Walter Schieber, 1896-1960
シュペーアが統括する軍 需・戦時生産省の兵器供給局長で、タブンとサリン量産の開発グループの連絡将校。 ヒトラーの古参闘士のひとりで、黄金党章を保有し、親衛隊全国指導者に個 人スタッフとして仕えた。ペーパークリップ作戦では、毒ガス量産の経験を買われ、ハイデルベルクでアメリカ陸軍とルークスのサリン量産の開発グループに雇 われた。CIAも彼の雇用者だった。
"Walter Schieber (13 September 1896 – 29 June 1960) was an SS
Brigadeführer in Nazi Germany, who during the Second World War served
as head of the Armaments Supply Office under Albert Speer.[1][2][3] In
1943, Adolf Hitler awarded Schieber the War Merit Cross.[2]/ After the
war, the US government became interested in hiring Schieber for
scientific research purposes.[2] A 1947 U.S. Air Force memo stated that
"Dr. Schieber's talents are of so important a nature to the U.S. that
they go far to override any consideration of his political
background".[2] In the end, Schieber's profile meant it was not
possible to bring him to America, but he was employed by the US for ten
years in chemical warfare research in West Germany.[4]" - Walter Schieber.
"Walter Schieber was a critical player in the Third Reich’s
wartime production. His prewar experience in textile manufacturing made
him immensely useful to the National Socialist Party, and in 1943,
Hitler awarded him with the War Merit Cross. After the war, Schieber
caught the eye of Charles Loucks, a brigadier general with the US Army
Chemical Corps. Loucks was assigned to the German town of Heidelberg to
work on the development of nerve agents like tabun and sarin gas.
Rather than being repelled by Schieber’s past, Loucks was drawn to this
Nazi war criminal for his close connections with Heinrich Himmler and
his intimate knowledge of the gases used by the Third Reich during the
war. Schieber worked for the Chemical Corps for 10 years and later
became an asset of the CIA. Since he was useful to the American
government, Schieber was never prosecuted for his war crimes. In fact,
he played a pivotal role in the development of the sarin gas that has
subsequently been used by the US military." - 10 Nazi Scientists Who Survived The War.
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