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The Declaration of Liberty of Library



図書館は、基本的人権のひとつとして知る自由 をもつ国民に、資料と施設を提供することをもっとも重要な任務とする。

1. 日本国憲法は主権が国民に存するとの原理にもとづいており、この国民主権の原理を維持し発展させるためには、国民ひとりひとりが思想・意見を自由に発表し 交換すること、すなわち表現の自由の保障が不可欠である
 知る自由は、また、思想・良心の自由をはじめとして、いっさいの基本的人権と密接にかかわり、それらの保障を実現するための基礎的な要件である。それ は、憲法が示すように、国民の不断の努力によって保持されなければならない。

2. すべての国民は、いつでもその必要とする資料を入手し利用する権利を有する。この権利を社会的に保障することは、すなわち知る自由を保障することである。 図書館は、まさにこのことに責任を負う機関である。

3. 図書館は、権力の介入または社会的圧力に左右されることなく、自らの責任にもとづき、図書館間の相互協力をふくむ図書館の総力をあげて、収集した資料と整 備された施設を国民の利用に供するものである。

4. わが国においては、図書館が国民の知る自由を保障するのではなく、国民に対する「思想善導」の機関として、国民の知る自由を妨げる役割さえ果たした歴史的 事実があることを忘れてはならない。図書館は、この反省の上に、国民の知る自由を守り、ひろげていく責任を果たすことが必要である。



It is the most important responsibility of libraries to offer collected materials and library facilities to the people who have the Right to Know as one of their fundamental human rights.

1. The Constitution of Japan promulgated in 1946 is based on the principle that the sovereignty of the country resides with the people. In order to maintain and develop the principle, it is necessary that each one of the people is able to enjoy the right of free speech and of exchanging ideas in the society. It means that guaranteeing the freedom of expression is indispensable.
 The freedom to know and the freedom of expression are two sides of the same coin. The freedom of expression guarantees the freedom of the sender, but without guaranteeing the freedom to know as its pretext, the freedom of expression cannot be realized.
 The freedom to know, moreover, is closely related to the freedom of thought, of conscience, and all other fundamental human rights, and is a basic factor of securing these freedom and rights. The Constitution prescribes(Article 12)that the freedom and rights guaranteed in it shall be maintained by the constant endeavor of the people. The freedom to know shall also be maintained by the similar endeavor of the people prescribed in the Constitution.

2. All the people have the right of access to library materials whenever they need them. Guaranteeing the right is nothing but guaranteeing the freedom to know as a social system. Libraries are the organizations having full responsibility to ensure the freedom to know.

3. Libraries shall not be impeded by power of governing authorities or social pressure, and shall guarantee full access to library collections and their physical facilities to the people, by clearly recognizing their responsibility and by actively performing all they can provide including library cooperation.

4. In our country, we shall not forget the history of libraries by the end of World WarⅡ because libraries contributed much to the government policy of thought-guidance, and resulted in slowing the development of the people’s freedom to know. Based on such self-examination, we have to confirm now that libraries are responsible for guaranteeing and developing the freedom to know.

5. All the people have equal right in using libraries, and their rights should not be discriminated because of their race, creed, sex, age, and their various conditions in the society.
 The right is also guaranteed for people coming from abroad.

6. The principles of“Freedom of Libraries”stated here are to guarantee the people’s freedom to know, and they can be basically applied to situations in all the libraries.

In order to fulfill their mission, libraries shall recognize the following matters as their proper duties, and shall put them into practice.
第1 図書館は資料収集の自由を有する
Article 1 : Libraries have freedom in collecting their materials.
1. 図書館は、国民の知る自由を保障する機関として、国民のあらゆる資料要求にこたえなければならない。

2. 図書館は、自らの責任において作成した収集方針にもとづき資料の選択および収集を行う。その際、
(1) 多様な、対立する意見のある問題については、それぞれの観点に立つ資料を幅広く収集する。
(2) 著者の思想的、宗教的、党派的立場にとらわれて、その著作を排除することはしない。
(3) 図書館員の個人的な関心や好みによって選択をしない。
(4) 個人・組織・団体からの圧力や干渉によって収集の自由を放棄したり、紛糾をおそれて自己規制したりはしない。
(5) 寄贈資料の受入にあたっても同様である。
   図書館の収集した資料がどのような思想や主 張をもっていようとも、それを図書館および図書館員が支持することを意味するものではない。

3. 図書館は、成文化された収集方針を公開して、広く社会からの批判と協力を得るようにつとめる。
1. Libraries shall respond to all user inquiries for library materials as the organization for guaranteeing people’s freedom to know.

2. Libraries select and collect library materials based on an acquisition policy statement compiled by each library.

 In acquiring materials,

  (1) In selecting books on a controversial subject, libraries shall collect a wide range of books representing different viewpoints.
  (2) Libraries shall not exclude books from their collection on the pretext of the author’s thought, religious or political viewpoints.
  (3) Library materials shall not be selected by the librarians’ personal interests.
  (4) The freedom of acquisition shall not surrender to the pressure or interference of an individual person, organization or group of people, or shall not be hampered by librarians’ self-regulation derived from their concern about making the library a target of crucial discussion.
  (5) The above mentioned shall be applied to acquiring donated books.

  Various opinions are introduced and asserted in the materials acquired in the library. However peculiar they might be, selecting these books does not mean that these viewpoints are supported by the library and librarians.

3. Libraries shall publicize a written statement of their acquisition policy and shall endeavor to encourage criticism and cooperation with the people in society.
第2 図書館は資料提供の自由を有する
Article 2 : Libraries secure the freedom of offering their materials.
1. 国民の知る自由を保障するため、すべての図書館資料は、原則として国民の自由な利用に供されるべきである。
(1) 人権またはプライバシーを侵害するもの
(2) わいせつ出版物であるとの判決が確定したもの
(3) 寄贈または寄託資料のうち、寄贈者または寄託者が公開を否とする非公刊資料

2. 図書館は、将来にわたる利用に備えるため、資料を保存する責任を負う。図書館の保存する資料は、一時的な社会的要請、個人・組織・団体からの圧力や干渉によって廃棄されることはない。

3. 図書館の集会室等は、国民の自主的な学習や創造を援助するために、身近にいつでも利用できる豊富な資料が組織されている場にあるという特徴を持っている。

4. 図書館の企画する集会や行事等が、個人・組織・団体からの圧力や干渉によってゆがめられてはならない。
1. In order to guarantee the people’s freedom to know, all library materials, in principle, shall be offered for free use of people.
 Without any appropriate reason, libraries shall not treat materials differently by erasing the text, withdrawing them from the shelves, or discarding them from the library.
 Restrictions to the freedom to offer library materials shall be applied only to the following occasions.  These restrictions shall be exercised as limited in scope as possible, and after a certain period of time, the decisions shall be re-examined.

  (1) Violation of human rights or privacy.
  (2) A book was judged to be as an obscene publication.
  (3) The non-publicized materials in the donated or deposited collection, which the donator or the depositor does not allow to be offered to the public.

2. Libraries shall have a duty of preserving their materials for present and future use. The preserved materials shall not be weeded out from libraries by a feeble argument from the society or by pressure or interference from a private individual, any organization or a group of people.

3. Assembly rooms and other meeting facilities in libraries have a different feature from those in other organizations because they have an organized, rich collection in the building which is meant to offer independent studies or creative works to the people whenever they need to use them.
 Libraries shall offer meeting facilities for the use of people either individuals or groups without discrimination, except for any profit making purposes.

4. Meetings or projects planned by libraries shall not be changed by the pressure or interference from a private individual, an organization or a group of people.

第3 図書館は利用者の秘密を守る
Article 3 : Libraries guarantee the privacy of users.
1. 読者が何を読むかはその人のプライバシーに属することであり、図書館は、利用者の読書事実を外部に漏らさない。ただし、憲法第35条にもとづく令状を確認した場合は例外とする。

2. 図書館は、読書記録以外の図書館の利用事実に関しても、利用者のプライバシーを侵さない。

3. 利用者の読書事実、利用事実は、図書館が業務上知り得た秘密であって、図書館活動に従事するすべての人びとは、この秘密を守らなければならない。
1. What book a particular person has read or is reading shall be regarded as the privacy of the reader. Libraries shall not reveal a reader’s record of reading, except upon warrant issued by a competent judicial officer provided in the Constitution(Article 35).

2. Libraries shall not violate a readers’ privacy by revealing any record of using the library in addition to the record of reading.

3. Librarians happen to know, when they are performing their duties, about the record of reading and of using the library of a particular user. No library worker shall disclose these facts, but secure the privacy of users.
第4 図書館はすべての検閲に反対する
Article 4 : Libraries oppose any type of censorship categorically.
1. 検閲は、権力が国民の思想・言論の自由を抑圧する手段として常用してきたものであって、国民の知る自由を基盤とする民主主義とは相容れない。

2. 検閲と同様の結果をもたらすものとして、個人・組織・団体からの圧力や干渉がある。図書館は、これらの思想・言論の抑圧に対しても反対する。

3. それらの抑圧は、図書館における自己規制を生みやすい。しかし図書館は、そうした自己規制におちいることなく、国民の知る自由を守る。


1. 図書館の自由の状況は、一国の民主主義の進展をはかる重要な指標である。図書館の自由が侵されようとするとき、われわれ図書館にかかわるものは、その侵害を排除する行動を起こす。このためには、図書館の民主的な運営と図書館員の連帯の強化を欠かすことができない。

2. 図書館の自由を守る行動は、自由と人権を守る国民のたたかいの一環である。われわれは、図書館の自由を守ることで共通の立場に立つ団体・機関・人びとと提携して、図書館の自由を守りぬく責任をもつ。

3. 図書館の自由に対する国民の支持と協力は、国民が、図書館活動を通じて図書館の自由の尊さを体験している場合にのみ得られる。われわれは、図書館の自由を守る努力を不断に続けるものである。

4. 図書館の自由を守る行動において、これにかかわった図書館員が不利益をうけることがあっては ならない。これを未然に防止し、万一そのような事態が生じた場合にその救済につとめることは、 日本図書館協会の重要な責務である。

(1979.5.30 総会決議)
1. Censorship has been practiced from time to time by governing authorities aiming to suppress the freedom of thought and speech of the people. A democratic society is founded on the freedom to know, and censorship has no room in such a society.
 Censorship regulates libraries’ acquisition activities in advance, and it further results in withdrawing materials from the shelves and discarding the from the library collection. Libraries have had such bitter experiences and many examples of them were found clearly in the history and in the experiences of the people.
 Consequently, libraries categorically oppose against any type of censorship.

2. Similar effect with censorship will be given by pressure and interference from a private individual, organization or group of people. Libraries shall oppose any type of suppression of thought and speech.

3. This suppression is easy to cause self-regulation by librarians, and they tend to avoid acquiring books on controversial subjects. Libraries shall not be hampered by such a self-regulation but shall ensure people’s freedom to know.

When the freedom of libraries is imperiled, we librarians will work together and devote ourselves to secure the freedom.

1. Freedom of libraries can be an important indicator of evaluating the development of democracy in a country. Whenever the freedom is going to be violated, we, who are very concerned about developing libraries for the people, will react to the violation together. In order to organize such a professional reaction, it is indispensable that we constantly manage libraries in a democratic way and develop esprit de corps among library workers toward this goal.

2. The action of ensuring the freedom of libraries is a part of the struggle of ensuring the freedom and human rights. We are responsible to secure the freedom of libraries by cooperating with groups of people, organizations and private individuals who would share similar objectives with us.

3. Support and cooperation of the people can be obtained only from the people who have experienced the precious value of the freedom of libraries through their library experiences. In order to secure such support and cooperation, we shall devote ourselves to developing daily library services.

4. In the activities ensuring the freedom of libraries, librarians who eagerly worked for the freedom might be treated unfavorably by an authoritarian viewpoint of their governing body. To prevent such a political and personnel treatment beforehand, or at the worst, after it was taken, the Japan Library Association will extend a helping hand to the person who suffered by the treatment. It will be regarded as one of the important roles of the association.






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