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Does Biopunk be Ethical ?: A fundamental inquiery


まずバイオパンクの定義:「バイオパンク(英: Biopunk, 「バイオテクノロジー」と「パンク」の混成語)はバイオテクノロジー(生物工学)に焦点をあてる、SFの二次的ジャンルである。サイバーパンクからの派生 ではあるが、IT(情報工学)よりもむしろバイオテクノロジーの織り込みに焦点をあてている[1]。バイオパンクは合成生物学と関わる。派生元はバイオ ハッカー、バイオテクノロジー系巨大企業、ヒトDNAを操る圧政的な政府機関というものを含んだサイバーパンクである。ほとんどはサイバーパンクの暗い雰 囲気を踏まえつつ、一般にバイオパンクは遺伝子工学の暗黒面を吟味したり、バイオテクノロジーの低級な面を象徴したりする。」#Wiki.

英語解説:"Biopunk (a portmanteau of "biotechnology" or "biology" and "punk") is a subgenre of science fiction that focuses on biotechnology. It is derived from cyberpunk, but focuses on the implications of biotechnology rather than information technology.[1] Biopunk is concerned with synthetic biology. It is derived of cyberpunk involving bio-hackers, biotech mega-corporations, and oppressive government agencies that manipulate human DNA. Most often keeping with the dark atmosphere of cyberpunk, biopunk generally examines the dark side of genetic engineering and represents the low side of biotechnology.// Biopunk is a subgenre of science fiction closely related to cyberpunk that focuses on the near-future (most often unintended) consequences of the biotechnology revolution following the invention of recombinant DNA. Biopunk stories explore the struggles of individuals or groups, often the product of human experimentation, against a typically dystopian backdrop of totalitarian governments and megacorporations which misuse biotechnologies as means of social control and profiteering. Unlike cyberpunk, it builds not on information technology, but on synthetic biology. Like in postcyberpunk fiction, individuals are usually modified and enhanced not with cyberware, but by genetic manipulation.[1] A common feature of biopunk fiction is the "black clinic", which is a laboratory, clinic, or hospital that performs illegal, unregulated, or ethically-dubious biological modification and genetic engineering procedures.[2] Many features of biopunk fiction have their roots in William Gibson's Neuromancer, one of the first cyberpunk novels.[3]" #Wiki.

Do-it-yourself biology: "Do-it-yourself biology (DIY biology, DIY bio) is a growing biotechnological social movement in which individuals, communities, and small organizations study biology and life science using the same methods as traditional research institutions. DIY biology is primarily undertaken by individuals with extensive research training from academia or corporations, who then mentor and oversee other DIY biologists with little or no formal training. This may be done as a hobby, as a not-for-profit endeavour for community learning and open-science innovation, or for profit, to start a business." #Wiki.






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