guide on Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
1998 edition, Mitsuho Ikeda
(A)下記のリストは、邦訳があるもの を中心に「民族誌の批判的読解」(1998年の大学の学部授業)で取り上げたものです。
【1】C・レヴィ=ストロース「具体の科学」(大橋保夫)『野生の思考』、pp.1-41、みすず書房、 1976[1962](原著:文学部・比較文学にあり)
【2】Mead.M.1950, How an Anthropologist writes, in "Male and Female", pp.43-64, New York: Penguin Books.所蔵(M・ミード『男性と女性』東京創元社、より翻訳あり)
【3】A・ラドクリフ=ブラウン「南アフリカにおける母の兄弟」(青柳まち子訳)『未開社会における構造と機 能』、pp.22-24、新泉社、1975[1952], Radcliffe-Brown, A.R., The mother's brother in South Africa, in "Struvture and Function in Primitive Society", pp.15-31, 1952
【4】E・エバンズ=プリチャード「呪術の形態と機能」(中島成久訳)『文化人類学入門リーディングス』、 pp.120-147、アカデミア出版会、1982[1929]:Evans-Pritchard, E.E., 1929, The morphology and function of magic, American Anthropologist 31:619-641.
【5】C・レヴィ=ストロース「家族」(原ひろ子訳)『 文化人類学リーディングス』、pp.1-28、1968[1956](alternative: Bender, D., A refinement of the concept of household: families, co-residence, and domestic functions, American Anthropologist 69:493-504, 1967)
【7】C・レヴィ=ストロース「原住民社会とその様式」(川田順造訳)『悲しき熱帯(上)』、pp.279- 306、中央公論社、1977[1955][中公バックス版では、Pp.461-480](仏語原著は人間科学図書室に所蔵: alternative: Levi-Strauss, C., Social structures of Central and Eastern Brazil, an "Strucutral Anthropology", pp.120-131, trans. 1963)
【8】V・ターナー「生と死の儀礼における分類の次元」(冨倉光雄訳)『儀礼の過程』、pp.1-61、思索 社、1976[1969](代替論文alternative : Turner, Victor., 1967, Symbols in Ndembu Ritual, in "The Forest of Symbols", pp,19-47, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.)
【9】M・ゴドリエ「ニューギニア・バルヤ族における《塩の貨幣》とその流通」(山内昶訳)『人類学の地平と 針路』、pp.219-258、紀伊国屋書店、1976[1973](Article from, Maurice Godelier, Horizon, Trajets Marxistes en Anthropologie, 1973:alternative: Freidman, J., Marxism, structuralism and vulger materialism, Man(n.s.)9(3):444-469, 1974)
【10】N・シャグノン「ヤノマメ族の社会組織と戦争」(蒲生正男訳)『戦争の研究』、pp.183- 257、ぺりかん社、1970[1968](alternative: Chagnon, Napoleon., 1968, Yanomamo Warfare, in "Yanomamo: The fierce people", pp.118-137, New york: Holt, Rinehart and winston.) note: Students will be requested to read the following article,; Ramos, A., Reflecting on the Yanomami. in "Reading Cultural Anthropology", pp.48-68, 1992.
【11】C・ギアーツ「厚い記述」(吉田禎吾訳)『文化表象学の解釈学1』、pp.3-56、岩波書店、 1987[1973](Geertz, C., Thick Description, in "Interpretation of Culture", pp.3-30, 1973)
【12】M・ロザルド「女性・文化・社会」(時任生子訳)『男が文化で、女は自然か?』、pp.135- 174、晶文社、1987[1974](alternative: Mukhopadhyay, Carol., 1988, Anthropological Studies of Women's Status revised: 1977-1987, Ann.Rev.Anthropol 17:461-495.)
【13】C・レヴィ=ストロース「呪術師とその呪術」(荒川幾男ほか訳)『構造人類学』、pp.183- 204、みすず書房、1972[1958](Levi-Strauss, C., The sorcerer and his magic, in "Strucutral Anthropology", pp.167-185, trans. 1963)
【14】G・ベイトソン「バリ------定常型社会の価値体系」(佐藤良明訳)『精神の生態学』、 pp.172-198、思索社、1990[1972](Bateson, Gregory, Bali: The value system of a stedy state, in "Steps to an ecology of mind", pp.107-127, 1972)
【15】C・ギアーツ「ディープ・プレイ」(吉田禎吾訳)『文化の解釈学2』、pp.389-461、岩波書 店、1987[1973](Geertz, C., Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight, in "Interpretation of Culture", pp.412-453, 1973)
【16】E・リーチ「時間の象徴的表象に関する二つのエッセイ」(青木保・井上兼行訳)『人類学再考』、 pp.207-231、思索社、1975[1961](alternative: Leach, E., Rite of Transition: rites de passage, in "Culture and Communication", pp.77-79, 1976)
【17】P・ブルデュ「土地と結婚戦略」(今村仁司ほか訳)『実践感覚2』、pp.5-30、みすず書房、 1990[1980](alternative: Pierre Bourdieu, Matrimonial strategies and social reproduction, in "Outline of Theory of Practice", pp.58-71, 1977)
【18】浜本満「文化相対主義の代価」『理想』No.627、pp.105-121、1985 (alternative: Sperber, Dan, Interpretive ethnography and theoretical anthropology, in "On Anthropological Knowledge", pp.9-34, trans. in 1985: Le Savoir des Anthropologues)
【19】長島信弘「社会科学の隠喩としての家族」『現代思想』Vol.13.No.6、pp.148- 157、1985
【20】W・アレンズ「人類学と人喰い」(折島正司訳)『人喰いの神話』、pp.3-51、岩波書店、 1982[1979](Arens, W., The nature of anthropology and anthropophagy, in "The Man-Eating Myth", pp.5-40, 1979)
【21】関本照夫「フィールドワークの認識論」『文化人類学へのアプローチ』、pp.263-289、ミネル ヴァ書房、1988(alternative: Clifford, J., On Ethnographic Authority, in "Predicament of Culture", pp.21-54, 1988)
【22】Ortner, Sherry., 1984. "Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties." Comparative Studies in Society and History 26:126-166. (A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory, Dirks, N.B., G. Eley, and, S.B. Ortner eds. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1994 に再掲)
*(B)次に掲げるのはCultural Anthropology : SAGE Studies in Anthropology Kim Fortun & Mike Fortun eds. 2009. 所収の論文集です。
1. Geertz, Clifford (1973) 'Thick Description:Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture' in The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Harper Collins. p3-30.
2. Strathern, Marilyn (1980) 'No Nature/ No Culture,' in Nature, Culture and Gender edited by Carol MacCormak and Marilyn Strathern. Cambridge University Press. p174-222.
3. Akhil Gupta; Ferguson, James (1992) 'Beyond "Culture": Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference', Cultural Anthropology 7/1 (February): 6-23. 4. Abu-Lughod, Lila (1997) 'The Interpretation of Culture(s) after Television', Representations 59/Special Issue: The Fate of "Culture": Geertz and Beyond (Summer): 109-34.
5. Fischer, Michael M.J. (2007) 'Culture and Cultural Analysis as Experimental Systems', Cultural Anthropology 22/1 (February): 1-65.
6. Nader, Laura (1972) 'Up the Anthropologist: Perspectives Gained From Studying Up' in Reinventing Anthropology edited by Dell Hymes. New York: Pantheon Books. p284-311.
7. Marcus, George (1995) 'Ethnography In/Out of the World System: The Emergence of Multisited Ethnography', Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 95-117.
8. Ebron, Paula (2001) 'Contingent Stories of Anthropology, Race and Feminism' in Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis and Poetics edited Irma McClaurin. Rutgers University Press. P211-232.
9. Foucault, Michel (1984) 'Nietzche, Genealogy, History.' The Foucault Reader Paul Rabinow Edition: 76-100.
10. De Lauretis, Teresa (1987) 'Introduction", Technologies of Gender: Essays on Theory, Film and Fiction', in Technologies of Gender: Essays on Theory, Film and Fiction (Bloomington: Indiana University Press). p1-30.
11. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (1988) 'Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography', in R; Spivak Guha, G.C. (ed), Selected Subaltern Studies (New York: Oxford University Press) p3-32.
12. Briggs, Charles L., and Richard Bauman (1992) 'Genre, Intertextuality, and Social Power', Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 2/2: 131-72.
13. Bhaba, Homi (1994) 'Articulating the Archaic: Cultural Difference and Colonial Nonsense' in The Location of Culture. London: Routledge. p123-138.
14. Clifford, J (1986) 'Ethnographic Allegory', in James Clifford; George Marcus (ed), Writing Culture: The Politics and Poetics of Ethnography (Berkeley: University of California Press). p98-121.
15. Trinh T. Minh-Ha (1987) 'Difference: 'A Special Third World Women Issue'' Feminist Review 25:5-22.
16. Ochoa, T. (2007) :Versions of the Dead: Kalunga, Cuban-Kongo Materiality, and Ethnography" Cultural Anthropology 22.4. 473-500.
17. Scheper-Hughes, Nancy and Lock, Margaret (1987) 'The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology', Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1/1 (March): 6-41.
18. Ong, Aihwa (1991) 'The Gender and Labor Politics of Postmodernity', Annual Review of Anthropology 20: 279-309.
19. Ingold, Tim (1991) 'Becoming Persons: Consciousness and Sociality in Human Evolution". Cultural Dynamics 4(3). P355-378.
20. Escobar, Arturo (1999) 'After Nature: Steps to an Antiessentialist Political Ecology,' Current Anthropology 40/1 (February): 1-30.
21. Taussig, Michael (1980) 'Reification and the Consciousness of the Patient', in, Social Science and Medicine. Vol 14B. Issue 3: 3-13.
22. Munn, Nancy D. (1990) 'Constructing Regional Worlds in Experience: Kula Exchange, Witchcraft, and Gawan Local Events', Man 25/1 (March): 1-17.
23. Nuckolls, Charles W. (1995) 'The Misplaced Legacy of Gregory Bateson: Toward a Cultural Dialectic of Knowledge and Desire', Cultural Anthropology 10/3 (August): 367-94.
24. Abrams, P (1977) 'Notes on the difficulty of studying the state', Journal of Historical Sociology 1/1: 58-89.
25. Stoler, Ann L (1989) 'Making Empire Respectable: The Politics of Race and Sexual Morality in 20th-Century Colonial Cultures', American Ethnologist 16/4 (November): 634-60.
26. Povinelli, Elizabeth (1998) "The State of Shame:Australian Multiculturalism and the Crisis of Indigenous Citizenship," Critical Inquiry 24/2. 575-610.
27. Caldeira, Teresa P.R. and Holston, James (1999) 'Democracy and Violence in Brazil', Comparative Studies in Society and History 41/4 (October): 691-729.
28. Ortner, Sherry (1995) "Resistance and the Problem of Ethnographic Refusal," Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Jan., 1995), pp. 173-193
29. Rapp, Rayna (1998) 'Refusing Prenatal Diagnosis: The Meanings of Bioscience in a Multicultural World', Science, Technology and Human Values 23/1: 45-70.
30. Kirsch, Stuart (2007) 'Indigenous Movements and the Risks of Counterglobalization: Tracking the Campaign against Papua New Guinea's Ok Tedi mine', American Ethnologist 34/2 (May): 303-21.
31. Appadurai, Arjun (1990) 'Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy', Public Culture 2/2: 1-24.
32. Tsing, Anna (2000) 'The Global Situation', Cultural Anthropology 15/3 (August): 327-60.
33. Weiss, Brad (2002) 'Thug Realism: Inhabiting Fantasy in Urban Tanzania," Cultural Anthropology 17/1 (February)93-124.
34. Coutin, Susan Bibler. Bill Maurer and Barbara Yngvesson (2002) "In the Mirror: The Legitimization Work of Globalization," Law and Social Inquiry. 27(4): 801-843.
35. Foster, Robert J. (2007) 'The Work of the New Economy: Consumers, Brands, and Value Creation', Cultural Anthropology 22/4 (November): 707-31.
36. Obeyesekere, Gananath (1978) "The Fire-walkers Kataragama: The Rise of Bhakti Religiosity in Buddish Sri Lanka," Journal of Asian Studies. 37/3: 457-476.
37. Martin, Emily (1992) 'The End of the Body?' American Ethnologist 19/1 (February): 121-40.
38. Comaroff, Jean and John L. Comaroff (1999) 'Occult economies and the violence of abstraction: notes from the South African postcolony', American Ethnologist 26/2 (May): 279-303.
39. Farquhar, Judith (1999) 'Technologies of Everyday Life: The Economy of Impotence in Reform China', Cultural Anthropology 14/2: 155-79.
40. Grant, Bruce (2001) 'New Moscow Monuments, or, States of Innocence', American Ethnologist 28/2 (May): 332-62.
41. Ginsburg, Faye (1994) "Embedded Aesthetics: Creating a Discursive Space for Indigenous Media," Cultural Anthropology 9/3 (August):365-382.
42. Rafael Vicente (2003) The Cell Phone and the Crowd: Messianic Politics in the Contemporary Phillipines. Public Culture 15(3): 399-425.
43. Boellstorff, Tom (2003) 'Dubbing Culture: Indonesian Gay and Lesbi Subjectivities and Ethnography in an Already Globalized World', American Ethnologist 30/2 (May): 225-42.
44. Cohen, Lawrence (1999) 'Where it Hurts: Indian Material for an Ethics of Organ Transplantation ', Daedalus 1 28/4: 135-65.
45. Redfield, Peter (2005) 'Doctors, Borders, and Life in Crisis', Cultural Anthropology 20/3 (August): 328-61.
46. Derrida, Jacques (1978)"Structure, Sign and Play," Writing and Difference Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p278-293.
47. Haraway, Donna (1988) '"Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective"', Feminist Studies 14/3 (Fall).
48. Scott, Joan W. (1991) 'The Evidence of Experience', Critical Inquiry 17/4 (Summer): 773-97.
49. Mackey, Nathaniel (1992) 'Other: From Noun to Verb', Representations 39 (Summer): 51-70.
50. Carrier, James G. (1992) 'Occidentalism: The World Turned Upside-down', American Ethnologist 19/2 (May): 195-212.
51. Lutz, Catherine (1995) 'The Gender of Theory', in Ruth Behar and Deborah Gordon (ed), Women Writing Culture (Berkeley: University of California Press): 249-66.
52. Hall, Stuart (1986) 'The Problem of Ideology: Marxism Without Guarantees', Journal of Communication Inquiry 10: 28-44.
53. Beck, Ulrich (1987) 'The Anthropological Shock: Chernobyl and the Contours of the Risk Society', in, Berkeley Journal of Sociology.
54. Ramos, Alcida (1991) "A Hall of Miirror: The Rhetoric of Indigenism in Brazil," .Critique of Anthropology. 11(2): 155-69
55. Rosaldo, Renato (1997) "Cultural Citizenship, Inequality and Multiculturalism," p27-33 in Latino Cultural Citizenship: Claiming Identity, Space and Right edited by W. Rores and R. Benmajor. Boston: Beacon.
56. El-Haj, Nadia Abu (2005) "Edward Said and the Political Present," American Ethnologist. 32(4): 538-555
57. Traweek, Sharon (1992) 'Border Crossings: Narrative Strategies in Science Studies and Among Physcists in Tsukuba Science City, Japan' in Science as Practise and Culture edited by Andrew Pickering. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p429-465.
58. Guyer, Jane (2004) 'Anthropology in Area Studies', Annual Review of Anthropology 33/1: 499-523.
59. McKinnon, Susan (2005) 'On Kinship and Marriage: A Critique of the Genetic and Gender Calculus of Evolutionary Psychology', in Susan McKinnon and Sydel Silverman (ed), Complexities: Beyond Nature and Nurture (Chicago: University of Chicago Press): 106-31.
60. Inhorn, Marcia 1995 "Medical Anthropology and Epidemiology: Divergences or Convergences?" Social Science and Medicine 40(3): 285-90
61. Walley, Christine J. (1997) 'Searching for "Voices": Feminism, Anthropology, and the Global Debate over Female Genital Operations', Cultural Anthropology 12/3 (August): 405-38.
62. Merry, Sally Engle (2003) 'Human Rights Law and the Demonization of Culture (And Some Anthropology Along the Way)', Political and Legal Anthropology Review 26/1 (May): 55-76.
63. Farmer, Paul (2004) "An Anthropology of Structural Violence," Current Anthropology 45(3): 305-317.
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