On Norman Cousins' "Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient: Rreflections on Healing and Regenereation," 1979
ジャーナリストであった、Cousins, Norman, 1915-1990の1979年の著作。
カズンズは優秀な編集者であり、かつまた広島の被爆問題に取り組んだ平和運動家でもあったが、ここで取り上げたいのは、その独特の病い評論であ る。
"Cousins did research on the biochemistry of human emotions, which he long believed were the key to human beings' success in fighting illness. It was a belief he maintained even as he battled in 1964 a sudden-onset case of a crippling connective tissue disease, which was also referred to as a collagen disease. Experts at Dr. Rusk's rehabilitation clinic(Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine) confirmed this diagnosis and added a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis[強直性脊椎炎].Told that he had one chance in 500 of recovery, Cousins developed his own recovery program. He took massive intravenous doses of Vitamin C and had self-induced bouts of laughter brought on by films of the television show Candid Camera, and by various comic films. His positive attitude was not new to him, however. He had always been an optimist, known for his kindness to others, and his robust love of life itself. "I made the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep," he reported. "When the pain-killing effect of the laughter wore off, we would switch on the motion picture projector again and not infrequently, it would lead to another pain-free interval." His struggle with that illness is detailed in his 1979 book Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient. / In a commentary questioning whether Cousins cured his disease, Florence Ruderman wrote, "It seems entirely possible that what Cousins had was an acute attack of an arthritic condition which then subsided, slowly, but quite naturally."/ Later in life he and his wife Ellen together fought his heart disease, again with exercise, a daily regimen of vitamins, and with the good nutrition provided by Ellen's organic garden. He wrote a collection of best-selling non-fiction books on illness and healing, as well as a 1980 autobiographical memoir, Human Options: An Autobiographical Notebook." - Norman Cousins.
の闘いは、1979年に出版された『Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the
回顧録『Human Options: An Autobiographical Notebook "がある。」
本書(Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient.)の章立て
0. Introduction by Rene Dubos
1. Anatomy of illness as perceived by the patient
2. The Mysterious Placebo
3. Creativity and Longevity
4. Pain is not ultimate enemy
5. Holistic health and healing
6. What I learned from three thousand doctors
1915 ニュージャージー州ユニオンシティに生まれる
1926 結核と誤診されてサナトリウム(所在場所不詳)に入所
1930? Theodore Roosevelt High School in the Bronx, New York City に入学。the high school paper, "The Square Deal,"を編集
1933 Theodore
Roosevelt High School in the Bronx, New York Cityを卒業(2月)。
1934(19歳)『ニューヨーク・イブニング・ポスト』(現ニューヨーク・ポスト;New York Post)紙に 就職
1935 Current History に書評者として就職
1937かそれ以降 Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York
1940 評論誌『サタデー・レビュー; Saturday Review (U.S. magazine)』の編集者として就任(〜1972)
1942 Editor-in-chief in 1942, a position he would hold until 1972
1945 Modern man is obsolete / by Norman Cousins, Viking
1945 The poetry of freedom / edited by William Rose Benet and Norman Cousins, Random House : The Modern Library , 1945
1946 Physical
damage, blast effect, Hiroshima, 1946-03-13 ~ 1946-04-08, 342-USAF-11071
1949 Writing for love or money : thirty-five essays reprinted from the Saturday Review of Literature / edited by Norman Cousins, Longmans, Green & Co. , 1949
1949 広島市訪問(→1953「4年後の広島」)
1951 Talks with Nehru : India's Prime Minister speaks out on the crisis of our time / a discussion between Jawaharlal Nehru and Norman Cousins, Victor Gollancz , 1951
1953 Who speaks for man? / by Norman Cousins, Macmillan , 1953
1953 1949年の広島訪問をもとに、「4年後の広島」を発表。
「日本基督教団広島流川教会の牧師、谷本清らとともに「精 神養子運動」(原爆孤児たちの育成のため、米国人が彼らを精神的な養子とし、精神的な親が年額20ドルの養育費を送るというもの)を開始。400名以上の 孤児に対する支援を実施」http://bit.ly/2XvVlsa .
1955 原爆乙女25名が米国ニューヨーク市のマウントサイナイ病院において治療
『This is Your
が集まる」http://bit.ly/2XvVlsa .
1956 An adventure in education : Connecticut points the way / by Fred M. Hechinger ; with a commentary by Norman Cousins, Macmillan , 1956
The will to think : a treasury of ideas and ideals from the pages of "Think" / edited by Robert Cousins ; introduction by Thomas J. Watson ; foreword by Norman Cousins, Farrar, Straus, and Cudahy , 1957
1958 In God we trust" : the religious beliefs and ideas of the American founding fathers / selected, edited, and with commentary by Norman Cousins, Harper , 1958
1960 Dr. Schweitzer of Lambaréné / by Norman Cousins ; with photographs by Clara Urquhart, Harper , 1960
1961 In place of folly / by Norman Cousins, Published for the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy by Harper , 1961
1961 人間みな同胞 : ランバレネのシュヴァイツァー博士 / ノーマン・カズンズ著 ; 鮎川信夫訳, 荒地出版社 , 1961
1963 Can cultures co-exist? : a symposium / by Norman Cousins ... [et al.], Ministry of Scientific Research & Cultural Affairs , 1963
1964 The faith of an historian and other essays : an anthology / by James T. Shotwell ; foreword by Adolf A. Berle ; intoroduced by Norman Cousins ; selected and arranged by Leo Perla and Helen H. Shotwell, Walker , 1964
1964 広島市特別名誉市民の称号
1967 Present tense ; an American editor's Odyssey / by Norman Cousins, McGraw-Hill , 1967
1970 アジアの平和と日本 / 世界連邦建設同盟編, 世界連邦建設同盟 , 1970 . - (世界新書 ; Vol.1 No.1)
1971 ある編集者のオデッセイ : サタデー・レビューとわたし / ノーマン・カズンズ著 ; 松田銑訳, 早川書房 , 1971
The improbable triumvirate : John F. Kennedy, Pope John, Nikita Khrushchev / Normann Cousins, W.W. Norton , 1972
『サタデー・レビュー; Saturday Review (U.S. magazine)』退任
1979 Anatomy of an illness as perceived by the patient : reflections on healing and regeneration / by Norman Cousins ; introduction by René Dubos, W.W. Norton , 1979
1980 Reflections of America : commemorating the statistical abstract centennial / Norman Cousins, honorary editor, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census , 1980
1981 死の淵からの生還 : 現代医療の見失っているもの / ノーマン・カズンズ著 ; 松田銑訳, 講談社 , 1981(→『笑いと治癒力』松田銑訳、岩波書店, 2001)
1982 The Physician in literature / edited, with an introduction, by Norman Cousins, Saunders Press , 1982
1983 The healing heart : antidotes to panic and helplessness / Norman Cousins, Avon Books , 1983(→『私は自力で心臓病を治した』1986)
1983 Human options / Norman Cousins, Berkley Books , 1983(→『人間の選択 : 自伝的覚え書き』)
1984 Medicine as a human experience / David E. Reiser, David H. Rosen ; foreword by Norman Cousins ; consulting editor, George L. Engel ; with contribution by John Rosenberg, University Park Press , 1984
1985 Encounter with disaster : a medical diary of Hiroshima, 1945 / Averill A. Liebow, W.W. Norton , 1985.
1985 Nobel Prize conversations with Sir John Eccles, Roger Sperry, Ilya Prigogine, Brian Josephson / with a commentary by Norman Cousins, Saybrook , 1985
1985 人間の選択 : 自伝的覚え書き / ノーマン・カズンズ著 ; 松田銑訳, 角川書店 , 1985
1986 The healer within : the new medicine of mind and body / Steven Locke and Douglas Colligan ; foreword by Norman Cousins, New American Library , 1986
私は自力で心臓病を治した / ノーマン・カズンズ著 ; 松田銑訳, 角川書店 , 1986
Review (U.S. magazine)の最終号刊行
1987 The pathology of power / by Norman Cousins ; foreword by George F. Kennan, Norton , 1987
1987 第1回谷本清平和賞受賞
1988 Master photographs : master photographs from PFA exhibitions 1959-67 / introduction by Cornell Capa ; essays by Norman Cousins ... [et al.], International Center of Photography , 1988
1989 uckminster Fuller's universe : an appreciation / Lloyd Steven Sieden ; foreword by Norman Cousins, Plenum Press , 1989
1989 Head first : the biology of hope / Norman Cousins, Dutton , 1989
1990 11月30日心臓麻痺にて死去
1991 世界市民の対話 : 平和と人間と国連をめぐって / 池田大作, ノーマン・カズンズ著, 毎日新聞社 , 1991
1992 ヘッド・ファースト : 希望の生命学 / ノーマン・カズンズ著 ; 上野圭一,片山陽子訳, 春秋社 , 1992
1994 平和の瞬間 : 二人のひろしまびと / 原 田東岷著, 勁草書房 , 1994
1996 笑いと治癒力 / ノーマン・カズンズ [著] ; 松田銑訳, 岩波書店 , 1996
1996 生への意欲 / ノーマン・カズンズ [著] ; 松田銑訳, 岩波書店 , 1996 . - (同時代ライブラリー ; 289 . 笑いと治癒力 ; 続)
1998 Moments of peace : Two honorary Hiroshimans: Barbara Reynolds and Norman Cousins / by Dr. Tomin Harada ; translated by Robert L. Ramseyer, Gariver Products Co. Ltd. , 1998
2001 『笑いと治癒力』松田銑訳、岩波書店、2001
2003 広島市の平和記念公園にノーマン・カズンズ記念碑が建立
Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 2019