How do the professional
zoologists communicate with animals as their research objects in their
laboratories and outdoor fields? If you have a question like this, you
are in front of the door that is inspiring and introducing you our new
anthropological field, we neologize as "anthro-zoolography." On this
study, we can classify various ontological actors into three
categories; (a) Animals, (b) Zoologists, and (c) Researchers of
cultural anthropology. In short, even zoologists objectify animals as
research objects, at the same time they also subject-ify (to turn
animals into subjects as actors) for understanding natural phenomenon
via anthropomorphism theriophily and so on. Through these cognitive
process, we can find out research diversities depending on historical,
cultural, and social differences. Our research outcomes are showed as
research papers and our own web pages.
- 実験室における社会実践の民族誌学的研究 / 研究代表者
池田光穂,平成18年度-19年度科学研究費補助金(萌芽研究)研究成果報告書,吹田 : 池田光穂 , 2008.5
- 鵜飼いと現代中国 : 人と動物、国家のエスノグラフィー / 卯田宗平著,東京大学東洋文化研究所 (2014)
- 田所聖志(2016)「書評:卯田宗平著『鵜飼いと現代中国:人と動物、国家のエスノグラフィー』東京大学出版会、2014年、367
ページ」『アジア経済』57(4): 98-102。
- 池田光穂,テキストと方法:ショロイツクイントゥリを事例にして、Co* Design 1:53-66, 2017.
- Satoshi D. Odachi, et al., Intraspecific Phylogeny of the House
Shrews, Suncus murinus-S. montanus Species Complex, Based on the
Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene. Mammal Study 41(4):229-238. 2016, doi:
- Masahiro Umezaki, ...Kiyoshi Tadokoro, et.al, American Journal
of Physical Anthropology 159(1):164-173. 2015, doi 10.1002/ajpa.22844
- Ikeda, Mitsuho and M. Berthin. Epicurean Children : On
interaction and "communication" between experimental animals and
laboratory scientists. Communication-Design 12:53-75, 2015.
- Morita, A ... Tadokoro K., et al., Development, validation, and
use of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for assessing
protein intake in Papua New Guinean Highlanders. Am J Hum Biol. 2015
May-Jun;27(3):349-57. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22647.
- Koyabu, D., ... Odachi, S. et al., Mammalian skull heterochrony
reveals modular evolution and a link between cranial development and
brain size. Nature communications, 5, Article number: 3625 (2014),
- 池田光穂ほか、動物殺しの民族誌,昭和堂、2016年、365pp.
- Odachi, S. et al. eds., The Wild Mammals of Japan, 2nd eds.,
Kyoto: Shokado, 2015, 506pp.
- Odachi, S. D. 2016/09/13. Plenary Speech. Phylogeography of a
wide-ranged shrew (Sorex minutissimus - S. yukonicus complex) in the
holarctic region and an endemic shrew (Crocidura dsinezumi) in Japan.
International Colloquium – Biology of the Soricidae IV. Poznań, Poland,
12-14 September 2016.
- 池田光穂,独自なるものとしてのショロイツクイントゥリ犬,日本文化人類学会第49回研究大会,2015年5月31日
- K. Tadokoro. Views of the Body and Eating Pandanus in Papua New
Guinea. International conference on The Locality of Health,
Traditional and Folk Medicine, Kyoto 22 March, 2015.