若いフィールドワーカーに 贈る言葉
Well-wishing words for young present and future fieldworkers....
Advices for young fieldworkers!*
That charming and intelligent Austrian-American anthropologist Paul Radin has said that no one quite knows how one goes about fieldwork. Perhaps we should leave the question with that sort of answer. But when I was a serious young student in London I thought I would try to get a few tips from experienced fieldworkers before setting out for Central Africa. I first sought advice from Westermarck. All I got from him was 'don't converse with an informant for more than twenty minutes because if you aren't bored by that time he will' be'. Very good advice, even if somewhat inadequate. I sought instruction from Haddon, a man foremost in field-research. He told me that it was really all quite simple; one should always behave as a gentleman. Also very good advice. My teacher, Seligman, told me to take ten grains of quinine every night and to keep off women. The famous Egyptologist, Sir Flinders Petrie, just told me not to bother about drinking dirty water as one soon became immune to it. Finally, I asked Malinowski and was told not to be a bloody fool. So there is no clear answer, much will depend on the man, on the society he is to study, and the conditions in which he is to make it.
Original source: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford** IV(1):1-12, 1973
*This title is not the original by same author. Given by Mitzubishi, who cited it.
フィールドワークのやり方につい て、こうすべき、だとはっきり述べることは出来ない。私が若い学生だったころに経験をつんだフィールドワーカー達から得た助言をいくつかあげるとすると、 “ひとりの情報提供者と二十分以上話さないこと、自分はその時間に退屈していなくても、彼は退屈しているのだから”(ウェスターマーク)、“単純なことで はあるが、常に紳士的にふるまうこと”(ハッドン)、“毎晩十粒のキニーネ剤を飲むこと、そして女性には近づかないこと(セリグマン)、“汚水を飲むこと を嫌がるな、すぐに免疫がつくのだから”(フリンダーズ・パトリー卿)、“大ばか者になるな”(マリノフスキー),などというものだった。つまり、明確な 答えはなく、フィールドワークはそれを行う人自身や、その人が学ぶ社会、行う場所の状況に大いに左右されるものなのである。 ——Evans-Pritchard, E.E.(1902-73)
'When a European has been living for two or three years among
savages he is sure to be fully convinced that he knows all about them;
when he has been ten years or so amongst them, if he be an observant
man, he finds that he knows very little about them, and so begins to
learn' - R.H.
Codrington (1891:vii) The Melanesians.
(「もしヨーロッパ人が2,3年ほど野蛮人の間で暮らしたら、その人(=彼)は彼ら(野蛮人)について何でも知っていると確信するだろう。(だ が)その人が 10年やそこら、彼ら(野蛮人)のあいだで過ごしたら、つまり彼は観察者になるわけだが、彼は自分がほとんど連中(=彼ら)のことについて何もしらないこ とに気づくだ。そしてそこから、彼は学びはじまるのである」——ロバート・ヘンリー・コドリントン(1848))
I agree with the anthropological research without interviewing. Keep calm and think. The right to do anthropology is open to every one of us. If it is true that the deaf or mute people are not able to engage in anthropology, that means it hasn't yet opened its way to all. You can do anthropology if you are labeled as having ADHD or Asperger syndrome. If you are blind or even if you stay in bed all day long, it is still possible to do it. What you need is the way to communicate. Invite your informants to your bedside, then, it'll be a perfect fieldwork. Long time ago, my mentor said to me, "You should be able to do interview because you have legs, mouth and ears.", which now I think old-fashioned. Anthropology can done by anybody and, interviewing is not always necessary. When you have someone beside you, and when you have the reason to think of what is called humankind, you are then to involve in anthropology. - "Liberating yourself through liberation from your concept on interview research" (translated by Sookja Suh)
Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1996-2099