The big questions of the ethics, by Julian Baggini
道徳 |
倫理 |
ジュリアン・バッジーニ | ほとんどいつでも私たちに影響を与えるものであり、ある行動が許容されているか否かを示すルール(p.3) |
人生がうまくいっているとか、ひどい状況だとかに関連したあらゆることを含む、もっとも範囲の広い原則(p.3) | ||
編集部(ロングマン英英辞典による) |
よい行動の原理原則や基準となるものを示す(p.4) |
人びとの行動や態度に影響する一般的な考え方、信念 |
1. 黄金律は存在するか? |
IS THERE A GOLDEN RULE? - Doing as you would be done by |
2. 崇高な目的は野蛮な手段を正当化するか? |
DO THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS? - Doing wrongfo r the sake of what is right |
3. テロは正当化できるのか? |
IS TERRORISM EVER JUSTIFIED? - The legitimacyo f all necessarym eans |
4. 家族や友人を優遇すべきか? |
SHOULD WE FAVOUR OUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS? - The ethics of preferential treatment |
5. 弱者の救済は必要なことか? |
HOW MUCH SHOULD WE GIVE TO CHARITY? - The duty to rescue |
6. 法と道徳の関係とは? |
ARE DRUG LAWS MORALLY INCONSISTENT? - The link between law and morality |
7. 動物にはどのような権利があるか? |
DO ANIMALS HAVE RIGHTS? - Expanding the moral circle |
8. 人工妊娠中絶は殺人だろうか? |
IS ABORTION MURDER? - The value of human life |
9. 安楽死は認められるべきか? |
SHOULD EUTHANASIA BE LEGAL? - The right to end your own life |
10. セックスは道徳的なことか? |
IS SEX A MORAL ISSUE? - Ethics beyond prudery |
11. どうして差別してはいけないのか? |
CAN DISCRIMINATION BE GOOD? - Sameness,d ifferencea nd equality |
12. 自由市場は公正(フェアートレード)か? |
IS FREE TRADE FAIR TRADE? - The ethics of global business |
13. 環境保護は正しいことだろうか? |
SHOULD WE PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT? - On whether nature can be harmed |
14. 責任を持つとはどういうことか? |
ARE WE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR ACTIONS? - Criminality and being in your right mind |
15. 正しい戦争はあるか? |
WHAT IS A JUST WAR? - The rights and wrongs of armed conflict |
16. 拷問はいつでも問題アリか? |
IS TORTURE ALWAYS WRONG? - How to stop a ticking bomb |
17. 科学と道徳の関係とは? |
WHAT CAN SCIENCE TELL US ABOUT MORALITY? - What facts tell us about values |
18. 道徳は世界共通のものか? |
IS MORALITY RELATIVE? - The variability of moral codes |
19. 神がいなければ、なんでも許せるのか? |
WITHOUT GOD, IS EVERYTHING PERMITTED? - The link between morality and religion |
20. あらゆる道徳的ジレンマは解消できるのか? |
CAN ALL MORAL DILEMMAS BE RESOLVED? - The limits of ethics |
Julian Baggini and Peter S. Fosl, The ethics toolkit : a compendium of ethical concepts and methods. Blackwell, 2007
"The Ethics Toolkit provides an accessible and engaging compendium of concepts, theories, and strategies that encourage students and advanced readers to think critically about ethics so that they can engage intelligently in ethical study, thought, and debate. * Written by the authors of the popular The Philosophers' Toolkit (Blackwell, 2001); Baggini is also a renowned print and broadcast journalist, and a prolific author of popular philosophy books* Uses clear and accessible language appropriate for use both inside and beyond the classroom* Enlivened through the use of real-world and hypothetical examples* Cross-referencing of entries helps to connect and contrast ideas* Features lists of prominent ethics organizations and useful websites* Encourages readers to think critically about ethics and teaches them how to engage intelligently in ethical study, thought, and debate."- Nielsen BookData
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