Robert I. Levy, 1924-2003
Robert Levy, Portrait, March 9, 1971
☆ げんちゃんはこちら(genchan_tetsu.html) 【翻訳用】海豚ワイドモダン(00-Grid-modern.html) (★ワイドモダンgenD.png)
I. Levy (1924 – 29 August 2003, Asolo, Veneto, Italy) was an American
psychiatrist and anthropologist known for his fieldwork in Tahiti and
Nepal and on the cross-cultural study of emotions. Though he did not
receive a formal degree in anthropology, he spent most of his adult
life conducting anthropological fieldwork or teaching in departments of
anthropology. In developing his approach to anthropology, he credited
his cousin, the anthropologist Roy Rappaport, and Gregory Bateson[1]
(another famous anthropologist who never received a graduate degree in
anthropology). Robert Levy initially trained as a psychoanalytic psychiatrist and had a private practice in psychiatry for several years[2] before he became involved in an ethnographic research project in the Society Islands (Tahiti), organized by anthropologist Douglas Oliver. He did field work in the Society Islands for twenty-six months, first during a pilot study in July and August 1961, then for two years between July 1962 and June 1964.[3] He published this research in a number of articles and the book Tahitians: mind and experience in the Society Islands (1973), which was selected as a finalist for the National Book Awards in 1974.[4] In this seminal work both in the ethnography of Polynesian societies and in psychological anthropology, he first demonstrated what he called person-centered ethnography, an approach to fieldwork that drew on his training as a clinical psychiatrist to understand individual feelings, experience, and motivation within a given cultural setting. From 1964 to 1966 he was a senior scholar in the Institute of Advanced Projects at the East–West Center and research associate in anthropology at Bishop Museum, Honolulu. In 1969 he took a faculty position as professor in the newly established anthropology department at the University of California, San Diego, where he taught for many years. His other major fieldwork site was the Newar city of Bhaktapur in Nepal. After retiring from UCSD in 1991, he was appointed research professor of anthropology at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and research professor of anthropology at Duke University.[5] He received a number of awards for his scholarly activities. He was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1996.[5] In 2001 the Society for Psychological Anthropology honored him with its Lifetime Achievement Award.[6] He died while on holiday in the Italian town of Asolo, from complications of Parkinson's disease.[7] A number of articles relating to his research, as well as a brief memorial written by his wife, were published in a special volume of Ethos (December 2005, Vol. 33, No. 4), the journal of the Society for Psychological anthropology. His students included the anthropologists Douglas Hollan, Paula Levin, Steven Parish. |
バート・I・レヴィ(1924年 -
していないもう一人の有名な人類学者)に信頼を寄せている。 ロバート・レヴィは当初、精神分析的精神科医としての訓練を受け、人類学者ダグラス・オリバーが組織したソサエティ諸島(タヒチ)での民族誌的調査プロ ジェクトに参加するまでの数年間、精神科の個人開業医をしていた[2]。1961年7月と8月の試験的調査から始まり、1962年7月から1964年6月 までの2年間、ソサエティ諸島で26ヶ月間フィールドワークを行った[3]。彼はこの調査を多くの論文と『Tahitians: mind and experience in the Society Islands』(1973年)として発表し、1974年の全米図書賞の最終選考に残った。 [ポリネシア社会の民俗学と心理人類学の両分野において、ポリネシアの民俗学と心理人類学の両分野において、ポリネシアの民俗学と心理人類学の両分野にお いて、ポリネシアの民俗学と心理人類学の両分野において、ポリネシアの民俗学と心理人類学の両分野において、ポリネシアの民俗学を初めて実証した。 1964年から1966年まで、東西センター先端プロジェクト研究所の上級研究員、ホノルルのビショップ博物館の人類学研究員を務める。1969年にはカリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校に新設された人類学部の教授に就任し、長年教鞭をとった。 もうひとつの主なフィールドワーク先は、ネパールのネワール人都市バクタプルである。 1991年にカリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校を退職後、ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校の人類学研究教授、デューク大学の人類学研究教授に就任[5]。 その学術活動に対して数々の賞を受賞。1996年にはアメリカ芸術科学アカデミーのフェローに選出された[5]。2001年には心理人類学会から生涯功労賞を授与された[6]。 彼の研究に関連する多くの論文と、彼の妻が書いた短い追悼文が、心理人類学会の機関誌である『エトス』(2005年12月、第33巻第4号)の特別巻に掲載された[7]。 彼の教え子には、人類学者のダグラス・ホラン、ポーラ・レヴィン、スティーブン・パリッシュらがいる。 |
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