Liberating yourself through liberation
from your concept on interview research
Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j
Interviewing is not something you are obliged to do !
I agree with the anthropological research without interviewing. Keep calm and think. The right to do anthropology is open to every one of us. If it is true that the deaf or mute people are not able to engage in anthropology, that means it hasn't yet opened its way to all. You can do anthropology if you are labeled as having ADHD or Asperger syndrome. If you are blind or even if you stay in bed all day long, it is still possible to do it. What you need is the way to communicate. Invite your informants to your bedside, then, it'll be a perfect fieldwork. Long time ago, my mentor said to me, "You should be able to do interview because you have legs, mouth and ears.", which now I think old-fashioned. Anthropology can done by anybody and, interviewing is not always necessary. When you have someone beside you, and when you have the reason to think of what is called humankind, you are then to involve in anthropology.
translated by Sookja Suh
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Dirección actual:
Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, sea mi nonbre de los Mayas, uno de los grupos Indígenas mesoamericanos
Mi nombre Japonés sea Mitsuho Ikeda, donde yo trabajajo en ...
Center forthe Study of Communication Design (CSCD), Osaka University
Machikaneyama 1-16, Toyonka City, 560-0043, JAPAN
Copyleft Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 2016