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Introduction to Radical constructivism


第1章 構成主義者に成長するまで—言語と思索家たち

第2章 大衆受けしない哲学的着想—引用の中に見る歴史

第3章 知る行為に関するピアジェの構成主義的理論

第4章 概念の構成

第5章 反省と抽象

第6章 行為者の構成—自我と他者

第7章 言語、意味、そしてコミュニケーションについて

第8章 サイバネティックスによる接続

第9章 単体、複数、数

第10章 学生の概念構成を促すために

第1章 構成主義者に成長するまで—言語と思索家たち
第2章 大衆受けしない哲学的着想—引用の中に見る歴史
第3章 知る行為に関するピアジェの構成主義的理論
第4章 概念の構成
第5章 反省と抽象
第6章 行為者の構成—自我と他者
第7章 言語、意味、そしてコミュニケーションについて
第8章 サイバネティックスによる接続
第9章 単体、複数、数
第10章 学生の概念構成を促すために



Ian Parker, Qualitative psychology : introducing radical research, 2005

"'An introduction to the varieties of qualitative research in psychology is long overdue, and Parker's book should with its broad scope, accessible style, and controversial viewpoints on trends of the current qualitative wave, have a wide audience' - Steinar Kvale, Aarhus University, Denmark. 'This is a wonderful, insightful and necessary book! It takes students through this complex terrain in a clear, readable and yet challenging way' - Bronwyn Davies, University of Western Sydney, Australia. 'This book makes important contributions to theoretical, political and methodological debates on qualitative and action oriented research' - Bernardo Jimenez-Dominguez, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.'For me personally, the book worked very well, I very much appreciated the fact that the book went beyond a presentation of 'the state of the art', and that it offered new ideas and suggestions about how to take qualitative research further' - Qualitative Research in Psychology. This book is designed as a practical guide for students that is also grounded in the latest developments in theory in psychology. Readers are introduced to theoretical approaches to ethnography, interviewing, narrative, discourse and psychoanalysis, with each chapter on these approaches including worked examples clearly structured around methodological stages. A case is made for new practical procedures that encourage students to question the limits of mainstream psychological research methods.Resource links guide students to theoretical debates and to ways of making these debates relevant to a psychology genuinely concerned with critical reflection and social change. The book includes numerous boxes that clearly outline: key issues in the development, application and assessment of qualitative research methods; current debates and problems with particular qualitative methods taught in psychology; summaries of methodological stages and points to be aware of in the marking of practical reports in relation to specific methods; and, coverage of ethical issues, reflexivity and good report writing. "Qualitative Psychology" is essential reading for students of psychology and other related social sciences who want a polemical account that will also serve as a well-balanced and rigorous introduction to current debates in qualitative psychology." - http://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA71534133


For all undergraduate students!!!, you do not paste but [re]think my message. Remind Wittgenstein's phrase,

"I should not like my writing to spare other people the trouble of thinking. But, if possible, to stimulate someone to thoughts of his own," - Ludwig Wittgenstein

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