Dr. Kurt Blome, 1894-1969
ドイツ帝国軍医副総監、 帝国医官同盟の副長官、帝国研究評議会メンバー、ドイツのゲーラベルグとポーランドの、ネッセルステッドで生物兵器施設の監督官を務めた。ナチ党の”古参 闘士”であり、黄金党章を絶えず身につけ、突撃隊中将の肩書きを持っていた。統合諜報対象局(JIOA)がアメリノカに招聘を試みたが、失敗に終わった。 代わりに、ドイツのオーバーウーゼルにある〈キャンプ・キング〉でアメリカ陸軍のために働いた。
"As Plenipotentiary for Cancer Research in the Third Reich, Blome had a longstanding interest in the "military use of carcinogenic substances" and cancer-causing viruses. According to Ute Deichmann's book Biologists under Hitler, in 1942 he became director of a unit affiliated with the Central Cancer Institute at the University of Posen (Poznań in Poland, annexed by Germany in 1939). Although he claimed that the work at this institute involved only 'defensive' measures against biological weapons, Heinrich Himmler, Herman Goering, and Erich Schumann (1898-1985), head of the Wehrmacht's Science Section, strongly supported the offensive use of chemical and biological weapons against Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States. In 1943, Schumann wrote to Dr. Heinrich Kliewe (1892-1969), one of the Wehrmacht's biological warfare experts that "in particular, America must be attacked simultaneously with various human and animal epidemic pathogens as well as plant pests."[3] According to Kliewe, plague, typhoid, cholera and anthrax
were being developed as weapons, as well as a new "synthetic medium for
the spread of these bacteria" which would allow them to remain virulent
for eight to twelve weeks.[4] - Kurt Blome)
"As part of the Nazi biological warfare program code-named Blitzableiter (Lightning Rod, 避雷針), Blome's institute was therefore "a camouflaged operation for the production of biological warfare agents", and its construction was overseen by Karl I. Gross, an S.S. officer and specialist in tropical diseases,
who had conducted lethal experiments on 1,700 prisoners at the
Mauthausen concentration camp.[5- Robert N. Proctor, The Nazi War on
Cancer. Princeton University Press, 1999, pp. 262-63] It was surrounded
by a ten-foot high wall, guarded by a special S.S. unit, and designed
to prevent the accidental release of the various biological agents
being produced there. By May 1944, the institute had sections devoted
to physiology-biology, bacteriology and vaccines, radiology,
pharmacology, cancer statistics and a tumor farm, and had received at
least 2.7 million Reichsmarks in funding from the Wehrmacht and S.S. in
1943–45.[6]- Kurt Blome))
"Blome worked on methods of storage and dispersal of biological agents like plague, cholera, anthrax, and typhoid, and also infected prisoners with plague in order to test the efficacy of vaccines. At the University of Strassburg, a "special unit" headed by Prof. Eugen von Haagan (1898-1972) and employing researchers like Kurt Gutzeit (1893-1957) and Arnold Dohmen (1906-1980), tested typhus, hepatitis, nephritis, and other chemical and biological weapons on concentration camp inmates.[7]
Gutzeit was in charge of hepatitis research for the German Army, and he
and his colleagues carried out virus experiments on mental patients,
Jews, Russian POWs (Prisoners of war) and Gypsies in Sachsenhausen, Auschwitz and other locations.[8] In October 1944, Himmler also ordered Blome to experiment with plague on concentration camp prisoners.[9]"- Kurt Blome))
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