表題:ルグバラ族の疾病観の変容 病気信条と文化変容
ウガンダのルグバラ族(Lugbara)における病気の信条のJohn Middletonによる調査のあと23年後の文化変容を研究したDeanは次のように結論している。かっては病気は、病人への叱責 (reprimand)や近親者の道徳的な過ちとして、父系の祖先が引き起こすものとして考えらえていたが、現在ではそれが見られなくなり、代わりに邪術 が優勢になったことを指摘している。
Present-day Lugbara(注:ウガンダの民族) illness beliefs reflect these changes: illnesses caused by ancestores and by witchcraft are no longer found, and in their place has arisen a new category of illness with obscure or impersonal etiologies whitch are thought to need Western medical treatment. Sorcery,in contrast, has grown in imortance and now includes aspects of traditional witchcraft(sorcery is now performed by both men and women and can include object intrusion as well as poisoning by mouth): it is noe described as 'true' Lugbara illness and treatment for it is sought from Lugbara herbalist.(p.v)
souce:Dean,Virgia Lee,Illness Beliefs and Social Change: A Study of the Lugbala of Northwest Uganda,University of Hawaii,Ph.D.Dissertation,Anthropology,1978.
Copyright Mitzubishi Chimbao Tzai, 2000