Julian Huxley and Eugenics
Sir Julian Sorell Huxley FRS[1] (1887年6月22日 -
Sorell Huxley FRS[1] (22 June 1887 – 14 February 1975) was a
British evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, and internationalist. He
was a proponent of natural selection, and a leading figure in the
mid-twentieth century modern synthesis. He was secretary of the
Zoological Society of London (1935–1942), the first director of UNESCO,
a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund, the president of the
British Eugenics Society (1959–1962), and the first president of the
British Humanist Association. Huxley was well known for his presentation of science in books and articles, and on radio and television. He directed an Oscar-winning wildlife film. He was awarded UNESCO's Kalinga Prize for the popularisation of science in 1953, the Darwin Medal of the Royal Society in 1956,[1] and the Darwin–Wallace Medal of the Linnaean Society in 1958. He was also knighted in the 1958 New Year Honours, a hundred years after Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace announced the theory of evolution by natural selection. In 1956 he received a Special Award from the Lasker Foundation in the category Planned Parenthood – World Population. |
Sir Julian Sorell Huxley FRS[1]
(1887年6月22日 -
マニスト協会初代会長を務めた。 ハクスリーは、著書や論文、ラジオやテレビで科学を紹介したことでよく知られている。アカデミー賞を受賞した野生生物映画の監督も務めた。1953年には 科学普及の功績でユネスコのカリンガ賞、1956年には王立協会のダーウィン・メダル[1]、1958年にはリンネ協会のダーウィン・ウォレス・メダルを 受賞した。また、チャールズ・ダーウィンとアルフレッド・ラッセル・ウォレスが自然淘汰による進化論を発表してから100年後の1958年の新年栄誉賞で ナイトの称号を授与された。1956年には、ラスカー財団から家族計画-世界人口部門で特別賞を受賞した。 |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Huxley |
Eugenics and race Huxley was a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society,[82] and was vice-president (1937–1944) and President (1959–1962). He thought eugenics was important for removing undesirable variants from the human gene pool, though after World War II he believed race was a meaningless concept in biology, and its application to humans was highly inconsistent.[83] Huxley was an outspoken critic of the most extreme eugenicism in the 1920s and 1930s (the stimulus for which was the greater fertility of the 'feckless' poor compared to the 'responsible' prosperous classes). He was, nevertheless, a leading figure in the eugenics movement (see, for example, Eugenics manifesto). He gave the Galton memorial lecture twice, in 1936 and 1962. In his writing he used this argument several times: "no one doubts the wisdom of managing the germ plasm of agricultural stocks, so why not apply the same concept to human stocks?" The agricultural analogy appears over and over again as it did in the writings of many American eugenicists.[84] Huxley was one of many intellectuals at the time who believed that the lowest class in society was genetically inferior.[citation needed] In this passage, from 1941, he investigates a hypothetical scenario where Social Darwinism, capitalism, nationalism and the class society is taken for granted: |
優生学と人種 ハクスリーはイギリス優生学会の著名なメンバーであり[82]、副会長(1937-1944)および会長(1959-1962)を務めた。彼は優生学が人 間の遺伝子プールから望ましくない変種を取り除くために重要であると考えていたが、第二次世界大戦後は、人種は生物学において無意味な概念であり、人間へ の適用は非常に矛盾していると考えていた[83]。 ハクスリーは、1920年代から1930年代にかけての最も極端な優生主義(その刺激となったのは、「責任感のある」裕福な階層と比較して「無産」の貧困 層の繁殖力の高さであった)を率直に批判していた。とはいえ、彼は優生学運動の中心人物であった(例えば、『優生学宣言』参照)。彼は1936年と 1962年の2回、ガルトン記念講演を行った。彼は著作の中で何度もこのような主張をしている: 「農作物の生殖形質を管理する知恵を疑う者はいない。農業への類推は、多くのアメリカの優生主義者の著作に見られるように、何度も何度も登場する [84]。 ハクスリーは当時、社会の最下層階級は遺伝的に劣っていると考えていた多くの知識人の一人であった[citation needed]。1941年のこの一節で、彼は社会ダーウィニズム、資本主義、国民主義、階級社会が当然とされる仮想シナリオを検討している: |
so, then we must plan our eugenic policy along some such lines as the
following:... The lowest strata, allegedly less well-endowed
genetically, are reproducing relatively too fast. Therefore
birth-control methods must be taught them; they must not have too easy
access to relief or hospital treatment lest the removal of the last
check on natural selection should make it too easy for children to be
produced or to survive; long unemployment should be a ground for
sterilization, or at least relief should be contingent upon no further
children being brought into the world; and so on. That is to say, much
of our eugenic programme will be curative and remedial merely, instead
of preventive and constructive.[85] |
も しそうなら、次のような優生政策を計画しなければならない。遺伝的に恵まれないとされる最下層の人々は、相対的に繁殖が早すぎる。したがって、彼らに避妊 法を教えなければならない。自然淘汰に対する最後の歯止めが取り除かれることで、子供が生まれすぎたり、生き残りすぎたりしないように、安易に救済や病院 での治療を受けさせてはならない。長期の失業は不妊手術の根拠とすべきであり、少なくとも救済は、それ以上子供を生まないことを条件とすべきである。つま り、われわれの優生プログラムの多くは、予防的・建設的なものではなく、単に治療的・救済的なものになるのである[85]。 |
sentiment is not at all atypical of the time, and similar views were
held by many geneticists (William E. Castle, C. B. Davenport, H. J.
Muller are examples), and by other prominent intellectuals. Huxley advocated ensuring the lower classes have a nutritious diet, education and facilities for recreation: |
この考え方は、当時としてはまったく典型的なものではなく、多くの遺伝学者(ウィリアム・E・キャッスル、C・B・ダベンポート、H・J・ミュラーなどがその例である)や、その他の著名な知識人も同様の考えを持っていた。 ハクスリーは、下層階級に栄養価の高い食事、教育、娯楽施設を保障することを提唱した: |
must therefore concentrate on producing a single equalized environment;
and this clearly should be one as favourable as possible to the
expression of the genetic qualities that we think desirable. Equally
clearly, this should include the following items. A marked raising of
the standard of diet for the great majority of the population, until
all should be provided both with adequate calories and adequate
accessory factors; provision of facilities for healthy exercise and
recreation; and upward equalization of educational opportunity. ... we
know from various sources that raising the standard of life among the
poorest classes almost invariably results in a lowering of their
fertility. In so far, therefore, as differential class-fertility
exists, raising the environmental level will reduce any dysgenic
effects which it may now have.[86] |
持っているかもしれないあらゆる異質な影響を減少させることになる[86]。 |
a public health and racial policy in general, Huxley wrote that
"…unless [civilised societies] invent and enforce adequate measures for
regulating human reproduction, for controlling the quantity of
population, and at least preventing the deterioration of quality of
racial stock, they are doomed to decay …"[87] and remarked how biology
should be the chief tool for rendering social politics scientific. In the opinion of Duvall, "His views fell well within the spectrum of opinion acceptable to the English liberal intellectual elite. He shared Nature's enthusiasm for birth control, and 'voluntary' sterilization."[88] However, the word 'English' in this passage is unnecessary: such views were widespread.[89] Duvall comments that Huxley's enthusiasm for centralised social and economic planning and anti-industrial values was common to leftist ideologists during the inter-war years. Towards the end of his life, Huxley himself must have recognised how unpopular these views became after the end of World War II. In the two volumes of his autobiography, there is no mention of eugenics in the index, nor is Galton mentioned; and the subject has also been omitted from many of the obituaries and biographies. An exception is the proceedings of a conference organised by the British Eugenics Society.[90] In response to the rise of European fascism in the 1930s, he was asked to write We Europeans with the ethnologist A. C. Haddon, the zoologist Alexander Carr-Saunders and the historian of science Charles Singer. Huxley suggested the word 'race' be replaced with ethnic group. After the Second World War, he was instrumental in producing the UNESCO statement The Race Question,[91] which asserted that: |
た。 デュヴァルの意見によれば、「彼の見解は、イギリスのリベラルな知識人エリートが受け入れる意見の範囲内にあった。しかし、この一節にある「イギリス人」 という言葉は不要である。このような見解は広く浸透していたのである[89]。デュバルは、中央集権的な社会経済計画と反産業的価値観に対するハックス レーの熱意は、戦間期の左翼思想家に共通するものであったとコメントしている。ハクスリー自身、その生涯の終わりごろには、こうした見解が第二次世界大戦 終結後にどれほど不人気となったかを認識していたに違いない。彼の自伝2巻の索引には優生学に関する記述はなく、ガルトンについても触れられていない。例 外は、イギリス優生学協会が主催した会議の議事録である[90]。 1930年代のヨーロッパのファシズムの台頭を受けて、彼は民族学者A.C.ハドン、動物学者アレクサンダー・カー=サンダース、科学史家チャールズ・シ ンガーとともに『われらヨーロッパ人』の執筆を依頼された。ハクスリーは「人種」という言葉をエスニック・グループに置き換えることを提案した。第二次世 界大戦後、彼はユネスコの声明『人種問題』[91]の作成に尽力した: |
race, from the biological standpoint, may therefore be defined as one
of the group of populations constituting the species Homo sapiens"…
"National, religious, geographic, linguistic and cult groups do not
necessary coincide with racial groups: the cultural traits of such
groups have no demonstrated genetic connexion with racial traits.
Because serious errors of this kind are habitually committed when the
term 'race' is used in popular parlance, it would be better when
speaking of human races to drop the term 'race' altogether and speak of
ethnic groups"… "Now what has the scientist to say about the groups of
mankind which may be recognized at the present time? Human races can be
and have been differently classified by different anthropologists, but
at the present time most anthropologists agree on classifying the
greater part of present-day mankind into three major divisions, as
follows: The Mongoloid Division; The Negroid Division; The Caucasoid
Division." … "Catholics, Protestants, Moslems and Jews are not races …
The biological fact of race and the myth of 'race' should be
distinguished. For all practical social purposes 'race' is not so much
a biological phenomenon as a social myth. The myth 'race' has created
an enormous amount of human and social damage. In recent years it has
taken a heavy toll in human lives and caused untold suffering. It still
prevents the normal development of millions of human beings and
deprives civilization of the effective co-operation of productive
minds. The biological differences between ethnic groups should be
disregarded from the standpoint of social acceptance and social action.
The unity of mankind from both the biological and social viewpoint is
the main thing. To recognize this and to act accordingly is the first
requirement of modern man ... |
人の第一条件である。 |
Huxley won the second Anisfield-Wolf Book Award for We Europeans in 1937. In 1951, Huxley popularized the term transhumanism for the view that humans should better themselves through science and technology, possibly including eugenics, but also, importantly, the improvement of the social environment. |
ハクスリーは1937年に『われらヨーロッパ人』で第2回アニスフィールド=ウルフ本賞を受賞した。 1951年、ハクスリーはトランスヒューマニズムという言葉を普及させ、人間は科学と技術によって自らを向上させるべきであり、優生学もそのひとつであろうが、重要なのは社会環境の改善であるという見解を示した。 |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Huxley |
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