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 Legal Anthropology "Classic" Bibliography



    1. Hilda Kuper and Leo Kuper eds., 1965. African law : adaptation and development. Berkeley : University of California Press.
    2. Judith D. Toland ed., 1993. Ethnicity and the state. New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A. : Transaction Publishers.
    3. René Kuppe and Richard Potz eds., 1996. Law & anthropology. The Hague : Kluwer Law International.
    4. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review
    5. Sybille van der Sprenkel, 1962. Legal institutions in Manchu China : a sociological analysis. New York : Humanities Press.
    6. Simon Roberts, 1979. Order and dispute : an introduction to legal anthropology.New York : Penguin.(秩序と紛争 : 人類学的考察 / サイモン・ロバーツ著 ; 千葉正士監訳, 西田書店,1982年)
    7. Eugenio Bulygin, Jean-Louis Gardies, and Ilkka Niiniluoto eds., 1985. Man, law, and modern forms of life.  Boston : D. Reidel.
    8. J.van Houtte ed., Sociology of law and legal anthropology in Dutch speaking countries. Dordrecht : M.Nijhoff.
    9. June Starr and Jane F. Collier eds., History and power in the study of law : new directions in legal anthropology. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press.
    10. Peter Sack and Jonathan Aleck eds., Law and anthropology. Hants, England: Aldershot.

サイモン・ロバーツ(故人: Simon Roberts, 1941-2014)教授がおすすめの文献

    1. - Abel, R. L. (1974) 'A comparative theory of dispute institutions in society', Law and Society Review 8(2): 218-347. . .
    2. - Bohannan, P. (1957) Justice andJudgment among the Tiv, London: Oxford Uruverslty Press for the International African Institute.
    3. - Cain, M. and Kulcsar, K. (1981) 'Thinking disputes: an essay on the origins of the dispute industry', Law and Society Review .16: 375-‾02. . .
    4. - Fallers, L. (1969) Law without Precedent, Chicago: Uruverslty of Chicago Press. .
    5. - Gluckman, M. (1955) The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    6. - Grifliths, J. (1986) 'What is legal pluralism?', Journal of Legal Pluralism 24: 1.
    7. - Gulliver, P. H. (1963) Social Control in an African Society, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    8. - Hamnett, I. (ed.) (1977) Social Anthropology and Law, New York: Academic Press.
    9. - Hoebel, E. A. (1954) The Law of Primitive Man, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    10. - Koch, K. F. (1974) War and Peace in Jalemo, Cambndge, Mass.: Harvard Uruverslty Press.
    11. - Llewellyn, K. N. and Hoebel, E. A. (1941) The Cheyenne Way, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
    12. - Malinowski, B. (1926) Crime and Custom in Savage Society, London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Trubner.
    13. - Merry, S. E. (1988) 'Legal pluralism', Law and Society Review 22: 869-96.
    14. - Moore, S. F. (1978) Law as Process, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    15. - Nader, L. (1969) Law in Culture and Society, Chicago:. Aldine.. .
    16. - Newman, K. (1983) Law and Economic OrganisatIon,. Cambndge: Cambndge University Press.
    17. - Pospisil, L. (1958) Kapauku Papuans and their Law, New Haven: Yale Uruverslty Publications in Anthropology no. 54.
    18. - Roberts, S. (1979) Order and Dispute, Harmondsworth: Penguin. (秩序と紛争 : 人類学的考察 / サイモン・ロバーツ著 ; 千葉正士監訳, 西田書店,1982年)
    19. - Turner, V. (1957) Schism and Continuity in an African Society, Manchester: Manchester University Press.



法人類学者にとっての、法学一般の展開と法人類学の 基本文献(歴史)(法学史の基本文献:ただし1748年以降)——参照文献:湯浅道男, 小池正行, 大塚滋編『法人類学の地平』東京 : 成文堂 , 1992.9. - (アジア法叢書 ; 16)



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