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Meyer Fortes, 1906-1983

Source: https://alchetron.com/Meyer-Fortes-1345188-W


Meyer Fortes FBA FRAI (25 April 1906 – 27 January 1983) was a South African-born anthropologist, best known for his work among the Tallensi and Ashanti in Ghana.

Originally trained in psychology, Fortes employed the notion of the "person" into his structural-functional analyses of kinship, the family, and ancestor worship setting a standard for studies on African social organization. His celebrated book, Oedipus and Job in West African Religion (1959), fused his two interests and set a standard for comparative ethnology. He also wrote extensively on issues of the first born, kingship, and divination.
マイヤー・フォーテス(Meyer Fortes FBA FRAI、1906年4月25日-1983年1月27日)は南アフリカ生まれの人類学者で、ガーナのタレンシ族とアシャンティ族での研究でよく知られている。

もともと心理学の訓練を受けたフォーテスは、親族関係、家族、祖先崇拝に関する彼の構造的機能的分析に「人」という概念を用い、アフリカの社会組織に関す る研究の基準を確立した。彼の有名な著書『西アフリカの宗教におけるオイディプスとヨブ』(1959年)は、彼の2つの関心を融合させ、比較民族学の基準 を打ち立てた。彼はまた、長子、王権、占いの問題についても幅広く執筆した。
Fortes received his anthropological training from Charles Gabriel Seligman at the London School of Economics. Fortes also trained with Bronisław Malinowski and Raymond Firth. Along with contemporaries A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, Sir Edmund Leach, Audrey Richards, and Lucy Mair, Fortes held strong functionalist views that insisted upon empirical evidence in order to generate analyses of society. His volume with E. E. Evans-Pritchard, African Political Systems (1940) established the principles of segmentation and balanced opposition, which were to become the hallmarks of African political anthropology. Despite his work in Francophone West Africa, Fortes' work on political systems was influential to other British anthropologists, especially Max Gluckman and played a role in shaping what became known as the Manchester school of social anthropology, which emphasized the problems of working in colonial Central Africa.

Fortes spent much of his career as a Reader at the University of Cambridge and was the William Wyse Professor of Social Anthropology there from 1950–1973.

In 1963, Fortes delivered the inaugural Lewis Henry Morgan Lecture at the University of Rochester, considered by many to be the most important annual lecture series in the field of Anthropology.[1]

Fortes was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1964,[2] was President of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland from 1965–67 and recipient of the Institute's highest honour, the Huxley Memorial Medal in 1977. He was also an elected member of the American Philosophical Society.[3]
フォーテスはロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスのチャールズ・ガブリエル・セリグマンから人類学の訓練を受けた。また、ブロニスワフ・マリノフスキ やレイモンド・ファースにも師事した。フォーテスは、同時代のA.R.ラドクリフ=ブラウン、エドモンド・リーチ卿、オードリー・リチャーズ、ルーシー・ メアらとともに、社会の分析を行うために経験的証拠を重視する機能主義的な考えを強く持っていた。E.E.エヴァンス=プリチャードとの共著『アフリカ政 治システム』(1940年)は、後にアフリカ政治人類学の特徴となる区分と均衡対立の原則を確立した。フランス語圏の西アフリカでの研究にもかかわらず、 フォーテスの政治システムに関する研究は、他のイギリスの人類学者、特にマックス・グラックマンに影響を与え、植民地時代の中央アフリカでの研究の問題を 重視したマンチェスター学派として知られる社会人類学の形成に一役買った。



フォーテスは1964年にアメリカ芸術科学アカデミーに選出され[2]、1965年から67年までグレート・ブリテン・アイルランド王立人類学研究所 (Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland)の会長を務め、1977年には同研究所最高の栄誉であるハクスリー記念メダルを受賞した。また、アメリカ哲学協会の会員にも選ばれている [3]。
Holodomor testimony
Meyer Fortes corresponded with his close friend Jerry Berman, who in the early 1930s worked in the USSR as a civil engineer and documented the famine in his private letters. In 2021, the granddaughter of Fortes donated these letters to the National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide in Kyiv.[4][5][6]

Selected bibliography
1940. African Political Systems (editor, with E. E. Evans-Pritchard). London and New York: International African Institute.
1945. The Dynamics of Clanship among the Tallensi.
1949. The Web of Kinship among the Tallensi.
1959. Oedipus and Job in West African Religion.
1969. Kinship and the Social Order.
1970. Time and Social Structure.
1970. Social Structure (editor).
1983. Rules and the Emergence of Society.


英国の社会人類学者(Meyer Fortes, 1906-1983)。

1906 4月25日南アフリカのブリッツタウン(Britstown)生まれ。

1926 ケープタウン大学大学院で修士号

1930 ロンドン大学院で、マリノフスキーの指導のもとで、Ph.Dを取得

1932 The gestalt theory and the problem of configuration / by Bruno Peterma nn ; [translated by Meyer Fortes]. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1932

1940 African political systems / edited by M. Fortes and E.E. Evans-Pritchard, London ; New York : Published for the International African Institute by the Oxford University Press , 1940

1945 The Dynamics of Clanship among the Tallensi : being the first Part of an Analysis of the social Structure of a Trans-Volta Tribe. Publish ed for the International African Institute / Meyer Fortes. -- Oxford U niv. Press, 1945

1946-1950 オックスフォード大学で社会人類学講師(reader:我が国の准教授に相当)

1949 Social structure : studies presented to A. R. Radcliffe-Brown / ed. by Meyer Fortes. -- Clarendon Press, 1949

1949 The web of kinship among the Tallensi : the second part of an analysis of the social structure of a Trans-Volta tribe / Meyer Fortes. -- pub lished for the International African Institute by the Oxford Universit y Press, 1949

1950-1973 ケンブリッジ大学ウィリアム・ワイス[記念]教授(社会人類学)

1953 Social anthropology at Cambridge since 1900 / an inaugural lecture by M. Fortes. -- Cambridge University Press, 1953

1956 The Negro family in British Guiana : family structure and social statu s in the villages / by Raymond T. Smith ; with foreword by Meyer Forte s. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1956. -- (International library of socio logy and social reconstruction)

1957 The theory of social structure / by S.F. Nadel ; with a memoir by Meye r Fortes. -- Cohen & West, 1957

1959 Oedipus and Job in West African religion / Meyer Fortes. -- Cambridge University Press, 1959

1960 African systems of thought : studies presented and discussed at the Th ird International African Seminar in Salisbury, December 1960 / prefac e by M. Fortes and G. Dieterlen. -- Published for International Africa n Institute by Oxford University Press, 1965

1962 Marriage in tribal societies / Meyer Fortes. -- Published for the Depa rtment of Archaeology and Anthropology at the Cambridge U.P, 1962. -- (Cambridge papers in social anthropology ; 3)

1963  Kinship and the social order : the legacy of Lewis Henry Morgan / Meye r Fortes. -- Routledge & K. Paul, 1970. -- (The Lewis Henry Morgan lec tures ; 1963)

1968 Family and colour in Jamaica / Fernando Henriques ; with a preface by Meyer Fortes. -- 2nd ed. -- Macgibbon & Kee, 1968

1969 Culture and human fertility : a study of the relation of cultural c onditions to fertility in non-industrial and transitional societies / With special contributions by Meyer Fortes [and others] Foreword by Fr ank W. Notestein. -- Greenwood Press, 1969. -- (Population and culture ; 1)

1970 Time and social structure and other essays / Meyer Fortes. -- The Athl one Press, 1970. -- (London School of Economics monographs on social a nthropology ; No. 40)

1972 アフリカの伝統的政治体系 / フォーテス, エヴァンス=プリッチャード編 ; 大森元吉[ほか]訳. -- みすず書房, 1972

1975 Colonialism and change : essays presented to Lucy Mair / edited (with introduction) by Maxwell Owusu ; foreword by Meyer Fortes. -- Mouton, 1975. -- (Studies in anthropology ; 4)

1975 Studies in African social anthropology / edited by Meyer Fortes and Sh eila Patterson. -- Academic Press, 1975

1980 Sacrifice / edited by M.F.C. Bourdillon, Meyer Fortes. -- Published by Academic Press for the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Brita in and Ireland, 1980

1980 Soviet and Western anthropology / edited by Ernest Gellner ; with a n introduction by Meyer Fortes. -- Duckworth, 1980

1980 祖先崇拝の論理 / マイヤー・フォーテス著 ; 田中真砂子編訳. -- ぺりかん 社, 1980

1983 1月27日ケンブリッジで死亡(享年76歳)

1983 Rules and the emergence of society / by Meyer Fortes ; pbk.. -- Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1983. -- (Occa sional papers / Royal Anthropological Institute ; no. 39)

1987 Religion, morality and the person : essays on Tallensi religion / Meye r Fortes ; edited and with an introduction by Jack Goody. -- Cambridge University Press, 1987. -- (Essays in social anthropology)