かならずよんで ね!


Post-COVID-19 Wuhan City: Your virtual tour destination


昔人已乘黃鶴去, 此地空餘黃鶴樓。
黃鶴一去不復返, 白雲千載空悠悠。
晴川歷歷漢陽樹, 芳草萋萋鸚鵡洲。
日暮鄉關何處是, 煙波江上使人愁。

The Yellow Crane Tower in 1871.


武漢三鎮攻略では、1938年10月、日本軍は徐州 作戦に引き続き、漢口作戦を目的とする武漢三鎮(漢口・武昌・漢陽)を攻略。攻撃は4方向から行われ、各地で苦戦の末、ついに日本軍は粤漢線を遮断、中国 軍は全線にわたって後退した戦闘ですが、それが山口鹿?三上等兵が昭和13年11月2日に「中支漢陽ノ仮野戦病院」で32歳の生涯を終えたのでしょうか? ——合掌

Plot of "Brazil (1985 film)"; "In a dystopian, hyper-bureaucratic future, Sam Lowry is a low-level government employee who frequently daydreams of himself as a winged warrior saving a damsel in distress. ....

"A fly gets jammed in a printer and creates a typographical error, resulting in the incarceration and accidental death during interrogation of cobbler Archibald Buttle, instead of renegade air conditioning specialist and suspected terrorist Archibald Tuttle. Sam is assigned the task of rectifying the error. Visiting Buttle's widow, Sam encounters their neighbour Jill Layton, and is astonished to discover that she resembles the woman from his recurring dreams. Jill has been trying to help Mrs Buttle establish what happened to her husband, but her efforts have been obstructed by bureaucracy. Unknown to her, she is now considered a terrorist accomplice of Tuttle for attempting to report the mistake of Buttle's arrest. Sam approaches Jill, but she avoids giving him full details, worried the government will track her down. Sam reports a fault in his apartment's air conditioning. Central Services are uncooperative, but then Tuttle, who used to work for Central Services but left because of his dislike of the tedious and repetitive paperwork, unexpectedly comes to his assistance. Tuttle repairs Sam's air conditioning, but when two Central Services workers, Spoor and Dowser, arrive, Sam has to fob them off to let Tuttle escape. The workers later return to demolish Sam's ducts and seize his apartment under pretence of fixing the system. Sam discovers that the only way to learn about Jill is to be transferred to Information Retrieval, where he will be able to access her classified records. He has previously turned down a promotion arranged by his mother, Ida, who is obsessed with the rejuvenating plastic surgery of cosmetic surgeon Dr Jaffe. Sam retracts his refusal by speaking with Deputy Minister Mr Helpmann at a party hosted by Ida. Having obtained Jill's records, Sam tracks her down before she can be arrested, then falsifies the records to indicate her death, allowing her to escape pursuit. The two share a romantic night together, but are apprehended by the government at gunpoint. Charged with treason for abusing his new position, Sam is restrained in a chair in a large, empty cylindrical room, to be tortured by his old friend, Jack Lint. Sam is told that Jill was killed while resisting arrest. As Jack is about to start the torture, Tuttle and other members of the resistance break into the Ministry, shooting Jack, rescuing Sam, and blowing up the Ministry building. Sam and Tuttle flee together, but Tuttle disappears amid a mass of scraps of paperwork from the destroyed building. Sam stumbles into the funeral of Ida's friend, who has died following excessive cosmetic surgery. Sam discovers that his mother now resembles Jill, and is too busy being fawned over by young men to care about her son's plight. Guards disrupt the funeral, and Sam falls into the open casket and through a black void. He lands in a street from his daydreams, and tries to escape police and monsters by climbing a pile of flex-ducts. Opening a door, he passes through it and is surprised to find himself in a truck driven by Jill. The two leave the city together. However, this "happy ending" is a delusion: in reality, he is still strapped to the chair. It is implied that he has been lobotomised by Jack.[18] Realising that Sam has descended into blissful insanity, Jack and Mr Helpmann declare him a lost cause and leave the room. Sam remains in the chair, smiling and humming "Aquarela do Brasil"."- Brazil (1985 film), by wikipedia.


Coronavirus: Chinese citizen journalist detained after live-streaming from Wuhan

● 武漢日記

武漢日記 (ぶ かんにっき、中: 武汉日记)は、中国の作家方方による、中国・武漢で新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の流行を抑止するためのロックダウン生活中の人々の生活 について書かれたオンライン日記[1][2][3]。作者の名前から「方方日記」とも呼ばれる[4]。2020年6月、「Wuhan Diary:Dispatches from a Quarantined City」というタイトルの英訳がハーパーコリンズから書籍形式で発行された。日本語でも邦訳された。中国共産党の管理下にある国家主義的な日刊紙である 『環球時報』によると、この出版物は中国政府の日記のイメージと中古の情報源の使用の疑いにより、中国の聴衆から怒りを集めたという。英語とドイツ語で迅 速に翻訳され、両言語とも最初の中国語の新浪微博版(3月25日に終了)が完成してからわずか2週間後の4月8日にアマゾンで先行予約可能になり、 「potential collaborations with foreign influences(外国の影響との潜在的な協力)」とする批判と推測を引き起こしたとも述べた[14] [15]」武漢日記

"Wuhan Diary (Chinese: 武汉日记; pinyin: Wǔhàn rìjì) is an online diary written by Chinese writer Fang Fang about the life of the people of Wuhan, China during the Wuhan lockdown during efforts to quarantine the center of an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and stop it spreading.[1][2][3] An English translation of the diary, titled Wuhan Diary: Dispatches from a Quarantined City, was published in book format by Harper Collins in June 2020." - Wuhan Diary.





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