
Hyperart Thomasson

トマソンジャンル01:かつて何かに使わ れていた構造物の痕跡
トマソンジャンル02:建築された歴史的 経緯が不明なもの。アヴァンギャルド
トマソンジャンル04:かつて何かに使わ れていた構造物の痕跡なのであるが、それがアーティスティクな機能や「かけがえのなさ」を逆に持ち始めたもの
トマソンジャンル05:構造物の痕跡であ るが、現在でも機能をもっているにもかかわらず「役にたたないんじゃん?!」と素人にバカにされるかわいそうな構築物


"Thomasson or Hyperart Thomasson (Japanese: Tomason トマソン or Chōgeijutsu Tomason 超芸術トマソン) is a type of conceptual art named by the Japanese artist Akasegawa Genpei in the 1980s. It refers to a useless relic or structure that has been preserved as part of a building or the built environment, which has become a piece of art in itself. These objects, although having the appearance of pieces of conceptual art, were not created to be viewed as such. Akasegawa deemed them even more art-like than art itself, and named them "hyperart." In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in Thomasson, especially since the publication of Akasegawa's work on the subject in English in 2010.[1]" - Hyperart Thomasson.

Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1996-2099

池田蛙  授業蛙  電脳蛙  医療人類学蛙