Walter Schreiber, 1893-1970
第三帝国の軍医総監、ド イツ軍最高司令部の帝国医務総責任者、帝国研究評議会のメンバー、および化学・生物兵器防衛責任者。戦争末期のベルリン攻防戦でソビエト側に捕らえられ、 消息不明だったもが、突如としてニュルンベルク裁判でソ連側の証人として現れた。ペーパークリップ作戦では、アメリカ陸軍のオーバーウィーゼルの〈キャン プ・キング〉とテキサス州のアメリカ空軍航空医学校に招聘された。
"On 30 April 1945, while caring for wounded in a makeshift
hospital in Berlin, he was taken prisoner of war by the Red Army and
transported to the Soviet Union.[2] On 26 August 1946, Schreiber
appeared as a surprise witness at the Nuremberg Trials, giving evidence
in support of the Soviet Chief Prosecutor, Roman Rudenko, against,
Hermann Göring and Kurt Blome, who had been in charge of German
offensive biological weapons development.[7][8] A recording of his
testimony at the trial can be found at the online archive of the
Imperial War Museum.[9] The transcript became part of the Nuremberg
proceedings against German major war criminals.[4] Dr. Schreiber, whose
long-standing record against the use of offensive biological warfare
and human experimentation was well established, was himself never
charged or considered for prosecution on war crimes charges./ In fall
1948, Dr. Schreiber reappeared in the West with his wife, his son and
one of his adult daughters. In a press conference on 2 November, he
explained that he had initially been held in Lubyanka Prison in the
USSR where he became ill almost to death. Only when the captured former
German ambassador to Russia, Norbert von Baumbach, became ill and
refused care from anyone but Generalarzt, Dr. Schreiber, was the
doctor's true identity discovered by Soviet authorities. Schreiber
reported he was then given medical attention and moved to a series of
safe houses in the Soviet Zone of Germany. There he remained to provide
medical care to former Nazi generals. Still under Soviet custody, he
was later given the rank of starshina, and was ultimately offered the
position of Chief Medical Officer in the newly formed East German
Police Force, the Volkspolizei. Rejecting this position, Schreiber
reported that he was then offered a professorship at the University of
Leipzig. However, in hopes of finding his family, requested the
University of Berlin instead. In response, Soviet authorities reported
they were holding Schreiber's family in the USSR, thereby convincing
Dr. Schreiber to relocate and join other German scientists who had
already been taken there (see Russian Alsos).[10] In the meantime, his
daughter, who had presented herself to Allied military authorities in
the American Occupation Zone, learned that the Soviets were
transporting more German scientists to the Soviet Union, her father
presumably among them. Boarding multiple trains, she walked the cars
until she caught her father's attention. Seeing an opportunity, Dr.
Schreiber evaded his handler and on 17 October took a train from
Dresden to Berlin where he presented himself to the Allied Control
Authority in West Berlin.[8][11] Dr. Schreiber was subsequently hired
to work with the Counter Intelligence Corps and beginning in 1949 was
employed as post physician at Camp King, a large clandestine POW
interrogation center in Oberursel, Germany.[12]" - Walter Schreiber.
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