fail-safe and fool-proof
ロボット・プルー フ(耐ロボット性、耐ロボ性:robot-proof)とは、人工知能(AI)の普及により、労働現場に人造のロボットより役立たずの人材は不要になるた めに、人工知能にはできない仕事をできる能力をロボット・プルーフ(robot-proof)と呼んで、これからの労働市場で人工知能と人間が喰い合いを する熾烈な場所では、それに耐え得るだけの学生を大学では育てよう(="How to educate the next generation of college students to invent, to create, and to discover—filling needs that even the most sophisticated robot cannot.") という教育理念における、クリエイティビティ陶冶の教育戦略のことである。ノースイースタン大学の学長(2006-現在)のジョセフ・アウンがその著作 『耐ロボ性: 人工知能時代の高等教育』という著作のなかで主張し、この用語が有名になった。
"How to educate the next generation of college students to invent, to create, and to discover-filling needs that even the most sophisticated robot cannot.Driverless cars are hitting the road, powered by artificial intelligence. Robots can climb stairs, open doors, win Jeopardy, analyze stocks, work in factories, find parking spaces, advise oncologists. In the past, automation was considered a threat to low-skilled labor. Now, many high-skilled functions, including interpreting medical images, doing legal research, and analyzing data, are within the skill sets of machines. How can higher education prepare students for their professional lives when professions themselves are disappearing? In Robot-Proof, Northeastern University president Joseph Aoun proposes a way to educate the next generation of college students to invent, to create, and to discover-to fill needs in society that even the most sophisticated artificial intelligence agent cannot. A "robot-proof" education, Aoun argues, is not concerned solely with topping up students' minds with high-octane facts. Rather, it calibrates them with a creative mindset and the mental elasticity to invent, discover, or create something valuable to society-a scientific proof, a hip-hop recording, a web comic, a cure for cancer. Aoun lays out the framework for a new discipline, humanics, which builds on our innate strengths and prepares students to compete in a labor market in which smart machines work alongside human professionals. The new literacies of Aoun's humanics are data literacy, technological literacy, and human literacy. Students will need data literacy to manage the flow of big data, and technological literacy to know how their machines work, but human literacy-the humanities, communication, and design-to function as a human being. Life-long learning opportunities will support their ability to adapt to change. The only certainty about the future is change. Higher education based on the new literacies of humanics can equip students for living and working through change." - Nielsen BookData.
ヒューマニクスには、3つの認知能力(知的スキル=マインドセットと世界についての考え方)が必要になる。つまり、1)システム思考、2)アントレプレナーシップ、3)異文化アジリティである(アウン 2020:12)。