かならずよんで ね!


Joseph Henninger, 1906-1991



Joseph Henninger was born in Wiesbaden in 1906. After finishing school in 1926 he joined the Steyler missionaries (SVD) and took up his studies of Philosophy in ST. Augustin. Moreover, he studied Theology at the Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana in Rome.

Henninger completed his theological in 1934 and subsequently came to Vienna, where he attended lectures on Ethnology, Prehistory and Physical Anthropology. Wilhelm Koppers was among his teachers. Furthermore, Henninger studied Assyriology in Rome for two semesters. In 1937 he graduated.

Since 1934 Henninger had been member of the Anthropos Institute. He became assistant editor of the Anthropos journal in 1936, a position he held until 1949. When Austria became part of the Third Reich in 1938, the Anthropos journal and the Anthropos Institute moved to Fribourg/Switzerland.

In 1945 Henninger completed his habilitation thesis. He began lecturing at the university in Fribourg and was announced professor in 1954. Moreover, Henninger became associate professor at the University in Bonn in 1964.

Ten years later Henninger took up a professorship at the Philosophical-Theological Faculty in St. Augustin, where he lectured throughout the following years.

Joseph Henninger died in St. Augustin in 1991.

The regional focus of his work lay on arabian countries in Northern and Eastern Africa, while the field of his interest included semitic cultures as well as theories of sacrifice and the research on Islam.

(Text written by Vincenz Kokot in March 2012, based on information provided by the Anthropos Institute)
ヨーゼフ・ヘニンガー は1906年ヴィースバーデンに生まれる。1926年に学校を卒業した後、シュタイラー宣教師団(SVD)に加わり、ST.Augustinで哲学を学 ぶ。アウグスティンで哲学を学ぶ。さらにローマのPontificia Universitas Gregorianaで神学を学びました。

Henninger は 1934 年に神学を修了し、その後ウィーンにやってきて、民族学、先史学、身体人類学の講義を受講しました。Wilhelm Koppers が彼の教師の一人であった。さらに、Henninger はローマで 2 学期間アッシリー学を学びました。1937年に卒業しました。

1934年以来、ヘニンガーはAnthropos Instituteのメンバーであった。1936年、雑誌『アントロポス』の編集長補佐となり、1949年までその職を務めた。1938年にオーストリア が第三帝国の一部となると、アンスロポス誌とアンスロポス研究所はスイスのフリブールに移転しました。





(2012年3月、Vincenz KokotがAnthropos Instituteの情報に基づいて執筆しました。)






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