George W. Stocking, Jr., 1928-2013
☆ ジョージ・W・ストッキング・ジュニア(George W. Stocking Jr.、1928年12月28日 - 2013年7月13日)はドイツ生まれのアメリカの学者で、人類学の歴史に関する研究で知られている(英語版ページはこちら)。
W. Stocking Jr. (December 28, 1928 – July 13, 2013) was a German-born
American scholar noted for his scholarship on the history of
anthropology.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Stocking_Jr. "Professor Stocking, who taught history and anthropology at the University of Chicago, was best known for his studies of anthropology’s pioneers, most notably Edward Burnett Tylor, the self-taught 19th-century British theorist who is often called the father of the field, and Franz Boas, the German-American émigré who pioneered its practice in the United States./ Colleagues said his work helped produce a culture shift in anthropology during the 1960s and ’70s that heralded a growing respect for cultural diversity throughout society. “He was the in-house social critic,” said Raymond D. Fogelson, a professor of anthropology at the University of Chicago." - The New York Times, July 29, 2013. |
ジョージ・W・ストッキング・ジュニア(George W. Stocking Jr.、1928年12月28日 - 2013年7月13日)はドイツ生まれのアメリカの学者で、人類学の歴史に関する研究で知られている[1]。 シカゴ大学で歴史学と人類学を教えていたストッキング教授は、人類学の先駆者たち、特に人類学の父と呼ばれることの多い独学で学んだ19世紀イギリスの理 論家エドワード・バーネット・タイラーや、アメリカで人類学を広めたドイツ系アメリカ人の移民フランツ・ボースについての研究でよく知られている。「彼は 社内の社会批評家でした」とシカゴ大学のレイモンド・D・フォゲルソン人類学教授は言う。 |
Early life and education Stocking was born in Berlin, Germany in 1928. His father, the economist George W. Stocking Sr., was conducting research on the German potash industry.[2]: loc 151 Stocking senior moved frequently to take different academic positions, as well as to conduct research and undertake policy and applied work. As a result, George Stocking Jr. moved around frequently as a child. The majority of his childhood, however, was spent in Texas, where his father was a professor at the University of Texas at Austin. He graduated from high school in New York, however, where he graduated from Horace-Mann Lincoln School in 1944.[2]: loc 179 |
生い立ちと教育 1928年、ドイツのベルリンに生まれる。父親は経済学者のジョージ・W・ストッキング・シニアで、ドイツのカリ産業に関する研究を行っていた[2]。そ のため、ジョージ・ストッキング・ジュニアは幼少期、あちこちを転々としていた。父親はテキサス大学オースティン校の教授であった。しかし、高校はニュー ヨークで卒業し、1944年にホーレス・マンリンカーン・スクールを卒業した[2]: loc 179 |
Career Stocking went on to attend Harvard University. He graduated from Harvard in 1949. From 1949 to 1956 he was a member of the Communist Party,[2]: loc 50 taking a number of jobs in manufacturing and industry an attempt to organize workers. Eventually Stocking grew disaffected with politics, and in 1957 he entered graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania. There, he was a student in the interdisciplinary program on "American Civilization", where he was a student of A. Irving Hallowell. In 1960 he earned his Ph.D. with a dissertation entitled "American Social Scientists and Race Theory: 1890–1915".[3] Stocking's work was a content analysis of articles written by academics and intellectuals, and was influenced by social-scientific thought current in the American Civilization program at the time. Nevertheless, his work is usually classified as history and he is usually considered a historian. Stocking's first academic position was at the University of California Berkeley, where he was hired in 1959 as a social historian.[2]: loc 821 He subsequently taught for a semester at the University of Pennsylvania in 1967. In 1968 Stocking took a position at the University of Chicago, where he had a joint appointment in the departments of anthropology and history for some years. He moved to a full position in anthropology in 1974.[2]: loc 1131 Stocking's scholarly work takes several forms. He has published several volumes which anthologize already-published journal articles. These include Race, Culture, and Evolution (1968),[4] The Ethnographer's Magic (1992), and Delimiting Anthropology (2001). Stocking has also edited the work of other scholars. Work in this vein includes The Shaping of American Anthropology (1974), an anthology of writings by Franz Boas. as well as Selected Papers from the American Anthropologist (1976). Most notably, he was the editor in chief of the annual book series "History of Anthropology" published by the University of Wisconsin Press. In 1973, in conjunction with Robert Bieder and Judith Modell, he founded the History of Anthropology Newsletter Archived 2010-09-06 at the Wayback Machine as "a medium of communication for active researchers in this area" providing "information as to archival holdings, bibliographic aids, research in progress, recent publications, and so on." In addition to these works, Stocking has produced several monographs. Most notably these include two volumes which trace the history of British anthropology: Victorian Anthropology (1987) and After Tylor (1995). He has also written an autobiography, Glimpses into my own Black Box (2010) and the exhibition catalog Anthropology at Chicago (1979). |
経歴 ハーバード大学に進学。1949年にハーバードを卒業。1949年から1956年まで共産党員であり[2]、労働者を組織化するために製造業や産業界で多 くの仕事に就いた。やがて政治に不満を抱くようになり、1957年にペンシルベニア大学の大学院に入学。そこでは「アメリカ文明」の学際的プログラムに在 籍し、A・アーヴィング・ハロウェルの教えを受けた。1960年、彼は「アメリカの社会科学者と人種理論:1890-1915年」と題する論文で博士号を 取得した[3]。ストッキングの研究は、学者や知識人によって書かれた論文の内容分析であり、当時のアメリカ文明プログラムで流行していた社会科学的思想 の影響を受けていた。とはいえ、彼の仕事は通常歴史学に分類され、彼は通常歴史学者とみなされる。 ストッキングの最初の職はカリフォルニア大学バークレー校で、1959年に社会史家として採用された[2]: loc 821 その後、1967年にペンシルベニア大学で1学期間教鞭をとった。1968年、ストッキングはシカゴ大学に着任し、人類学と歴史学の両学科で数年間教鞭を とった。1974年に人類学の正職員となる[2]: loc 1131 ストッキングの学術的な仕事はいくつかの形態がある。すでに出版された学術誌の論文をアンソロジ化した本を数冊出版している。その中には、『人種・文化・ 進化』(1968年)、[4] 『エスノグラファーの魔術』(1992年)、『人類学の限界』(2001年)などがある。また、ストッキングは他の学者の著作も編集している。フランツ・ ボアズの著作を集めたアンソロジー『The Shaping of American Anthropology』(1974年)や、『Selected Papers from the American Anthropologist』(1976年)などがそれである。最も注目すべきは、ウィスコンシン大学出版局から毎年刊行される書籍シリーズ 「History of Anthropology」の編集長を務めたことである。1973年には、ロバート・ビーダー、ジュディス・モデルとともに、「この分野で活躍する研究者 のためのコミュニケーション媒体」として、「人類学史ニュースレター」を創刊し、「アーカイブの所蔵、書誌的補助、進行中の研究、最近の出版物などに関す る情報」を提供した。 これらの著作に加え、ストッキングはいくつかのモノグラフを制作している。その中でも特に注目すべきは、イギリス人類学の歴史をたどる2巻である: Victorian Anthropology』(1987年)と『After Tylor』(1995年)である。また、自伝『Glimpses into my own Black Box』(2010年)や展覧会カタログ『Anthropology at Chicago』(1979年)も執筆している。 |
Criticism In 1964, Stocking published an influential article entitled ‘French Anthropology in 1800’, in the journal Isis (vol. 55, part. 2, no. 180, pp. 134–50). In it, he mistakenly suggested that the French zoologist François Péron was an advocate of polygenism. He was challenged by Péron's biographer, Edward Duyker, who asserted that ‘one of Péron’s most significant anthropological findings’ was the recognition of ‘strong physical and cultural differences’ between the inhabitants of Tasmania and mainland Australia. These differences, and the absence of the dingo in Tasmania, led Péron to conclude, in a memoir he presented to the Institut de France, that ‘la séparation de ces deux régions doit remonter à une époque beaucoup plus ancienne qu’on ne pourroit le soupçonner d’abord’ [‘the separation of these two regions must have dated from an époque very much more ancient than one could suspect at first’].[5] Duyker pointed out that Stocking had mistranslated this crucial statement as: ‘before the epoch of the population of these countries’, to justify his erroneous assertion about Péron's belief in distinct human creations. |
批判 1964年、ストッキングは『イシス』誌に「1800年のフランス人類学」と題する影響力のある論文を発表した(55巻、2部、180号、134-50 頁)。その中で彼は、フランスの動物学者フランソワ・ペロンが多遺伝子主義の提唱者であると誤って示唆した。ペロンの伝記作者エドワード・デュイカーは、 「ペロンの最も重要な人類学的発見のひとつ」は、タスマニアとオーストラリア本土の住民の間に「強い物理的・文化的差異」があることを認識したことだと主 張した。これらの違いと、タスマニアにディンゴがいないことから、ペロンはフランス学士院に提出した回顧録の中で、「この2つの地域の分離は、当初疑うこ とができなかったほど、非常に古い時代から始まったに違いない」と結論づけた。 [5] デュイカーは、ストッキングがこの重要な記述を次のように誤訳していたことを指摘した: この重要な記述をストッキングは「これらの国の人口が生まれた時代より前」と誤訳し、ペロンが人間の創造物を区別して信じているという誤った主張を正当化 したのである。 |
Later life and death Stocking was a professor emeritus in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. He died in 2013 after years of declining health.[6] Legacy Upon his death, an article in the Indian Country Today Media Network called Stocking "The Man Who Forced Anthropologists to Respect Native Cultures".[7] |
その後の人生と死 ストッキングはシカゴ大学人類学部の名誉教授であった。2013年、長年にわたる健康状態の悪化の末に死去した[6]。 遺産 彼の死に際し、インディアン・カントリー・トゥデイ・メディア・ネットワークの記事はストッキングを「人類学者に先住民の文化を尊重することを強要した男」と呼んだ[7]。 |
Bibliography In addition to the titles listed below Stocking has edited many works, been the editor of the series History of Anthropology, and contributed to many journals. Some of his essays are collected in Race, Culture and Evolution, The Ethnographer's Magic and Delimiting Anthropology. A complete bibliography of his works is in his autobiography Glimpses Into My Own Black Box. 1968 Race, Culture, and Evolution: Essays in the History of Anthropology. ISBN 0-02-931530-1 1982 Race, Culture, and Evolution: Essays in the History of Anthropology. [reprint with new preface]. ISBN 0-226-77494-5 1987 Victorian Anthropology. ISBN 0-02-931550-6 1991 pbk reprint 1992 The Ethnographer's Magic and Other Essays in the History of Anthropology. ISBN 0-299-13410-5 1995 After Tylor: British Social Anthropology 1888–1951. ISBN 0-299-14580-8[8] 2001 Delimiting Anthropology: Occasional Essays and Reflections. ISBN 0-299-17450-6 2010 Glimpses Into My Own Black Box. ISBN 978-0-299-24984-7 |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Stocking_Jr. |
★History of anthropologyシリーズ叢書目録
Observers observed : essays on ethnographic fieldwork (History of anthropology ; v. 1) | HISTORY OF ANTHROPOLOGY: Whence/Whither "THE VALUE OF A PERSON LIES IN HIS HERZENSBILDUNG"Franz Boas' Baffin Island Letter .. Diary, 1883-1884 ETHNOGRAPHIC CHARISMA AND SCIENTIFIC ROUTINE: Cushing and Fewkes in the American Southwest,1879-1893 THE ETHNOGRAPHER'S MAGIC: Fieldwork in British Anthropology from Tylor to Malinowski POWER AND DIALOGUE IN ETHNOGRAPHY: Marcel Griaule's Initiation LEARNING ABOUT CULTURE: Reconstruction, Participation, Administration,1934-1954 FOLLOWING DEACON: The Problem of Ethnographic Reanalysis, 1926-1981 "FACTS ARE A WORD OF GOD": An Essay Review of James Clifford's Person and Myth: Maurice Leenhardt in the Melanesian World THE DAINTY AND THE HUNGRY MAN: Literature and Anthropology in the Work of Edward Sapir |
Functionalism historicized : essays on British social anthropology (History of anthropology ; v. 2) |
1. Functionalism Historicized 2. The Functional Reduction of Kinship in the Social Thought of John Locke 3. Robertson Smith and James Frazer on Religion: Two Traditions in Birtish Social Anthropology 4. Tribal Exemplars: Images of Political Authority in British Anthropology, 1885-1945 5. Englishmen, Celts, and Iberians: The Ethnographic Survey of the United Kingdom, 1892-1899 6. Dr. Durkheim and Mr. Brown: Comparative Sociology at Cambridge in 1910 7. Radcliffe-Brown and British Social Anthropology 8. Function, History, Biography: Reflections on Fifty Years in the British Anthropological Tradition 9. Miscellaneous Studies: From Philology to Anthropology in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Germany |
Objects and others : essays on museums and material culture / edited by George W. Stocking, Jr University of Wisconsin Press , 1985 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 3) |
Essays on Museums and Material Culture Arranging Ethnology: A. H. L. F. Pitt Rivers and the Typological Tradition From Shell-Heaps to Stelae: Early Anthropology at the Peabody Museum Franz Boas and Exhibits: On the Limitations of the Museum Method of Anthropology Philanthropoids and Vanishing Cultures: Rockefeller Funding and the End of the Museum Era in Anglo-American Anthropology Art and Artifact at the Trocadero: Ars Americana and the Primitivist Revolution The Ethnic Art Market in the American Southwest, 1880–1980 On Having a Culture: Nationalism and the Preservation of Quebec’s Patrimoine Writing the History of Archeology: A Survey of Trends Objects and Selves—An Afterword Information for Contributors |
Malinowski, Rivers, Benedict, and others : essays on culture and personality / edited by George W. Stocking, Jr University of Wisconsin Press , 1986 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 4) |
Essays on Culture and Personality Anthropology and the Science of the Irrational: Malinowski‘s Encounter with Freudian Psychoanalysis Unconventional Character and Disciplinary Convention: John Layard, Jungian and Anthropologist Abram Kardiner and the Neo-Freudian Alternative in Culture and Personality Melville Herskovits and the Search for Afro-American Culture Vigorous Male and Aspiring Female: Poetry, Personality, and Culture in Edward Sapir and Ruth Benedict Personality and Culture: The Fate of the Sapirian Alternative Science, Democracy, and Ethics: Mobilizing Culture and Personality for World War II Between-the-Wars Bali: Rereading the Relics |
Bones, bodies, behavior : essays on biological anthropology / edited by George W. Stocking, Jr. University of Wisconsin Press , 1988 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 5) |
Bones, Bodies, Behavior On the Origins of French Ethnology: William Edwards and the Doctrine of Race The Minds of Beavers and the Minds of Humans: Natural Suggestion, Natural Selection, and Experiment in the Work of Lewis Henry Morgan Prologue to a Scientific Forgery: The British Eolithic Movement from Abbeville to Piltdown The Shadow Man Paradigm in Paleoanthropology, 1911-1945 From Anthropologie to Rassenkunde in the German Anthropological Tradition Mobilizing Scientists Against Nazi Racism, 1933 - 1939 Remodelling the Human Way of Life: Sherwood Washburn and the New Physical Anthropology, 1950 - 1980 |
Romantic motives : essays on anthropological sensibility / edited by George W. Stocking, Jr University of Wisconsin Press , 1989 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 6) |
Romantic Motives and the History of Anthropology Aristotle's Other Self: On the Boundless Subject of Anthropological Discourse Antipodal Expectations: Notes on the Formosan "Ethnograqphy" of George Psalmanzar Speakers of Being: Romantic Refusion and Cultural Anthropology Levi-Strauss, Wagner, Romanticism: A Reading-back . . . Zunis and Brahmins: Cultural Ambivalence in the Gilded Age The Ethnographic Sensibility of the 1920s and the Dualism of the Anthropological Tradition |
Colonial situations : essays on the contextualization of ethnographic knowledge / edited by George W. Stocking, Jr University of Wisconsin Press , 1991 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 7) |
Colonial Situations Maclay, Kubary, Malinowski: Archetypes from the DreamTime of Anthropology Tools of the Trade: The Produciton of Ethnographic Observations on the Andaman Islands, 1858-1922 The Construction of Algonquian Hunting Territories: Private Property as Moral Lesson, Policy Advocacy, and Ethnographic Error Contested Monuments: The Politics of Archeology in Southern Africa The Dynamics of Rapport in a Colonial Situation: David Schneider's Fieldwork on the Islands of Yap Mois and Maquis: The Invention and Appropriation of Vietnam's Montagnards from Sabatier to the CIA Representing, Resisting, Rethinking: Historical Transformation of Kaypo Culture and Anthropological Consciousness AFTERWORD: FROM THE HISTORY OF COLONIAL ANTHROPOLOGY TO THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF WESTERN HEGEMONY |
Volksgeist as
method and ethic : essays on Boasian ethnography and the German
anthropological tradition / edited by George W. Stocking, Jr University of Wisconsin Press , 1996 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 8) |
Boasian Ethnography and the German Anthropological Tradition The Study of Geography Franz Boas and the Humboldtian Tradition: From Volksgeist and Nationalcharakter to an Anthropological Concept of Culture From Virchow to Fischer: Physical Anthropology and "Modern Race Theories" in Wilhelmine Germany German Culture and German Science in the Bildung of Franz Boas The Ethnographic Object and the Object of Ethnology in the Early Career of Franz Boas "The Culture as It Appears to the Indian Himself": Boas, George Hunt, and the Methods of Ethnography "The Little History of Pitiful Events": The Epistemological and Moral Contexts of Kroeber's Californian Ethnology Orientalism as Kulturpolitik: German Archeology and Cultural Imperialism in Asia Minor |
ancestors, inventible traditions : essays toward a more inclusive
history of anthropology / edited by Richard Handler The University of Wisconsin Press , 2015 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 9) |
Boundaries and Traditions Occult Truths: Race, Conjecture, and Theosophy in Victorian Anthropologys Research, Reform, and Racial Uplift: The Mission of the Hampton Folk-Lore Society, 1893-1899 Working for a Canadian Sense of Place(s): The Role of Landscape Painters in Marius Barbeau's Ethnology Sharlotte Gower and the Subterranean History of Anthropology "Do Good, Young Man": Sol Tax and the World Mission of Liberal Democratic Anthropology "In the Immediate Vicinity a World Has Come to an End": Lucie Varga as an Ethnographer of National Socialism—A Retrospective Review Essay Melanesian Can(n)ons: Paradoxes and Prospects in Melanesian Ethnography |
Significant others : interpersonal and professional commitments in anthropology / edited by Richard Handler University of Wisconsin Press , 2004 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 10) |
Anthropology’s Other Others “The Endless Conversation”: Fieldwork, Writing, and the Marriage of Victor and Edith Turner Inverting the Camel’s Hump: Jorge Dias, His Wife, Their Interpreter, and I The Director as Significant Other: Max Gluckman and Team Fieldwork at the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute Boasian Cosmographic Anthropology and the Sociocentric Component of Mind Jaime de Angulo and Alfred Kroeber: Bohemians and Bourgeois in Berkeley Anthropology A. I. Hallowell’s Boasian Evolutionism: Human Ir/rationality in Cross-Cultural, Evolutionary, and Personal Context It Was No “Pink Tea”: Gender and American Anthropology, 1885–1903 |
Central sites,
peripheral visions : cultural and institutional crossings in the
history of anthropology / edited by Richard Handler University of Wisconsin Press , 2006 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 11) |
Anthropology on the Periphery of the Center The Power of Insult: Ethnographic Publication and Emergent Nationalism in the Sixteenth Century Escape from the Andamans: Tracking, Offshore Incarceration, and Ethnology in the Back of Beyond Where Was Boas during the Renaissance in Harlem? Diffusion, Race, and the Culture Paradigm in the History of Anthropology Unfinished Business: Robert Gelston Armstrong, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the History of Anthropology at Chicago and in Nigeria Kroeber and the California Claims: Historical Particularism and Cultural Ecology in Court |
Glimpses into my own black box : an exercise in self-deconstruction / George W. Stocking, Jr. University of Wisconsin Press , 2010 . - (History of anthropology ; v. 12) |
Race, Culture, and Evolution Essays in the History of Anthropology George W. Stocking, Jr, 1982.(1962) ![]() |
Preface to the Phoenix Edition Preface Acknowledgments 1. On the Limits of “Presentism” and “Historicism” in the Historiography of the Behavioral Sciences 2. French Anthropology in 1800 3. The Persistence of Polygenist Thought in Post-Darwinian Anthropology 4. Matthew Arnold, E. B. Tylor, and the Uses of Invention 5. “Cultural Darwinism” and “Philosophical Idealism” in E. B. Tylor 6. The Dark-Skinned Savage: The Image of Primitive Man in Evolutionary Anthropology 7. From Physics to Ethnology 8. The Critique of Racial Formalism 9. Franz Boas and the Culture Concept in Historical Perspective 10. Lamarckianism in American Social Science, 1890-1915 11. The Scientific Reaction Against Cultural Anthropology, 1917-1920 Appendix: A Note on Sources List of Abbreviations Notes Index |
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