Don't wake a sleeping child. No despiertes a un niño dormido. Ne pas
réveiller un enfant qui dort.
☆ 寝ている子をわざわざ起こして泣かせることはない、の意から転じて,不必要なことをしたために生じる逆効果を示すことわざ。部落問題については、〈何も知らない人にわざわざ問題所在を知らせる必要はなく,そっと放置しておけば自然に解決する〉とする考え方の比喩的表現。(八木晃介「寝た子を起こすな」)
がしろにする反動的イデオロギーの役割を果たしている。 八木晃介 https://blhrri.org/old/nyumon/yougo/nyumon_yougo_12.htm |
proverb that indicates the opposite effect caused by doing something
unnecessary, from the meaning of "don't bother to wake a sleeping child
to make it cry. It is a figurative expression of the idea that "there
is no need to go to the trouble of informing people who don't know
anything about the Buraku issue; it will naturally resolve itself if it
is left quietly alone. The date of the establishment of this metaphor
is not certain, but two theories, one from the 1890s and the other from
the Taisho Era (1926-1989), are the most popular. The former is
symbolized by the Bisaku Heiminkai* formed in 1902 (35th year of Meiji)
as the first organization of the Buraku people and by Shimazaki Toson*s
"Breaking the Law" (1906), while the latter is symbolized by the
founding of the National Horizontal Society (1922), as a collective
expression of the policy of accommodating the Buraku people against the
background of the social problems and their awareness of their social
position. This figurative expression came to be used as a collective
expression of the policy of accommodating the Buraku people. This
expression is used both by the Buraku and by the general public, and
both should be rejected because of their reluctance to solve the
problem, but a distinction must be made between the implication of
"sleeping child," which is based on full knowledge of the cruelty of
discrimination, and "sleeping child," which is based on a tacit
acceptance of discrimination. Today, the idea of "don't wake the
sleeping child" has taken the form of "Buraku decentralization theory"
and "Buraku dissolution theory," and is playing the role of a
reactionary ideology that virtually ignores all efforts to eliminate
discrimination. by Kosuke YAGI |
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