Feynman said, "All of physics can be reduced to a single equation U=0"
Richard Feynman
said, "All of physics can be reduced to a single equation U=0"
"For an amusing
rebuttal, see Richard Feynman in the second volume of The Feynman
Lectures on Physics, in which he makes the amazing claim that all of
physics can be reduced to a single equation. The equation is:
U = 0
That's it! That's everything about the universe! Feynman was
half-serious. Take an equation like E = MC2. It is said to be deep.
Let us show you
something interesting that we have recently discovered: All of the laws
of physics can be contained in one equation. That equation is
What a simple equation! Of course, it is necessary to know what the
symbol means.
U is a physical quantity which we will call the “unworldliness” of the
situation. And we have a formula for it. Here is how you calculate the
unworldliness. You take all of the known physical laws and write them
in a special form. For example, suppose you take the law of mechanics,
F=ma, and rewrite it as F−ma=0
Then you can call (F−ma)
—which should, of course, be zero—the “mismatch” of mechanics. Next,
you take the square of this mismatch and call it U1, which can be
called the “unworldliness of mechanical effects.” In other words, you
take U1=(F−ma)2."
cited from Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?: Fiendish Puzzles and Impossible … by William Poundstone, p 187. (this citation is from
This is
taken from Feynman Lectures on
Physics Vol II, Chapter 25 (Electrodynamics in Relativistic
Notation), Section 6: The invariance of the equations of electrodynamics
ファインマンの含意は、ポール・ディラックが「方程式は実験結果と一致するよりも、美しくあることが重要だ」と述べたことに反論をおこなうこと にある。
E = MC2(E=MCの二乗:アインシュタインの方程式)を、移項するとE - MC2 = 0 これは(E - MC2)2 = 0 となる。
シュレディンガーの式も、オイラーの式も、移項すれば、(左辺の式)=0となる。これらの右辺を0とする式も、それぞれの項を二乗したもの(= 負にしないための操作)の総和はすべれ0になる。
各項の二乗であらわされる量をUnとして、n=1 からいくつまででもいい、それらの総和はU(ファインマンは超俗量という)は0である。超俗 量の意味は、物理学の理論体系をこえてあらゆるものを(それぞれの二乗しているので多少なりとも多めに見積もる弊害はあるがいずれにせよ)総量をあらわす ことになる。だがそれはゼロ(U=0)ということになる。
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