PREFACE, On scientific knowledge in "The
Phenomenology of Mind" by W.H.F. Hegel
☆PREFACE, On scientific knowledge in "The Phenomenology of Mind" by W.H.F. Hegel
1. In the case of a philosophical work it seems not only superfluous,
but, in view of the nature of philosophy, even inappropriate and
misleading to begin, as writers usually do in a preface, by explaining
the end the author had in mind, the circumstances which gave rise to
the work, and the relation in which the writer takes it to stand to
other treatises on the same subject, written by his predecessors or his
contemporaries. For whatever it might be suitable to state about
philosophy in a preface – say, an historical sketch of the main drift
and point of view, the general content and results, a string of
desultory assertions and assurances about the truth – this cannot be
accepted as the form and manner in which to expound philosophical truth. |
を論述する形式や方法として受け入れられるものではない。 |
2. Moreover, because philosophy has its being essentially in the
element of that universality which encloses the particular within it,
the end or final result seems, in the case of philosophy more than in
that of other sciences, to have absolutely expressed the complete fact
itself in its very nature; contrasted with that the mere process of
bringing it to light would seem, properly speaking, to have no
essential significance. On the other hand, in the general idea of e.g.
anatomy – the knowledge of the parts of the body regarded as lifeless –
we are quite sure we do not possess the objective concrete fact, the
actual content of the science, but must, over and above, be concerned
with particulars. Further, in the case of such a collection of items of
knowledge, which has no real right to the name of science, any talk
about purpose and suchlike generalities is not commonly very different
from the descriptive and superficial way in which the contents of the
science these nerves and muscles, etc. – are themselves spoken of. In
philosophy, on the other hand, it would at once be felt incongruous
were such a method made use of and yet shown by philosophy itself to be
incapable of grasping the truth. |
れ、しかも哲学自身が真理を把握できないことが示されると、すぐに不調和だと感じられるだろう。 |
the same way too, by determining the relation which a philosophical
work professes to have to other treatises on the same subject, an
extraneous interest is introduced, and obscurity is thrown over the
point at issue in the knowledge of the truth. The more the ordinary
mind takes the opposition between true and false to be fixed, the more
is it accustomed to expect either agreement or contradiction with a
given philosophical system, and only to see reason for the one or the
other in any explanatory statement concerning such a system. It does
not conceive the diversity of philosophical systems as the progressive
evolution of truth; rather, it sees only contradiction in that variety.
The bud disappears when the blossom breaks through, and we might say
that the former is refuted by the latter; in the same way when the
fruit comes, the blossom may be explained to be a false form of the
plant’s existence, for the fruit appears as its true nature in place of
the blossom. These stages are not merely differentiated; they supplant
one another as being incompatible with one another. But the ceaseless
activity of their own inherent nature makes them at the same time
moments of an organic unity, where they not merely do not contradict
one another, but where one is as necessary as the other; and this equal
necessity of all moments constitutes alone and thereby the life of the
whole. But contradiction as between philosophical systems is not wont
to be conceived in this way; on the other hand, the mind perceiving the
contradiction does not commonly know how to relieve it or keep it free
from its one-sidedness, and to recognise in what seems conflicting and
inherently antagonistic the presence of mutually necessary moments. |
に見えても本質的に相互に必要な要素であることを認識したりする方法を知らないのが一般的である。 |
3. The demand for such explanations, as also the attempts to satisfy
this demand, very easily pass for the essential business philosophy has
to undertake. Where could the inmost truth of a philosophical work be
found better expressed than in its purposes and results? and in what
way could these be more definitely known than through their distinction
from what is produced during the same period by others working in the
same field? If, however, such procedure is to pass for more than the
beginning of knowledge, if it is to pass for actually knowing, then we
must, in point of fact, look on it as a device for avoiding the real
business at issue, an attempt to combine the appearance of being in
earnest and taking trouble about the subject with an actual neglect of
the subject altogether. For the real subject-matter is not exhausted in
its purpose, but in working the matter out; nor is the mere result
attained the concrete whole itself, but the result along with the
process of arriving at it. The purpose of itself is a lifeless
universal, just as the general drift is a mere activity in a certain
direction, which is still without its concrete realisation; and the
naked result is the corpse of the system which has left its guiding
tendency behind it. Similarly, the distinctive difference of anything
is rather the boundary, the limit, of the subject; it is found at that
point where the subject-matter stops, or it is what this subject-matter
is not. To trouble oneself in this fashion with the purpose and
results, and again with the differences, the positions taken up and
judgments passed by one thinker and another, is therefore an easier
task than perhaps it seems. For instead of laying hold of the matter in
hand, a procedure of that kind is all the while away from the subject
altogether. Instead of dwelling within it and becoming absorbed by it,
knowledge of that sort is always grasping at something else; such
knowledge, instead keeping to the subject-matter and giving itself up
to it, never gets away from itself. The easiest thing of all is to pass
judgments on what has a solid substantial content; it is more difficult
to grasp it, and most of all difficult to do both together and produce
the systematic exposition of it. |
も、両方を同時に行い、体系的な説明を導き出すことは最も難しい。 |
4. The beginning of culture and of the struggle to pass out of the
unbroken immediacy of naive psychical life has always to be made by
acquiring knowledge of universal principles and points of view, by
striving, in the first instance, to work up simply to the thought of
the subject-matter in general, not forgetting at the same time to give
reasons for supporting it or refuting it, to apprehend the concrete
riches and fullness contained in its various determinate qualities, and
to know how to furnish a coherent, orderly account of it and a
responsible judgment upon it. This beginning of mental cultivation
will, however, very soon make way for the earnestness of actual life in
all its fullness, which leads to a living experience of the
subject-matter itself; and when, in addition, conceptual thought
strenuously penetrates to the very depths of its meaning, such
knowledge and style of judgment will keep their due place in everyday
thought and conversation. |
な位置を占めることになる。 |
2. The element of truth is the Concept/Notion (Begriff), and its true form the scientific system |
2. 真実の要素は概念/観念(Begriff)であり、その真の形は科学的体系である。 |
5. The systematic development of truth in scientific form can alone be
the true shape in which truth exists. To help to bring philosophy
nearer to the form of science – that goal where it can lay aside the
name of love of knowledge and be actual knowledge – that is what I have
set before me. The inner necessity that knowledge should be science
lies in its very nature; and the adequate and sufficient explanation
for this lies simply and solely in the systematic exposition of
philosophy itself. The external necessity, however, so far as this is
apprehended in a universal way, and apart from the accident of the
personal element and the particular occasioning influences affecting
the individual, is the same as the internal: it lies in the form and
shape in which the process of time presents the existence of its
moments. To show that the time process does raise philosophy to the
level of scientific system would, therefore, be the only true
justification of the attempts which aim at proving that philosophy must
assume this character; because the temporal process would thus bring
out and lay bare the necessity of it, nay, more, would at the same time
be carrying out that very aim itself. |
らだ。 |
6. When we state the true form of truth to be its scientific character
– or, what is the same thing, when it is maintained that truth finds
the medium of its existence in notions or conceptions alone – I know
that this seems to contradict an idea with all its consequences which
makes great pretensions and has gained widespread acceptance and
conviction at the present time. A word of explanation concerning this
contradiction seems, therefore, not out of place, even though at this
stage it can amount to no more than a dogmatic assurance exactly like
the view we are opposing. If, that is to say, truth exists merely in
what, or rather exists merely as what, is called at one time intuition,
at another immediate knowledge of the Absolute, Religion, Being – not
being in the centre of divine love, but the very Being of this centre,
of the Absolute itself – from that point of view it is rather the
opposite of the notional or conceptual form which would be required for
systematic philosophical exposition. The Absolute on this view is not
to be grasped in conceptual form, but felt, intuited; it is not its
conception, but the feeling of it and intuition of it that are to have
the say and find expression. |
く、それに対する感情と直観である。 |
3. Present position of the spirit |
3. 精神の現在の位置 |
7. If we consider the appearance of a claim like this in its more
general setting, and look at the level which the self-conscious mind at
present occupies, we shall find that self-consciousness has got beyond
the substantial fullness of life, which it used to carry on in the
element of thought – beyond the state of immediacy of belief, beyond
the satisfaction and security arising from the assurance which
consciousness possessed of being reconciled with ultimate reality and
with its all-pervading presence, within as well as without.
Self-conscious mind has not merely passed beyond that to the opposite
extreme of insubstantial reflection of self into self, but beyond this
too. It has not merely lost its essential and concrete life, it is also
conscious of this loss and of the transitory finitude characteristic of
its content. Turning away from the husks it has to feed on, and
confessing that it lies in wickedness and sin, it reviles itself for so
doing, and now desires from philosophy not so much to bring it to a
knowledge of what it is, as to obtain once again through philosophy the
restoration of that sense of solidity and substantiality of existence
it has lost. Philosophy is thus expected not so much to meet this want
by opening up the compact solidity of substantial existence, and
bringing this to the light and level of self-consciousness is not so
much to bring chaotic conscious life back to the orderly ways of
thought, and the simplicity of the notion, as to run together what
thought has divided asunder suppress the notion with its distinctions,
and restore the feeling of existence. What it wants from philosophy is
not so much insight as edification. The beautiful, the holy, the
eternal, religion, love – these are the bait required to awaken the
desire to bite: not the notion, but ecstasy, not the march of cold
necessity in the subject-matter, but ferment and enthusiasm – these are
to be the ways by which the wealth of the concrete substance is to be
stored and increasingly extended. |
発酵と熱狂――これらは、具体的な物質の豊かさを蓄え、さらに拡大していくための方法である。 |
Φ 8. With this demand there goes
the strenuous effort, almost perfervidly zealous in its activity, to
rescue mankind from being sunken in what is sensuous, vulgar, and of
fleeting importance, and to raise men’s eyes to the stars; as if men
had quite forgotten the divine, and were on the verge of finding
satisfaction, like worms, in mud and water. Time was when man had a
heaven, decked and fitted out with endless wealth of thoughts and
pictures. The significance of all that is, lay in the thread of light
by which it was attached to heaven; instead of dwelling in the present
as it is here and now, the eye glanced away over the present to the
Divine, away, so to say, to a present that lies beyond. The mind’s gaze
had to be directed under compulsion to what is earthly, and kept fixed
there; and it has needed a long time to introduce that clearness, which
only celestial realities had, into the crassness and confusion
shrouding the sense of things earthly, and to make attention to the
immediate present as such, which was called Experience, of interest and
of value. Now we have apparently the need for the opposite of all this;
man’s mind and interest are so deeply rooted in the earthly that we
require a like power to have them raised above that level. His spirit
shows such poverty of nature that it seems to long for the mere pitiful
feeling of the divine in the abstract, and to get refreshment from
that, like a wanderer in the desert craving for the merest mouthful of
water. By the little which can thus satisfy the needs of the human
spirit we can measure the extent of its loss. |
Φ 8.
かなものによって、その損失の程度を測ることができる。 |
Φ 9. This easy contentment in
receiving, or stinginess in giving, does not suit the character of
science. The man who only seeks edification, who wants to envelop in
mist the manifold diversity of his earthly existence and thought, and
craves after the vague enjoyment of this vague and indeterminate
Divinity – he may look where he likes to find this: he will easily find
for himself the means to procure something he can rave over and puff
himself up withal. But philosophy must beware of wishing to be edifying. |
Φ 9.
どこで見つけても構わない。しかし、哲学は教養を身につけたいという願望には注意しなければならない。 |
Φ 10. Still less must this kind
of contentment, which holds science in contempt, take upon itself to
claim that raving obscurantism of this sort is something higher than
science. These apocalyptic utterances pretend to occupy the very centre
and the deepest depths; they look askance at all definiteness and
preciseness of meaning; and they deliberately hold back from conceptual
thinking and the constraining necessities of thought, as being the sort
of reflection which, they say, can only feel at home in the sphere of
finitude. But just as there is a breadth which is emptiness, there is a
depth which is empty too: as we may have an extension of substance
which overflows into finite multiplicity without the power of keeping
the manifold together, in the same way we may have an insubstantial
intensity which, keeping itself in as mere force without actual
expression, is no better than superficiality. The force of mind is only
as great as its expression; its depth only as deep as its power to
expand and lose itself when spending and giving out its substance.
Moreover, when this unreflective emotional knowledge makes a pretence
of having immersed its own very self in the depths of the absolute
Being, and of philosophizing in all holiness and truth, it hides from
itself the fact that instead of devotion to God, it rather, by this
contempt for all measurable precision and definiteness, simply attests
in its own case the fortuitous character of its content, and in the
other endows God with its own caprice. When such minds commit
themselves to the unrestrained ferment of sheer emotion, they think
that, by putting a veil over self-consciousness, and surrendering all
understanding, they are thus God’s beloved ones to whom He gives His
wisdom in sleep. This is the reason, too, that in point of fact, what
they do conceive and bring forth in sleep is dreams. |
Φ 10.
ものが夢である理由でもある。 |
Φ 11. For the rest it is not
difficult to see that our epoch is a birth-time, and a period of
transition. The spirit of man has broken with the old order of things
hitherto prevailing, and with the old ways of thinking, and is in the
mind to let them all sink into the depths of the past and to set about
its own transformation. It is indeed never at rest, but carried along
the stream of progress ever onward. But it is here as in the case of
the birth of a child; after a long period of nutrition in silence, the
continuity of the gradual growth in size, of quantitative change, is
suddenly cut short by the first breath drawn – there is a break in the
process, a qualitative change and the child is born. In like manner the
spirit of the time, growing slowly and quietly ripe for the new form it
is to assume, disintegrates one fragment after another of the structure
of its previous world. That it is tottering to its fall is indicated
only by symptoms here and there. Frivolity and again ennui, which are
spreading in the established order of things, the undefined foreboding
of something unknown – all these betoken that there is something else
approaching. This gradual crumbling to pieces, which did not alter the
general look and aspect of the whole, is interrupted by the sunrise,
which, in a flash and at a single stroke, brings to view the form and
structure of the new world. |
Φ 11.
らかになる。 |
Φ 12. But this new world is
perfectly realised just as little as the new-born child; and it is
essential to bear this in mind. It comes on the stage to begin with in
its immediacy, in its bare generality. A building is not finished when
its foundation is laid; and just as little, is the attainment of a
general notion of a whole the whole itself. When we want to see an oak
with all its vigour of trunk, its spreading branches, and mass of
foliage, we are not satisfied to be shown an acorn instead. In the same
way science, the crowning glory of a spiritual world, is not found
complete in its initial stages. The beginning of the new spirit is the
outcome of a widespread revolution in manifold forms of spiritual
culture; it is the reward which comes after a chequered and devious
course of development, and after much struggle and effort. It is a
whole which, after running its course and laying bare all its content,
returns again to itself; it is the resultant abstract notion of the
whole. But the actual realisation of this abstract whole is only found
when those previous shapes and forms, which are now reduced to ideal
moments of the whole, are developed anew again, but developed and
shaped within this new medium, and with the meaning they have thereby
acquired. |
Φ 12.
で、そしてそれによって獲得された意味の中で、行われる。 |
4. The principle is not the completion; against formalism | 4. 原理は完成ではない。形式主義に反対する。 |
Φ 13. While the new world makes
its first appearance merely in general outline, merely as a whole lying
concealed and hidden within a bare abstraction, the wealth of the
bygone life, on the other hand, is still consciously present in
recollection. Consciousness misses in the new form the detailed expanse
of content; but still more the developed expression of form by which
distinctions are definitely determined and arranged in their precise
relations. Without this last feature science has no general
intelligibility, and has the appearance of being an esoteric possession
of a few individuals – an esoteric possession, because in the first
instance it is only the essential principle or notion of science, only
its inner nature that is to be found; and a possession of few
individuals, because, at its first appearance, its content is not
elaborated and expanded in detail, and thus its existence is turned
into something particular. Only what is perfectly determinate in form
is at the same time exoteric, comprehensible, and capable of being
learned and possessed by everybody. Intelligibility is the form in
which science is offered to everyone, and is the open road to it made
plain for all. To reach rational knowledge by our intelligence is the
just demand of the mind which comes to science. For intelligence,
understanding (Verstand), is thinking, pure activity of the self in
general; and what is intelligible (Verständige) is something from the
first familiar and common to the scientific and unscientific mind
alike, enabling the unscientific mind to enter the domain of science. |
Φ 13.
は、科学的な心と非科学的な心、いずれにとっても最初から馴染み深く、共通するものであり、非科学的な心に科学の領域への参入を可能にするものである。 |
Φ 14. Science, at its
commencement, when as yet it has reached neither detailed completeness
nor perfection of form, is exposed to blame on that account. But it
would be as unjust to suppose this blame to attach to its essential
nature, as it is inadmissible not to be ready to recognise the demand
for that further development in fuller detail. In the contrast and
opposition between these two aspects (the initial and the developed
stages of science) seems to lie the critical knot which scientific
culture at present struggles to loosen, and about which so far it is
not very clear. One side parades the wealth of its material and the
intelligibility of its ideas; the other pours contempt at any rate on
the latter, and makes a parade of the immediate intuitive rationality
and divine quality of its content. Although the first is reduced to
silence, perhaps by the inner force of truth alone, perhaps, too, by
the noisy bluster of the other side, and even though having regard to
the reason and nature of the case it did feel overborne, yet it does
not therefore feel satisfied as regards those demands for greater
development; for those demands are just, but still unfulfilled. Its
silence is due only in part to the victory of the other side; it is
half due to that weariness and indifference which are usually the
consequence when expectations are being constantly awakened by promises
which are not followed up by performance. |
Φ 14.
の、それがパフォーマンスによってフォローアップされない場合に通常生じる、倦怠感と無関心によるものである。 |
Φ 15. The other side no doubt at
times makes an easy enough matter of having a vast expanse of content.
They haul on to their territory a lot of material, that, namely, which
is already familiar and arranged in order; and since they are concerned
more especially about what is exceptional, strange, and curious, they
seem all the more to be in possession of the rest, which knowledge in
its own way was finished and done with, as well as to have control over
what was unregulated and disorderly. Hence everything appears brought
within the compass of the Absolute Idea, which seems thus to be
recognised in everything, and to have succeeded in becoming a system in
extenso of scientific knowledge. But if we look more closely at this
expanded system we find that it has not been reached by one and the
same principle taking shape in diverse ways; it is the shapeless
repetition of one and the same idea, which is applied in an external
fashion to different material, the wearisome reiteration of it keeping
up the semblance of diversity. The Idea, which by itself is no doubt
the truth, really never gets any farther than just where it began, as
long as the development of it consists in nothing else than such a
repetition of the same formula. If the knowing subject carries round
everywhere the one inert abstract form, taking up in external fashion
whatever material comes his way, and dipping it into this element, then
this comes about as near to fulfilling what is wanted – viz. a
self-origination of the wealth of detail, and a self-determining
distinction of shapes and forms – as any chance fancies about the
content in question. It is rather a monochrome formalism, which only
arrives at distinction in the matter it has to deal with, because this
is already prepared and well known. |
Φ 15.
備され、よく知られている対象についてのみ、区別を導き出す。 |
Φ 16. This monotonousness and
abstract universality are maintained to be the Absolute. This formalism
insists that to be dissatisfied therewith argues an incapacity to grasp
the standpoint of the Absolute, and keep a firm hold on it. If it was
once the case that the bare possibility of thinking of something in
some other fashion was sufficient to refute a given idea, and the naked
possibility, the bare general thought, possessed and passed for the
entire substantive value of actual knowledge; similarly we find here
all the value ascribed to the general idea in this bare form without
concrete realisation; and we see here, too, the style and method of
speculative contemplation identified with dissipating and, resolving
what is determinate and distinct, or rather with hurling it down,
without more ado and without any justification, into the abyss of
vacuity. To consider any specific fact as it is in the Absolute,
consists here in nothing else than saying about it that, while it is
now doubtless spoken of as something specific, yet in the Absolute, in
the abstract identity A = A, there is no such thing at all, for
everything is there all one. To pit this single assertion, that “in the
Absolute all is one”, against the organised whole of determinate and
complete knowledge, or of knowledge which at least aims at and demands
complete development – to give out its Absolute as the night in which,
as we say, all cows are black – that is the very naïveté of emptiness
of knowledge. The formalism which has been deprecated and despised by recent philosophy, and which has arisen once more in philosophy itself, will not disappear from science, even though its inadequacy is known and felt, till the knowledge of absolute reality has become quite clear as to what its own true nature consists in. Having in mind that the general idea of what is to be done, if it precedes the attempt to carry it out, facilitates the comprehension of this process, it is worth while to indicate here some rough idea of it, with the hope at the same time that this will give us the opportunity to set aside certain forms whose habitual presence is a hindrance in the way of speculative knowledge. |
Φ 16.
体に対して、その絶対的なものを、我々が言うところの「すべての牛は黒い」という夜として提示することは、まさに知識の空虚さの純朴さである。 最近の哲学で軽蔑され、嫌悪されてきた形式主義は、再び哲学そのものに現れたが、その不十分さが知られ、感じられていても、絶対的な現実の知識が、その真 の性質が何から成り立っているのかについて、はっきりと明らかになるまでは、科学から消えることはないだろう。一般的に何をなすべきかという考えが、それ を実行に移す試みの前に存在すれば、このプロセスを理解しやすくなることを念頭に、ここではその大まかな考え方を示す価値がある。同時に、これは、思索的 な知識の妨げとなる習慣的な存在である特定の形態を排除する機会となることを期待している。 |
5. The absolute is subject – |
5. 絶対的なものは主体と~ |
Φ 17. In my view – a view which
the developed exposition of the system itself can alone justify –
everything depends on grasping and expressing the ultimate truth not as
Substance but as Subject as well. At the same time we must note that
concrete substantiality implicates and involves the universal or the
immediacy of knowledge itself, as well as that immediacy which is
being, or immediacy qua object for knowledge. If the generation which
heard God spoken of as the One Substance was shocked and revolted by
such a characterisation of his nature, the reason lay partly in the
instinctive feeling that in such a conception self-consciousness was
simply submerged, and not preserved. But partly, again, the opposite
position, which maintains thinking to be merely subjective thinking,
abstract universality as such, is exactly the same bare uniformity, is
undifferentiated, unmoved substantiality. And even if, in the third
place, thought combines with itself the being of substance, and
conceives immediacy or intuition (Anschauung) as thinking, it is still
a question whether this intellectual intuition does not fall back into
that inert, abstract simplicity, and exhibit and expound reality itself
in an unreal manner. |
Φ 17.
ち戻らず、現実そのものを非現実的な方法で表現し、説明できるかどうかは疑問である。 |
6. – and what this is |
6.〜そして、これが何であるかということだ。 |
Φ 18. The living substance,
further, is that being which is truly subject, or, what is the same
thing, is truly realised and actual (wirklich) solely in the process of
positing itself, or in mediating with its own self its transitions from
one state or position to the opposite. As subject it is pure and simple
negativity, and just on that account a process of splitting up what is
simple and undifferentiated, a process of duplicating and setting
factors in opposition, which [process] in turn is the negation of this
indifferent diversity and of the opposition of factors it entails. True
reality is merely this process of reinstating self-identity, of
reflecting into its own self in and from its other, and is not an
original and primal unity as such, not an immediate unity as such. It
is the process of its own becoming, the circle which presupposes its
end as its purpose, and has its end for its beginning; it becomes
concrete and actual only by being carried out, and by the end it
involves. |
Φ 18.
いう循環である。それは遂行されることによってのみ、またそのプロセスが必然的に含む終わりによってのみ、具体的かつ現実のものとなる。 |
Φ 19. The life of God and divine
intelligence, then, can, if we like, be spoken of as love disporting
with itself; but this idea falls into edification, and even sinks into
insipidity, if it lacks the seriousness, the suffering, the patience,
and the labour of the negative. Per se the divine life is no doubt
undisturbed identity and oneness with itself, which finds no serious
obstacle in otherness and estrangement, and none in the surmounting of
this estrangement. But this “per se” is abstract generality, where we
abstract from its real nature, which consists in its being objective,
to itself, conscious of itself on its own account (für sich zu sein);
and where consequently we neglect altogether the self-movement which is
the formal character of its activity. If the form is declared to
correspond to the essence, it is just for that reason a
misunderstanding to suppose that knowledge can be content with the “per
se”, the essence, but can do without the form, that the absolute
principle, or absolute intuition, makes the carrying out of the former,
or the development of the latter, needless. Precisely because the form
is as necessary to the essence as the essence to itself, absolute
reality must not be conceived of and expressed as essence alone, i.e.
as immediate substance, or as pure self-intuition of the Divine, but as
form also, and with the entire wealth of the developed form. Only then
is it grasped and expressed as really actual. |
Φ 19.
あるというその本質から抽象化されたものであり、それ自体がそれ自体のためにそれ自体を意識している(für sich zu
表現しなければならない。そうして初めて、それは本当に現実のものとして捉えられ、表現される。 |
Φ 20. The truth is the whole.
The whole, however, is merely the essential nature reaching its
completeness through the process of its own development. Of the
Absolute it must be said that it is essentially a result, that only at
the end is it what it is in very truth; and just in that consists its
nature, which is to be actual, subject, or self-becoming,
self-development. Should it appear contradictory to say that the
Absolute has to be conceived essentially as a result, a little
consideration will set this appearance of contradiction in its true
light. The beginning, the principle, or the Absolute, as at first or
immediately expressed, is merely the universal. If we say “all
animals”, that does not pass for zoology; for the same reason we see at
once that the words absolute, divine, eternal, and so on do not express
what is implied in them; and only mere words like these, in point of
fact, express intuition as the immediate. Whatever is more than a word
like that, even the mere transition to a proposition, is a form of
mediation, contains a process towards another state from which we must
return once more. It is this process of mediation, however, that is
rejected with horror, as if absolute knowledge were being surrendered
when more is made of mediation than merely the assertion that it is
nothing absolute, and does not exist in the Absolute. |
Φ 20.
いという主張以上のものとして媒介が重要視される場合、あたかも絶対的な知識が放棄されるかのように、恐怖とともに拒絶される。 |
Φ 21. This horrified rejection
of mediation, however, arises as a fact from want of acquaintance with
its nature, and with the nature of absolute knowledge itself. For
mediating is nothing but self-identity working itself out through an
active self-directed process; or, in other words, it is reflection into
self, the aspect in which the ego is for itself, objective to itself.
It is pure negativity, or, reduced to its utmost abstraction, the
process of bare and simple becoming. The ego, or becoming in general,
this process of mediating, is, because of its being simple, just
immediacy coming to be, and is immediacy itself. We misconceive
therefore the nature of reason if we exclude reflection or mediation
from ultimate truth., and do not take it to be a positive moment of the
Absolute. It is reflection which constitutes truth the final result,
and yet at the same time does away with the contrast between result and
the process of arriving at it. For this process is likewise simple, and
therefore not distinct from the form of truth, which consists in
appearing as simple in the result; it is indeed just this restoration
and return to simplicity. While the embryo is certainly, in itself,
implicitly a human being, it is not so explicitly, it is not by itself
a human being (für sich); man is explicitly man only in the form of
developed and cultivated reason, which has made itself to be what it is
implicitly. Its actual reality is first found here. But this result
arrived at is itself simple immediacy; for it is self conscious
freedom, which is at one with itself, and has not set aside the
opposition it involves and left it there, but has made its account with
it and become reconciled to it. |
Φ 21.
くのではなく、それと折り合いをつけて和解しているからだ。 |
Φ 22. What has been said may
also be expressed by saying that reason is purposive activity. The
exaltation of so-called nature at the expense of thought misconceived,
and more especially the rejection of external purposiveness, have
brought the idea of purpose in general into disrepute. All the same, in
the sense in which Aristotle, too, characterises nature as purposive
activity, purpose is the immediate, the undisturbed, the unmoved which
is self-moving; as such it is subject. Its power of moving, taken
abstractly, is its existence for itself, or pure negativity. The result
is the same as the beginning solely because the beginning is purpose.
Stated otherwise, what is actual and concrete is the same as its inner
principle or notion simply because the immediate qua purpose contains
within it the self or pure actuality. The realised purpose, or concrete
actuality, is movement and development unfolded. But this very unrest
is the self; and it is one and the same with that immediacy and
simplicity characteristic of the beginning just for the reason that it
is the result, and has returned upon itself – while this latter again
is just the self, and the self is self-referring and self-relating
identity and simplicity. |
Φ 22.
る。後者はまさに自己であり、自己は自己言及的かつ自己関連的な同一性と単純性である。 |
Φ 23. The need to think of the
Absolute as subject, has led men to make use of statements like “God is
the eternal”, the “moral order of the world”, or “love”, etc. In such
propositions the truth is just barely stated to be Subject, but not set
forth as the process of reflectively mediating itself with itself. In a
proposition of that kind we begin with the word God. By itself this is
a meaningless sound, a mere name; the predicate says afterwards what it
is, gives it content and meaning: the empty beginning becomes real
knowledge only when we thus get to the end of the statement. So far as
that goes, why not speak alone of the eternal, of the moral order of
the world, etc., or, like the ancients, of pure conceptions such as
being, the one, etc., i.e. of what gives the meaning without adding the
meaningless sound at all? But this word just indicates that it is not a
being or essence or universal in general that is put forward, but
something reflected into self, a subject. Yet at the same time this
acceptance of the Absolute as Subject is merely anticipated, not really
affirmed. The subject is taken to be a fixed point, and to it as their
support the predicates are attached, by a process falling within the
individual knowing about it, but not looked upon as belonging to the
point of attachment itself; only by such a process, however, could the
content be presented as subject. Constituted as it is, this process
cannot belong to the subject; but when that point of support is fixed
to start with, this process cannot be otherwise constituted, it can
only be external. The anticipation that the Absolute is subject is
therefore not merely not the realisation of this conception; it even
makes realisation impossible. For it makes out the notion to be a
static point, while its actual reality is self-movement, self-activity. |
Φ 23.
己活動であるからだ。 |
Φ 24. Among the many
consequences that follow from what has been said, it is of importance
to emphasise this, that knowledge is only real and can only be set
forth fully in the form of science, in the form of system; and further,
that a so-called fundamental proposition or first principle of
philosophy, even if it is true, is yet none the less false just because
and in so far as it is merely a fundamental proposition, merely a first
principle. It is for that reason easily refuted. The refutation
consists in bringing out its defective character, and it is defective
because it is merely the universal, merely a principle, the
beginning. If the refutation is complete and thorough, it is
derived and developed from the nature of the principle itself, and not
accomplished by bringing in from elsewhere other counter assurances and
chance fancies. It would be strictly the development of the principle,
and thus the completion of its deficiency, were it not that it
misunderstands its own purport by taking account solely of the negative
aspect of what it seeks to do, and is not conscious of the positive
character of its process and result. The really positive working out of
the beginning is at the same time just as much the very reverse, it is
a negative attitude towards the principle we start from, negative, that
is to say, of its one-sided form, which consists in being primarily
immediate, a mere purpose. It may therefore be regarded as a refutation
of what constitutes the basis of the system; but more correctly it
should be looked at as a demonstration that the basis or principle of
the system is in point of fact merely its beginning. |
Φ 24.
と見なされるかもしれないが、より正確には、その体系の基礎または原理は、実際には単にその始まりにすぎないという証明と見なすべきである。 |
Φ 25. That the truth is only
realised in the form of system, that substance is essentially subject,
is expressed in the idea which represents the Absolute as Spirit
(Geist) – the grandest conception of all, and one which is due to
modern times and its religion. Spirit is alone Reality. It is the inner
being of the world, that which essentially is, and is per se; it
assumes objective, determinate form, and enters into relations with
itself – it is externality (otherness), and exists for self; yet, in
this determination, and in its otherness, it is still one with itself –
it is self-contained and self-complete, in itself and for itself at
once. This self-containedness, however, is first something known by us,
it is implicit in its nature (an sich); it is Substance spiritual. It
has to become self-contained for itself, on its own account; it must be
knowledge of spirit, and must be consciousness of itself as spirit.
This means, it must be presented to itself as an object, but at the
same time straightway annul and transcend this objective form; it must
be its own object in which it finds itself reflected. So far as its
spiritual content is produced by its own activity, it is only we [the
thinkers] who know spirit to be for itself, to be objective to itself;
but in so far as spirit knows itself to be for itself, then this
self-production, the pure notion, is the sphere and element in which
its objectification takes effect, and where it gets its existential
form. In this way it is in its existence aware of itself as an object
in which its own self is reflected. Mind, which, when thus developed,
knows itself to be mind, is science. Science is its realisation, and
the kingdom it sets up for itself in its own native element. |
Φ 25.
精神であることを自覚し、科学となる。科学は、その実現であり、精神が自己の母国である要素において自らに築き上げる王国である。 |
7. The element of knowledge |
7. 知識の構成要素 |
Φ 26. A self having knowledge
purely of itself in the absolute antithesis of itself, this pure ether
as such, is the very soil where science flourishes, is knowledge in
universal form. The beginning of philosophy presupposes or demands from
consciousness that it should feel at home in this element. But this
element only attains its perfect meaning and acquires transparency
through the process of gradually developing it. It is pure spirituality
as the universal which assumes the shape of simple immediacy; and this
simple element, existing as such, is the field of science, is thinking,
which can be only in mind. Because this medium, this immediacy of mind,
is the mind’s substantial nature in general, it is the transfigured
essence, reflection which itself is simple, which is aware of itself as
immediacy; it is being, which is reflection into itself. Science on its
side requires the individual self-consciousness to have risen into this
high ether, in order to be able to live with science, and in science,
and really to feel alive there. Conversely the individual has the right
to demand that science shall hold the ladder to help him to get at
least as far as this position, shall show him that he has in himself
this ground to stand on. His right rests on his absolute independence,
which he knows he possesses in every type and phase of knowledge; for
in every phase, whether recognised by science or not, and whatever be
the content, his right as an individual is the absolute and final form,
i.e. he is the immediate certainty of self, and thereby is
unconditioned being, were this expression preferred. If the position
taken up by consciousness, that of knowing about objective things as
opposed to itself, and about itself as opposed to them, is held by
science to be the very opposite of what science is: if, when in knowing
it keeps within itself and never goes beyond itself, science holds this
state to be rather the loss of mind altogether – on the other hand the
element in which science consists is looked at by consciousness as a
remote and distant region, in which consciousness is no longer in
possession of itself. Each of these two sides takes the other to be the
perversion of the truth. For the naïve consciousness, to give itself up
completely and straight away to science is to make an attempt, induced
by some unknown influence, all at once to walk on its head. The
compulsion to take up this attitude and move about in this position, is
a constraining force it is urged to fall in with, without ever being
prepared for it and with no apparent necessity for doing so. Let
science be per se what it likes, in its relation to naïve immediate
self-conscious life it presents the appearance of being a reversal of
the latter; or, again, because naïve self-consciousness finds the
principle of its reality in the certainty of itself, science bears the
character of unreality, since consciousness “for itself” is a state
quite outside of science. Science has for that reason to combine that
other element of self-certainty with its own, or rather to show that
the other element belongs to itself, and how it does so. When devoid of
that sort of reality, science is merely the content of mind qua
something implicit or potential (an sich); purpose, which at the start
is no more than something internal; not spirit, but at first merely
spiritual substance. This implicit moment (Ansich) has to find external
expression, and become objective on its own account. This means nothing
else than that this moment has to establish self-consciousness as one
with itself. |
Φ 26.
ければならないことを意味する。 |
8. The ascent into this is the Phenomenology of Spirit | 8. これへの上昇は『精神現象学』である。 |
Φ 27. It is this process by which science in general comes about, this gradual development of knowing, that is set forth here in the Phenomenology of Mind. Knowing, as it is found at the start, mind in its immediate and primitive stage, is without the essential nature of mind, is sense-consciousness. To reach the stage of genuine knowledge, or produce the element where science is found – the pure conception of science itself – a long and laborious journey must be undertaken. This process towards science, as regards the content it will bring to light and the forms it will assume in the course of its progress, will not be what is primarily imagined by leading the unscientific consciousness up to the level of science: it will be something different, too, from establishing and laying the foundations of science; and anyway something else than the sort of ecstatic enthusiasm which starts straight off with absolute knowledge, as if shot out of a pistol, and makes short work of other points of view simply by explaining that it is to take no notice of them. | Φ 27.
になるような熱狂とはまた別のものだ。 |
Φ 28. The task of conducting the
individual mind from its unscientific standpoint to that of science had
to be taken in its general sense; we had to contemplate the formative
development (Bildung) of the universal [or general] individual, of
self-conscious spirit. As to the relation between these two [the
particular and general individual], every moment, as it gains concrete
form and its own proper shape and appearance, finds a place in the life
of the universal individual. The particular individual is incomplete
mind, a concrete shape in whose existence, taken as a whole, one
determinate characteristic predominates, while the others are found
only in blurred outline. In that mind which stands higher than another
the lower concrete form of existence has sunk into an obscure moment;
what was formerly an objective fact (die Sache selbst) is now only a
single trace: its definite shape has been veiled, and become simply a
piece of shading. The individual, whose substance is mind at the higher
level, passes through these past forms, much in the way that one who
takes up a higher science goes through those preparatory forms of
knowledge, which he has long made his own, in order to call up their
content before him; he brings back the recollection of them without
stopping to fix his interest upon them. The particular individual, so
far as content is concerned, has also to go through the stages through
which the general mind has passed, but as shapes once assumed by mind
and now laid aside, as stages of a road which has been worked over and
levelled out. Hence it is that, in the case of various kinds of
knowledge, we find that what in former days occupied the energies of
men of mature mental ability sinks to the level of information,
exercises, and even pastimes, for children; and in this educational
progress we can see the history of the world’s culture delineated in
faint outline. This bygone mode of existence has already become an
acquired possession of the general mind, which constitutes the
substance of the individual, and, by thus appearing externally to him,
furnishes his inorganic nature. In this respect culture or development
of mind (Bildung), regarded from the side of the individual, consists
in his acquiring what lies at his hand ready for him, in making its
inorganic nature organic to himself, and taking possession of it for
himself. Looked at, however, from the side of universal mind qua
general spiritual substance, culture means nothing else than that this
substance gives itself its own self-consciousness, brings about its own
inherent process and its own reflection into self. |
Φ 28.
り低い存在の具体的な形態は不明瞭な瞬間に沈み込んでしまう。かつて客観的な事実(die Sache
般的な精神の本質という側面から見た場合、文化とは、この本質が自らに自己意識を与え、本質に内在するプロセスと自己への反映をもたらすことを意味する。 |
Φ 29. Science lays before us the
morphogenetic process of this cultural development in all its detailed
fullness and necessity, and at the same time shows it to be something
that has already sunk into the mind as a moment of its being and become
a possession of mind. The goal to be reached is the mind’s insight into
what knowing is. Impatience asks for the impossible, wants to reach the
goal without the means of getting there. The length of the journey has
to be borne with, for every moment is necessary; and again we must halt
at every stage, for each is itself a complete individual form, and is
fully and finally considered only so far as its determinate character
is taken and dealt with as a rounded and concrete whole, or only so far
as the whole is looked at in the light of the special and peculiar
character which this determination gives it. Because the substance of
individual mind, nay, more, because the universal mind at work in the
world (Weltgeist), has had the patience to go through these forms in
the long stretch of time’s extent, and to take upon itself the
prodigious labour of the world’s history, where it bodied forth in each
form the entire content of itself, as each is capable of presenting it;
and because by nothing less could that all-pervading mind ever manage
to become conscious of what itself is – for that reason, the individual
mind, in the nature of the case, cannot expect by less toil to grasp
what its own substance contains. All the same, its task has meanwhile
been made much lighter, because this has historically been implicitly
(an sich) accomplished, the content is one where reality is already
cancelled for spiritual possibilities, where immediacy has been
overcome and brought under the control of reflection, the various forms
and shapes have been already reduced to their intellectual
abbreviations, to determinations of thought (Gedankenbestimmung) pure
and simple. Being now a thought, the content is the property of the
substance of mind; existence has no more to be changed into the form of
what is inherent and implicit (Ansichseins), but only the implicit – no
longer merely something primitive, nor lying hidden within existence,
but already present as a recollection – into the form of what is
explicit, of what is objective to self (Fürsichseins). |
Φ 29.
のでもなく、すでに想起として存在している。明示的なもの、自己にとって客観的なもの(Fürsichseins)の形に変化されるのだ。 |
9. The transformation of the notion and the familiar into thought – |
9. 概念と馴染みのあるものを思考に変えること – |
Φ 30. We have to state more exactly the way this is done. At the point at which we here take up this movement, we are spared, in connection with the whole, the process of cancelling and transcending the stage of mere existence. This process has already taken place. What is still to be done and needs a higher kind of transformation, is to transcend the forms as ideally presented and made familiar to our minds. By that previous negative process, existence, having been withdrawn into the mind’s substance, is, in the first instance, transferred to the life of self only in an immediate way. The property the self has thereby acquired, has still the same character of uncomprehended immediacy, of passive indifference, which existence itself had; existence has in this way merely passed into the form of an ideal presentation. At the same time, by so doing, it is something familiar to us, something “well-known”, something which the existent mind has finished and done with, and hence takes no more to do with and no further interest in. While the activity that is done with the existent is itself merely the process of the particular mind, of mind which is not comprehending itself, on the other hand, knowledge is directed against this ideal presentation which has hereby arisen, against this “being-familiar” and “well-known”; it is an action of universal mind, the concern of thought. | Φ 30.
であり、思考の関心事である。 |
Φ 31. What is “familiarly known”
is not properly known, just for the reason that it is “familiar”. When
engaged in the process of knowing, it is the commonest form of
self-deception, and a deception of other people as well, to assume
something to be familiar, and give assent to it on that very account.
Knowledge of that sort, with all its talk, never gets from the spot,
but has no idea that this is the case. Subject and object, and so on,
God, nature, understanding, sensibility, etc., are uncritically
presupposed as familiar and something valid, and become fixed points
from which to start and to which to return. The process of knowing
flits between these secure points, and in consequence goes on merely
along the surface. Apprehending and proving consist similarly in seeing
whether every one finds what is said corresponding to his idea too,
whether it is familiar and seems to him so and so or not. |
Φ 31.
う感じられるかどうかにかかっている。 |
Φ 32. Analysis of an idea, as it
used to be carried out, did in fact consist in nothing else than doing
away with its character of familiarity. To break up an idea into its
ultimate elements means returning upon its moments, which at least do
not have the form of the given idea when found, but are the immediate
property of the self. Doubtless this analysis only arrives at thoughts
which are themselves familiar elements, fixed inert determinations. But
what is thus separated, and in a sense is unreal, is itself an
essential moment; for just because the concrete fact is self-divided,
and turns into unreality, it is something self-moving, self-active. The
action of separating the elements is the exercise of the force of
Understanding, the most astonishing and greatest of all powers, or
rather the absolute power. The circle, which is self-enclosed and at
rest, and, qua substance, holds its own moments, is an immediate
relation, the immediate, continuous relation of elements with their
unity, and hence arouses no sense of wonderment. But that an accident
as such, when out loose from its containing circumference, – that what
is bound and held by something else and actual only by being connected
with it, – should obtain an existence all its own, gain freedom and
independence on its own account – this is the portentous power of the
negative; it is the energy of thought, of pure ego. Death, as we may
call that unreality, is the most terrible thing, and to keep and hold
fast what is dead demands the greatest force of all. Beauty, powerless
and helpless, hates understanding, because the latter exacts from it
what it cannot perform. But the life of mind is not one that shuns
death, and keeps clear of destruction; it endures death and in death
maintains its being. It only wins to its truth when it finds itself
utterly torn asunder. It is this mighty power, not by being a positive
which turns away from the negative, as when we say of anything it is
nothing or it is false, and, being then done with it, pass off to
something else: on the contrary, mind is this power only by looking the
negative in the face, and dwelling with it. This dwelling beside it is
the magic power that converts the negative into being. That power is
just what we spoke of above as subject, which by giving determinateness
a place in its substance, cancels abstract immediacy, i.e. immediacy
which merely is, and, by so doing, becomes the true substance, becomes
being or immediacy that does not have mediation outside it, but is this
mediation itself. |
Φ 32.
り、媒介を必要としない存在、あるいは即時性となる。 |
10. – and this into the Concept/Notion |
10. そして、これをコンセプト/概念に |
Φ 33. This process of making
what is objectively presented a possession of pure self-consciousness,
of raising it to the level of universality in general, is merely one
aspect of mental development; spiritual evolution is not yet completed.
The manner of study in ancient times is distinct from that of the
modern world, in that the former consisted in the cultivation and
perfecting of the natural mind. Testing life carefully at all points,
philosophizing about everything it came across, the former created an
experience permeated through and through by universals. In modern
times, however, an individual finds the abstract form ready made. In
straining to grasp it and make it his own, he rather strives to bring
forward the inner meaning alone, without any process of mediation; the
production of the universal is abridged, instead of the universal
arising out of the manifold detail of concrete existence. Hence
nowadays the task before us consists not so much in getting the
individual clear of the stage of sensuous immediacy, and making him a
substance that thinks and is grasped in terms of thought, but rather
the very opposite: it consists in actualising the universal, and giving
it spiritual vitality, by the process of breaking down and superseding
fixed and determinate thoughts. But it is much more difficult to make
fixed and definite thoughts fuse with one another and form a continuous
whole than to bring sensuous existence into this state. The reason lies
in what was said before. Thought determinations get their substance and
the element of their existence from the ego, the power of the negative,
or pure reality; while determinations of sense find this in impotent
abstract immediacy, in mere being as such. Thoughts become fluent and
interfuse, when thinking pure and simple, this inner immediacy, knows
itself as a moment, when pure certainty of self abstracts from itself.
It does not “abstract” in the sense of getting away from itself and
setting itself on one side, but of surrendering the fixed quality of
its self-affirmation, and giving up both the fixity of the purely
concrete – which is the ego as contrasted with the variety of its
content – and the fixity of all those distinctions [the various
thought-functions, principles, etc.] which are present in the element
of pure thought and share that absoluteness of the ego. In virtue of
this process pure thoughts become notions, concepts, and are then what
they are in truth, self-moving functions, circles, are what their
substance consists in, are spiritual entities. |
Φ 33.
実の姿、すなわち自己運動する機能、円となる。その本質は、精神的な実体である。 |
Φ 34. This movement of the
spiritual entities constitutes the nature of scientific procedure in
general. Looked at as the concatenation of their content, this movement
is the necessitated development and expansion of that content into an
organic systematic whole. By this movement, too, the road, which leads
to the notion of knowledge, becomes itself likewise a necessary and
complete evolving process (Werden). This preparatory stage thus ceases
to consist of casual philosophical reflections, referring to objects
here and there, to processes and thoughts of the undeveloped mind as
chance may direct; and it does not try to establish the truth by
miscellaneous ratiocinations, inferences, and consequences drawn from
circumscribed thoughts. The road to science, by the very movement of
the notion itself, will compass the entire objective world of conscious
life in its rational necessity. |
Φ 34.
全体をその理性的必然性において包含するだろう。 |
Φ 35. Further, a systematic
exposition like this constitutes the first part of science, because the
positive existence of mind, qua primary and ultimate, is nothing but
the immediate aspect of mind, the beginning; the beginning, but not yet
its return to itself. The characteristic feature distinguishing this
part of science [Phenomenology] from the others is the element of
positive immediate existence. The mention of this distinction leads us
to discuss certain established ideas that usually come to notice in
this connection. |
Φ 35.
的な存在の要素である。この区別について言及することは、通常この関連で注目されるいくつかの確立された考えについて議論することにつながる。 |
Φ 36. The mind’s immediate
existence, conscious life, has two aspects – cognition and objectivity
which is opposed to or negative of the subjective function of knowing.
Since it is in the medium of consciousness that mind is developed and
brings out its various moments, this opposition between the factors of
conscious life is found at each stage in the evolution of mind, and all
the various moments appear as modes or forms (Gestalten) of
consciousness. The scientific statement of the course of this
development is a science of the experience through which consciousness
passes; the substance and its process are considered as the object of
consciousness. Consciousness knows and comprehends nothing but what
falls within its experience; for what is found in experience is merely
spiritual substance, and, moreover, object of its self. Mind, however,
becomes object, for it consists in the process of becoming an other to
itself, i.e. an object for its own self, and in transcending this
otherness. And experience is called this very process by which the
element that is immediate, unexperienced, i.e. abstract – whether it be
in the form of sense or of a bare thought – externalises itself, and
then comes back to itself from this state of estrangement, and by so
doing is at length set forth in its concrete nature and real truth, and
becomes too a possession of consciousness. |
Φ 36.
かにされ、意識の所有物ともなる。 |
Φ 37. The dissimilarity which
obtains in consciousness between the ego and the substance constituting
its object, is their inner distinction, the factor of negativity in
general. We may regard it as the defect of both opposites, but it is
their very soul, their moving spirit. It was on this account that
certain thinkers long ago took the void to be the principle of
movement, when they conceived the moving principle to be the negative
element, though they had not as yet thought of it as self. While this
negative factor appears in the first instance as a dissimilarity, as an
inequality, between ego and object, it is just as much the inequality
of the substance with itself. What seems to take place outside it, to
be an activity directed against it, is its own doing, its own activity;
and substance shows that it is in reality subject. When it has brought
out this completely, mind has made its existence adequate to and one
with its essential nature. Mind is object to itself just as it is, and
the abstract element of immediacy, of the separation between knowing
and the truth, is overcome. Being is entirely mediated; it is a
substantial content, that is likewise directly in the possession of the
ego, has the character of self, is notion. With the attainment of this
the Phenomenology of Mind concludes. What mind prepares for itself in
the course of its phenomenology is the element of true knowledge. In
this element the moments of mind are now set out in the form of thought
pure and simple, which knows its object to be itself. They no longer
involve the opposition between being and knowing; they remain within
the undivided simplicity of the knowing function; they are the truth in
the form of truth, and their diversity is merely diversity of the
content of truth. The process by which they are developed into an
organically connected whole is Logic or Speculative Philosophy. |
Φ 37.
ロセスが、論理学すなわち思弁哲学である。 |
11. In what way the Phenomenology of the Spirit is negative or contains what is false |
11. 『精神現象学』が否定的である、あるいは誤った内容を含むのはどのような点か。 |
Φ 38. Now, because the
systematic statement of the mind’s experience embraces merely its ways
of appearing, it may well seem that the advance from that to the
science of ultimate truth in the form of truth is merely negative; and
we might readily be content to dispense with the negative process as
something altogether false, and might ask to be taken straight to the
truth at once: why meddle with what is false at all? The point formerly
raised, that we should have begun with science at once, may be answered
here by considering the character of negativity in general regarded as
something false. The usual ideas on this subject particularly obstruct
the approach to the truth. The consideration of this point will give us
an opportunity to speak about mathematical knowledge, which
non-philosophical knowledge looks upon as the ideal which philosophy
ought to try to attain, but has so far striven in vain to reach. |
Φ 38.
てきた。 |
Φ 39. Truth and falsehood as
commonly understood belong to those sharply defined ideas which claim a
completely fixed nature of their own, one standing in solid isolation
on this side, the other on that, without any community between them.
Against that view it must be pointed out, that truth is not like
stamped coin that is issued ready from the mint and so can be taken up
and used. Nor, again, is there something false, any more than there is
something evil. Evil and falsehood are indeed not so bad as the devil,
for in the form of the devil they get the length of being particular
subjects; qua false and evil they are merely universals, though they
have a nature of their own with reference to one another. Falsity (that
is what we are dealing with here) would be otherness, the negative
aspect of the substance, which [substance], qua content of knowledge,
is truth. But the substance is itself essentially the negative element,
partly as involving distinction and determination of content, partly as
being a process of distinguishing pure and simple, i.e. as being self
and knowledge in general. Doubtless we can know in a way that is false.
To know something falsely means that knowledge is not adequate to, is
not on equal terms with, its substance. Yet this very dissimilarity is
the process of distinction in general, the essential moment in knowing.
It is, in fact, out of this active distinction that its harmonious
unity arises, and this identity, when arrived at, is truth. But it is
not truth in a sense which would involve the rejection of the
discordance, the diversity, like dross from pure metal; nor, again,
does truth remain detached from diversity, like a finished article from
the instrument that shapes it. Difference itself continues to be an
immediate element within truth as such, in the form of the principle of
negation, in the form of the activity of Self. All the same, we cannot
for that reason say that falsehood is a moment or forms even a
constituent part of truth. That “in every case of falsity there is
something true” is an expression in which they are taken to be like oil
and water, which do not mix and are merely united externally. Just in
the interest of their real meaning, precisely because we want to
designate the aspect or moment of complete otherness, the terms true
and false must no longer be used where their otherness has been
cancelled and superseded. Just as the expressions “unity of subject and
object”, of “finite and infinite”, of “being and thought”, etc., are
clumsy when subject and object, etc., are taken to mean what they are
outside their unity, and are thus in that unity not meant to be what
its very expression conveys; in the same way falsehood is not, qua
false, any longer a moment of truth. |
Φ 39.
る場合、不適切であるのと同様に、虚偽は、虚偽であるという性質上、もはや真実の瞬間ではない。 |
Φ 40. Dogmatism as a way of
thinking, whether in ordinary knowledge or in the study of philosophy,
is nothing else but the view that truth consists in a proposition,
which is a fixed and final result, or again which is directly known. To
questions like, “When was Caesar born?”. “How many feet make a
furlong?”, etc., a straight answer ought to be given; just as it is
absolutely true that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum
of the squares of the other two sides of a right-angled triangle. But
the nature of a so-called truth of that sort is different from the
nature of philosophical truth. |
Φ 40.
題が完全に真実であるのと同様に。しかし、いわゆるそのような種類の真実の性質は、哲学的な真実の性質とは異なる。 |
12. Historical and mathematical truth | 12. 歴史的真実と数学的真実 |
Φ 41. As regards truth in
matters of historical fact – to deal briefly with this subject – so far
as we consider the purely historical element, it will be readily
granted that they have to do with the sphere of particular existence,
with a content in its contingent and arbitrary aspects, features that
have no necessity. But even bare truths of the kind, say, like those
mentioned, are impossible without the activity of self-consciousness.
In order to know any one of them, there has to be a good deal of
comparison, books must be consulted, or in some way or other inquiry
has to be made. Even in a case of direct perception, only when we know
it along with the reasons behind it, is it held to be something of real
value; although it is merely the naked fact itself that we are,
properly speaking, supposed to be concerned about. |
Φ 41. 歴史的事実に関する真実について、このテーマを簡単に扱うと、純粋に歴史的な要素について考える限り、それらは特定の存在の領域、偶発的で恣意的な側面を 持つ内容、必然性のない特徴と関係していることは容易に認められるだろう。しかし、そのようなありふれた真実でさえ、例えば前述のようなものは、自己意識 の活動なしには不可能である。それらを知るためには、多くの比較や書籍の参照、あるいは何らかの方法による調査が必要となる。直接知覚の場合でさえ、その 理由とともに知った場合のみ、真の価値を持つものとして認められる。しかし、私たちが関心を抱くべきなのは、正しくは、ただの裸の事実そのものである。 |
Φ 42. As to mathematical truths,
we should be still less inclined to consider anyone a geometer who had
got Euclid’s theorems by heart (auswendig) without knowing the proofs,
without, if we may say so by way of contrast, getting them into his
head (inwendig). Similarly, if anyone came to know by measuring many
right-angled triangles that their sides are related in the way
everybody knows, we should regard knowledge so obtained as
unsatisfactory. All the same, while proof is essential in the case of
mathematical knowledge, it still does not have the significance and
nature of being a moment in the result itself; the proof is over when
we get the result, and has disappeared. Qua result the theorem is, no
doubt, one that is seen to be true. But this eventuality has nothing to
do with its content, but only with its relation to the knowing subject.
The process of mathematical proof does not belong to the object; it is
a function that takes place outside the matter in hand. Thus, the
nature of a right-angled triangle does not break itself up into factors
in the manner set forth in the mathematical construction which is
required to prove the proposition expressing the relation of its parts.
The entire process of producing the result is an affair of knowledge
which takes its own way of going about it. In philosophical knowledge,
too, the way existence, qua existence, comes about (Werden) is
different from that whereby the essence or inner nature of the fact
comes into being. But philosophical knowledge, for one thing, contains
both, while mathematical knowledge sets forth merely the way an
existence comes about, i.e. the way the nature of the fact gets to be
in the sphere of knowledge as such. For another thing, too,
philosophical knowledge unites both these particular movements. The
inward rising into being, the process of substance, is an unbroken
transition into outwardness, into existence or being for another; and
conversely, the coming of existence into being is withdrawal into the
inner essence. The movement is the twofold process in which the whole
comes to be, and is such that each at the same time posits the other,
and each on that account has in it both as its two aspects. Together
they make the whole, through their resolving each other, and making
themselves into moments of the whole. |
Φ 42.
その理由から、両者をその二つの側面として内包している。それらが互いに解消し合い、全体の一瞬となることで、全体が構成される。 |
Φ 43. In mathematical knowledge
the insight required is an external function so far as the
subject-matter dealt with is concerned. It follows that the actual fact
is thereby altered. The means taken, construction and proof, contain,
no doubt, true propositions; but all the same we are bound to say that
the content is false. The triangle in the above example is taken to
pieces, and its parts made into other figures to which the construction
in the triangle gives rise. It is only at the end that we find again
reinstated the triangle we are really concerned with; it was lost sight
of in the course of the construction, and was present merely in
fragments, that belonged to other wholes. Thus we find negativity of
content coming in here too, a negativity which would have to be called
falsity, just as much as in the case of the movement of the notion
where thoughts that are taken to be fixed pass away and disappear. |
Φ 43.
数学的知識において、対象となる主題に関して要求される洞察は、外部的な機能である。 それゆえ、実際の事実は変化する。
定されていると見なされる概念の運動の場合と同様に、この否定性は虚偽と呼ばれなければならない。 |
Φ 44. The real defect of this kind of knowledge, however, affects its process of knowing as much as its material. As to that process, in the first place we do not see any necessity in the construction. The necessity does not arise from the nature of the theorem: it is imposed; and the injunction to draw just these lines, an infinite number of others being equally possible, is blindly acquiesced in, without our knowing anything further, except that, as we fondly believe, this will serve our purpose in producing the proof. Later on this design then comes out too, and is therefore merely external in character, just because it is only after the proof is found that it comes to be known. In the same way, again, the proof takes a direction that begins anywhere we like, without our knowing as yet what relation this beginning has to the result to be brought out. In its course, it takes up certain specific elements and relations and lets others alone, without its being directly obvious what necessity there is in the matter. An external purpose controls this process. | Φ 44. しかし、この種の知識の真の欠陥は、その内容と同じくらい、その認識のプロセスにも影響を及ぼす。そのプロセスに関しては、そもそもその構築に何ら必然性 を見出すことができない。その必要は定理の本質から生じるものではなく、押し付けられたものである。無限に他の線も同様に可能であるにもかかわらず、これ らの線だけを描くようにという指示は、盲目的に受け入れられている。その後、この設計も明らかになるが、それは単に証明が見つかった後に明らかになるとい うだけの理由で、外見上の性格を持つにすぎない。同様に、またしても、証明は、その結果が導き出されることとこの出発点との関係がまだわからないまま、私 たちが望むところから始まる方向を取る。その過程で、特定の要素や関係を取り上げ、他のものはそのままにしておくが、そのことについて直接的に明白な必然 性があるわけではない。このプロセスは外部の目的によって制御されている。 |
Φ 45. The evidence peculiar to
this defective way of knowing – an evidence on the strength of which
mathematics plumes itself and proudly struts before philosophy – rests
solely on the poverty of its purpose and the defectiveness of its
material, and is on that account of a kind that philosophy must scorn
to have anything to do with. Its purpose or principle is quantity. This
is precisely the relationship that is non-essential, alien to the
character of the notion. The process of knowledge goes on, therefore,
on the surface, does not affect the concrete fact itself, does not
touch its inner nature or Notion, and is hence not a conceptual way of
comprehending. The material which provides mathematics with these
welcome treasures of truth consists of space and numerical units (das
Eins). Space is that kind of existence wherein the concrete notion
inscribes the diversity it contains, as in an empty, lifeless element
in which its differences likewise subsist in passive, lifeless form.
What is concretely actual is not something spatial, such as is treated
of in mathematics. With unrealities like the things mathematics takes
account of, neither concrete sensuous perception nor philosophy has
anything to do. In an unreal element of that sort we find, then, only
unreal truth, fixed lifeless propositions. We can call a halt at any of
them; the next begins of itself de novo, without the first having led
up to the one that follows, and without any necessary connection having
in this way arisen from the nature of the subject-matter itself. So,
too – and herein consists the formal character of mathematical evidence
because of that principle and the element where it applies, knowledge
advances along the lines of bare equality, of abstract identity. For
what is lifeless, not being self-moved, does not bring about
distinction within its essential nature; does not attain to essential
opposition or unlikeness; and hence involves no transition of one
opposite element into its other, no qualitative, immanent movement, no
self-movement, It is quantity, a form of difference that does not touch
the essential nature, which alone mathematics deals with. It abstracts
from the fact that it is the notion which separates space into its
dimensions, and determines the connections between them and in them. It
does not consider, for example, the relation of line to surface, and
when it compares the diameter of a circle with its circumference, it
runs up against their incommensurability, i.e. a relation in terms of
the notion, an infinite element, that escapes mathematical
determination. |
Φ 45.
を逃れるものである。 |
Φ 46. Immanent or so-called pure
mathematics, again, does not oppose time qua time to space, as a second
subject-matter for consideration. Applied mathematics, no doubt, treats
of time, as also of motion, and other concrete things as well; but it
picks up from experience synthetic propositions – i.e. statements of
their relations, which are determined by their conceptual nature – and
merely applies its formulae to those propositions assumed to start
with. That the so-called proofs of propositions like that concerning
the equilibrium of the lever, the relation of space and time in
gravitation, etc., which applied mathematics frequently gives, should
be taken and given as proofs, is itself merely a proof of how great the
need is for knowledge to have a process of proof, seeing that, even
where proof is not to be had, knowledge yet puts a value on the mere
semblance of it, and gets thereby a certain sense of satisfaction. A
criticism of those proofs would be as instructive as it would be
significant, if the criticism could strip mathematics of this
artificial finery, and bring out its limitations, and thence show the
necessity for another type of knowledge. As to time, which, it is to be presumed, would, by way of the counterpart to space, constitute the object-matter of the other division of pure mathematics, this is the notion itself in the form of existence. The principle of quantity, of difference which is not determined by the notion, and the principle of equality, of abstract, lifeless unity, are incapable of dealing with that sheer restlessness of life and its absolute and inherent process of differentiation. It is therefore only in an arrested, paralysed form, only in the form of the quantitative unit, that this essentially negative activity becomes the second object-matter of this way of knowing, which, itself an external operation, degrades what is self-moving to the level of mere matter, in order thus to get an indifferent, external, lifeless content. |
Φ 46.
あれば、有益かつ意義深いものとなるだろう。 時間については、空間に対する相対的なものとして、純粋数学のもう一つの分野の対象となることが想定されるが、これは存在の形態における概念そのものであ る。量の原理、概念によって決定されない差異、抽象的で生命のない統一の原理は、生命の純然たる不安定さと、その絶対的かつ本質的な分化プロセスに対処す ることができない。それゆえ、この本質的に否定的な活動は、停止し麻痺した形態、すなわち量的単位の形態においてのみ、この認識方法の第二の対象となる。 この認識方法は、それ自体が外部的な作用であり、自己運動的なものを単なる物質のレベルにまで貶めることで、無関心で外部的な生命のない内容を得ようとす る。 |
13. The nature of philosophical truth and its method |
13. 哲学的真理の本質とその方法 |
Φ 47. Philosophy, on the
contrary, does not deal with a determination that is non-essential, but
with a determination so far as it is an essential factor. The abstract
or unreal is not its element and content, but the real, what is
self-establishing, has life within itself, existence in its very
notion. It is the process that creates its own moments in its course,
and goes through them all; and the whole of this movement constitutes
its positive content and its truth. This movement includes, therefore,
within it the negative factor as well, the element which would be named
falsity if it could be considered one from which we had to abstract.
The element that disappears has rather to be looked at as itself
essential, not in the sense of being something fixed, that has to be
cut off from truth and allowed to lie outside it, heaven knows where;
just as similarly the truth is not to be held to stand on the other
side as an immovable lifeless positive element. Appearance is the
process of arising into being and passing away again, a process that
itself does not arise and does not pass away, but is per se, and
constitutes reality and the life-movement of truth. The truth is thus
the bacchanalian revel, where not a member is sober; and because every
member no sooner becomes detached than it eo ipso collapses
straightway, the revel is just as much a state of transparent unbroken
calm. Judged by that movement, the particular shapes which mind assumes
do not indeed subsist any more than do determinate thoughts or ideas;
but they are, all the same, as much positive and necessary moments, as
negative and transitory. In the entirety of the movement, taken as an
unbroken quiescent whole, that which obtains distinctness in the course
of its process and secures specific existence, is preserved in the form
of a self-recollection, in which existence is self-knowledge, and
self-knowledge, again, is immediate existence. |
Φ 47.
おいては、存在は自己認識であり、自己認識はまた、即自的な存在である。 |
Φ 48. It might well seem
necessary to state at the outset the chief points in connection with
the method of this process, the way in which science operates. Its
nature, however, is to be found in what has already been said, while
the proper systematic exposition of it is the special business of
Logic, or rather is Logic itself. For the method is nothing else than
the structure of the whole in its pure and essential form. In regard,
however, to what has been hitherto currently held on this point, we
must be sensible that the system of ideas bearing on the question of
philosophical method, belongs also to a stage of mental culture that
has now passed away. This may perhaps seem somewhat boastful or
revolutionary; and I am far from adopting an attitude of that sort; but
it is significant that the scientific régime bequeathed by mathematics
– a régime of explanations, divisions, axioms, an array of theorems,
with proofs, principles, and the consequences and conclusions drawn
from them – all this has already come to be generally considered as at
any rate out of date. Even though there is no clear idea why it is
unsuitable, yet little or no use is made of it any longer; and even
though it is not condemned outright, it is all the same not in favour.
And we must be so far prejudiced in favour of what is excellent to
believe that it can turn itself to practical account, and make itself
acceptable. But it is not difficult to see that the method of
propounding a proposition, producing reasons for it and then refuting
its opposite by reasons too, is not the form in which truth can appear.
Truth moves itself by its very nature; but the method just mentioned is
a form of knowledge external to its material. Hence it is peculiar to
mathematics and must be left to mathematics, which, as already
indicated, takes for its principle the relation of quantity, a relation
alien to the notion, and gets its material from lifeless space, and the
equally lifeless numerical unit. Or, again, such a method, adopting a
freer style, one involving more of arbitrariness and chance, may have a
place in ordinary life, in a conversation, or in supplying
matter-of-fact instruction for the satisfaction of curiosity rather
than knowledge, very much as a preface does. In every-day life the mind
finds its content in different kinds of knowledge, experiences of
various sorts, concrete facts of sense, thoughts, too, and principles,
and, in general, in whatever lies ready to hand, or passes for a solid
stable entity, or real being. The mind follows wherever this leads,
sometimes interrupting the connection by an unrestrained caprice in
dealing with the content, and takes up the attitude of determining and
handling it in quite an external fashion. It runs the content back to
some touchstone of certainty or other, even though it be but the
feeling of the moment; and conviction is satisfied if it reaches some
familiar resting-place. |
Φ 48.
ある安住の地に到達すれば、確信は満たされる。 |
Φ 49. But when the necessity of
the notion banishes from its realm the loose procedure of the
“raisonnements” of conversation, as well as the pedantic style of
scientific pomposity, its place, as we have already mentioned, must not
be taken by the disconnected utterance of presageful surmise and
inspiration, and the arbitrary caprice of prophetic utterance; for this
does not merely despise that particular form of scientific procedure,
but contemns scientific procedure altogether. |
Φ 49.
単に科学的手順の特定の形式を軽視するだけでなく、科学的手順を完全に軽視するからだ。 |
14. Against schematizing formalism |
14. 形式主義を単純化することに反対する |
Φ 50. Now that the triplicity,
adopted in the system of Kant – a method rediscovered, to begin with,
by instinctive insight, but left lifeless and uncomprehended – has been
raised to its significance as an absolute method, true form is thereby
set up in its true content, and the conception of science has come to
light. But the use this form has been put to in certain quarters has no
right to the name of science. For we see it there reduced to a lifeless
schema, to nothing better than a mere shadow, and scientific
organization to a synoptic table. This formalism – about which we spoke
before in general terms, and whose procedure we wish here to state more
fully – thinks it has comprehended and expressed the nature and life of
a given form when it proclaims a determination of the schema to be its
predicate. The predicate may be subjectivity or objectivity, or again
magnetism, electricity, and so on, contraction or expansion, East or
West, and such like – a form of predication that can be multiplied
indefinitely, because according to this way of working each
determination, each mode, can be applied as a form or schematic element
in the case of every other, and each will thankfully perform the same
service for any other. With a circle of reciprocities of this sort it
is impossible to make out what the real fact in question is, or what
the one or the other is. We find there sometimes constituents of sense
picked up from ordinary intuition, determinate elements which to be
sure should mean something else than they say; at other times what is
inherently significant, viz. pure determinations of thought – like
subject, object, substance, cause, universality, etc. – these are
applied just as uncritically and unreflectingly as in every-day life,
are used much as people employ the terms strong and weak, expansion and
contraction. As a result that type of metaphysics is as unscientific as
those ideas of sense. |
Φ 50.
な形而上学は感覚的な考え方と同じくらい非科学的である。 |
Φ 51. Instead of the inner
activity and self-movement of its own actual life, such a simple
determination of direct intuition (Anschauung) – which means here
sense-knowledge – is predicated in accordance with a superficial
analogy, and this external and empty application of the formula is
called “construction”. The same thing happens here, however, as in the
case of every kind of formalism. A man’s head must be indeed dull if he
could not in a quarter of an hour get up the theory that there are
enervating, innervating, and indirectly enervating diseases and as many
cures, and who could not – since not so long ago instruction of that
sort sufficed for the purpose – in as short a time be turned from being
a man who works by rule of thumb into a theoretical physician.
Formalism in the case of speculative Philosophy of Nature
(Naturphilosophie) takes the shape of teaching that understanding is
electricity, animals are nitrogen, or equivalent to South or North and
so on. When it does this, whether as badly as it is here expressed or
even concocted with more terminology, such forceful procedure brings
and holds together elements to all appearance far removed from one
another; the violence done to stable inert sense-elements by connecting
them in this way, confers on them merely the semblance of a conceptual
unity, and spares itself the trouble of doing what is after all the
important thing – expressing the notion itself, the meaning that
underlies sense-ideas. All this sort of thing may strike anyone who has
no experience with admiration and wonder. He may be awed by the
profound genius he thinks it displays, and be delighted at the happy
ingenuity of such characterisations, since they fill the place of the
abstract notion with something tangible and sensuous, and so make it
more pleasing; and he may congratulate himself on feeling an
instinctive mental affinity for that glorious way of proceeding. The
trick of wisdom of that sort is as quickly acquired as it is easy to
practise. Its repetition, when once it is familiar, becomes as boring
as the repetition of any bit of sleight-of-hand once we see through it.
The instrument for producing this monotonous formalism is no more
difficult to handle than the palette of a painter, on which lie only
two colours, say red and green, the former for colouring the surface
when we want a historical piece, the latter when we want a bit of
landscape. It would be difficult to settle which is greater in all
this, the agreeable ease with which everything in heaven and earth and
under the earth is plastered with that botch of colour, or the conceit
that prides itself on the excellence of its means for every conceivable
purpose; the one lends support to the other. What results from the use
of this method of sticking on to everything in heaven and earth, to
every kind of shape and form, natural and spiritual, the pair of
determinations from the general schema, and filing everything in this
manner, is no less than an “account as clear as noonday” of the
organised whole of the universe. It is, that is to say, a synoptic
index, like a skeleton with tickets stuck all over it, or like the rows
of boxes kept shut and labelled in a grocer’s stall; and is as
intelligible as either the one or the other. It has lost hold of the
living nature of concrete fact; just as in the former case we have
merely dry bones with flesh and blood all gone, and in the latter,
there is shut away in those boxes something equally lifeless too. We
have already remarked that the final outcome of this style of thinking
is, at the same time, to paint entirely in one kind of colour; for it
turns with contempt from the distinctions in the schematic table, looks
on them as belonging to the activity of mere reflection, and lets them
drop out of sight in the void of the Absolute, and there reinstates
pure identity, pure formless whiteness. Such uniformity of colouring in
the schema with its lifeless determinations, this absolute identity,
and the transition from one to the other – these are the one as well as
the other, the expression of inert lifeless understanding, and equally
an external process of knowledge. |
Φ 51. 実際の生活における内面的な活動や自己運動ではなく、このような単純な直観(Anschauung)の決定(ここでは感覚的知識を意味する)が表面的な類 似性に基づいて前提とされ、この定式の外部的な空虚な適用が「構成」と呼ばれる。しかし、あらゆる形式主義の場合と同様に、ここでも同じことが起こる。 15分で、脱力させる病気、神経を活性化させる病気、間接的に脱力させる病気があり、それと同じ数の治療法があるという理論を思いつかないとしたら、その 人の頭は本当に鈍いだろう。そして、つい最近までそのような教育で十分だったため、経験則に基づいて働く人間が、理論的な医師に変身するのに、それほど長 い時間はかからないだろう。思弁的自然哲学(Naturphilosophie)における形式主義は、理解とは電気である、動物は窒素である、あるいは南 や北に相当する、といった教えの形を取る。このような場合、たとえここで表現されているほどひどく、あるいはさらに多くの専門用語を駆使してでっち上げら れたものであっても、このような強引な手法は、一見すると互いにまったくかけ離れた要素を結びつけ、まとめ上げる。このようにして安定した不活性な感覚要 素を結びつけることで、それらに与えられるのは概念的な統一の形ばかりであり、結局のところ重要なことである、概念そのもの、感覚観念の根底にある意味を 表現するという作業の苦労を回避している。このようなことは、感嘆や驚嘆の経験がない人にとっては、すべてが奇妙に思えるかもしれない。彼は、その作品が 示すと考える深い才気に畏敬の念を抱き、抽象的な概念を具体的な感覚で満たすような、そのような性格描写の巧みな才に喜びを感じるかもしれない。そして、 その輝かしい手法に本能的な精神的な親和性を感じたことを自らに祝意を表するかもしれない。そのような知恵のトリックは、簡単に習得でき、簡単に実践でき る。一度慣れてしまえば、その反復は、手品の手順を一度見破ってしまった場合の退屈さと同じくらい退屈なものとなる。この単調な形式主義を生み出す道具 は、画家のパレットほど扱いにくいものではない。パレットには赤と緑の2色しか置かれていない。前者は歴史的な作品を描きたいときに、後者は風景画を描き たいときに使う。天と地と地の下にあるすべてのものが、その不完全な色で塗り固められているという心地よい安易さ、あるいは、考えられるあらゆる目的のた めの手段の卓越性を誇る思い上がりのどちらが大きいかを決めるのは難しい。前者は後者を支えている。天と地にあるあらゆるもの、あらゆる種類の形や形態、 自然界と精神界にあるものすべてに固執するこの方法、一般的な図式から導き出された2つの決定、そしてこの方法ですべてを記録することから得られる結果 は、宇宙の組織化された全体像を「真昼のように明確に」示すものに他ならない。つまり、それは、切符が貼り付けられた骸骨のような、あるいは食料品店の売 り場に並べられた箱の列のような、総覧索引である。そして、どちらも同様に理解しやすい。それは具体的な事実の生きた本質を捉えていない。前者の場合、私 たちが手にするのは、肉や血がすべて失われた乾いた骨だけであるように、後者の場合、箱の中には同様に生命のない何かが閉じ込められている。この思考様式 の最終的な帰結は、同時に、ある種の色彩で全体を塗りつぶすことであると、すでに述べた。なぜなら、それは図式的な表における区別を軽蔑の念をもって退 け、それらを単なる思考の活動に属するものとして見なし、それらを絶対的な空虚の視界から消し去り、そこで純粋な同一性、純粋な形のない白を再び確立す る。このような図式における色彩の画一性、生命のない決定、この絶対的な同一性、そして一方から他方への推移、これらは、一方であると同時に他方でもあ り、生命のない理解の表現であり、同様に外部の知識のプロセスでもある。 |
Φ 52. Not only can what is
excellent not escape the fate of being thus devitalised and
despiritualised and excoriated of seeing its skin paraded about by
lifeless knowledge and the conceit such knowledge engenders; but
rather, such a fate lets us realise the power the “excellent” exercises
over the heart (Gemüth), if not over the mind (Geist). Moreover, we
recognise thereby, too, the constructive unfolding into universality
and determinateness of form which marks the complete attainment of
excellence, and which alone makes it possible that this universality
can be turned to superficial uses. |
Φ 52. 優れたものは、生命のない知識や、その知識がもたらす驕りによって、その表皮が剥がされ、生命を失い、精神性を奪われ、痛めつけられるという運命から逃れ ることはできない。むしろ、そのような運命は、優れたものが心(Gemüth)に対して、あるいは精神(Geist)に対してではないにしても、その力を 発揮することを私たちに気づかせる。さらに、卓越性の完全な達成を特徴づける普遍性と決定性への建設的な展開も、それによって認識できる。そして、この普 遍性が表面的な用途に転用されることを可能にするのは、この展開だけである。 |
Φ 53. Science can become an
organic system only by the inherent life of the notion. In science the
determinateness, which was taken from the schema and stuck on to
existing facts in external fashion, is the self directing inner soul of
the concrete content. The movement of what is partly consists in
becoming another to itself, and thus developing explicitly into its own
immanent content; partly, again, it takes this evolved content, this
existence it assumes, back into itself, i.e. makes itself into a
moment, and reduces itself to simple determinateness. In the first
stage of the process negativity lies in the function of distinguishing
and establishing existence; in this latter return into self, negativity
consists in the bringing about of determinate simplicity. It is in this
way that the content shows its specific characteristic not to be
received from something else, and stuck on externally; the content
gives itself this determinate characteristic, appoints itself of its
own initiative to the rank of a moment and to a place in the whole. The
pigeon-holing process of understanding retains for itself the necessity
and the notion controlling the content, that which constitutes the
concrete element, the actuality and living process of the
subject-matter which it labels: or rather, understanding does not
retain this for itself, on the contrary, understanding fails to know
it. For if it had as much insight as that, it would surely show that it
had. It is not even aware of the need for such insight; if it were, it
would drop its schematizing process, or at least would no longer be
satisfied to know by way of a mere table of contents. A table of
contents is all that understanding gives, the content itself it does
not furnish at all. If the specific determination (say even one like magnetism) is one that in itself is concrete or actual, it all the same gets degraded into something lifeless and inert, since it is merely predicated of another existing entity, and not known as an immanent living principle of this existence; nor is there any comprehension of how in this entity its intrinsic and peculiar way of expressing and producing itself takes effect. This, the very kernel of the matter, formal understanding leaves to others to add later on. Instead of making its way into the inherent content of the matter in hand, understanding always takes a survey of the whole, assumes a position above the particular existence about which it is speaking, i.e. it does not see it at all. True scientific knowledge, on the contrary, demands abandonment to the very life of the object, or, which means the same thing, claims to have before it the inner necessity controlling the object, and to express this only. Steeping itself in its object, it forgets to take that general survey, which is merely a turning of knowledge away from the content back into itself. But being sunk into the material in hand, and following the course that such material takes, true knowledge returns back into itself, yet not before the content in its fullness is taken into itself, is reduced to the simplicity of being a determinate characteristic, drops to the level of being one aspect of an existing entity, and passes over into its higher truth. By this process the whole as such, surveying its entire content, itself emerges out of the wealth wherein its process of reflection seemed to be lost. |
Φ 53.
なる目次によって知ることに満足しなくなるはずである。目次は理解が与えるすべてであり、内容そのものはまったく与えない。 もし特定の決定(例えば磁気のようなもの)がそれ自体で具体的または実際的なものである場合、それは依然として生命のない不活性なものへと劣化する。なぜ なら、それは単に別の存在を前提としているだけであり、この存在の内包的な生命原理として知られているわけではないからだ。また、この存在において、その 本質的かつ独特な表現や生産の方法がどのように作用するのかを理解することもできない。この問題の核心部分については、形式的な理解は後に他人が追加する ことに委ねられている。理解は、常に全体を概観し、特定の存在について語る際には、その存在よりも上位の立場に立つ。つまり、その存在をまったく見ていな いのである。 それとは逆に、真の科学的知識は対象の生命に身をゆだねることを要求する。つまり、同じことを意味するが、対象を支配する内的な必然性を前にして、それを 表現することだけを主張する。対象に身をゆだねると、一般的な概観を捉えることを忘れる。それは、単に知識を内容から離してそれ自体に戻すことである。し かし、手元の素材に没頭し、その素材がたどる道筋に従うことで、真の知識は再び自己へと回帰する。ただし、その前に、内容が十分に自己へと取り込まれ、特 定の特性という単純なものへと還元され、存在する実体の1つの側面というレベルにまで落とし込まれ、より高い真実へと移行する。このプロセスによって、全 体はその内容全体を調査し、その反映のプロセスが失われたように見えた富から、それ自体が現れる。 |
Φ 54. In general, in virtue of
the principle that, as we expressed it before, substance is implicitly
and in itself subject, all content makes its reflection into itself in
its own special way. The subsistence or substance of anything that
exists is its self-identity; for its want of identity, or oneness with
itself, would be its dissolution. But self-identity is pure
abstraction; and this is just thinking. When I say Quality, I state
simple determinateness; by means of its quality one existence is
distinguished from another or is an “existence”; it is for itself,
something on its own account, or subsists with itself because of this
simple characteristic. But by doing so it is essentially Thought. Here we find contained the principle that Being is Thought: here is exercised that insight which usually tends to deviate from the ordinary non-conceptual way of speaking of the identity of thought and being. In virtue, further, of the fact that subsistence on the part of what exists is self-identity or pure abstraction, it is the abstraction of itself from itself, in other words, is itself its own want of identity with itself and dissolution – its own proper inwardness and retraction into self – its process of becoming. Owing to the nature which being thus has, and so far as what is has this nature from the point of view of knowledge, this thinking is not an activity which treats the content as something alien and external; it is not reflection into self away from the content. Science is not that kind of Idealism which stepped into the place of the Dogmatism of mere assertion and took the shape of a Dogmatism of mere assurance, the Dogmatism of mere self-certainty. Rather, since knowledge sees the content go back into its own proper inner nature, the activity of knowledge is absorbed in that content – for it (the activity) is the immanent self of the content – and is also at the same time returned into itself, for this activity is pure self-identity in otherness. In this way the knowing activity is the artful device which, while seeming to refrain from activity, looks on and watches how specific determinateness with its concrete life, just where it believes it is working out its own self-preservation and its own private interest, is, in point of fact, doing the very opposite, is doing what brings about its own dissolution and makes itself a moment in the whole. |
Φ 54.
によって、それは本質的に思考となる。 ここに、存在は思考であるという原理が含まれている。思考と存在の同一性について、通常は非概念的な通常の話し方から逸脱しがちな洞察がここで発揮されて いる。さらに、存在するものの存在は自己同一性または純粋な抽象であるという事実のおかげで、それは自己からの自己の抽象であり、言い換えれば、自己は自 己との同一性の欠如であり、自己への自己の内奥と後退であり、自己のプロセスである。 このように存在する本性、そして、存在するものが知識の観点から見てこの性質を持つ限りにおいて、この思考は、内容を外部の異質なものとして扱う活動では ない。それは、内容から離れた自己への反映ではない。科学は、単なる主張の独断論の立場に踏み込み、単なる確信の独断論、単なる自己確信の独断論の形を取 るような、そのような観念論ではない。むしろ、知識がその内容が本来の内的な本質へと回帰するのを見るので、知識の活動はその内容に吸収される。なぜな ら、その活動は内容の内在的な自己であるからだ。また同時に、この活動は他者における純粋な自己同一性であるため、それ自体へと回帰する。このように、認 識活動は、活動から遠ざかっているように見せかけながら、特定の決定が、その具体的な生命とともに、まさにそれが自身の自己保存と私的利益を実現している と信じているまさにその場所で、実際にはその正反対を行い、自身の消滅をもたらし、全体の中の瞬間を作り出している様子を見守り、監視する巧妙な装置であ る。 |
Φ 55. While, in the foregoing,
the significance of Understanding was stated from the point of view of
the self-consciousness of substance; by what has been here stated we
can see clearly its significance from the point of view of substance
qua being. Existence is Quality, self-identical determinateness, or
determinate simplicity, determinate thought: this is existence from the
point of view of Understanding. On this account it is Nous, as
Anaxagoras first thought reality to be. Those who succeeded him grasped
the nature of existence in a more determinate way as Eidos or Idea,
i.e. as determinate or specific universality, kind or species. The term
species or kind seems indeed too ordinary and inadequate for Ideas, for
beauty, holiness, eternal, which are the vogue in these days. As a
matter of fact, however, idea means neither more nor less than kind,
species. But we often find nowadays that a term which exactly
designates a conception is despised and rejected, and another preferred
to it which hides and obscures the conception, and thus sounds more
edifying, even though this is merely due to its being expressed in a
foreign language. Precisely for the reason that existence is designated a species or kind, it is naked simple thought: Nous, simplicity, is substance. It is on account of its simplicity, its self-identity, that it appears steady, fixed, and permanent. But this self-identity is likewise negativity; hence that fixed and stable existence carries the process of its own dissolution within itself. The determinateness appears at first to be so solely through its relation to something else; and its process seems imposed and forced upon it externally. But its having its own otherness within itself, and the fact of its being a self-initiated process – these are implied in the very simplicity of thought itself. For this is self-moving thought, thought that distinguishes, is inherent inwardness, the pure notion. Thus, then, it is the very nature of understanding to be a process; and being a process it is Rationality. |
Φ 55.
の意味も持たない。しかし今日では、概念を正確に表現する用語は軽蔑され拒絶され、概念を隠し曖昧にする別の用語が好まれることがよくある。 存在が種や種類として表現されるからこそ、それは裸の単純な思考なのである。ヌース、単純性、それが実体である。単純性、自己同一性があるからこそ、それ は安定し、固定し、永続的に見える。しかし、この自己同一性もまた否定である。したがって、固定され安定した存在は、その内部に自己の消滅のプロセスを内 包している。決定性は、一見、他の何かとの関係を通じてのみ存在するように見える。そして、そのプロセスは、外部から押し付けられ、強制されているように 見える。しかし、それ自体の中に他者性を有し、自己発生的なプロセスであるという事実、これらは思考の単純さそのものに暗示されている。なぜなら、これは 自己運動的な思考であり、区別する思考であり、内在する本質であり、純粋概念であるからだ。したがって、理解とはプロセスであるという性質そのものであ り、プロセスであるからこそ、それは理性である。 |
Φ 56. In the nature of existence
as thus described – to be its own notion and being in one – consists
logical necessity in general. This alone is what is rational, the
rhythm of the organic whole: it is as much knowledge of content as that
content is notion and essential nature. In other words, this alone is
the sphere and element of speculative thought. The concrete shape of
the content is resolved by its' own inherent process into a simple
determinate quality. Thereby it is raised to logical form, and its
being and essence coincide; its concrete existence is merely this
process that takes place, and is eo ipso logical existence. It is
therefore needless to apply a formal scheme to the concrete content in
an external fashion; the content is in its very nature a transition
into a formal shape, which, however, ceases to be formalism of an
external kind, because the form is the indwelling process of the
concrete content itself. |
Φ 56.
し、形式は具体的な内容自体の内在的な過程であるため、形式主義は外部的なものとはならなくなる。 |
Φ 57. This nature of scientific
method, which consists partly in being inseparable from the content,
and partly in determining the rhythm of its movement by its own agency,
finds, as we mentioned before, its peculiar systematic expression in
speculative philosophy. What is here stated describes in effect the
essential principle; but cannot stand for more at this stage than an
assertion or assurance by way of anticipation. The truth it contains is
not to be found in this exposition, which is in part historical in
character. And just for that reason, too, it is not in the least
refuted if anyone assures us on the contrary that this is not so, that
the process instead is here so and so; if ideas we are all used to,
being truths accepted or settled and familiar to everyone, are brought
to mind and recounted; or, again, if something new is served up and
guaranteed as coming from the inner sanctuaries of inspired intuition. |
Φ 57.
反論にはならない。 |
Φ 58. Such a view is bound to
meet with opposition. The first instinctive reaction on the part of
knowing, when offered something that was unfamiliar, is usually to
resist it. It seeks by that means to save freedom and native insight,
to secure its own inherent authority against alien authority – for that
is the way anything apprehended for the first time appears. This
attitude is adopted, too, in order to do away with the semblance of a
kind of disgrace which would lie in the fact that something has had to
be learnt. In like manner, again, when the unfamiliar or unknown is
received with applause, the reaction is in the same way an exaltation
of freedom and native authority. It consists in something analogous to
ultra-revolutionary declamation and action. |
Φ 58.
説や行動に類似したものである。 |
15. The demands of the study of philosophy |
15. 哲学の研究の要求 |
Hence the important thing for
the student of science is to make himself undergo the strenuous toil of
conceptual reflection, of thinking in the form of the notion. This
demands concentrated attention on the notion as such, on simple and
ultimate determinations like being-in-itself, being-for-itself,
self-identity, and so on; for these are elemental, pure,
self-determined functions of a kind we might call souls, were it not
that their conceptual nature denotes something higher than that term
contains. The interruption by conceptual thought of the habit of always
thinking in figurative ideas (Vorstellungen) is as annoying and
troublesome to this way of thinking as to that process of formal
intelligence which in its reasoning rambles about with no real thoughts
to reason with. The former, the habit, may be called materialised
thinking, a fortuitous mental state, one that is absorbed in what is
material, and hence finds it very distasteful at once to lift its self
clear of this matter and be with itself alone. The latter, the process
of raisonnement, is, on the other hand, detachment from all content,
and conceited superiority to it. What is wanted here is the effort and
struggle to give up this kind of freedom, and instead of being a merely
arbitrary principle directing the content anyhow, this freedom should
sink into and pervade the content, should let it be directed and
controlled by its own proper nature, i.e. by the self as its own self,
and should observe this process taking place. We must abstain from
interrupting the immanent rhythm of the movement of conceptual thought;
we must refrain from arbitrarily interfering with it, and introducing
ideas and reflections that have been obtained elsewhere. Restraint of
this sort is itself an essential condition of attending to and getting
at the real nature of the notion. |
注意を払い、それに到達するための不可欠な条件である。 |
16. Argumentative thinking in its negative attitude – |
6. 否定的な態度での論争的な思考 – |
Φ 59. There are two aspects in
the case of that ratiocinative procedure which mark its contrast from
conceptual thinking and call for further notice. Raisonnement, in the
first place, adopts a negative attitude towards the content
apprehended; knows how to refute it and reduce it to nothingness. To
see what the content is not is merely a negative process; it is a dead
halt, which does not of itself go beyond itself, and proceed to a new
content; it has to get hold of something else from somewhere or other
in order to have once more a content. It is reflection upon and into
the empty ego, the vanity of its own knowledge. Conceit of this kind
brings out not only that this content is vain and empty, but also that
to see this is itself fatuity too: for it is negation with no
perception of the positive element within it. In that this reflection
does not even have its own negativity as its content, it is not inside
actual fact at all, but for ever away outside it. On that account it
imagines that by asserting mere emptiness it is going much farther than
insight that embraces and reveals a wealth of content. On the other
hand, in the case of conceptual thinking, as was above indicated, the
negative aspect falls within the content itself, and is the positive
substance of that content, as well as being its inherent character and
moving principle as by being the entirety of what these are. Looked at
as a result, it is determinate specific negation, the negative which is
the outcome of this process, and consequently is a positive content as
well. |
Φ 59.
ある。結果として見ると、それは決定された特定の否定であり、このプロセスの結果である否定であり、したがって肯定的な内容でもある。 |
17. – in its positive attitude; its subject |
17. – その肯定的な態度において、その主題 |
Φ 60. In view of the fact that
ratiocinative thinking has a content, whether of images or thoughts or
a mixture of both, there is another side to its process which makes
conceptual comprehension difficult for it. The peculiar nature of this
aspect is closely connected with the essential meaning of the idea
above described, in fact, expresses the idea in the way this appears as
the process of thinking apprehension. For just as ratiocinative
thinking in its negative reference, which we have been describing, is
nothing but the self into which the content returns; in the same way,
on the other hand, in its positive cognitive process the self is an
ideally presented subject to which the content is related as an
accident and predicate. This subject constitutes the basis to which the
content is attached and on which the process moves to and fro.
Conceptual thinking goes on in quite a different way. Since the concept
or notion is the very self of the object, manifesting itself as the
development of the object, it is not a quiescent subject, passively
supporting accidents: it is a self-determining active concept which
takes up its determinations and makes them its own. In the course of
this process that inert passive subject really disappears; it enters
into the different constituents and pervades the content; instead of
remaining in inert antithesis to determinateness of content, it
constitutes, in fact, that very specificity, i.e. the content as
differentiated along with the process of bringing this about. Thus the
solid basis, which ratiocination found in an inert subject, is shaken
to its foundations, and the only object is this very movement of the
subject. The subject supplying the concrete filling to its own content
ceases to be something transcending. this content, and cannot have
further predicates or accidents. Conversely, again, the scattered
diversity of the content is brought under the control of the self, and
so bound together; the content is not a universal that can be detached
from the subject, and adapted to several indifferently. Consequently
the content is in truth no longer predicate of the subject; it is the
very substance, is the inmost reality, and the very principle of what
is being considered. Ideational thinking (vorstellen), since its nature
consists in dealing with accidents or predicates, and in exercising the
right to transcend them because they are nothing more than predicates
and accidents – this way of thinking is checked in its course, since
that which has in the proposition the form of a predicate is itself the
substance of the statement. It is met by a counter-thrust, as we may
say. Starting from the subject, as if this were a permanent base on
which to proceed, it discovers, by the predicate being in reality the
substance, that the subject has passed into the predicate, and has
thereby ceased to be subject: and since in this way what seems to be
predicate has become the entire mass of the content, whole and
complete, thinking cannot wander and ramble about at will, but is
restrained and controlled by this weight of content. Usually the subject is first set down as the fixed and objective self; from this fixed position the necessary process passes on to the multiplicity of determinations or predicates. Here the knowing ego takes the place of that subject and is the function of knitting or combining the predicates one with another, and is the subject holding them fast. But since the former subject enters into the determinate constituents themselves, and is their very life, the subject in the second case – viz. the knowing subject – finds that the former, which it is supposed to be done with and which it wants to transcend, in order to return into itself, – is still there in the predicate: and instead of being able to be the determining agency in the process of resolving the predicate – reflectively deciding whether this or that predicate should be attached to the former subject – it has really to deal with the self of the content, is not allowed to be something on its own account (für sich), but has to exist along with this content. |
Φ 60.
ると思われるものが、全体的かつ完全な内容の塊となるため、思考は自由にさまよい歩き回ることはできず、この内容の重みに抑制され、制御される。 通常、主題はまず固定された客観的な自己として設定される。この固定された位置から、必要なプロセスが決定または述語の多様性へと移行する。ここで、知的 な自我がその主題の代わりとなり、述語を互いに結びつけたり組み合わせたりする機能となり、それらをしっかりと保持する主題となる。しかし、前者の主題は 決定された構成要素そのものに入り込み、それらのまさに生命であるため、2番目のケースにおける主題、すなわち知覚する主題は、それ自体へと戻るために、 終わったはずであり、超越したいと望む前者が、 述語を解消する過程において決定要因となることができないばかりか、この述語やあの述語が前の主題に付されるべきかを反射的に決定するのではなく、実際に は内容の自己と向き合わなければならず、それ自身の都合(für sich)で何かになることは許されず、この内容とともに存在しなければならない。 |
Φ 61. What has been said can be
expressed in a formal manner by saying that the nature of judgment or
the proposition in general, which involves the distinction of subject
and predicate, is subverted and destroyed by the speculative judgment;
and the identical proposition, which the former becomes [by uniting
subject and predicate], implies the rejection and repudiation of the
above relation between subject and predicate. This conflict between the
form of a proposition in general and the unity of the notion which
destroys that form, is similar to what we find between metre and accent
in the case of rhythm. Rhythm is the result of what hovers between and
unites both. So in the case of the speculative or philosophical
judgment; the identity of subject and predicate is not intended to
destroy their distinction, as expressed in propositional form; their
unity is to arise as a harmony of the elements. The form of the
judgment is the way the specific sense appears, or is made manifest,
the accent which differentiates the meaning it contains: that the
predicate expresses the substance, and the subject itself falls within
the universal, is however the unity wherein that accent dies away. |
Φ 61.
である。つまり、述語が実体を表現し、主語自体が普遍的なものに属しているということが、しかし、そのアクセントが消え去る統一である。 |
Φ 62. To explain what has been
said by examples let us take the proposition God is Being. The
predicate is “being”: it has substantive significance, and thus absorbs
the meaning of the subject within it. Being is meant to be here not
predicate but the essential nature. Thereby, God seems to cease to be
what he was when the proposition was put forward, viz. a fixed subject.
Thinking [i.e. ordinary reflection], instead of getting any farther
with the transition from subject to predicate, in reality finds its
activity checked through the loss of the subject, and it is thrown back
on the thought of the subject because it misses this subject. Or again,
since the predicate has itself been pronounced to be a subject, to be
the being, to be the essential reality, which exhausts the nature of
the subject, thinking finds the subject directly present in the
predicate too: and now, instead of having, in the predicate, gone into
itself, and preserved the freedom characteristic of ratiocination, it
is absorbed in the content all the while, or, at any rate is required
to be so. Similarly when it is said: “the real is the universal”, the real, qua subject, passes away in its predicate. The universal is not only meant to have the significance of a predicate, as if the proposition stated that the real is universal: the universal is meant to express the essential nature of the real. Thinking therefore loses that fixed objective basis which it had in the subject, just as much as in the predicate it is thrown back on the subject, and therein returns not into itself but into the subject underlying the content. |
Φ 62.
を保つのではなく、思考は常に内容に吸収されてしまうか、少なくともそう要求される。 同様に、「現実が普遍である」と言われる場合、主題としての現実が述語の中で消滅する。普遍は、現実が普遍であるという命題のように、述語の意味を持つだ けではない。普遍は現実の本質を表現することを意味する。思考は、主語においてそうであったように、述語において主語に立ち返ることで、その固定された客 観的基盤を失う。そして、それ自体に立ち返るのではなく、内容の基礎となる主語に立ち返る。 |
Φ 63. This unaccustomed
restraint imposed upon thought is for the most part the cause of the
complaints concerning the unintelligibility of philosophical writings,
when otherwise the individual has in him the requisite mental
cultivation for understanding them. In what has been said we see the
reason for the specific charge often made against them, that a good
deal has to be read repeatedly before it can be understood – an
accusation which is meant to convey something improper in the extreme,
and one which if granted to be sound admits of no further reply. It is
obvious from the above what is the state of the case here. The
philosophical proposition, being a proposition, calls up the accepted
view of the usual relation of subject and predicate, and suggests the
idea of the customary procedure which takes place in knowledge. Its
philosophical content destroys this way of proceeding and the ordinary
view taken of this process. The common view discovers that the
statement is intended in another sense than it is thinking of, and this
correction of its opinion compels knowledge to recur to the proposition
and take it now in some other sense. |
Φ 63.
は命題に立ち戻り、今度は別の意味で受け入れることを余儀なくされる。 |
Φ 64. There is a difficulty
which might well be avoided. It consists in mixing up the methods of
procedure followed by speculation and ratiocination, when what is said
of the subject has at one time the significance of its conceptual
principle, and at another time the meaning of its predicate or
accidental quality. The one mode of thinking invalidates the other; and
only that philosophical exposition can manage to become plastic in
character which resolutely sets aside and has nothing to do with the
ordinary way of relating the parts of a proposition. |
Φ 64.
断固として距離を置き、一切関わりを持たないような哲学的な説明のみが、柔軟な性格を持つことができる。 |
Φ 65. As a matter of fact,
non-speculative thinking has its rights too, which are justifiable, but
are disregarded in the speculative way of stating a proposition.
Abolishing the form of the proposition must not take place only in an
immediate manner, through the mere content of the proposition. On the
contrary, we must give explicit expression to this cancelling process;
it must be not only that internal restraining and confining of thought
within its own substance; this turning of the conception back into
itself has to be expressly brought out and stated. This process, which
constitutes what formerly had to be accomplished by proof, is the
internal dialectical movement of the proposition itself. This alone is
the concrete speculative element, and only the explicit expression of
this is a speculative systematic exposition. Qua proposition, the
speculative aspect is merely the internal restriction of thought within
its own substance where the return of the essential principle into
itself is not yet brought out. Hence we often find philosophical
expositions referring us to the inner intuition, and thus dispensing
with the systematic statement of the dialectical movement of the
proposition, which is what we wanted all the while. The proposition
ought to express what the truth is: in its essential nature the truth
is subject: being so, it is merely the dialectical movement, this
self-producing course of activity, maintaining, its advance by
returning back into itself. In the case of knowledge in other spheres
this aspect of expressly stating the internal nature of the content is
constituted by proof. When dialectic, however, has been separated from
proof, the idea of philosophical demonstration as a matter of fact has
vanished altogether. |
Φ 65.
から切り離された場合、哲学的な証明という考え方は事実上完全に消滅した。 |
Φ 66. On this point it may be
mentioned that the dialectical process likewise consists of parts or
elements which are propositions. The difficulty indicated seems
therefore to recur continually, and seems to be a difficulty inherent
in the nature of the case. This is like what happens in the ordinary
process of proving anything; the grounds it makes use of need
themselves to be based on other grounds again, and so on ad inflnitum.
This manner of furnishing grounds and conditions, however, concerns
that type of proof from which the dialectical movement is distinct and
hence belongs to the process of external knowledge. As to what this
movement is, its element is the bare concept; this furnishes a content
which is through and through subject impliciter and per se. There is to
be found, therefore, no sort of content standing in a relation, as it
were, to an underlying subject, and getting its significance by being
attached to this as a predicate. The proposition as it appears is a
mere empty form. Apart from the sensuously apprehended or ideally presented (vorgestellten) self, it is in the main the mere name qua name which denotes the subject pure and simple, the empty unit without any conceptual character. For this reason it would e.g. be expedient to avoid the name “God”, because this word is not in its primary use a conception as well, but the special name of an underlying subject, its fixed resting-place; while, on the other hand, being or the one, singleness, subject, etc., themselves directly indicate conceptions. Furthermore, if speculative truths are stated about that subject [God], even then their content is devoid of the immanent notion, because that content is merely present in the form of a passive subject, and owing to this the speculative truths easily take on the character of mere edification. From this side, too, the obstacle, arising from the habit of putting the speculative predicate in the form of a proposition, instead of taking it as an inherent essential conception, is capable of being made greater or less by the mere way philosophical truths are put forward. Philosophical exposition, faithfully following its insight into the nature of speculative truth, must retain the dialectical form, and exclude everything which is not grasped conceptually and is conception. |
Φ 66.
る主題と関係を持ち、述語としてこれに結びつけられることによって意味を持つような内容など存在しない。 見えるままの命題は、単なる空虚な形式である。 感覚的に把握されたり、理想的に提示されたり(vorgestellten)した自己を除けば、主題を純粋に、単純に、概念的な性格を持たない空虚な単位 として示すのは、主として単なる名前qua名前である。このため、例えば「神」という名称は避けるのが得策である。なぜなら、この言葉も本来の意味では概 念ではなく、根底にある主題の特別な名称であり、その不動の安息所だからである。一方、「存在するもの」や「単一性」、「主題」など、それ自体が直接的に 概念を示すものもある。さらに、もしその主題(神)について思弁的真理が述べられたとしても、その内容には内在的な概念が欠けている。なぜなら、その内容 は受動的な主題の形でのみ存在し、このため思弁的真理は容易に単なる教化の性格を帯びるからである。この側面からも、観念的な述語を固有の本質的概念とし てではなく命題の形に置くという習慣から生じる障害は、哲学的真理が提示される方法によって、より大きくもより小さくもなり得る。哲学的な説明は、観念的 な真理の本質に対する洞察に忠実に従うものであり、弁証法的な形を維持し、観念的に把握されず概念化されていないものはすべて排除しなければならない。 |
Φ 67. Just as much as in the
procedure of ratiocination, the study of philosophy finds obstruction,
too, in the unreasoning conceit that builds itself on well-established
truths, which the possessor considers he has no need to return upon and
reconsider, but rather takes to be fundamental, and thinks he can by
means thereof propound as well as decide and pass sentence. In this
regard, it is especially needful to make once again a serious business
of philosophy. In all spheres of science, art, skill, and handicraft it
is never doubted that, in order to master them, a considerable amount
of trouble must be spent in learning and in being trained. As regards
philosophy, on the contrary, there seems still an assumption prevalent
that, though every one with eyes and fingers is not on that account in
a position to make shoes if he only has leather and a last, yet
everybody understands how to philosophize straight away, and pass
judgment on philosophy, simply because he possesses the criterion for
doing so in his natural reason – as if he did not in the same way
possess the standard for shoemaking too in his own foot. It seems as if
the possession of philosophy lay just in the want of knowledge and
study, as if philosophy left off where the latter began. It, is
commonly held to be a formal kind of knowledge devoid of all
substantial content. There is a general failure to perceive that, in
the case of any knowledge, and any science, what is taken for truth,
even as regards content, can only deserve the name of “truth” when
philosophy has had a hand in its production. Let the other sciences try
as much as they like to get along by ratiocination or raisonnement
without philosophy, they are unable to keep alive without it, or to
have any spiritual significance and truth in them. |
Φ 67.
いる。他の科学がいくら哲学なしに推理や推論でやっていこうとしても、哲学なしには生き残れないし、精神的な意義や真理を持つこともできない。 |
18. Natural philosophizing as healthy common sense and as genius |
18. 健全な常識と天才としての自然哲学 |
Φ 68. As regards philosophy in
its proper and genuine sense, we find put forward without any
hesitation, as an entirely sufficient equivalent for the long course of
mental discipline – for that profound and fruitful process through
which the human spirit attains to knowledge – the direct revelation of
the divine and the healthy common sense of mankind, unconcerned with
and undisciplined by any other knowledge or by proper philosophical
reflection. These are held to be a good substitute for real philosophy,
much in the way that chicory is lauded as a substitute for coffee. It
is not a very pleasing spectacle to observe uncultivated ignorance and
crudity of mind, with neither form nor taste, without the capacity to
concentrate its thoughts on an abstract proposition, still less on a
connected statement of such propositions, confidently proclaiming
itself to be intellectual freedom and toleration, and even the
inspiration of genius. This last used once upon a time, as everyone
knows, to be all the vogue in the case of poetry, as it is now in
philosophy. Instead of poetry, however, the efforts of this form of
inspiration, when it had any sense at all, resulted in the production
of trivial prose, or, if it went beyond that, it produced raving
harangues. In the same way here in the case of philosophy;
philosophizing by the light of nature, which thinks itself too good for
conceptual thinking, and, because of the want of it, takes itself to
have direct intuitive ideas and poetical thoughts, – such
philosophizing trades in arbitrary combinations of an imagination
merely disorganised through thinking – fictitious creations that are
neither fish nor flesh, neither poetry nor philosophy. |
Φ 68.
み合わせたものであり、魚でも肉でもない架空の創造物、詩でも哲学でもないものである。 |
Φ 69. On the other hand again,
when instinctive philosophy follows the more secure course prescribed
by healthy common sense, it treats us to a rhetorical mélange of
commonplace truths. When it is charged with the triviality of what it
offers, it assures us, in reply, that the fullness and richness of its
meaning lie deep down in its own heart, and that others must feel this
too, since with such phrases as the “heart’s natural innocence”,
“purity of conscience”, and so on, it supposes it has expressed things
that are ultimate and final, to which no one can take exception, and
about which nothing further can be required. But the very problem in
hand was just that the best must not be left behind hidden away in
secret, but be brought out of the depths and set forth in the light of
day. It could quite well from the start have spared itself the trouble
of bringing forward ultimate and final truths of that sort; they were
long since to be found, say, in the Catechism, in popular proverbs,
etc. It is an easy matter to grasp such truths in their indefinite and
crooked inaccurate form, and in many cases to point out that the mind
convinced of them is conscious of the very opposite truths. When it
struggles to get itself out of the mental embarrassment thereby
produced, it will tumble into further confusion, and possibly burst out
with the assertion that in short and in fine the matter is settled, the
truth is so and so, and anything else is mere “sophistry” – a password
used by plain common sense against cultivated critical reason, like the
phrase “visionary dreaming”, by which those ignorant of philosophy sum
up its character once for all. Since the man of common sense appeals to
his feeling, to an oracle within his breast, he is done with any one
who does not agree. He has just to explain that he has no more to say
to any one who does not find and feel the same as himself. In other
words, he tramples the roots of humanity underfoot. For the nature of
humanity is to impel men to agree with one another, and its very
existence lies simply in the explicit realisation of a community of
conscious life. What is anti-human, the condition of mere animals,
consists in keeping within the sphere of feeling pure and simple, and
in being able to communicate only by way of feeling-states. |
Φ 69.
領域にとどまり、感情の状態によってのみコミュニケーションを取れることである。 |
Φ 70. When a man asks for a
royal road to science, no more convenient and comfortable way can be
mentioned to him than to put his trust in “healthy common sense”. And
for the rest, to keep abreast of the times and advance with philosophy,
let him read reviews of philosophical works, and even go the length of
reading the prefaces and first paragraphs of the works themselves; for
the latter give the general principles on which everything turns, while
the reviews along with the historical notice provide over and above the
critical judgment and appreciation, which, being a judgment passed on
the work, goes farther than the work that is judged. This common way a
man can take in his dressing-gown. But spiritual elation in the
eternal, the sacred, the infinite, moves along the highway of truth in
the robes of the high priests road that, from the first, is itself
immediate being in its innermost, the inspiration of profound and
original ideas and flashes of elevated thought. All the same, those
depths do not yet reveal the well-spring of inner reality; nor, again,
are these sky-rockets the empyrean. True thoughts and scientific
insight can only be won by the labour of the notion. Conceptions alone
can produce universality in the knowing process. This universality is
critically developed and completely finished knowledge. It is not the
common indefiniteness and inadequacy of ordinary intelligence. Nor,
again, is it that extraordinary kind of universality where the powers
and potencies of reason are spoiled and ruined by genius through
indolence and self-conceit. It is truth which has successfully reached
its own inherent native form. It is this universality which is capable
of being the property of every self-conscious reason. |
Φ 70.
である。それは、自己意識のある理性の特性となりうる普遍性である。 |
19. Conclusion: the author’s relation to the public |
19. 結論:著者の一般読者との関係 |
Φ 71. Since I have taken the
self-development of the notion to be the medium wherein science really
exists, and since in those respects to which I have drawn attention, as
well as in others, current ideas about the nature of truth and the
shape it assumes deviate from my view, and indeed are quite opposed to
my position, the consideration of this divergence of view does not seem
to promise well for a favourable reception of an attempt to expound the
system of science in this sense. In the meantime, I may call to mind
that while e.g. the supreme merit of Plato’s philosophy has sometimes
been held to consist in his myths which are scientifically valueless,
there have also been times, spoken of even as times of mere sentimental
enthusiasm, when the Aristotelian philosophy has been respected on
account of its speculative depth of insight, and when the Parmenides of
Plato – perhaps the greatest literary product of ancient dialectic –
has been taken to be the positive expression of the divine life, the
unveiling and disclosing of its inmost truth. I may reflect, too, that
notwithstanding much cloudy obscurity which was the product of ecstasy,
this misunderstood ecstasy was in point of fact meant to be nothing
else than the activity of the pure notion; furthermore, that what is
best in the philosophy of our time takes its value to lie in its
scientific character; and that, even though others take a different
view, it is only in virtue of its scientific character that recent
philosophy really gains validity and acceptance. Thus, then, I may hope
too that this attempt to justify the claim of science to be a
conceptual process, and systematically to develop and present science
in this its own peculiar medium, will manage to make a way for itself
by the inherent truth of the result accomplished. We may rest assured
that it is the nature of truth to force its way to recognition when the
time comes, and that it only appears when its time has come, and hence
never appears too soon, and never finds a public that is not ripe to
receive it. And, further, we may be sure that the individual thinker
requires this result to take place, in order to give him confidence in
regard to what is no more as yet than a matter for himself singly and
alone, and in order to find his assurance, which in the first instance
merely belongs to a particular individual, realised as something
universal. In this connection, however, it is very often necessary to
distinguish the public from those who take upon themselves to be its
representatives and spokesmen. The public takes up an attitude in many
respects quite different from the latter, indeed, even opposed to them.
Whereas the public good-naturedly and generously will rather take the
blame upon itself when a philosophical work is not quite acceptable or
intelligible to it, these “representatives”, on the contrary, convinced
of their own competence, put all the blame on the authors. The
influence of the work on the public is more silent than the action of
those “representatives”, who are like the dead burying their dead.
While the general level of insight at the present time is in the main
more highly cultivated, its curiosity more quickened and alert, and its
judgment more swiftly made up and pronounced, so that the feet of those
who will carry you out are already at the door: at the same time we
have often to distinguish from all this the slower and more gradual
effect which rectifies the direction of attention caught and compelled
by imposing assurances, corrects, too, contemptuous censure, and after
a little provides a contemporary audience for one part, while another
after a temporary vogue finds no audience with posterity any longer. |
Φ 71.
な批判も修正し、一時的な流行の後に、後世ではもはや観客を見つけられない作品もある一方で、一部の作品は、少し経つと現代の観客に提供される。 |
Φ 72. For the rest, at a time
when the universal nature of spiritual life has become so very much
emphasised and strengthened, and the mere individual aspect has become,
as it should be, correspondingly a matter of indifference, when, too,
that universal aspect holds, by the entire range of its substance, the
full measure of the wealth it has built up, and lays claim to it all,
the share in the total work of mind that falls to the activity of any
particular individual can only be very small. Because this is so, the
individual must all the more forget himself, as in fact the very nature
of science implies and requires that he should; and he must, moreover,
become and do what he can. But all the less must be demanded of him,
just as he can expect the less from himself, and may ask the less for
himself. |
Φ 72.
期待せず、自分自身のために多くを要求しないように。 |
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