はじめに よんでください

ラディーノ, ラディーナ

ladino, ladina, ladin@ in modern usage




ラディーノの意味には2つある。ひとつは、(a)イベリア半島出身のセファルディムの話していたヘブライとスペインのクレオール語?(Ladino)のこと。ハコブ・クリ(Jacob Culi, c1685-1732)の著作『メアムロエズ(Me–Am Lo'ez)』が著名。もうひとつは、(b)中央アメリカとりわけ、グアテマラとチアパスにおける、メスティーソないしは、スペイン語化した元先住民のことで、先住民から、ある種の「人種的マーカー」として呼ばれる用語あるいはレッテルである。

『スペイン王立アカデミースペイン語辞書』 (2001)によると、ラディーノ/ラディーナ(ladino/ ladina)には、その語源はラテン語のラティーヌス(latīnus)に遡れ、用語法としては、次の8つの意味があると解説されている。すなわち (1)形容詞として、狡猾、抜け目のない、ずる賢いことを示す言葉。それ以下は名詞で(2)中米における混血のこと。(3)中米におけるスペイン語しか話 せない混血。(4)古いロマンス語や古スペイン語の言い回し。(5)普通の言い方でない固有の言い回しを使う人。(6)ローマ帝国のレティアで話されてい た古語、レティア語。(7)言語学の用語で、統語や語彙はヘブライ語であるが、表記法はラテン文字による、イベリア半島のユダヤ人であるセファルディムが 使う宗教言語。そして最後に(8)言語学上の用語で、中世のスペイン東部でユダヤ人が話していたスペイン語の変種とみなされるもの、の以上8つからなる。


El término ladino es derivado de la palabra "latino" y se utiliza en América Central y Chiapas, para referirse a la población mestiza o "hispanizada".[1]​ El término no debe confundirse con el idioma ladino de los sefardí, aunque recibieron el nombre de indios ladinos, porque su acento o pronunciación recordaba a los conquistadores españoles a los sefardíes, por su manera de hablar el español, muy similar al judeo español de los sefardíes españoles.

El término surgió durante el periodo colonial, para indicar a la población hispanohablante que no era parte de la élite colonial conformada por la población peninsular y criolla, ni de la población indígena.[2​]


En Guatemala, la población ladina tiene reconocimiento oficial como grupo étnico, e incluye tanto a la población mestiza, como a la población de ascendencia indígena que se considera mestizada culturalmente. El Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala lo define de la siguiente forma: "La población ladina ha sido caracterizada como una población heterogénea que se expresa en idioma español como idioma materno, que posee determinadas características culturales de arraigo hispano matizadas con elementos culturales indígenas y viste a la usanza comúnmente llamada occidental".[3​] Consiguientemente, los censos de población incluyen la población ladina como uno de los diferentes grupos étnicos que viven en el país.[4​][5​]


Fuente: Ladino (población) https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladino_(poblaci%C3%B3n)

●Alvarado Xicotencatl, Leonor (1524–1583) - by David L. Jickling; Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, COPYRIGHT 2008 Gale, https://www.encyclopedia.com/

 "Leonor Alvarado Xicotencatl (b. 22 March 1524; d. 1583), the first prominent ladina (child of Spanish and Indian parents) born in Guatemala. Daughter of the conquistador Pedro de Alvarado and of Luisa de Xicotencatl, a Tlascalteca Indian princess, doña Leonor was born at Utatlán, the capital of the Quiché, and was brought up by her godparents. Alvarado arranged her marriage to his friend and chief lieutenant, Pedro de Portocarrero, about 1541. She escaped death when a mudslide resulting from a flood and earthquake covered the capital at Almolonga and killed her stepmother, doña Beatríz de la Cueva, in 1541. After the death of Portocarrero in 1547, doña Leonor married Francisco de la Cueva, the brother of her stepmother. From this marriage were born the children who were Pedro de Alvarado's descendants in Guatemala. Her second husband died in 1576, and doña Leonor died seven years later, at the age of fifty-nine. Her remains were buried in the Cathedral at Santiago (now Antigua Guatemala), beside those of her father and her stepmother."

José Milla, La hija del adelantado, 4th ed. (1936), a novel.

Adrian Recinos, Doña Leonor de Alvarado, y otros estudios (1958).

Vega, Carlos B. Conquistadoras: Mujeres heroicas en la conquista de América. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2003.

● Ladino, https://www.encyclopedia.com/literature-and-arts/language-linguistics-and-literary-terms/language-and-linguistics/ladino

1.:"Various forms of judeo-spanish spoken and written by the sephardim—jews who came to the ottoman empire and the maghrib (north africa) after their expulsion from spain in 1492."

2.:"Ladino is also called Spanyol or Judezmo; in Northern Morocco, it is called Haketía. It is at base Old Castilian (Spanish, a Romance language). Like all Diaspora Jewish languages, it is written in Hebrew characters and has a significant Hebrew and Aramaic vocabulary. It also—depending upon the region—has assimilated loanwords from Arabic, Greek, Turkish, Italian, and French. Ladino was the language of Jewish merchants throughout much of the Islamic Mediterranean region from the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries. Except for folk songs and ballads (cantígas and romances) and some rabbinical writings, there was only a limited Ladino literature until 1730, when Jacob Culi published his popular encyclopedic Me-Am Lo'ez in Istanbul. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Ladino became the primary medium of modern learning among Jews in the Ottoman Empire. Hundreds of novels and plays were translated from French, Hebrew, and Yiddish writers. There was a flourishing s The language policies of the post–World War I Republic of Turkey, the destruction of much of Balkan Jewry during World War II, and the migration of most of North African and Levantine Jews to Spain, South America, France, and Israel has led to the near disappearance of Ladino as a living language."

Jacob Culi, c.1685-1732 " rabbi, editor, and initiator of an important series of Ladino Bible commentaries known as Me-Am Lo'ez. "

Lida, Denah. "Ladino Language and Literature." In Jewish Languages: Theme and Variations, edited by Herbert H. Paper. Cambridge, MA: Association for Jewish Studies, 1978.

●LADINO, a Spanish word derived from the Latin latinos,... by John .DAVID DRESSING, 1964-2017

"LADINO, a Spanish word derived from the Latin latinos, meaning a person who spoke the Latin language, in contrast to speakers of Arabic. In medieval Spain, the word was used to describe Moors who had learned the Spanish language with such care and precision that they were scarcely distinguishable from Spaniards. From there, the word's meaning (documented as early as 1596, and also described as such in Covarrubias's 1611 Tesoro de la lengua castellana) was broadened to designate a crafty person, one who is cunning or astute, especially in learning foreign languages. In Spain, it was applied to the Moors and Spanish Jews (the Sephardic Jews of the Spanish are still known as ladinos ), or any "foreigner" who learned the Spanish language, and implied a certain adaptation to Spanish customs. In the New World, usage expanded to incorporate New World Indians, African slaves, and the offspring of Spanish and Indians (mestizos), who were proficient Spanish-speakers and reasonably well-adapted to Spanish customs. Generally, the term described a person of non-Hispanic ethnic or racial background who successfully learned the Spanish language and customs of the Spaniards. In Guatemala, although originally applied to mestizos, it now connotes any person who is culturally not Indian. This purely cultural significance means that it describes both individuals of European descent and those of purely indigenous descent whose cultural identity and them with European rather than Indian culture."

SEBASTIAN DE COVARRUBIAS, Tesorode la castellana o española(1611);

JOAN COROMINAS and JOSÉ A. PASCUAL, Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico (1980);

THOMAS M. STEPHENS, Dictionary of Latin American Racial and Ethnic Terminology (1989).

● Mestizo, by Patricia Seed

" MESTIZO, a term used in the colonial era to refer to a person of evenly mixed Indian and Hispanic ancestry. The first generation of mestizos were the sons and daughters of Spanish soldiers and settlers who had sexual relationships with Indian women but rarely married them. The most famous mestizo of the sixteenth century was the accomplished writer INCA GARCILASO DE LA VEGA, 1539-1616, the son of a lesser Spanish noble and an Inca royal princess. So many mestizos were illegitimate that the terms "mestizo" and "illegitimate" were at times used interchangeably throughout the colonial era."

"The Spanish crown found it necessary to determine whether the numerous offspring of Spanish men and Indian women were to be treated as Indians and made to pay tribute, or exempted as were Spaniards. While Spanish authorities opted not to class them as tribute payers, they nevertheless gradually developed a series of discriminatory measures that barred them from access to the priesthood, the university, and political posts on local councils, and excluded them from membership in the most exclusive artisan guilds, those of gold- and silversmiths. Unlike many of the other terms for racial groups in colonial Latin America, mestizo was an official designation for purposes of tribute collection or exemption, which came to be used on both christening and marriage records as well."

"During the colonial era, mestizo came to designate any person with both Spanish and Indian ancestry. Such persons were often identified as much by social and economic criteria as by physical ones. Although rarely wealthy, mestizos tended to belong to skilled occupations, lived in Spanish-style housing, and adopted Hispanic dress, which distinguished them from natives."

"With independence, particularly in Mexico, the category became a term of pride, indicating that the nation was the product of both native and European civilization. In the contemporary era the term has lost its connection to biology and biography and has come to reflect a variety of different activities. In sociological and anthropological studies a mestizo is a person who mediates between indigenous and regional or national markets or bureaucracies. "Mestizo" and similar terms such as LADINO and CHOLO commonly denote people who sell the textile and agricultural products of native communities to local markets. In art history, architecture, and literature, the term "mestizo" has become widely used to refer to any art form or writing style that incorporates indigenous as well as Hispanic elements. In this usage it refers not to the creator's biography, as it would have in the colonial era, but to the artistic or literary object created. What the word has retained is the sense of being neither Spanish, nor Indian, but some- where in between."


NICOLÁS LEÓN, Las castas del México colonial(1924); LYLE MCALISTER, "Social Structure and Social Change in New Spain," in Hispanic American Historical Review 43, no. 3 (1963): 349-370; MAGNUS MORNER, Race Mixture in the History of Latin America (1967); JOHN K. CHANCE, Race and Class in Colonial Oaxaca (1978); PATRICIA SEED, "Social Dimensions of Race: Mexico City, 1753," in Hispanic American Historical Review 62, no. 4 (1982): 569-606; PATRICIA SEED and PHILIP RUST, "Estate and Class in Colonial Oaxaca Revisited," in Comparative Studies in Society and History 25 (1983): 703-709, 721-724; RODNEY ANDERSON, "Race and Social Stratification: A Comparison of Working Class Spaniards, Indians, and Castas in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1821," in Hispanic American Historical Review68, no. 2 (1988): 209-243; DOUGLAS COPE, Limits of Racial Domination(1993). 

Patricia Seed先生の夫は、George E. Marcus 先生です。


ラテンアメリカにおける混血の形成は、ヨーロッパの 白人の征服者、先住民、奴隷労働者として連れてこられたアフリカ系の黒人たちからなり、スペイン王室は、そのような人種的混交をカスタ制度という混血の 10数種類からなる組み合わせで様々な呼び方をした。このような区分は、それぞれのカスタ間の通婚をカトリック教会を通じて規制するのみならず、貢納や税 金の区分をして、人種的民族的な集団をそれぞれ政治的にも管理するという目的のもとで実施された。メスティソは、最初は、スペイン出身の兵士と先住民の母 親から生まれた息子や娘であり、そのようなカスタの中での通婚が許された。植民初期のメスティソは、すべて非嫡出子だったので、メスティソと非嫡出である ことは同義語とされ、貢納の義務があった。このステレオタイプ(=混血の身分の低さ)は植民地時代全般を通じて通用するようになる。だが、メスティソは聖 職、大学、地方政治家など社会的にも進出を果たすようになり、イベリア半島出身の白人ペニンスラールと植民地で生まれた白人クリオーリョとの確執はありな がらも、次第に地歩を築いてゆく。独立期には、メスティソは、先住民と白人の間から構成される国民国家形成におけるシンボルになってゆく。すなわち、その 時点ではメスティソはもはや人種ではなく社会階級としての政治的ヘゲモニーを確立してゆくようになる。

 メスティソは最初、白人と先住民の人種的混血とい う意味あいで使われるようになり、白人よりも身分の低い地位に甘んじていたが、貢納や集住などの制約からやがて解放されるようになり、人口比において優勢 な社会的クラスに変化し、やがて独立期の国民国家の成立には不可欠な存在にまで発展したグループのことである。


これらの地域では、先住民の集住地域にメスティソ (後のラディーノ)が入ってくるようになったのは19世紀も後半になってからである。グアテマラでは、先住民は18世紀初頭にはエンコミエンダ制が廃止さ れても、スペイン・ブルボン朝が命じる徴税制度や賦役労働の義務が課された。また貨幣経済の進展に伴って資本主義生産物が流入するようになってきた。メス ティソは仲買いや卸のブローカーとして活躍するようになり、やがて、小さな商店や食肉店あるいは大工や縫製などの商工業の担い手として、後には学校の教師 や電報や郵便の通信士として、先住民のコミュニティに定着するようになった。メキシコのチアパスでは、独立後19世紀から20世紀にかけてメスティソは類 似の機能を果たしていた。もちろん双方ともスペイン語のモノリンガルで、先住民の言語も話さず少数のまま定着した。ラディーノという用語は、スペイン語を 語源とする、先住民からみた異邦出身の外来者(ラテン世界から来たユダヤ人)としてのステレオタイプを温存するかたちで、この用語が使われるようになった と考えられる。先に公的に一般化していたメスティソよりも自分たちが使うスペイン語の語彙として定着したのではないか。ちなみに、グアテマラの先住民言語 であるカクチケル語やキチェ語では、ラディーノは男女共に「カシュラン」、マム語では男性は「モース」女性は「シヌーラ」と別の用語がある。




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