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Course Questionnaire, [Template]

Center for the Study of CO*Design, CSCD, OsakaUniversity

Course Questionnaire

Course Name

Affiliation:  ________________________(Undergraduate / Graduate / Others)

Year (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.): __________________ (Undergraduate / Master’s Program / Doctoral Program)

Questionnaire Regarding Your Course

(a) Overall, I am satisfied with this course. (Choose one.) : Strongly Agree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Disagree ・ Strongly Disagree

(b) How did you find out about this course? (Multiple choices are possible.)
I. From a professor
II. From another student
III. I was looking for a course by which I could acquire credits required for my major.
IV. I was interested in a graduate minor program/graduate program for advanced interdisciplinary studies, and was looking for a course that was part of the program.
V. I was looking for a course covering a content that I wanted to learn and falls outside of my major.
VI. I was interested in the course’s instructor and was looking for a course he/she teaches.
VII. Others (Free response:

(c) Through this course, I was able to acquire ways of seeing and thinking not offered in my major as well as broaden my perspectives. (Choose one.)
Strongly Agree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Disagree ・ Strongly Disagree

(d) I would like to do something new with these different ways of seeing and thinking and broader perspectives. (Choose one)
Strongly Agree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Disagree ・ Strongly Disagree

(e) I was able to secure adequate time to work on this course’s content. (Choose one.)
Strongly Agree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Disagree ・ Strongly Disagree

(f) Compared with courses in my major, I participated more actively in this course by, for example, expressing my opinion. (Choose one.)
Strongly Agree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Disagree ・ Strongly Disagree

(g) I was able to interact with people from different fields, years, and cultural backgrounds than mine. (Choose one)
Strongly Agree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Disagree ・ Strongly Disagree

(h) I was able to acquire widely applicable skills useful in society as a researcher / professional. (Choose one)
Strongly Agree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Disagree ・ Strongly Disagree

(i) Please describe concretely the skills you have acquired that are widely applicable and useful in society. (Free response)

(J) Please write your thoughts about this course, including classroom environment, your impressions and wishes, strong points/points that need improvement, and changes that it brought about in you. (Free response)

This is the end of the questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation.
Your feedback will be used for improvements and introductions of educational contents of our center.

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