Rodolfo Stavenhagen's "Ethnic
conflicts and the nation-state," 1996
エスニック問題と国際社会 : 紛争・開発・人権 / R. スタヴェンハーゲン著 ; 加藤一夫監訳、東京 : 御茶の水書房 , 1995より、第8章「先住民族と部族民族——特別なケース」を検討する。
著者のロドルフォ・スタベンハーゲン(Rodolfo Stavenhagen;
1932年8月29日 -
Colegio de
告者に任命された。任期は2008年4月30日まで。後任にはアリゾナ大学のS.James Anaya教
頁 |
パ |
149 |
1 |
1.はじめに コーボ特別委員会報告 |
2 |
先住民の経済的マイノリティ化(ILO) |
3 |
国際人道独立委員会 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
154 |
11 |
2.定義、構成員、法的地位 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
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160 |
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3.土地、領域、資源 |
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168 |
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4.経済開発 |
42 |
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171 |
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5.言語、教育、文化 |
49 |
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181 |
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6.先住民法と社会組織 |
70 |
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72 |
182 |
73 |
7.自主管理、自治、自決 |
74 |
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76 |
77 |
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186 |
80 |
8.結び ・先住民の国民国家への従属、差別、周縁化は植民地化と植民地主義の結果。 |
81 |
・ジェノサイドの、経済的および文化的側面 |
82 |
83 |
・先住民がネーションズとして認知されること |
◎Ethnic conflicts and the nation-state
Using original research by a number of highly regarded specialists, this book brings together comparative materials and distinct disciplinary approaches on the origins and dynamics of ethnic conflicts, ethnic policies of nation states, and different attempts to contain, transform and resolve ethnic conflicts. It is one of the results of a research project on ethnic conflicts and development undertaken by the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development. Includes material on Asia and the Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, the former socialist countries, the United States, and Latin America.
1. The Ethnic Question in the World Crisis
2. The Pitfalls of Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflicts
3. How Conflict Came About
4. The Structuring of Identities
5. The Dynamics of Conflict
6. Ethnic Conflict and Economic Development
7. Ethnic Policies
8. International Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict
9. The Seeds of Conflict: Racism, Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia: a Case-Study of the United States
10. Conflict Management and the Multi-Ethnic State -
11. Conclusions
Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1997-2099