readme first written in Japanese
Ruth Benedict's Bibliography,
in which you can read in Japanese University Libiraries
Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j
Ruth Fulton Benedict, 1887-1948 [Link connects with my web page]
An anthropologist at work : writings of Ruth Benedict / Ruth Benedict ; compiled by Margaret Mead. -- Secker & Warburg, 1959
Basic elements of tribal religion / editor: Subhadra M. Channa. -- Cos mo Publications, 2000. -- (International encyclopaedia of tribal relig ion / editor: Subhadra M. Channa ; v. 1)
Blomman och svärdet / Ruth Benedict ; : pbk. -- Bokförlaget Pan/Nors tedts, 1969
Chrysantheme und Schwert : Formen der japanische Kultur / Ruth Benedic t ; aus dem Englischen von Jobst-Mathias Spannagel. -- Suhrkamp, 2006. -- (Edition Suhrkamp ; 2014)
Configurations of culture in North America / by Ruth Benedict. -- [s.n .], 1932
El crisantemo y la espada : patrones de la cultura japonesa / Ruth Ben edict ; [traductor, Javier Alfaya]. -- Alianza Editorial, 1974. -- (El libro de bolsillo ; 515 ; Sección: Humanidades)
General anthropology / edited by Franz Boas ; with contributions by Ruth Benedict, Franz Boas, Ruth Bunzel. -- Johnson Reprint Co., 1965
Il crisantemo e la spada : modelli di cultura giapponese / Ruth Benedi ct ; [traduzione di Marina Lavaggi e Ferdinando Mazzone]. -- Dedalo, 1 993. -- (La Scienza nuova ; 5)
Jungle people : a Kaingáng tribe of the highlands of Brazil / Jules H enry ; with a foreword by Ruth Benedict ; and an added note to the rea der by the author. -- Division of Random House, 1964. -- (A Vintage bo ok ; V-521)(A Caravelle edition)
Le chrysantheme et le sabre / Ruth Benedict ; essai traduit de l'amér icain par Lise Mécréant ; préface de Jane Cobbi. -- Picquier, 1991
O crisântemo e a espada : padrões da cultura japonesa / Ruth Benedic t ; : pbk. -- 2a ed. -- Editora Perspectiva, 1997. -- (Coleção debat es ; 61 . Antropologia)
O'odham creation and related events / as told to Ruth Benedict in 192 7 in prose, oratory, and song by the Pimas William Blackwater ... [et al.] ; edited by Donald Bahr ; :cloth. -- University of Arizona Press, 2001. -- (The Southwest Center series)
Patterns of culture / Ruth Benedict. -- Houghton Mifflin, 1934
Race : science and politics / by Ruth Benedict. -- Rev. ed., with The races of mankind, by Ruth Benedict and Gene Weltfish. -- Viking Press, 1945[1940]
Race and cultural relations : America's answer to the myth of a master race / analysis by Ruth Benedict ; teaching aids by Mildred Ellis. -- Rev. [ed.]. -- National Council for the Social Studies, National Asso ciation of Secondary-School Principals, Departments of the National Ed ucation Association, 1949. -- (Problems in American life ; unit no. 5)
Race and racism / Ruth Benedict. -- G. Routledge, 1942
Rumanian culture and behavior / by Ruth Benedict. -- Anthropology Club and Anthropology Faculty, Colorado State University, 1972. -- (Occasi onal papers in anthropology ; no.1)
Tales of the Cochiti indians / by Ruth Benedict. -- Government Printin g Off., 1931. -- (Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of Americ an Ethnology ; 98)
Thai Culture and Behavior : an Unpublished War-time Study Dated Sep tember, 1943 / Ruth Benedict. -- Department of Far Eastern Studies Cor nell Universit, 1952
The chrysanthemum and the sword : patterns of Japanese culture / by Ru th Benedict. -- Houghton Mifflin, 1946
The concept of the guardian spirit in North America / by Ruth Fulton B enedict. -- Kraus Reprint, 1964. -- (Memoirs of the American anthropol ogical association ; no. 29, 1923)
The grandma book / editor, Ruth Benedict ; [1], 2. -- Reiman Publicati ons, 1982
The races of mankind / by Ruth Benedict and Gene Weltfish. -- rev. ed. . -- Public Affairs Committee, 1946[1943]. -- (Public affairs pamphlet ; no. 85)
Urformen der Kultur / Ruth Benedict ; [Übersetzung von Richard Salzne r]. -- Rowohlt, 1955. -- (Rowohlts deutsche Enzyklopädie ; 7)
Watthanatham læ phr?ttikam kh?ng Thai / Ruth Benedict ; Phanni¯ Cha traphonrak pl? læ ri¯apri¯ang. -- Phim khrang r?k. -- Cÿhaophraya¯, 1981
Zuni mythology / by Ruth Benedict ; pt. 1, pt. 2. -- Columbia Universi ty Press, 1935. -- (Columbia University contributions to anthropology ; v. 21)
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