a charity hospital. He was early into studies of conversation
about what was really going on between people conversing. Along with
Harvey Sachs, another of this elite group of social analysts, Sudnow's
classical work was about ''glancing.'' In 1972, he edited and published
''Studies in Social Interaction.'' He applied his phenomenological
point of view to the interaction of gamer and game, the video game-user
interphase, and published ''Pilgrim in the Microworld'' in 1984. He was
best known for his 1978 book, ''Ways of the Hand, The Organization of
Improvised Conduct'', for which he was awarded the Guggenheim
Fellowship. It detailed his personal account of learning
improvisational jazz on the piano. It was written from the same
what-is-really-going-on point of view. His method was radical and
completely atheoretical, no scales and chords, no required Bach-like
exercises, no figures in all keys, and no harmonic structure. He
followed this with a similarly oriented study of musical conversation,
''Talk's Body, a Meditation Between Two Key Boards'' in 1989. The
Sudnow Piano Method became a kind of artistic self realization movement
mediated by imaginative web site interactions and material. It was so
popular, at one time or other it involved interactions with 25,000
piano students. His piano pedagogy pulled him from a distinguished
academic career in which for 15 years, he held professorial status at
the University of California at Santa Barbara, University of California
at Irvine, University of California at Berkeley, and various visiting
professorships in Europe. He will certainly be missed by thousands of
his piano students. Less well known is that we also have lost one of
the four or five revolutionary sociologists of the 1960's and 1970's
whose ethnomethodologically oriented work augured the present, highly
controversial ''deconstructionist'' era across the sciences. David
Sudnow was 68. He is survived by his wife, Wendy Lu, a sister, Naomi
Rubine, children Paul and Jessica, and two grandchildren. Arnold J.
Mandell, M.D., MacArthur Prize Fellow Laureate in Theoretical
Neurosciences. https://archive.nytimes.com/query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage-990CE1D6113AF935A2575AC0A9619C8B63.html |
''Studies in Social
年に''Pilgrim in the
形、和声構造もない。彼はこれに続き、1989年に同じような志向の音楽的会話の研究である''Talk's Body, a Meditation
Between Two Key
人の孫がいる。アーノルド・J・マンデル、医学博士、理論神経科学におけるマッカーサー賞受賞者。 https://www.deepl.com/ja/translator |
Sudnow, David (1965) 'Normal
crimes: sociological features of a penal code in a public defender's
office', Social Problems 12: 255-76 Sudnow, David (1967) Passing on: the social organization of dying. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Sudnow, David (1972) 'Temporal parameters of interpersonal observation'. In: David Sudnow, ed. Studies in social interaction. New York: Free Press: 259-79 Sudnow, David, ed. (1972) Studies in social interaction. New York: Free Press Sudnow, David (1978) Ways of the hand: the organization of improvised conduct. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Sudnow, David (1979) Talk's body: a meditation between two keyboards. New York: Knopf Sudnow, David (1983) Pilgrim in a microworld. London: Heinemann Sudnow, David (2001) Ways of the Hand: A Rewritten Account. Cambridge, Mass. M.I.T. Press |
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