Bibliography of
Margaret Lock

■ マーガレット・ロック先生の著作の検討
- The Alzheimer Conundrum :
Entanglements of Dementia and Aging.
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press.(2013)[解説]
- Handbook of genetics and society :
mapping the new genomic era /
edited by Paul Atkinson, Peter Glasner and Margaret Lock Routledge
(2009, 2013)
- Medical anthropology at the
intersections : histories, activisms,
and futures / Marcia C. Inhorn and Emily A. Wentzell, editors Duke
University Press (2012)
- An anthropology of biomedicine /
Margaret Lock and Vinh-Kim
Nguyen, Wiley-Blackwell (2010)
- Beyond the body proper : reading the
anthropology of material
life / edited by Margaret Lock and Judith Farquhar, Duke University
Press (2007)
- Thinking about dementia : culture,
loss, and the anthropology of
senility / edited by Annette Leibing, Lawrence Cohen, Rutgers
University Press (2006)
- Dementia-near-death and "life itself" / Sharon R. Kaufman
- The borderlands of primary care : physician and family
perspectives on "troublesome" behaviors of people with dementia /
Ladson Hinton ... [et al.]
- Negotiating the moral status of trouble : the experiences of
forgetful individuals diagnosed with no dementia / André P. Smith
- Diagnosing dementia : epidemiological and clinical data as
cultural text / Janice E. Graham
- The biomedical deconstruction of senility and the persistent
stigmatization of old age in the United States / Jesse F. Ballenger
- Genetic susceptibility and Alzheimer's disease : the
and uptake of genetic knowledge / Margaret Lock, Stephanie Lloyd, and
Janalyn Prest
- Coherence without facticity in dementia : the case of Mrs.
/ Athena Helen McLean
- Creative storytelling and self-expression among people with
dementia / Anne Davis Basting
- Embodied selfhood : an ethnographic exploration of
disease / Pia C. Kontos
- Normality and difference : institutional classification and
constitution of subjectivity in a Dutch nursing home / Roma Chatterji
- Divided gazes : Alzheimer's disease, the person within, and
death in life / Annette Leibing
- Being a good rōjin : senility, power, and self-actualization
Japan / John W. Traphagan
- Remaking life & death : toward an
anthropology of the
biosciences / edited by Sarah Franklin and Margaret Lock, School of
American Research Press (2003)
- Remaking a world : violence, social
suffering, and recovery /
edited by Veena Das ... [et al.], Oxford University Press (2002)
- Animation and cessation: the remaking of life and death /
Franklin and Margaret Lock
- On beginning and ending with apoptosis: cell death and
biomedicine / Hannah Landecker
- Life/time warranty: rechargeable cells and extendable lives /
Linda F. Hogle
- Ethical biocapital: new strategies of cell culture / Sarah
- Cell life and death, child life and death: genomic horizons,
genetic diseases, family stories / Rayna Rapp
- On making up the good-as-dead in a utilitarian world /
- Suspended animation: a brine shrimp essay / Corinne P. Hayden
- Life@sea: networking marine biodiversity into biotech futures
Stefan Helmreich
- Embryo tales / Lynn Morgan
- Cloning mutts, saving tigers: ethical emergents in
technocultural dog worlds / Donna J. Haraway
- New horizons in medical anthropology
: essays in honour of
Charles Leslie / edited by Mark Nichter and Margaret Lock, Routledge
- Twice dead : organ transplants and
the reinvention of death /
Margaret Lock, University of California Press (2002)
- Living and working with the new
medical technologies :
intersections of inquiry / edited by Margaret Lock, Alan [i.e. Allan]
Young, Alberto Cambrosio, Cambridge University Press (2000)
- Social suffering / edited by Arthur
Kleinman, Veena Das, and
Margaret Lock, Oxford University Press (1997)
- Pragmatic women and body politics /
edited by Margaret Lock,
Patricia A. Kaufert, Cambridge University Press (1997)
- Encounters with aging : mythologies
of menopause in Japan and
North America / Margaret Lock, University of California Press (1993,
- Knowledge, power, and practice : the
anthropology of medicine and
everyday life / edited by Shirley Lindenbaum and Margaret Lock,
University of California Press (1993)
- Biomedicine examined / edited by
Margaret Lock and Deborah
Gordon, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1988)
- Health, illness, and medical care in
Japan : cultural and social
dimensions / edited by Edward Norbeck and Margaret Lock ;
[contributors, Christie W. Kiefer ... et al.], University of Hawaii
Press (1987)
- Physicians of western medicine :
anthropological approaches to
theory and practice / edited by Robert A. Hahn and Atwood D. Gaines, D.
Reidel Pub. Co. (1985)
- Among the physicians / Atwood D. Gaines and Robert A. Hahn
- Including the physician in healer-centered research / Thomas
- A world of internal medicine / Robert A. Hahn
- Models and practice in medicine / Margaret Lock
- Mary, patient as emergent symbol on a pediatrics ward /
- How surgeons make decisions / Pearl Katz
- Gentle interrogation / William Rittenberg and Ronald C. Simons
- Reflexivity, countertransference, and clinical ethnography /
Byron J. Good ... [et al.]
- The once- and the twice-born / Atwood D. Gaines
- Discourses on physician competence / Mary-Jo Delvecchio Good
- Consultation-liaison psychiatry / Thomas M. Johnson
- Disease and pseudo-disease / Cecil G. Helman
- East Asian medicine in urban Japan :
varieties of medical
experience / Margaret M. Lock, University of California Press (1980,
- Oriental medicine in urban Japan : a
harmony of tradition and
science / Lock, Margaret Marion, UMI Dissertation Services (1976),
Facsim. reprint of the author's thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of
California, Berkeley, 1976, Bibliography: p. 307-311
■ 当該ウェブページでFurthre reading と称されるもの:
- 2010 Postgenomics,
uncertain futures, and the familiarization of susceptibility genes.
Social Science and Medicine. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.01.053
- 2007 Biosociality and Susceptibility Genes: A Cautionary Tale.
Sahra Gibbon and Carlos Novas eds., Revisiting Biosociality. London:
Routledge pp. 56-78.
- 2005 Alzheimer's Disease: A Tangled Concept. In Complexities:
Nature and Nurture. Susan McKinnon and Sydel Silverman, eds., New York
Routledge pp.104-138.
- 2002 The Alienation of Body Tissue and the Biopolitics of
Cell Lines. In Commodifying Bodies. N.Scheper-Hughes and L. Wacquant,
eds., London: Sage Publications, pp. 63-92.
- 2000 Introduction. In Living and Working with the New Medical
Technologies: Intersections of Inquiry. Margaret Lock, Allan Young and
Alberto Cambrosio, eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
- 2000 The Quest for Human Organs and the Violence of Zeal. In
Remaking a
World: Violence, Social Suffering, and Recovery. Veena Das, Arthur
Kleinman, Mamphela Ramphele and Pamela Reynolds, eds. Berkeley:
University of California Press, pp. 271-295.
- 1999 The Problem of Brain Death: Japanese Disputes about Bodies
Modernity. In The Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies.
Stuart J. Youngner, Robert M. Arnold and Renie Schapiro, eds.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 239-256.
- 2013 Detecting Amyloid Biomarkers: Embodied Risk and Alzheimer
Prevention, BioSocieties 8:107-123.
- 2013 The Lure of the Epigenome, The Lancet 381:1896-1897.
- 2012 The Epigenome and Nature/Nurture Reunification, Medical
Anthropology, special issue on Local Biologies, Online.
- 2012 From Genetics to Postgenomics and the Discovery of the New
Social Body, in Marcia Inhorn and Emily A. Wentzell eds. Medical
Anthropology at the Intersections: Histories, Activisms, and Futures,
Durham and London: Duke University Press,pp.129-160.
- 2011 Learning Again to Live with Uncertainty: Postgenomic
Knowledge and Genetic Testing. In Rod MacDonald and Louis Maheu eds.
The Postgenomic Era and its Social Repercussions, Montreal, McGill
Queen’s University Press. Pp. 249-286.
- 2011 Embodying Molecular Genomics, In. Frances E. Mascia-Lees ed.
A Companion to the Anthropology of the Body and Embodiment, Oxford:
Wiley Blackwell. Pp.223-238.
- 2011 Seduced by Plaques and Tangles: Alzheimer’s Disease and the
Cerebral Subject, in F. Ortega and F. Vidal eds., Neurocultures:
Glimpses into and Expanding Universe. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
- 2010 Dementia Entanglements in a Postgenomic Era, Science
Technology Human Values 35: 478-492
- 2010 Postgenomics, uncertain futures, and the familiarization of
susceptibility genes. Social Science and Medicine, 172: 1768-1775, with
Gillian Chilibeck and Megha Sedev.
- 2009 APOE genotyping, Risk Estimates, and Public Understanding of
Susceptibility Genes, with Adam Hedgecoe, in J. Bollinger et al. eds.,
Do We Have a Pill for That? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the
Development, Use, and Evaluation of Drugs in the Treatment of Dementia.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press pp. 65-84.
- 2009 Testing for Susceptibility Genes: A Cautionary Tale. In,
Christoph Rehmann-Sutter and Hans Jakop Müller eds., Disclosure
Dilemmas: Ethics of Genetic Prognosis after the 'Right to Know/Not to
Know Debate. Basel, Switzerland pp. 65-84.
- 2009 Demoting the Genetic Body, Anthropologica. 51:159-172.
- 2009 Local Biologies, in David Cayley ed, Ideas on the Nature of
Science. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. New Brunswick: Goose Lane
- 2008 Are Genes Us? In Ruth Kutalek, Armin Prinz eds., Essays in
Medical Anthropology. The Austrian Ethnomedical Society after Thirty
Years. Wiener Ethnomedizinische Reihe Volume 6. Wien Muenster: LIT
Verlag. Pp 111-135.
- 2008 Biosociality and Susceptibility Genes: A Cautionary Tale.
In, Sarah Gibbon and Carlos Novas eds., Biosocialities,Genetics and the
Social Sciences. London: Routledge pp. 56-78.
- 2008 Situating the practice of organ donation in familial,
cultural, and political context, Megan Crowley-Matoka. Transplant
Reviews 22:154-157.
- 2008 Preface to Tibetan Medicine in the Contemporary World:
Global Politics of Medical Knowledge and Practice, Laurent Pordié ed.,
New York: Routledge pp. xi-xii.
- 2007 The Final Disruption? Biopolitics of Post-Reproductive Life.
In Marca Inhorn ed., Reprodcutive Disruptions: Gender, Technology, and
Biopolitics in the New Millennium. New York: Berghahn Books pp.
- 2007 Biomedical Technologies and Everyday Life: Cultural Horizons
and Contested Boundaries. In Encyclopedia of Science Studies, 2nd
Edition. Co-editors, Edward J. Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael
Lynch and Judy Wajcman. Cambridge Mass.:MIT Press pp. 875-900.
- 2007 Susceptibility Genes and Embodied Identity, with Julia
Freeman, Gillian Chilibeck, Miriam Padowsky and Briony Beveridge.
Medical Anthropology Quarterly 21(3): 256-276.
- 2007 The Future is Now: Locating Biomarkers for Dementia. In
Regula Valérie Burri and Joseph Dumit, Biomedicine as Culture:
Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of
Life. New York: Routledge. pp. 61-85.
2007 Genomics, Laissez Faire Eugenics, and Disability. In B. Ingstaad
and S. Reynolds-White eds., Disability in Local and Global Worlds.
Berkeley: University of California Press pp. 189-211.
- 2007 Biosociality and Susceptibility Genes: A Cautionary Tale.
In, Sahra Gibbon and Carlos Novas eds., Revisiting Biosociality.
London: Routledge pp. 56-78.
- 2007 On Dying Twice: Culture, Technology, and the Determination
of Death. In T. S. Jost ed., Readings in Comparative Health Law and
Bioethics. Second edition. Carolina Academic Press pp. 93-98.
- 2006 Postmodern Bodies, Material Difference, and Subjectivity. In
J. Hendry and Heung Wah Wong eds., Dismanteling the East-West
Dichotomy: Essays in Honour of Jan van Bremen. London and New York:
Routledge pp. 38-48.
- 2006 Organ Transplantation in a Globalized World, with Megan
Crowley-Matoka. Mortality 11:166-181.
- 2006 Guest Editor, Special Edition, Community Genetics entitled
"Genomics, Genetics, and Society: Bridging the Disciplinary Divides."
- 2006 Social Political, and Epistemological Aspects of Genetics
and Genomics, with S. Cox and Lori d'Agincourt-Canning, Community
Genetics 9:137-141.
- 2006 When it Runs in the Family: Putting Susceptibility Genes in
Perspective, with Julia Freeman, Rosemary Sharples and Stephanie Lloyd.
Public Understanding of Science, 15:277-300.
- 2006 Genetic Susceptibility and Alzheimer's Disease: The
Penetrance and Uptake of Genetic Knowledge, with Janalyn Prest and
Stephanie Lloyd. In Thinking about Dementia: Culture, Loss, and the
Anthropology of Senility. A. Leibing and L. Cohen, eds., New Jersey:
Rutgers University Press, pp.123-156 (first author).
- 2006 Global and Local Perspectives on Population Health, with
Vinh-Kim Nguyen and Christina Zarowsky. In Healthier Societies: From
Analysis to Action. J.Heyman et al eds., Oxford University Press,
pp.58-82 (first author).
- 2006 Interactive Role of Genes and the Environment, with John
Frank and Geoffrey Lomax, and Patricia Beard. In Healthier Societies:
From Analysis to Action. J.Heyman et al eds., Oxford University Press,
pp.11-34 (fourth author).
2006 La 'molecularization' d'esprit et la recherche sur la démence
naissante. In Sciences Sociales et Santé 24: 21-54).
- 2005 Alzheimer's Disease: A Tangled Concept. In Complexities:
Beyond Nature and Nurture. Susan McKinnon and Sydel Silverman, eds.,
New York Routledge pp.104-138.
- 2005 Preserving Moral Order: Responses to Biomedical
Technologies. In A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan. Blackwell
Publishers, pp.483-499.
2005 Culture and Symptom Reporting at Menopause, with Melissa Melby and
Patricia Kaufert. In Human Reproductive Update 11:495-512 (secod
- 2005 Inventing a New Death and Making it Believable. In Lying and
Illness: Power and Performance. Els van Donge and Sylvie Feinzang,
eds., Amsterdam: Her Spinhuis, pp. 12-35.
- 2005 Anthropologie médicale: pistes d'avenir. In Anthropologie
médicale: ancrages locaux, defies globaux. Quebec: Les Presses de
l'Université Laval, pp. 439-461.
- 2005 The Eclipse of the Gene and the Return of Divination. In
Current Anthropology, 46:pp. S47-S70.
- 2005 Biomedical Technologies, Identity, and Nationalism in J.
Robertson ed., A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan. Blackwell
- 2005 Symptom Reporting at the End of Menstruation: Biological
Variation and Cultural Difference. In Controversies in Science and
Technologies: From Maize to Menopause. D.L. Kleinman, A.J. Kinchy and
J. Handelsman, eds. Madison: University of Winsconsin Press, Pp.
- 2005 Global and Local Perspectives on Population Health: Taking
Contingency Seriously, with Vinh-Kim Nguyen and Christina Zarowsky. In
Social Inequalities and Health. Clyde Hertzman et al., eds. Oxford
University Press.
2005 Nature, Nurture and Geoffrey Rose Revisited: Thoughts on
Gene-Environment IInteractions, with John Frank and Patricia Baird. In
Social Inequalities and Health. Clyde Hertzman et al., eds. Oxford
University Press.
- 2005 Savouring Complexity and Resisting Hype: Molecular Genetics
and Alzheimer’s Disease. In Susan McKinnon and Sydel Silverman, eds.,
Complexities: Beyond Nature and Nurture. New York: Routledge.
- 2005 Unbound Subjectivities and New Biomedical Technologies. In
Conerly Casey and Robert Edgerton ed. A Companion to Psychological
Anthropology, New York: Blackwell, pp. 298-314.
- 2005 Editorial: Cross-Cultural Vasomotor Symptom Reporting:
Conceptual and Methodological Issues. Menopause: The Journal of The
North American Menopause Society 12: 1-3.
- 2005 A Mente Molecularizada e a Busca da Demência Incipiente.
Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva 15(2): 205-236.
- 2004 Displacing Suffering: The Reconstruction of Death in North
America and Japan. In Death, Mourning and Burial: A Cross-Cultural
Reader, A. Robben, ed. London: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 189-204.
- 2004 Yûsei gaku to Idenshi kogaku no Yûtopia (Utopias of Germline
Engineering and Eugenics). In Gendai Shiso (Modern Thought) 32:190-210.
- 2004 Biomedical Technologies, Anthropological Approaches. In
Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World’s
Cultures. Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers, pp. 86-95, 2004.
- 2004 Medicalization and the Naturalization of Social Control. In
Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World’s
Cultures. Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers, pp. 116-125, 2004.
- 2004 Menopause. In Dictionnaire de la pensée médicale. Lecourt,
D. Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 55-62.
- 2004 Genetics and the Environment in Human Health: A Balanced
Approach. In Genomics, Health and Society: Emerging Issues for Public
Policy. M. Knoppers, C. Scriver, Canadian Policy Research Initiative,
pp. 41-66.
- 2004 Perfektionierte Gesellschaft: Reproduktive Technologien,
Genetische Tests und Geplante Familien in Japan. In Reflexive Körper?
Zur Modernisierung von Sexualitat und Reproduktion. I. Lenz, L. Mense
and C. Ullrich. Leske + Budrich, Opladen, pp. 203 – 240.
- 2004 Molecular Genetics, Utopias of Health and Neo-Eugenics. In
Eskalationen, Die Gewalt von Kultur, Recht und Politik. Klaus R.
Scherpe und Thomas Weitin, eds., pp. 29-46.
- 2003 Globalization and the Cultures of Biomedicine: Japan and
North America. In Medicine Across Cultures, Helaine Selin, ed. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, pp.155-173.
- 2003 On Making up the Good-as-Dead in a Utilitarian World. In
Rethinking Life and Death: Toward an Anthropology of the Biosciences.
Sarah Franklin and Margaret Lock eds., Santa Fe: School of American
Research, pp.165-192.
- 2003 Animations and Cessations: The Transformation of Life and
Death. Introduction. Sarah Franklin and Margaret Lock eds., Rethinking
Life and Death: Toward an Anthropology of the Biosciences. Santa Fe:
School of American Research, pp. 3-22.
- 2002 Inventing a New Death and Making it Believable. Anthropology
and Medicine, 9:97-115.
- 2002 Susceptibility Genes, Alzheimer’s Disease and the
Translation of Knowledge Across Domains. Poster presentation, 8th
International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease And Related Disorders.
Stockholm, Sweden.
- 2002 Symptom Reporting at Menopause: A Review of Cross-Cultural
Findings. Journal of the British Menopause Society, 8: 132-136.
- 2002 Human Body Parts as Therapeutic Tools: Contradictory
Discourses and Transformed Subjectivities. Qualitative Health Research,
12(10): 1406-1418.
- 2002 The Alienation of Body Tissue and the Biopolitics of
Immortalized Cell Lines. In Commodifying Bodies. N.Scheper-Hughes and
L. Wacquant, eds., London: Sage Publications, pp. 63-92.
- 2002 Introduction: From Documenting Medical Pluralism to Critical
Interpretations of Globalized Health Knowledge, Policies, and
Practices. In New Horizons in Medical Anthropology: Essays in Honour of
Charles Leslie. Mark Nichter and Margaret Lock, eds. London: Routledge,
- 2002 Utopias of Health, Eugenics, and Germline Engineering. In
New Horizons in Medical Anthropology: Essays in Honour of Charles
Leslie. Mark Nichter and Margaret Lock, eds. London: Routledge, pp.
2002 Medical Knowledge and Body Politics. In Exotic No More:
Anthropology on the Front Lines. Jeremy MacClancy, ed. Chicago
University Press, pp.190-208.
- 2002 Japanische Frauen in den Wechseljahren und die alternde
Gesselschaft. In Regel-lose Frauen: Weschseljahre im Kulturvergleich.
Herausgegeben von Godula Kosack and Ulrike Krasberg, eds.
Königstein/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, pp. 118-130.
2002 Le corps objet: économie morale et techniques d’amélioration. Bulletin
d’histoire politique - Corps et Politique, 10(2): 33-46.
- 2001 Medicalization: Cultural Concerns. In N.J. Smelser and P.B.
Baltes, eds., International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral
Sciences. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 9534-9539.
- 2001 Alienation of Body Tissue and the Biopolitics of
Immortalized Cell Lines. Body and Society, 7(2-3): 63-91.
- 2001 The Tempering of Medical Anthropology: Troubling Natural
Categories. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 15: 478-492.
2001 Eliminating Stigmatization: Application of the New Genetics in
Japan. In Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Reproductive Health. Carla
Makhlouf Obermeyer, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 253-276.
- 2001 Guest Editor: Special Issue: Medical Innovation and Public
Knowledge. Health, 5(3). London: Sage Publications.
- 2001 Introduction. Special Issue: Medical Innovation and Public
Knowledge. Health, 5(3): 283-291.
2001 Menopause, Local Biologies and Cultures of Aging. Margaret Lock
and Patricia Kaufert. American Journal of Human Biology, 13(4):
- 2001 Situated Ethics, Culture, and the Brain Death “Problem” in
Japan. In Bioethics in Social Context. Barry Hoffmaster, ed.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp.39-68.
- 2000 Introduction. In Living and Working with the New Medical
Technologies: Intersections of Inquiry. Margaret Lock, Allan Young and
Alberto Cambrosio, eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
- 2000 On Dying Twice: Culture, Technology, and the Determination
of Death. In Living and Working with the New Medical Technologies:
Intersections of Inquiry. Margaret Lock, Allan Young and Alberto
Cambrosio eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 233-262.
- 2000 Taking Subjectivity Seriously. Orgyn, 11(3): 48-51.
- 2000 Accounting for Disease and Distress: Morals of the Normal
and Abnormal. In Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine.
Gary L. Albrecht, Ray Fitzpatrick and Susan C. Scrimshaw, eds. London:
Sage Publications, pp. 259-276.
- 2000 The Quest for Human Organs and the Violence of Zeal. In
Remaking a World: Violence, Social Suffering, and Recovery. Veena Das,
Arthur Kleinman, Mamphela Ramphele and Pamela Reynolds, eds. Berkeley:
University of California Press, pp. 271-295.
- 1999 Cultural Aspects of Organ Donation and Transplantation.
Transplantation Proceedings, 31: 1345-1346.
- 1999 Tödliche Debatten: Organspenden und die Kalkulation des
Todes. Minikomi No. 3, pp.5-20.
- 1999 The Cultural Politics of Female Aging in Japan and North
America. In Gender and Japanese History: Religions and Customs/The Body
and Sexuality. Wakita Haruko, Anne Bouchy and Ueno Chizuko, eds. Osaka:
Osaka University Press, pp. 371-395.
- 1999 Genetic Diversity and the Politics of Difference.
Chicago-Kent Law Review, 75(1): 83-111.
- 1999 The Politics of Health, Identity, and Culture. In Self,
Social Identity and Physical Health. Richard J. Contrada, and Richard
D. Ashmore, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 43-68.
- 1999 The Problem of Brain Death: Japanese Disputes about Bodies
and Modernity. In The Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies.
Stuart J. Youngner, Robert M. Arnold and Renie Schapiro, eds.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 239-256.
■ 日本語文献
- 他者の苦しみへの責任 : ソーシャル・サファリングを知る / A.クラインマン [ほか] 著 ; 坂川雅子訳 ; 池澤夏樹解説
みすず書房 (2011)
- 更年期 : 日本女性が語るローカル・バイオロジー / マーガレット・ロック [著] ; 江口重幸, 山村宜子, 北中淳子共訳,
みすず書房 (2005)
- 脳死と臓器移植の医療人類学 / マーガレット・ロック [著] ; 坂川雅子訳, みすず書房 (2004)
- 脳死と臓器移植の医療人類学 / マーガレット・ロック [著] ; 坂川雅子訳, みすず書房 (2004)
- 都市文化と東洋医学 / マーガレット・ロック著 ; 中川米造訳, 思文閣出版 (1990)
- 「『良妻賢母』の抵抗:現代日本における身体化と医療化」/マーガレット・ロック(栗本英世訳)『季刊人類学』15-1、Pp.36-
[コメント:河合隼雄Pp.60-62/中川米造Pp.63-65]、1984年 [ L-Lock_Ryosaikenbo.pdf ]パスワード付き
- 1. The Alzheimer conundrum : entanglements of dementia and aging
/ Margaret Lock
: hbk. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , c2013
- 2. 他者の苦しみへの責任 : ソーシャル・サファリングを知る / A.クラインマン [ほか] 著 ; 坂川雅子訳 ;
東京 : みすず書房 , 2011.3
- 3. An anthropology of biomedicine / Margaret Lock and Vinh-Kim
: hardcover, : pbk. - Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell , 2010
- 4. Beyond the body proper : reading the anthropology of material
life / edited by Margaret Lock and Judith Farquhar
: pbk, : cloth. - Durham : Duke University Press , 2007. - (Body,
commodity, text)
- 5. 更年期 : 日本女性が語るローカル・バイオロジー / マーガレット・ロック [著] ; 江口重幸, 山村宜子, 北中淳子共訳
東京 : みすず書房 , 2005.9
- 6. 脳死と臓器移植の医療人類学 / マーガレット・ロック [著] ; 坂川雅子訳
東京 : みすず書房 , 2004.6
- 7. Remaking life & death : toward an anthropology of the
biosciences / edited by Sarah Franklin and Margaret Lock
hbk. : alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. - 1st ed. - Santa Fe : School of
American Research Press. - Oxford : James Currey , 2003. - (School of
American Research advanced seminar series)
- 8. New horizons in medical anthropology : essays in honour of
Charles Leslie / edited by Mark Nichter and Margaret Lock
: hard, : pbk. - London : Routledge , 2002. - (Theory and practice in
medical anthropology and international health / a series edited by
Libbet Crandon-Malamud ; v. 8)
- 9. Twice dead : organ transplants and the reinvention of death /
Margaret Lock
: pbk. - Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press , c2002. -
(California series in public anthropology ; 1)
- 10. Living and working with the new medical technologies :
intersections of inquiry / edited by Margaret Lock, Alan [i.e. Allan]
Young, Alberto Cambrosio
: hb, : pbk. - New York ; Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press ,
2000. - (Cambridge studies in medical anthropology ; 8)
- 11. Social suffering / edited by Arthur Kleinman, Veena Das, and
Margaret Lock
: hbk, : pbk. - Berkeley : University of California Press , c1997
- 12. Encounters with aging : mythologies of menopause in Japan and
North America / Margaret Lock
: pbk. - Berkeley : University of California Press , 1995, c1993
- 13. Knowledge, power, and practice : the anthropology of medicine
and everyday life / edited by Shirley Lindenbaum and Margaret Lock
: hbk, : pbk. - Berkeley : University of California Press , c1993. -
(Comparative studies of health systems and medical care ; no. 36)
- 14. Encounters with aging : mythologies of menopause in Japan and
North America / Margaret Lock
Berkeley : University of California Press , c1993
- 15. 都市文化と東洋医学 / マーガレット・ロック著 ; 中川米造訳
京都 : 思文閣出版 , 1990.11
- 16. Biomedicine examined / edited by Margaret Lock and Deborah
: pbk.. - Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers , c1988. -
(Culture, illness, and healing)
- 17. Health, illness, and medical care in Japan : cultural
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(Comparative studies of health systems and medical care ; no. 4)

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