Testamento del año viejo
★1980年代中頃に垂水源之介が、中央アメリカのホンジュラスの農村で経験した大晦日の儀 礼である、Testamento del año viejo - 「古い年の遺言」についての短い報告をしたあとに、儀礼とゲームの違いについて解説を終えます(上映時間 13分)
We have seen that
there are analogies between mythical thought on
the theoretical, and 'bricolage' on the practical plane and that
artistic creation lies mid-way between science and these two forms of
activity; There are relations of the same type between games and
rites. (p.30) |
理論的な神話的思考と実践的な「ブリコラージュ」の間には類似性があり、芸術的創造は科学とこれら二つの活動の中間にあることを見てきた。 |
All games are defined by a set of rules which in practice allow the playing of any number of matches. Ritual which is also 'played', is on the other hand, like a favoured instance of a game, remembered from among the possible ones because it is the only one which results in a particular type of equilibrium between the two sides. The transposition is readily seen in the case of the Gahuku-Gama of New Guinea who have learnt football but who will play, several days running, as many matches as are necessary for both sides to reach the same score (Read, p. 429 ). This is treating a game as a ritual.(pp.30-31) | す
を習ったが、両者が同じ得点になるために必要なだけの試合を何日も続けて行うという事例で容易にわかる(Read, p.429
)。これは、ゲームを儀式として扱っているのである。 |
The same can be said of the games which took place among the Fox Indians during adoption ceremonies. Their purpose was to replace a dead relative by a living one and so to allow the final departure of the soul of the deceased.* The main aim of funeral rites among the Fox seems indeed to be to get rid of the dead and to prevent them from avenging on the living their bitterness and their regret that they are no longer among them. For native philosophy resolutely sides with the living: 'Death is a hard thing. Sorrow is especially hard'.(p.31) | 同
の」。 |
Death originated in the destruction by supernatural powers of the younger of two mythical brothers who are cultural heroes among all the Algonkin. But it was not yet final. It was made so by the elder brother when, in spite of his sorrow, he rejected the ghost's request to be allowed to return to his place among the living. Men must follow this example and be firm with the dead. The living must make them understand that they have lost nothing by dying since they regularly receive offerings of tobacco and food. In return they are expected to compensate the living for the reality of death which they recall to them and for the sorrow their demise causes them by guaranteeing them long life, clothes and something to eat. 'It is the dead who make food increase', a native informant explains. 'They (the Indians) must coax them that way' (Michelson I, pp. 369, 407).(p.31) | 死
らない」(『マイケルソンI』369、407ページ)。 |
Now, the adoption rites which are necessary to make the soul of the deceased finally decide to go where it will take on the role of a protecting spirit are normally accompanied by competitive sports, games of skill or chance between teams which are constituted on the basis of an ad hoc division into two sides, Tokan and Kicko. I said explicitly over and over again that it is the living and the dead who are playing against each other. It is as if the living offered the dead the consolation of a last match before finally being rid of them. But, since the two teams are asymmetrical in what they stand for, the outcome is inevitably determined in advance: feast is given, the Kickoagi win, as in turn the Tokanagi do not win (Michelson I, p. 385).(pp.31-32) | さ
ので、結果はあらかじめ必然的に決まっている。ごちそうが与えられ、キッコウギが勝ち、その代わりにトカナギが勝てない(マイケルソン I, p.
385)のである。 |
And what is in fact the case? It is clear that it is only the living who win in the great biological and social game which is constantly taking place between the living and the dead. But, as all the North American mythology confirms, to win a game is symbolically to 'kill' one's opponent; this is depicted as really happening in innumerable myths. By ruling that they should always win, the dead are given the illusion that it is they who are really alive, and that their opponents, having been 'killed' by them, are dead. Under the guise of playing with the dead, one plays them false and commits them. The formal structure of what might at first sight be taken for a competitive game is in fact identical with that of a typical ritual such as the Mitawit or Midewinin of .these same Algonkin peoples in which the initiates get symbolically killed by the dead whose part is played by the initiated; they feign death in order to obtain a further lease of life. In both cases, death is brought in but only to be duped.(p.32) | そ して、実際にはどうなのだろうか。生者と死者の間で絶えず行われている生物学的・社会学的な大ゲームで勝つのは生者だけであることは明らかである。しか し、北米の神話に見られるように、ゲームに勝つということは、象徴的に相手を「殺す」ことであり、これは無数の神話の中で実際に起こっていることとして描 かれている。死者たちは、自分たちが常に勝つべきであるとすることで、本当に生きているのは自分たちであり、自分たちによって「殺された」相手は死んでい るのだと錯覚するのである。死者と遊ぶという名目で、人は死者を偽り、罪を犯す。一見、競争的なゲームのように見えるが、実は、同じアルゴンキン族のミタ ウィットやミデウィニンのような典型的な儀式と同じで、加入礼を受ける者が死者によって象徴的に殺され、その役を加入礼を受ける者が演じ、さらに命を得る ために死を装う。どちらの場合も、死が持ち込まれるが、それは騙されるためだけである。 |
Games thus appear to have a disjunctive effect: they end in the establishment of a difference between individual players or teams where originally there was no indication of inequality. And at the end of the game they are distinguished into winners and losers. Ritual, on the other hand, is the exact inverse; it conjoins, for it brings about a union (one might even say communion in this context) or in any case an organic relation between two initially separate groups, one ideally merging with the person of the officiant and the other with the collectivity of the faithful. In the case of games the symmetry is therefore preordained and it is of a structural kind since it follows from the principle that the rules are the same for both sides. Asymmetry is engendered: it follows inevitably from the contingent nature of events, themselves due to intention, chance or talent. The reverse is true of ritual. There is an asymmetry which is postulated in advance between profane and sacred, faithful and officiating, dead and living, initiated and uninitiated, etc., and the 'game' consists in making all the participants pass to the winning side by means of events, the nature and ordering of which is genuinely structural Like science (though here again on both the theoretical and the practical plane) the game produces events by means of a structure; and we can therefore understand why competitive games should flourish in our industrial societies. Rites and myths, on the other hand, like 'bricolage' (which these same societies only tolerate as a hobby or pastime), take to pieces and reconstruct sets of events (on a psychical, socio-historical or technical plane) and use them as so many indestructible pieces for structural patterns in which they serve alternatively as ends or means.(pp.32-33) | こ
一連の出来事をバラバラにして再構築し、それらが目的または手段として交互に機能する構造パターンのための非常に多くの不滅の断片として使うのだ。 |
The savage mind / Claude Lévi-Strauss. Chicago : University of Chicago Press , c1966 | |