Edvard Munch on Demand
The Art ensemble of Global
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. - William Gibson, Neuromancer, 1984「港の空の色は、空きチャンネルの合わせたTVの色だった」(黒丸尚 訳)
■Van Gogh on Demand, by Winnie Won Yin Wong, University of Chicago Press, 2013
Theo, I'm
walking toword place that I thought was very close, but perhaps it is
very far away" - Vincent van Gogh.
In the Guangdong province in southeastern China lies Dafen(大芬村), a village that houses thousands of workers who paint Van Goghs, Da Vincis, Warhols, and other Western masterpieces, producing an astonishing five million paintings a year. To write about life and work in Dafen, Winnie Wong infiltrated this world, investigating the claims of conceptual artists who made projects there; working as a dealer; apprenticing as a painter; surveying merchants in Europe, Asia, and America; establishing relationships with local leaders; and organizing a conceptual art show for the Shanghai World Expo. The result is Van Gogh on Demand, a fascinating book about a little-known aspect of the global art world - one that sheds surprising light on our understandings of art, artists, and individual genius. Confronting difficult questions about the definition of art, the ownership of an image, and the meaning of imitation and appropriation, Wong shows how a plethora of artistic practices joins Chinese migrant workers, propaganda makers, and international artists together in a global supply chain of art and creativity. She examines how Berlin-based conceptual artist Christian Jankowski, who collaborated with Dafen's painters to reimagine the Dafen Art Museum, unwittingly appropriated a photojournalist's intellectual property. She explores how Zhang Huan, a radical performance artist from Beijing's East Village, prompted propaganda makers to heroize the female artists of Dafen village. Through these cases, Wong shows how Dafen's workers force us to re-examine our expectations about the cultural function of creativity and imitation, and the role of Chinese workers in redefining global art. Providing a valuable account of art practices in a period of profound global cultural shifts and an ascendant China, Van Gogh on Demand is a rich and detailed look at the implications of a world that can offer countless copies of everything that has ever been called "art." - Nielsen BookData.
Van Gogh on Demand, by Winnie Won Yin Wong, University of Chicago Press, 2013/ ゴッホ・オンデマンド : 中国のアートとビジネス / W.W.Y.ウォング著 ; 松田和也訳, 青土社 , 2015
章 立て
解 説
序 手本に倣って
第 1章 巨大絵画工場をイメージする
第 2章 コンセプチュアル・アーティストと複製画家
第 3章 モデル・ボヘミアにおける真の芸術と真の愛
第 4章 18.「Vincent」と署名
第 5章 「作者」のフレーミング—コンセプチュアリズムと大芬レディメイド
語 コンセプチュアル絵画、中国夢想
Who is
the painter of satire of
coronavirus shopping panic by using Munch' Scream ? - I suppose the
painter from Dàfēn.
谁 是使用爱德华 蒙克「吶喊」讽刺冠状病毒购物狂的画家? - 我想是达芬的画家。
The Task of the Translator - by Walter Benjamin.
"In them the life of the originals attains its latest, continually renewed, and most complete unfolding."
"Thus, ironically, translation
transplants the original into a more definitive linguistic realm, since
it can no longer be displaced by a secondary rendering."
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Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1997-2099
For all undergraduate students!!!, you do not paste but [re]think my
Remind Wittgenstein's phrase, "I should not like my writing to spare
other people the trouble of thinking. But, if possible, to stimulate
someone to thoughts of his own," - Ludwig Wittgenstein