Réflexions sur la violence by Georges Sorel
ジョルジュ・ソレル(Georges Sorel, 1847-1922)『暴力論』(1908)にみられる基本的テーゼを整理する。
ソレルの『暴力論』(1908)意義は、1)テラーではない暴力(概念)の肯定とその論証、2)ゼネストによる労働者の権力奪取のプログラムを 明確化したこと、3)労働者=生産者の徳目としての権力行使の可能性を切り拓いたこと、などに求められる。
"Reflections on Violence (French:
Réflexions sur la violence),
published in 1908, is a book by the French
revolutionary syndicalist Georges Sorel (1847-1922) on
class struggle and revolution.[1] Sorel is known for his theory that
political revolution depends on the proletariat organizing violent
uprisings and strikes to institute syndicalism,[2] an economic system
in which syndicats (self-organizing groups of only proletarians) truly
represent the needs of the working class.[3] One of Sorel's most
controversial claims was that violence could save the world from
"barbarism".[2] He equated violence with life, creativity, and
virtue.[2] In this book, he contends that myths are important as
"expressions of will to act".[2] He also supports the creation of an
economic system run by and for the interests of producers rather than
consumers.[2] His ideas were influenced by various other philosophical
writers, including Giambattista Vico, Blaise Pascal, Ernest Renan,
Friedrich Nietzsche, Eduard von Hartmann, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, John
Henry Newman, Karl Marx, and Alexis de Tocqueville.[2]"- Reflections on Violence.
"Georges Sorel’s Reflections on Violence is one of the most controversial books of the twentieth century: J. B. Priestley[1894-1984] argued that if one could grasp why a retired civil servant had written such a book then the modern age could be understood. It heralded the political turmoil of the decades that were to follow its publication and provided inspiration for Marxists and Fascists alike. Developing the ideas of violence, myth and the general strike, Sorel celebrates the heroic action of the proletariat as a means of saving the modern world from decadence and of reinvigorating the capitalist spirit of a timid bourgeoisie." - https://libcom.org/files/Sorel-Reflections-on-Violence-ed-Jennings.pdf
ソレルの『暴力論』(Réflexions sur la violence, 1910) の章立て
ジョルジュ・ソレル『暴力論』(上)今村 仁司・塚原史訳、岩波文庫、岩波書店、2007年 | GSorel_Ref_Violence1-2_jap.pdf | (英訳)Sorel-Reflections-on-Violence.pdf
with password |
ジョルジュ・ソレル『暴力論』(下)今村 仁司・塚原史訳、岩波文庫、岩波書店、2007年 | GSorel_Ref_Violence2-2_jap.pdf |
(英訳)同上 |
1. 階級闘争と暴力
2. ブルジョアジーの頽廃と暴力
3. 暴力に対する偏見
4. プロレタリアのストライキ
5. 政治的ゼネスト
6. 暴力の道徳性
7. 生産者の道徳
Eugène Sorel, 1847-1922.
当初「マルクス主義理論の弱点と考えたものを補おうとしたが、最終的にはマルクス主義の修正とも言える思想を唱え、エドゥアルト・ベルンシュタイン(Eduard Bernstein, 1850-1932)の右派的な修正主義とは区別して史的唯物論と弁証法的唯物論、およびプロレタリア国際主義を拒絶した左派修正主義を主張」する(ソレル)
Erfurt Program by Eduard Bernstein, Karl Kautsky et al.: "The Erfurt Program was adopted by the Social Democratic Party of Germany during the SPD congress at Erfurt in 1891. Formulated under the political guidance of Eduard Bernstein, August Bebel, and Karl Kautsky, it superseded the earlier Gotha Program. The program declared the imminent death of capitalism and the necessity of socialist ownership of the means of production. The party intended to pursue these goals through legal political participation rather than by revolutionary activity. Kautsky argued that because capitalism, by its very nature, must collapse, the immediate task for socialists was to work for the improvement of workers' lives rather than for the revolution, which was inevitable."
The Class Struggle (Erfurt Program)
by Karl Kautsky, 1888.
A Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Program of 1891, by Frederick Engels 1891.
ゼネスト、ボイコット、サボタージュなど、資本主義システムの機能を麻痺あるいは破壊することを経由する、労働者による管理システム奪取を 計画(→アナルコ・サンジカリズム)
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