Read this line first!

"You mut unlearn what you have learned," my Master said...

Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j

In last week, I have presented as "Cultural anthropology of Science and Technology, in Japan," in the 52nd Annual meeting of the Japanese socitey of cutral anthropology.
About a hundred years ago, two important great thinkers independently spoke the critique of hyperbolic fashion of Science and Technology...
Fotos: Las Imagenes del trabajo del campo. Jovén Primatólogo Dr. Koshin Kimura trabajaba en la cuenca del Amazonas, ca. 1976-1977. Con probación por Dr. Kimura

We remind the book entitled as "Darwin's Dangerous Idea," by Daniel Dennett.
"You must unlearn what you have learned," my Master said...
Let us throw away our proceeding, and Get out to countryside!!!







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