In his book The Condition of Man, published in 1944, Mumford
characterized his orientation toward the study of humanity as "organic
humanism." The term is important because it sets limits on human
possibilities, limits that are aligned with the nature of the human
body. Mumford never forgot the importance of air quality, of food
availability, of the quality of water, or the comfort of spaces,
because all these elements had to be respected if people were to
thrive. Technology and progress could never become a runaway train in
his reasoning, so long as organic humanism was there to act as a brake.
Indeed, Mumford considered the human brain from this perspective,
characterizing it as hyperactive, a good thing in that it allowed
humanity to conquer many of nature's threats, but potentially a bad
thing if it were not occupied in ways that stimulated it meaningfully.
Mumford's respect for human "nature", that is to say, the natural
characteristics of being human, provided him with a platform from which
to assess technologies, and techniques in general. Thus his criticism
and counsel with respect to the city and with respect to the
implementation of technology was fundamentally organized around the
organic humanism to which he subscribed. It was from the perspective of
organic humanism that Mumford eventually launched a critical assessment
of Marshall McLuhan, who argued that the technology, not the natural
environment, would ultimately shape the nature of humankind, a
possibility that Mumford recognized, but only as a nightmare scenario.
Mumford believed that what defined humanity, what set human beings
apart from other animals, was not primarily our use of tools
(technology) but our use of language (symbols). He was convinced that
the sharing of information and ideas amongst participants of primitive
societies was completely natural to early humanity, and had obviously
been the foundation of society as it became more sophisticated and
complex. He had hopes for a continuation of this process of information
"pooling" in the world as humanity moved into the future.[13]
Mumford's choice of the word "technics" throughout his work was
deliberate. For Mumford, technology is one part of technics. Using the
broader definition of the Greek tekhne, which means not only technology
but also art, skill, and dexterity, technics refers to the interplay of
social milieu and technological innovation—the "wishes, habits, ideas,
goals" as well as "industrial processes" of a society. As Mumford
writes at the beginning of Technics and Civilization, "other
civilizations reached a high degree of technical proficiency without,
apparently, being profoundly influenced by the methods and aims of
In The Myth of the Machine Vol II: The Pentagon of Power (Chapter 12)
(1970), Mumford criticizes the modern trend of technology, which
emphasizes constant, unrestricted expansion, production, and
replacement. He contends that these goals work against technical
perfection, durability, social efficiency, and overall human
satisfaction. Modern technology, which he called "megatechnics," fails
to produce lasting, quality products by using devices such as consumer
credit, installment buying, non-functioning and defective designs,
planned obsolescence, and frequent superficial "fashion" changes.
"Without constant enticement by advertising," he writes, "production
would slow down and level off to normal replacement demand. Otherwise
many products could reach a plateau of efficient design which would
call for only minimal changes from year to year."
He uses his own refrigerator as an example, reporting that it "has been
in service for nineteen years, with only a single minor repair: an
admirable job. Both automatic refrigerators for daily use and
deepfreeze preservation are inventions of permanent value. ... [O]ne
can hardly doubt that if biotechnic criteria were heeded, rather than
those of market analysts and fashion experts, an equally good product
might come forth from Detroit, with an equally long prospect of
continued use."

The Pentagon of Power picture and a quote from it.
Mumford was deeply concerned with the relationship between techniques
and bioviability. The latter term, not used by Mumford, characterizes
an area's capability to support life. Before the advent of technology,
most areas of the planet were bioviable at some level or other;
however, where certain forms of technology advance rapidly,
bioviability decreases dramatically. Slag heaps, poisoned waters,
parking lots, and concrete cities, for example, are extremely limited
in terms of their bioviability. Non-bioviable regions are common in
cinema in the form of dystopias (e.g., Blade Runner). Mumford did not
believe it was necessary for bioviability to collapse as technology
advanced, however, because he held it was possible to create
technologies that functioned in an ecologically responsible manner, and
he called that sort of technology biotechnics.[14] Mumford believed
that biotechnic consciousness (and possibly even community) was
emerging as a later stage in the evolution of Darwinian thinking about
the nature of human life. He believed this was the sort of technology
needed to shake off the suicidal drive of "megatechnics." While Mumford
recognized an ecological consciousness that traces back to the earliest
communities, he regarded emerging biotechnics as a product of
neo-Darwinian consciousness, as a post-industrial form of thinking, one
that refuses to look away from the mutually-influencing relationship
between the state of the living organism and the state of its
environment. In Mumford's mind, the society organized around
biotechnics would restrain its technology for the sake of that integral
In Mumford's understanding, the various technologies that arose in the
megatechnic context have brought unintended and harmful side effects
along with the obvious benefits they have bequeathed to us. He points
out, for example, that the development of money (as a technology)
created, as a side effect, a context for irrational accumulation of
excess because it eliminated the burdensome aspects of object-wealth by
making wealth abstract. In those eras when wealth was not abstract,
plenitude had functioned as the organizing principle around its
acquisition (i.e., wealth, measured in grains, lands, animals, to the
point that one is satisfied, but not saddled with it). Money, which
allows wealth to be conceived as pure quantity instead of quality, is
an example of megatechnics, one which can spiral out of control. If
Mumford is right in this conceptualization, historians and economists
should be able to trace a relationship between the still-increasing
abstraction of wealth and radical transformations with respect to
wealth's distribution and role. And, indeed, it does appear that,
alongside its many benefits, the movement toward electronic money has
stimulated forms of economic stress and exploitation not yet fully
understood and not yet come to their conclusion. A technology for
distributing resources that was less given to abstract hoarding would
be more suitable to a biotechnic conception of living.
Thus Mumford argued that the biotechnic society would not hold to the
megatechnic delusion that technology must expand unceasingly,
magnifying its own power and would shatter that delusion in order to
create and preserve "livability." Rather than the megatechnic pursuit
of power, the biotechnic society would pursue what Mumford calls
"plenitude"; that is, a homeostatic relationship between resources and
needs. This notion of plenitude becomes clearer if we suggest that the
biotechnic society would relate to its technology in the manner an
animal relates to available food–under circumstances of natural
satisfaction, the pursuit of technological advance would not simply
continue "for its own sake."
Alongside the limiting effect of satisfaction amidst plenitude, the
pursuit of technological advance would also be limited by its
potentially negative effects upon the organism. Thus, in a biotechnic
society, the quality of air, the quality of food, the quality of water,
these would all be significant concerns that could limit any
technological ambitions threatening to them. The anticipated negative
value of noise, radiation, smog, noxious chemicals, and other technical
by-products would significantly constrain the introduction of new
technical innovation. In Mumford's words, a biotechnic society would
direct itself toward "qualitative richness, amplitude, spaciousness,
and freedom from quantitative pressures and crowding. Self-regulation,
self-correction, and self-propulsion are as much an integral property
of organisms as nutrition, reproduction, growth, and repair." The
biotechnic society would pursue balance, wholeness, and completeness;
and this is what those individuals in pursuit of biotechnics would do
as well.
Mumford's critique of the city and his vision of cities that are
organized around the nature of human bodies, so essential to all
Mumford's work on city life and urban design, is rooted in an incipient
notion of biotechnics: "livability," a notion which Mumford got from
his mentor, Patrick Geddes.
Mumford used the term biotechnics in the later sections of The Pentagon
of Power, written in 1970. The term sits well alongside his early
characterization of "organic humanism," in that biotechnics represent
the concrete form of technique that appeals to an organic humanist.
When Mumford described biotechnics, automotive and industrial pollution
had become dominant technological concerns, along with the fear of
nuclear annihilation. Mumford recognized, however, that technology had
even earlier produced a plethora of hazards, and that it would do so
into the future. For Mumford, human hazards are rooted in a
power-oriented technology that does not adequately respect and
accommodate the essential nature of humanity. Mumford is stating
implicitly, as others would later state explicitly, that contemporary
human life understood in its ecological sense is out of balance because
the technical parts of its ecology (guns, bombs, cars, drugs) have
spiraled out of control, driven by forces peculiar to them rather than
constrained by the needs of the species that created them. He believed
that biotechnics was the emerging answer and the only hope that could
be set out against the problem of megatechnics. It was an answer, he
believed, that was already beginning to assert itself in his time.
It is true that Mumford's writing privileges the term "biotechnics"
more than the "biotechnic society." The reason is clear in the last
sentence of The Pentagon of Power where he writes, "for those of us who
have thrown off the myth of the machine, the next move is ours: for the
gates of the technocratic prison will open automatically, despite their
rusty ancient hinges, as soon as we choose to walk out." Mumford
believed that the biotechnic society was a desideratum—one that should
guide his contemporaries as they walked out the doors of their
megatechnic confines (he also calls them "coffins"). Thus he ends his
narrative, as he well understood, at the beginning of another one: the
possible revolution that gives rise to a biotechnic society, a quiet
revolution, for Mumford, one that would arise from the biotechnic
consciousness and actions of individuals. Mumford was an avid reader of
Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of the organism.[15]
Polytechnics versus monotechnics
A key idea, introduced in Technics and Civilization (1934) was that technology was twofold:
Polytechnic, which enlists many different modes of technology, providing a complex framework to solve human problems.
Monotechnic, which is technology only for its own sake, which oppresses humanity as it moves along its own trajectory.
Mumford commonly criticized modern America's transportation networks as
being "monotechnic" in their reliance on cars. Automobiles become
obstacles for other modes of transportation, such as walking, bicycle
and public transit, because the roads they use consume so much space
and are such a danger to people. Mumford explains that the thousands of
maimed and dead each year as a result of automobile accidents are a
ritual sacrifice the American society makes because of its extreme
reliance on highway transport.
Three epochs of civilization
Also discussed at length in Technics and Civilization is Mumford's
division of human civilization into three distinct epochs (following
concepts originated by Patrick Geddes):
Eotechnic (the Middle Ages)
Paleotechnic (the time of the Industrial Revolution) and
Neotechnic (later, present-day)
Mumford also refers to large hierarchical organizations as
megamachines—a machine using humans as its components. These
organizations characterize Mumford's stage theory of civilization. The
most recent megamachine manifests itself, according to Mumford, in
modern technocratic nuclear powers—Mumford used the examples of the
Soviet and United States power complexes represented by the Kremlin and
the Pentagon, respectively. The builders of the pyramids, the Roman
Empire and the armies of the World Wars are prior examples.
He explains that meticulous attention to accounting and
standardization, and elevation of military leaders to divine status,
are spontaneous features of megamachines throughout history. He cites
such examples as the repetitive nature of Egyptian paintings which
feature enlarged pharaohs and public display of enlarged portraits of
Communist leaders such as Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. He also cites
the overwhelming prevalence of quantitative accounting records among
surviving historical fragments, from ancient Egypt to Nazi Germany.
Necessary to the construction of these megamachines is an enormous
bureaucracy of humans which act as "servo-units", working without
ethical involvement. According to Mumford, technological improvements
such as the assembly line, or instant, global, wireless, communication
and remote control, can easily weaken the perennial psychological
barriers to certain types of questionable actions. An example which he
uses is that of Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi official who organized
logistics in support of the Holocaust. Mumford collectively refers to
people willing to carry out placidly the extreme goals of these
megamachines as "Eichmanns".
The clock as herald of the Industrial Revolution
One of the better-known studies of Mumford is of the way the mechanical
clock was developed by monks in the Middle Ages and subsequently
adopted by the rest of society. He viewed this device as the key
invention of the whole Industrial Revolution, contrary to the common
view of the steam engine holding the prime position, writing: "The
clock, not the steam-engine, is the key-machine of the modern
industrial age. ... The clock ... is a piece of power-machinery whose
'product' is seconds and minutes ...."[16]
Urban civilization
The City in History won the 1962 U.S. National Book Award for
Nonfiction.[11] In this influential book Mumford explored the
development of urban civilizations. Harshly critical of urban sprawl,
Mumford argues that the structure of modern cities is partially
responsible for many social problems seen in western society. While
pessimistic in tone, Mumford argues that urban planning should
emphasize an 'organic' relationship between people and their living
Mumford uses the example of the medieval city as the basis for the
"ideal city," and claims that the modern city is too close to the Roman
city (the sprawling megalopolis) which ended in collapse; if the modern
city carries on in the same vein, Mumford argues, then it will meet the
same fate as the Roman city.
Mumford wrote critically of urban culture believing the city is "a
product of earth ... a fact of nature ... man's method of
expression."[17] Further, Mumford recognized the crises facing urban
culture, distrustful of the growing finance industry, political
structures, fearful that a local community culture was not being
fostered by these institutions. Mumford feared "metropolitan finance,"
urbanization, politics, and alienation. Mumford wrote: "The physical
design of cities and their economic functions are secondary to their
relationship to the natural environment and to the spiritual values of
human community."[18]
Suburbia did not escape Mumford's criticism either:
In the suburb one might live and die without marring the image of an
innocent world, except when some shadow of evil fell over a column in
the newspaper. Thus the suburb served as an asylum for the preservation
of illusion. Here domesticity could prosper, oblivious of the pervasive
regimentation beyond. This was not merely a child-centered environment;
it was based on a childish view of the world, in which reality was
sacrificed to the pleasure principle.[19]
Religion and spirituality
Mumford is also among the first urban planning scholars who paid
serious attention to religion in the planning field.[20][21] In one of
his least well-known books, Faith for Living (1940), Mumford argues
The segregation of the spiritual life from the practical life is a
curse that falls impartially upon both sides of our existence.[22]: 216
1944年に出版された著書『人間の条件』の中で、マンフォードは人間研究に対する自分の方向性を "有機的ヒューマニズム
機械の神話 第二巻

「プレニチュード」と呼ぶもの、つまり資源とニーズの恒常的な関係を追求する。この "plenitude
ジョンは、バイオテクニクスの初期の概念に根ざしている: 「住みやすさ」とは、マンフォードが師であるパトリック・ゲッデスから得た概念である。
「時計は、蒸気機関ではなく、近代工業時代の重要な機械である。時計は......その "製品