Lupton, Beborah. (1994) Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body in Western Culture. London: Sage.
o Introduction
1 Theoretical Perspective on Medicine and Society
3 Representations of Medicine, Illness and Disease in Elite and Popular Culture
4 The Lay Perspective on Illness and Disease
5 Power Relatuions and the Medical Encounter
o Introduction, p.1
1 Theoretical Perspective on Medicine and Society, p.4
1.1 (Introduction), p.5
1.2 The Sociology of Health and Illness, p.6
1.2.1 Functionalism, p.6
1.2.2 The Political Economy Perspective, p.8
1.2.3 Social Constructionism, p.11
1.3 Medical Anthropology, p.13
1.4 Historical Dimension, p.15
1.5 Cultural Studies, p.16
1.6 Discourse and the 'Lingustic Turn', p.17
1.7 Conclusion: a Merging of Perspcetives, p.19
2.1 (Introduction), p.20
2.2 Social Theory and the Body, p.20
2.3 Foucaut, the Body and the Clinic, p.23
2.4 The Gendered and Sexual Body, p.24
2.5 Public Health and the Disciplined Body, p.30
2.6 Ceanliness, Dirt and Body Boundaries, p.32
2.7 The Commodified Body, p.36
2.8 Food and the Body, p.40
2.9 The Dead Body, p.44
2.10 Conclusion, p.48
3 Representations of Medicine, Illness and Disease in Elite and Popular Culture, p.50
3.1 (Introduction), p.50
3.2 Desease and Death in Elite Culture, p.50
3.3 Medicine, Illness and Death in Popular Culture, p.52
3.4 Illness and Metaphor, p.54
3.4.1 The Machinary of the Body, p.59
3.4.2 The Military Metaphor, p.61
3.4.3 The Body against Itself: Metaphor of the Immune System, p.64
3.4.4 Cancer Metaphors, p.66
3.4.5 Metaphor, Gender and Medicine, p.69
3.5 The Iconography of Illness, Disease and Death, p.71
3.6 Countering the Oppressive Image: Cultural Activism, p.76
3.7 Conclusion, p.78
4 The Lay Perspective on Illness and Disease, p.79
4.1 (Introduction), p.79
4.2 Historical Perspactives on the Illness Experience, p.79
4.2.1 Emergence of Scientific Medicine, p.83
4.3 Comtemporary Perspectives: Rationality, Morality and Control, p.86
4.4 The Moral Dimensions of the Illness Experience, p.89
4.5 Experiencing Illness, p.92
4.6 Hospitalization, p.94
4.7 The 'Potential Sick Role', p.98
4.8 Causes of Disease and Illness from the Lay Perspective, p.100
4.9 Conclusion, p.104
5 Power Relatuions and the Medical Encounter. p.105
5.1 (introduction)
5.2 The Functional Perspective on Power, p.105
5.3 The Political Economy Perspective on Power, p.107
5.4 The Foucauldian Perspective on Power, p.111
5.5 Patient's Resistance to Medical Power, p.113
5.6 The Doctor's View, p.117
5.7 The Nurse's Perspective, p.121
5.8 Moral Values in the Medical Encounter, p.123
5.9 Alternative Therapies and Self-help Groups: Challenging Medical Dominance?, p.125
5.10 Conclusion, p.129
6 Feminisms and Medicine, p.131
6.1 (Introduction)
6.2 Gynaecology, Sexuality and the Femine Body, p.132
6.3 Contraception and Abortion, p.138
6.4 Menstruation and Menopause, p.141
6.5 Childbirth and the Struggle for Control, p.146
6.6 Prenatal Screening Technologies, p.151
6.7 Assisted Conception Technologies, p.155
6.8 Conclusion, p.160
7 Conclusions, p.161
8 References
Lupton, Beborah. (1994) Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body in Western Culture. London: Sage.
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