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World Economic Forum のグローバルな変革マッピングにおける「高齢化」への変革デザイン

 Designing for Good Aging/Aged Society by using Innovation Mapping Method of the World Economic Forum


"By 2020, the global population of those over 60 years of age will reach 1 billion; by 2050, it is expected to reach 2 billion. This trend, combined with a general decline in birth rates, is leading to a situation where the world’s old will outnumber the young. This presents an economic opportunity, as consumers over 60 will have trillions of dollars in spending power to help drive global consumption. There is also an opportunity to better leverage the abilities of those over 60, by adjusting workplace policies and redefining what “retirement” means. Investing more significantly in healthier ageing processes can help combat related health conditions, improve functional ability, and increase productivity. A transformation of institutional structures is called for, alongside public policies better aligned to the world’s new demographic makeup.- This briefing is based on the views of a wide range of experts from the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network and is curated in partnership with the Global Coalition on Aging." - Aging by World Economic forum.

1.社会福祉プログラム: Social Welfare Program

2.高齢者介護: Elder Caregiving

3.健康と機能的運動能力: Health and Functional Ability

4.労働環境と労働力の変化: Workplace and Workforce Change

5.高齢者に優しいインフラ: Age-Friendly Infrastructure

6.シルバーエコノミー: The Silver Economy

7.イノベーションへの準備態勢: Innovation Readiness


1.社会福祉プログラム: Social Welfare Program

2.高齢者介護: Elder Caregiving

3.健康と機能的運動能力: Health and Functional Ability

4.労働環境と労働力の変化: Workplace and Workforce Change

5.高齢者に優しいインフラ: Age-Friendly Infrastructure

6.シルバーエコノミー: The Silver Economy

7.イノベーションへの準備態勢: Innovation Readiness

1.社会福祉プログラム: Social Welfare Program

2.高齢者介護: Elder Caregiving

3.健康と機能的運動能力: Health and Functional Ability

4.労働環境と労働力の変化: Workplace and Workforce Change

5.高齢者に優しいインフラ: Age-Friendly Infrastructure

6.シルバーエコノミー: The Silver Economy

7.イノベーションへの準備態勢: Innovation Readiness






Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 2019

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