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On Alexis de Tocqueville's, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA(De la de´mocratie en Amérique)


アレクシス・ド・トクヴィルの「アメリカのデモクラシー」(1835,1840)は、世界に おける民主政治を考える際の、古典として今なお光を放ち続けている。それは、トクヴィル自身が貴族出身で、外交官でもありながら、フランスの民主政治につ いて大きな信頼をおいていない、その人が、アメリカの民主政治ついて大きな可能性と評価を与えているからである。

トクヴィルの主張は、エドマンド・バークのフランス革命への批判にも通じるものがあるが、よ り多くはフランス革命批判で(→『旧体制と大革命』)はなく、アメリカの民主政治の分析——いわば成功の秘訣——が中心になっている。しかしながら、この 著作は、ひたすら長いのも特徴である。岩波文庫判の松本礼二訳でも4冊。 中央公論新社〈中公クラシックス〉は抄訳である。

そのため、多くの人が挫折してしまい、古典の悲劇として、大学の先生が引用した箇所を孫引き してしまうのが、学生の運命である。このような欠点を克服するためには、(1)がんばって全編を読めばいい、ということなるが、それができないのが世の常 である。そのために(2)面白いところ、興味のあるところを拾い読みすればよいのではないか? もし、そのようなことを蓄積していけば(3)やがて、全部 を完璧に読むとはまではいかなくても、拾い読みで、全体のアウトラインぐらいはわかるようになれば御の字ではなかろうか? そもそも、トクヴィルのこの書 籍は、理論分析よりも、さまざまに蘊蓄のとんだトクヴィルのアメリカの民主政治(デモクラシー)に関する記述が優れていると評価が高い本だからである。つ まり、百科全書的な広がりがある。それを最初のページから丁寧によむ必要は(卒業論文や修士論文などでこれを扱う以外は)ないというのが僕の立場である。


岩波版をOCRで再録して翻訳のタイトルを掲げようとおもったが、それもちょっと面倒くさ い。しらべてみると、英語訳のものはpdfでネットに転がっている。まず、その英語タイトルの目次を読んでみよう! ——ざっと目を通してもいいし、なに か検索語でページ内検索をしてみてもよいだろう。



Alexis de Tocqueville, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA(De la de´mocratie en Ame´rique)
Edited by Eduardo Nolla, Translated from the French by James T. Schleifer

volume i
Introduction 3
Part I
chapter 1: Exterior Configuration of North America 33
chapter 2: Of the Point of Departure and Its Importance for the Future of the Anglo-Americans 45
Reasons for Some Singularities That the Laws and Customs of the Anglo-Americans Present 71
chapter 3: Social State of the Anglo-Americans 74
That the Salient Point of the Social State of the Anglo-Americans Is to Be Essentially Democratic 75
Political Consequences of the Social State of the Anglo-Americans 89
chapter 4: Of the Principle of the Sovereignty of the People in America 91
chapter 5: Necessity of Studying What Happens in theIndividual States before Speaking about the Government of the Union 98
Of the Town System in America 99
Town District 103
Town Powers in New England 104
Of Town Life 108
Of Town Spirit in New England 110
Of the County in New England 114
Of Administration in New England 115
General Ideas on Administration in the United States 129
Of the State 135
Legislative Power of the State 136
Of the Executive Power of the State 139
Of the Political Effects of Administrative Decentralization in the
United States 142
chapter 6: Of the Judicial Power in the United States and Its
Action on Political Society 167
Other Powers Granted to American Judges 176
chapter 7: Of Political Jurisdiction in the United States 179
chapter 8: Of the Federal Constitution 186
Historical Background of the Federal Constitution 186
Summary Picture of the Federal Constitution 191
Attributions of the Federal Government 193
Federal Powers 195
Legislative Powers 196
[Difference between the Constitution of the Senate and That of the House of Representatives]
Another Difference between the Senate and the House of Representatives 200
Of Executive Power 201
How the Position of the President of the United States Differs from That of a Constitutional King in France 204
Accidental Causes That Can Increase the Influence of the Executive Power 209
Why the President of the United States, to Lead Public Affairs,
Does Not Need to Have a Majority in the Chambers 210
Of the Election of the President 211
Mode of Election 218
Election Crisis 222
Of the Re-election of the President 225
Of the Federal Courts 229
Way of Determining the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts 234
Different Cases of Jurisdiction 236
The Federal Courts’Way of Proceeding 241
Elevated Rank That the Supreme Court Occupies among the Great Powers of the State 244
How the Federal Constitution Is Superior to the State Constitutions 246
What Distinguishes the Federal Constitution of the United States of
America from All Other Federal Constitutions 251
Of the Advantages of the Federal System in General, and of Its Special Utility for America 255
What Keeps the Federal System from Being within the Reach of All Peoples; And What Has Allowed the Anglo-Americans to Adopt It 263
volume i i
Part II
chapter 1: How It Can Be Strictly Said That in the United States It Is the People Who Govern 278
chapter 2: Of Parties in the United States 279
Of the Remnants of the Aristocratic Party in the United States 287
chapter 3: Of Freedom of the Press in the United States 289
That the Opinions Established under the Dominion of Freedom of the Press in the United States Are Often More Tenacious than Those That Are Found Elsewhere under the Dominion of Censorship 298
chapter 4: Of Political Association in the United States 302
Different Ways in Which the Right of Association Is Understood in Europe and in the United States, and the Different Use That Is Made of That Right 309
chapter 5: Of the Government of Democracy in America 313
Of Universal Suffrage 313
Of the Choices of the People and of the Instincts of American Democracy in Its Choices 314
Of the Causes That Can Partially Correct These Democratic Instincts 318
Influence That American Democracy Has Exercised on Electoral Laws 322
Of Public Officials under the Dominion of American Democracy 324
Of the Arbitrariness of Magistrates under the Dominion of American Democracy 327
Administrative Instability in the United States 331
Of Public Expenses under the Dominion of American Democracy 333
Of the Instincts of American Democracy in Determining the Salary of Officials 340
Difficulty of Discerning the Causes That Lead the American Government to Economy 343
[Influence of the Government of Democracy on the Tax Base and on the Use of the Tax Revenues] 345
[Influence of Democratic Government on the Use of Tax Revenues] 346
Can the Public Expenditures of the United States Be Compared with Those of France 349
Of the Corruption and Vices of Those Who Govern in Democracy; Of the Effects on Public Morality That Result from That Corruption and Those Vices 356
Of What Efforts Democracy Is Capable 360
Of the Power That American Democracy Generally Exercises over Itself 364

Of the Manner in Which American Democracy Conducts the Foreign Affairs of the State 366
chapter 6: What Are the Real Advantages That American Society Gains from the Government of Democracy? 375
Of the General Tendency of Laws under the Dominion of American Democracy, and Of the Instinct of Those Who Apply Them 377
Of Public Spirit in the United States 384
Of the Idea of Rights in the United States 389
Of the Respect for the Law in the United States 393
Activity That Reigns in All Parts of the Political Body in the United States; Influence That It Exercises on Society 395
chapter 7: Of the Omnipotence of the Majority in the United States and Its Effects 402
How the Omnipotence of the Majority in America Increases the Legislative and Administrative Instability That Is Natural to Democracies 407
Tyranny of the Majority 410
Effects of the Omnipotence of the Majority on the Arbitrariness of American Public Officials 415
Of the Power Exercised by the Majority in America over Thought 416
Effect of Tyranny of the Majority on the National Character of the Americans; Of the Courtier Spirit in the United States 420
That the Greatest Danger to the American Republics Comes from the Omnipotence of the Majority 424
chapter 8: Of What Tempers Tyranny of the Majority in the United States 427
Absence of Administrative Centralization 427
Of the Spirit of the Jurist in the United States, and How It Serves as Counterweight to Democracy 430
Of the Jury in the United States Considered as a Political Institution 442
chapter 9: Of the Principal Causes That Tend to Maintain the Democratic Republic in the United States 451
Of the Accidental or Providential Causes That Contribute to Maintaining the Democratic Republic in the United States 452
Of the Influence of Laws on Maintaining the Democratic Republic in the United States 465
Of the Influence of Mores on Maintaining the Democratic Republic in the United States 466
Of Religion Considered as a Political Institution, How It Serves Powerfully to Maintain the Democratic Republic among the Americans 467
Indirect Influence Exercised by Religious Beliefs on Political Society in the United States 472
Of the Principal Causes That Make Religion Powerful in America 478
How the Enlightenment, Habits, and Practical Experience of the Americans Contribute to the Success of Democratic Institutions 488
That Laws Serve More to Maintain the Democratic Republic in the United States than Physical Causes, and Mores More than Laws 494
Would Laws and Mores Be Sufficient to Maintain Democratic Institutions Elsewhere than in America? 500
Importance of What Precedes in Relation to Europe 505

chapter 10: Some Considerations on the Present State and Probable Future of the Three Races That Inhabit the Territory of
the United States 515
Present State and Probable Future of the Indian Tribes That Inhabit the Territory Possessed by the Union 522
Position That the Black Race Occupies in the United States; Dangers to Which Its Presence Exposes the Whites 548
What Are the Chances for the American Union to Last? What Dangers Threaten It? 582
Of Republican Institutions in the United States, What Are Their Chances of Lasting? 627
Some Considerations on the Causes of the Commercial Greatness of the United States 637
Conclusion 649
Notes 658


volume i i i
Part I: Influence of Democracy on the Intellectual Movement in the United States
chapter 1: Of the Philosophical Method of the Americans 697
chapter 2: Of the Principal Source of Beliefs among Democratic Peoples 711
chapter 3: Why the Americans Show More Aptitude and Taste for General Ideas than Their Fathers the English 726
chapter 4: Why the Americans Have Never Been as Passionate as the French about General Ideas in Political Matters 737
chapter 5: How, in the United States, Religion Knows How to Make Use of Democratic Instincts 742
chapter 6: Of the Progress of Catholicism in the United States 754
chapter 7: What Makes the Minds of Democratic Peoples Incline toward Pantheism 757
chapter 8: How Equality Suggests to the Americans the Idea of the Indefinite Perfectibility of Man 759
chapter 9: How the Example of the Americans Does Not Prove That a Democratic People Cannot Have Aptitude and Taste for the
Sciences, Literature, and the Arts 763
chapter 10: Why the Americans Are More Attached to the Application of the Sciences than to the Theory 775
chapter 11: In What Spirit the Americans Cultivate the Arts 788
chapter 12: Why Americans Erect Such Small and Such Large Monuments at the Same Time 796
chapter 13: Literary Physiognomy of Democratic Centuries 800
chapter 14: Of the Literary Industry 813
chapter 15: Why the Study of Greek and Latin Literature Is Particularly Useful in Democratic Societies 815
chapter 16: How American Democracy Has Modified the English Language 818
chapter 17: Of Some Sources of Poetry among Democratic Nations 830
chapter 18: Why American Writers and Orators Are Often Bombastic 843
chapter 19: Some Observations on the Theater of Democratic Peoples 845
chapter 20: Of Some Tendencies Particular to Historians in Democratic Centuries 853
chapter 21: Of Parliamentary Eloquence in the United States 861

Part II: Influence of Democracy on the Sentiments of the Americans
chapter 1: Why Democratic Peoples Show a More Ardent and More Enduring Love for Equality than for Liberty 872
chapter 2: Of Individualism in Democratic Countries 881
chapter 3: How Individualism Is Greater at the End of a Democratic Revolution than at Another Time 885
chapter 4: How the Americans Combat Individualism with Free Institutions 887
chapter 5: Of the Use That Americans Make of Association in Civil Life 895
chapter 6: Of the Relation between Associations and Newspapers 905
chapter 7: Relations between Civil Associations and Political Associations 911
chapter 8: How the Americans Combat Individualism by the Doctrine of Interest Well Understood 918
chapter 9: How the Americans Apply the Doctrine of Interest Well Understood in the Matter of Religion 926
chapter 10: Of the Taste for MaterialWell-Being in America 930
chapter 11: Of the Particular Effects Produced by the Love of Material Enjoyments in Democratic Centuries 935
chapter 12: Why Certain Americans Exhibit So Excited a Spiritualism 939
chapter 13: Why the Americans Appear So Restless Amid Their Well-Being 942
chapter 14: How the Taste for Material Enjoyment Is United, among the Americans, with the Love of Liberty and Concern for Public Affairs 948
chapter 15: How from Time to Time Religious Beliefs Divert the Soul of the Americans toward Non-material Enjoyments 954
chapter 16: How the Excessive Love of Well-Being Can Harm Well-Being 963
chapter 17: How, in Times of Equality and Doubt, It Is Important to Push Back the Goal of Human Actions 965
chapter 18: Why, among the Americans, All Honest Professions Are Considered Honorable 969
chapter 19: What Makes Nearly All Americans Tend toward Industrial Professions 972
chapter 20: How Aristocracy Could Emerge from Industry 980

volume i v
Part III: Influence of Democracy on Mores Properly So Called

chapter 1: How Mores Become Milder as Conditions Become Equal 987
chapter 2: How Democracy Makes the Habitual Relations of the Americans Simpler and Easier 995
chapter 3: Why the Americans Have So Little Susceptibility in Their Country and Show Such Susceptibility in Ours 1000
chapter 4: Consequences of the Three Preceding Chapters 1005
chapter 5: How Democracy Modifies the Relationships of Servant and Master 1007
chapter 6: How Democratic Institutions and Mores Tend to Raise the Cost and Shorten the Length of Leases 1020
chapter 7: Influence of Democracy on Salaries 1025
chapter 8: Influence of Democracy on the Family 1031
chapter 9: Education of Young Girls in the United States 1041
chapter 10: How the Young Girl Is Found Again in the Features of the Wife 1048
chapter 11: How Equality of Conditions Contributes to Maintaining Good Morals in America 1052
chapter 12: How the Americans Understand the Equality of Man and of Woman 1062
chapter 13: How Equality Divides the Americans Naturally into a Multitude of Small Particular Societies 1068
chapter 14: Some Reflections on American Manners 1071
chapter 15: Of the Gravity of Americans and Why It Does Not Prevent Them from Often Doing Thoughtless Things 1080
chapter 16: Why the National Vanity of the Americans Is More Anxious and More Quarrelsome than That of the English 1085
chapter 17: How the Appearance of Society in the United States Is at the Very Same Time Agitated and Monotonous 1089
chapter 18: Of Honor in the United States and in Democratic Societies 1093
chapter 19: Why in the United States You Find So Many Ambitious Men and So Few Great Ambitions 1116
chapter 20: Of Positions Becoming an Industry among Certain Democratic Nations 1129
chapter 21: Why Great RevolutionsWill Become Rare 1133
chapter 22: Why Democratic Peoples Naturally Desire Peace and Democratic Armies Naturally Desire War 1153
chapter 23: Which Class, in Democratic Armies, Is the Most Warlike and the Most Revolutionary 1165
chapter 24: What Makes Democratic Armies Weaker than Other Armies while Beginning a Military Campaign and More Formidable When the War Is Prolonged 1170
chapter 25: Of Discipline in Democratic Armies 1176
chapter 26: Some Considerations on War in Democratic Societies 1178

Part IV: Of the Influence That Democratic Ideas and Sentiments Exercise on Political Society
chapter 1: Equality Naturally Gives Men the Taste for Free Institutions 1191
chapter 2: That the Ideas of Democratic Peoples in Matters of Government Naturally Favor the Concentration of Powers 1194
chapter 3: That the Sentiments of Democratic Peoples Are in Agreement with Their Ideas for Bringing Them to Concentrate Power 1200
chapter 4: Of Some Particular and Accidental Causes That End Up Leading a Democratic People to Centralize Power or That Turn Them Away from Doing So 1206
chapter 5: That among the European Nations of Today the Sovereign Power Increases although Sovereigns Are Less Stable 1221
chapter 6: What Type of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear 1245
chapter 7: Continuation of the Preceding Chapters 1262
chapter 8: General View of the Subject 1278
Notes 1286
Appendixes 1295
appendix 1: Journey to Lake Oneida 1295
appendix 2: A Fortnight in the Wilderness 1303
appendix 3: Sects in America 1360
appendix 4: Political Activity in America 1365
appendix 5: Letter of Alexis de Tocqueville
to Charles Stoffels 1368
appendix 6: Foreword to the Twelfth
Edition 1373
Works Used by Tocqueville 1376
Bibliography 1396
Index 1499




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"I should not like my writing to spare other people the trouble of thinking. But, if possible, to stimulate someone to thoughts of his own," - Ludwig Wittgenstein

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