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Nazi human experimentation

"A prisoner in a special chamber responds to changing air pressure during high-altitude experiments. For the benefit of the Luftwaffe, conditions simulating those found at 15,000 meters [49,000 ft] in altitude were created in an effort to determine if German pilots might survive at that height."/A victim loses consciousness during a depressurization experiment at Dachau by Luftwaffe doctor Sigmund Rascher, 1942.


ナチスの人体実験とは、第二次世界大戦中およびホロコースト中の1940年代前半から半ばにかけて、ナチス・ドイツが強制収容所で子供を含む大量の捕虜を 対象に行った一連の医学実験のことである。主な対象者は、ロマ人、シンティ人、ポーランド人、ソ連軍捕虜、障害を持つドイツ人、ヨーロッパ全土のユダヤ人 などであった。

"I don't want to have to use the Nazi data, but there is no other and will be no other in an ethical world ... not to use it would be equally bad. I'm trying to make something constructive out of it." - Dr John Hayward, justifying citing the Dachau freezing experiments in his research.[38] ——「ナチスのデータは使いたくないが、倫理的な世界では他にないし、これからもないだろう・・・使わないのも同様に悪いことだろう。私は何か建設的なものを作ろうとしているのだ」。 - ジョン・ヘイワード博士、自分の研究にダッハウ凍結実験を引用したことを正当化するために

Nazi human experimentation was a series of medical experiments on large numbers of prisoners, including children, by Nazi Germany in its concentration camps in the early to mid 1940s, during World War II and the Holocaust. Chief target populations included Romani, Sinti, ethnic Poles, Soviet POWs, disabled Germans, and Jews from across Europe.

Nazi physicians and their assistants forced prisoners into participating; they did not willingly volunteer and no consent was given for the procedures. Typically, the experiments were conducted without anesthesia and resulted in death, trauma, disfigurement, or permanent disability, and as such are considered examples of medical torture.

At Auschwitz and other camps, under the direction of Eduard Wirths, selected inmates were subjected to various experiments that were designed to help German military personnel in combat situations, develop new weapons, aid in the recovery of military personnel who had been injured, and to advance the Nazi racial ideology and eugenics,[1] including the twin experiments of Josef Mengele.[2] Aribert Heim conducted similar medical experiments at Mauthausen.[3]

After the war, these crimes were tried at what became known as the Doctors' Trial, and revulsion at the abuses perpetrated led to the development of the Nuremberg Code of medical ethics. The Nazi physicians in the Doctors' Trial argued that military necessity justified their experiments, and compared their victims to collateral damage from Allied bombings.
ナ チスの人体実験とは、第二次世界大戦中およびホロコースト中の1940年代前半から半ばにかけて、ナチス・ドイツが強制収容所で子供を含む大量の捕虜を対 象に行った一連の医学実験のことである。主な対象者は、ロマ人、シンティ人、ポーランド人、ソ連軍捕虜、障害を持つドイツ人、ヨーロッパ全土のユダヤ人な どであった。


アウシュビッツや他の収容所では、エドゥアルド・ヴィルトスの指揮の下、選ばれた収容者は、戦闘状況におけるドイツ軍人の助け、新兵器の開発、負傷した軍 人の回復を助けるため、またナチスの人種思想と優生学を推進するために、ヨーゼフ・メンゲレの双子の実験など様々な実験を受けた[1]。 アリベルト・ハイムはマウトハウゼンにおいて同様の医学実験を行った[2]。

戦後、これらの犯罪は「医師裁判」として知られるようになり、行われた虐待への反発から、医学倫理に関する「ニュルンベルク綱領」が作成された。医師団裁 判でナチスの医師たちは、軍事的必要性から実験を正当化し、その犠牲者を連合軍の爆撃の巻き添え被害と比較したと主張した。

The table of contents of a document from the Nuremberg military tribunals prosecution includes titles of the sections that document medical experiments revolving around: food, seawater, epidemic jaundice, sulfanilamide, blood coagulation and phlegmon.[4] According to the indictments at the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials,[5][6] these experiments included the following:

Experiments on twins
Experiments on twin children in concentration camps were created to show the superiority of heredity over the environment in determining phenotypes and to find ways to increase German reproduction rates. The central leader of the experiments was Josef Mengele, who from 1943 to 1944 performed experiments on nearly 1,500 sets of imprisoned twins at Auschwitz. About 200 people survived these studies.[7] The twins were arranged by age and sex and kept in barracks between experiments, which ranged from amputations, infecting them with various diseases and injecting dyes into their eyes to change their color. He also attempted to create conjoined twins by sewing twins together, causing gangrene and eventually, death.[8][9] Often, one twin would be forced to undergo experimentation, while the other was kept as a control. If one twin died from experimentation, the second twin would be brought in to be killed at the same time. Doctors would then look at the effects of experimentation and compare both bodies.[10] If the first twin survived, Mengele would dissect their bodies.[11]

Bone, muscle, and nerve transplantation experiments
From about September 1942 to about December 1943 experiments were conducted at the Ravensbrück concentration camp, for the benefit of the German Armed Forces, to study bone, muscle, and nerve regeneration, and bone transplantation from one person to another.[12] In these experiments, subjects had their bones, muscles and nerves removed without anesthesia. As a result of these operations, many victims suffered intense agony, mutilation, and permanent disability.[12]

On 12 August 1946 a survivor named Jadwiga Kamińska[13] gave a deposition about her time at Ravensbrück concentration camp and describes how she was operated on twice. Both operations involved one of her legs and although she never describes having any knowledge as to what exactly the procedure was, she explains that both times she was in extreme pain and developed a fever post surgery, but was given little to no aftercare. Kamińska describes being told that she had been operated on simply because she was a "young girl and a Polish patriot". She describes how her leg oozed pus for months after the operations.[14]

Prisoners were also experimented on by having their bone marrow injected with bacteria to study the effectiveness of new drugs being developed for use in the battle fields. Those who survived remained permanently disfigured.[15]

Head injury experiments
In mid-1942 in Baranowicze, occupied Poland, experiments were conducted in a small building behind the private home occupied by a known Nazi SD Security Service officer, in which "a young boy of eleven or twelve [was] strapped to a chair so he could not move. Above him was a mechanized hammer that every few seconds came down upon his head." The boy was driven insane from the torture.[16]

Freezing experiments
In 1941, the Luftwaffe conducted experiments with the intent of discovering means to prevent and treat hypothermia. There were 360 to 400 experiments and 280 to 300 victims indicating some victims suffered more than one experiment.[17]

Another study placed prisoners naked in the open air for several hours with temperatures as low as −6 °C (21 °F). Besides studying the physical effects of cold exposure, the experimenters also assessed different methods of rewarming survivors.[19] "One assistant later testified that some victims were thrown into boiling water for rewarming."[17][20]

Beginning in August 1942, at the Dachau camp, prisoners were forced to sit in tanks of freezing water for up to three hours. After subjects were frozen, they then underwent different methods for rewarming. Many subjects died in this process.[21] In a letter from 10 September 1942, Rascher describes an experiment on intense cooling performed in Dachau where people were dressed in fighter pilot uniforms and submerged in freezing water. Rascher had some of the victims completely underwater and others only submerged up to the head.[22]

The freezing and hypothermia experiments were conducted for the Nazi high command to simulate the conditions the armies suffered on the Eastern Front, as the German forces were ill-prepared for the cold weather they encountered. Many experiments were conducted on captured Soviet troops; the Nazis wondered whether their genetics gave them superior resistance to cold. The principal locales were Dachau and Auschwitz. Sigmund Rascher, an SS doctor based at Dachau, reported directly to Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and publicised the results of his freezing experiments at the 1942 medical conference entitled "Medical Problems Arising from Sea and Winter".[23] Himmler suggested that the victims could be warmed by forcing them to engage in sexual contact with other victims. An example included how a hypothermic victim was placed between two naked Romani women.[24][25] Approximately 100 people are reported to have died as a result of these experiments.[26]
ニュルンベルク軍事裁判の検察側文書の目次には、食品、海水、流行性黄疸、スルファニルアミド、血液凝固、痰などの医学実験を記録したセクションのタイトルがある[4]。 その後のニュルンベルク裁判での起訴状によると、これらの実験には以下のものがある[5][6]。

強制収容所における双子の子供の実験は、表現型の決定において環境よりも遺伝が優れていることを示し、ドイツの繁殖率を高める方法を見出すために行われた ものである。実験の中心的指導者はヨーゼフ・メンゲレで、1943年から1944年にかけて、アウシュビッツに収容されていた約1,500組の双子に対し て実験を行った。双子は年齢と性別で並べられ、切断、様々な病気の感染、目の色を変えるための染料の注入など、実験の合間にバラックで保管された[7]。 また、双子を縫い合わせて結合双生児を作ろうとし、壊疽を起こし、最終的には死に至らしめた[8][9]。しばしば、一方の双子は実験を受けさせられ、も う一方は対照として保存された。片方の双子が実験によって死亡すると、もう片方の双子も同時に殺される。最初の双子が生き残った場合、メンゲレは彼らの体 を解剖する[11]。

1942年9月頃から1943年12月頃まで、ラーベンスブリュック強制収容所において、ドイツ軍のために、骨、筋肉、神経の再生や、人から人への骨移植を研究する実験が行われた[12] 。これらの手術の結果、多くの犠牲者が激しい苦痛、切断、後遺症を負った[12]。

1946年8月12日、ヤドヴィガ・カミンスカ[13]という生存者は、ラーフェンスブリュック強制収容所での時間について供述し、彼女が2度手術を受け たことを記述している。両手術とも片方の脚の手術であった。彼女は、手術が正確にどのようなものであったかを知っていたとは述べていないが、2回とも術後 に激痛と発熱があったが、アフターケアはほとんど何もされなかったと説明している。カミンスカは、単に「若い女の子でポーランドの愛国者」だから手術を受 けたと言われたことを説明する。彼女は、手術の後、数ヶ月間、脚から膿がにじみ出たと述べている[14]。


1942年半ば、占領下のポーランドのバラノヴィツェで、ナチスのSD保安局員として知られる人物が住んでいた私邸の裏にある小さな建物で実験が行われ、 「11歳か12歳の少年が動けないように椅子に縛り付けられていた。彼の頭上には機械化されたハンマーがあり、数秒ごとに彼の頭上に振り下ろされた」。少 年は拷問によって正気を失ってしまった[16]。


別の研究では、囚人を裸で数時間、-6 °C (21 °F)の気温の屋外に置いた。寒冷暴露の身体的影響を研究するほかに、実験者たちは生存者を再加熱するさまざまな方法を評価した[19]。「ある助手は後 に、再加熱のために熱湯に投げ込まれる犠牲者もいたと証言している」[17][20]。

1942年8月からダッハウ収容所では、囚人たちは氷水のタンクに最大3時間座ることを余儀なくされた。被験者は凍結後、様々な方法で再加温された。 1942年9月10日の手紙の中で、ラッシャーはダッハウで行われた戦闘機パイロットの制服を着て氷水の中に沈めるという強烈な冷却実験について述べてい る[21]。ラッシャーは犠牲者の何人かを完全に水中に潜らせ、他の者は頭までしか沈ませなかった[22]。

凍結と低体温の実験はナチス上層部のために行われ、ドイツ軍が遭遇した寒冷な天候に対する準備が不十分であったため、東部戦線で軍が受けた状況をシミュ レートするために行われたものであった。捕虜にしたソ連軍を対象にした実験も多く、ナチスは彼らの遺伝子が寒さに対する抵抗力に優れているのではないかと 考えた。主な実験場はダッハウとアウシュビッツである。ダッハウにいた親衛隊の医師ジークムント・ラッ シャーはハインリッヒ・ヒムラー親衛隊大将に直接報告し、「海と冬から生じる医療問題」と題した1942年の医学会議で彼の凍結実験の結果を公表した [23] ヒムラーは犠牲者を他の犠牲者と性的接触をさせることによって暖めることができると示唆した。例としては、低体温の犠牲者を2人の裸のロマ人女性の間に置 く方法が含まれていた[24][25]。 これらの実験の結果として、約100人が死亡したと報告されている[26]。
Malaria experiments
From about February 1942 to about April 1945, experiments were conducted at the Dachau concentration camp in order to investigate immunization for treatment of malaria. Healthy inmates were infected by mosquitoes or by injections of extracts of the mucous glands of female mosquitoes. After contracting the disease, the subjects were treated with various drugs to test their relative efficacy.[27] Over 1,200 people were used in these experiments and more than half died as a result.[28] Other test subjects were left with permanent disabilities.[29]

Immunization experiments
At the German concentration camps of Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Natzweiler, Buchenwald, and Neuengamme, scientists tested immunization compounds and serums for the prevention and treatment of contagious diseases, including malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and infectious hepatitis.[30][31]

Viral hepatitis
From June 1943 until January 1945 at the concentration camps, Sachsenhausen and Natzweiler, experimentation with 'epidemic jaundice' was conducted. The test subjects were injected with the disease in order to discover new inoculations for the condition. These tests were conducted for the benefit of the German Armed Forces. Most died in the experiments, whilst others survived, experiencing great pain and suffering.[32]

Mustard gas experiments
At various times between September 1939 and April 1945, many experiments were conducted at Sachsenhausen, Natzweiler, and other camps to investigate the most effective treatment of wounds caused by mustard gas. Test subjects were deliberately exposed to mustard gas and other vesicants (e.g. Lewisite) which inflicted severe chemical burns. The victims' wounds were then tested to find the most effective treatment for the mustard gas burns.[33]

Sulfonamide experiments
From about July 1942 to about September 1943, experiments to investigate the effectiveness of sulfonamide, a synthetic antimicrobial agent, were conducted at Ravensbrück.[35] Wounds inflicted on the subjects were infected with bacteria such as Streptococcus, Clostridium perfringens (a major causative agent in gas gangrene) and Clostridium tetani, the causative agent in tetanus.[36] Circulation of blood was interrupted by tying off blood vessels at both ends of the wound to create a condition similar to that of a battlefield wound. Researchers also aggravated the subjects' infection by forcing wood shavings and ground glass into their wounds. The infection was treated with sulfonamide and other drugs to determine their effectiveness.

Sea water experiments
From about July 1944 to about September 1944, experiments were conducted at the Dachau concentration camp to study various methods of making sea water drinkable. These victims were subject to deprivation of all food and only given the filtered sea water.[37] At one point, a group of roughly 90 Roma were deprived of food and given nothing but sea water to drink by Hans Eppinger, leaving them gravely injured.[23] They were so dehydrated that others observed them licking freshly mopped floors in an attempt to get drinkable water.[38]

A Holocaust survivor named Joseph Tschofenig wrote a statement on these seawater experiments at Dachau. Tschofenig explained how while working at the medical experimentation stations he gained insight into some of the experiments that were performed on prisoners, namely those in which they were forced to drink salt water. Tschofenig also described how victims of the experiments had trouble eating and would desperately seek out any source of water including old floor rags. Tschofenig was responsible for using the X-ray machine in the infirmary and describes how even though he had insight into what was going on he was powerless to stop it. He gives the example of a patient in the infirmary who was sent to the gas chambers by Sigmund Rascher simply because he witnessed one of the low-pressure experiments.[39]
1942年2月頃から1945年4月頃まで、ダッハウ強制収容所において、マラリア治療のための免疫について調べるための実験が行われた。健康な被収容者 を蚊に感染させたり、雌の蚊の粘膜腺の抽出物を注射して感染させた。1,200人以上がこの実験に使用され、半数以上が結果として死亡した[28]。 他の被験者は後遺症を残すこととなった[29]。


1943年6月から1945年1月まで、強制収容所であるザクセンハウゼンとナッツヴァイラーで、「伝染性黄疸」の実験が行われた。この症状に対する新し い予防接種を発見するために、被験者にこの病気を注射したのである。この実験は、ドイツ軍のために行われた。ほとんどの者は実験で死亡し、他の者は大きな 痛みと苦しみを経験しながら生き延びた[32]。

1939年9月から1945年4月にかけて、ザクセンハウゼン、ナッツヴァイラー、その他の収容所で、マスタードガスによる傷の最も効果的な治療法を調査 するために多くの実験が行われた。被験者は、マスタードガスや他の揮発性物質(ルイサイトなど)に意図的にさらされ、重度の化学熱傷を負わされた。犠牲者 の傷はその後、マスタードガスによる火傷の最も効果的な治療法を見つけるためにテストされた[33]。

1942年7月頃から1943年9月頃まで、ラーベンスブリュックでは合成抗菌剤であるスルホンアミドの効果を調べる実験が行われた[35]。 [傷口に溶連菌、ガス壊疽の主要原因菌であるクロストリジウム・パーフリンゲンス、破傷風の原因菌であるクロストリジウム・テタニなどの細菌を感染させ、 傷口の両端の血管を縛って血液循環を遮断し、戦場の傷に近い状態を作り出した[36]。また、研究者たちは、木屑やすりガラスを無理やり傷口に押し込ん で、被験者の感染を悪化させた。感染症にはスルホンアミドなどの薬剤を投与し、その効果を検証した。

1944年7月頃から9月頃まで、ダッハウ強制収容所において、海水を飲めるようにするための様々な方法を研究するための実験が行われた。あるとき、約 90人のロマの集団がハンス・エッピンガーによって食料を奪われ、海水しか与えられず、重症を負った[23]。 彼らは脱水状態にあり、飲める水を得るためにモップがけされたばかりの床を舐める姿が他の者によって観察された[38]。

ホロコーストの生存者であるヨーゼフ・ツォフェニヒは、ダッハウでのこれらの海水実験について声明を書いている。ツォフェニヒは、医学実験場で働いている ときに、囚人に対して行われた実験の一部、すなわち、塩水を飲ませる実験について洞察を得たことを説明した。ツォフェニヒはまた、この実験の犠牲者が食べ るのに苦労し、古い床の雑巾を含むあらゆる水源を必死で探していたことを説明した。ツォフェニヒは医務室のX線装置の責任者であったが、実験が行われてい ることを知りながら、それを止めることができなかった。彼は、医務室で低圧実験の一つを目撃したという理由だけでジークムント・ラッシャーによってガス室 送りにされた患者の例を挙げている[39]。
Child victims of Nazi experimentation show incisions where axillary lymph nodes had been surgically removed after they were deliberately infected with tuberculosis at Neuengamme concentration camp. They were later murdered.[34] ノイエンガンメ強制収容所で結核に意図的に感染させられ、腋窩リンパ節を外科的に切除されたナチスの実験犠牲者の子供たち。彼らは後に殺害された[34]。
Sterilization and fertility experiments
The Law for the Prevention of Genetically Defective Progeny, which was passed on 14 July 1933, legalized the involuntary sterilization of persons with diseases claimed to be hereditary: weak-mindedness, schizophrenia, alcohol abuse, insanity, blindness, deafness, and physical deformities. The law was used to encourage growth of the Aryan race through the sterilization of persons who fell under the quota of being genetically defective.[40] 1% of citizens between the age of 17 to 24 had been sterilized within two years of the law passing.

Within four years, 300,000 patients had been sterilized.[41] From about March 1941 to about January 1945, sterilization experiments were conducted at Auschwitz, Ravensbrück, and other places by Carl Clauberg.[33] The purpose of these experiments was to develop a method of sterilization which would be suitable for sterilizing millions of people with a minimum of time and effort. The targets for sterilization included Jewish and Roma populations.[15] These experiments were conducted by means of X-ray, surgery and various drugs. Thousands of victims were sterilized. Aside from its experimentation, the Nazi government sterilized around 400,000 people as part of its compulsory sterilization program.[42]

Carl Clauberg was the leading research developer in the search for cost effective and efficient means of mass sterilization. He was particularly interested in experimenting on women from age twenty to forty who had already given birth. Prior to any experiments, Clauberg X-rayed women to make sure that there was no obstruction to their ovaries. Next, over the course of three to five sessions, he injected the women's cervixes with the goal of blocking their fallopian tubes. The women who stood against him and his experiments or were deemed as unfit test subjects were sent to be killed in the gas chambers.[43]

Intravenous injections of solutions speculated to contain iodine and silver nitrate were successful, but had unwanted side effects such as vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, and cervical cancer.[44] Therefore, radiation treatment became the favored choice of sterilization. Specific amounts of exposure to radiation destroyed a person's ability to produce ova or sperm, sometimes administered through deception. Many suffered severe radiation burns.[45]

The Nazis also implemented X-ray radiation treatment in their search for mass sterilization. They gave the women abdomen X-rays, men received them on their genitalia, for abnormal periods of time in attempt to invoke infertility. After the experiment was complete, they surgically removed their reproductive organs, often without anesthesia, for lab analysis.[43]

M.D. William E. Seidelman, a professor from the University of Toronto, in collaboration with Dr. Howard Israel of Columbia University, published a report on an investigation on the medical experimentation performed in Austria under the Nazi regime. In that report he mentions a Doctor Hermann Stieve, who used the war to experiment on live humans. Stieve specifically focused on the reproductive system of women. He would tell women their date of death in advance, and he would evaluate how their psychological distress would affect their menstruation cycles. After they were murdered, he would dissect and examine their reproductive organs. Some of the women were raped after they were told the date when they would be killed so that Stieve could study the path of sperm through their reproductive system.[46]
1933年7月14日に成立した「遺伝子異常者予防法」は、遺伝性の疾患(精神薄弱、統合失調症、アルコール依存症、心神喪失、失明、難聴、身体奇形)を 持つ者に対して強制的に不妊手術を行うことを合法化した。この法律は、アーリア人種の成長を促すために、遺伝的に欠陥があるという枠に当てはまる人を不妊 化することに使われた[40]。法律成立から2年以内に17歳から24歳の市民の1%が不妊化された。

1941年3月頃から1945年1月頃まで、アウシュヴィッツやラーベンスブリュックなどでカール・クラウベルクによる不妊化実験が行われた[33]。こ れらの実験の目的は、最小限の時間と労力で数百万人を殺菌するのに適した殺菌方法を開発することであった。不妊化の対象にはユダヤ人とロマ人が含まれてい た[15]。これらの実験は、X線、手術、様々な薬物によって行われた。何千人もの犠牲者が不妊化された。その実験とは別に、ナチス政府は強制不妊化プロ グラムの一環として約40万人の人々を不妊化した[42]。

カール・クラウベルクは、費用対効果が高く効率的な大量不妊手術の手段を模索する研究開発の第一人者であった。彼は、特に20歳から40歳までの出産経験 のある女性を対象とした実験に関心をもっていた。実験に先立ち、クラウバーグは女性のX線写真を撮って、卵巣に障害がないことを確認した。そして、3回か ら5回にわたって、女性の子宮頸管に注射して卵管をふさぐという実験を行った。彼や彼の実験に逆らった女性や、実験台にふさわしくないと判断された女性 は、ガス室で殺されるように送られた[43]。

ヨウ素と硝酸銀を含むと推測される溶液の静脈注射は成功したが、膣からの出血、激しい腹痛、子宮頸癌などの望ましくない副作用があった[44]。 したがって、放射線治療が不妊手術として好まれるようになったのである。特定の量の放射線を浴びると、卵子や精子を作る能力が破壊され、時には騙されて投 与されることもあった。多くの人が重度の放射線熱傷を負った[45]。


トロント大学の医学博士ウィリアム・E・サイデルマンは、コロンビア大学のハワード・イスラエル博士と共同で、ナチス政権下のオーストリアで行われた医療 実験に関する調査報告書を発表している。その中で、戦争中に生きた人間の実験を行ったヘルマン・スティーブ博士について触れている。シュティーフェは、特 に女性の生殖器系に焦点を当てた。シュティーフェは、女性にあらかじめ死の日を告げ、その心理的苦痛が月経周期にどのような影響を与えるかを評価した。そ して、殺された女性の生殖器官を解剖し、調べるのである。シュティーヴが生殖器官を通る精子の経路を研究するために、殺される日を告げられた後にレイプさ れた女性もいた[46]。
Experiments with poison
Somewhere between December 1943 and October 1944, experiments were conducted at Buchenwald to investigate the effect of various poisons. The poisons were secretly administered to experimental subjects in their food. The victims died as a result of the poison or were killed immediately in order to permit autopsies. In September 1944, experimental subjects were shot with poisonous bullets, suffered torture, and often died.[33]

Some male Jewish prisoners had poisonous substances scrubbed or injected into their skin, causing boils filled with black fluid to form. These experiments were heavily documented as well as photographed by the Nazis.[43]

Incendiary bomb experiments
From around November 1943 to around January 1944, experiments were conducted at Buchenwald to test the effect of various pharmaceutical preparations on phosphorus burns. These burns were inflicted on prisoners using phosphorus material extracted from incendiary bombs.[33]

High altitude experiments
Further information: Hubertus Strughold

In early 1942, prisoners at Dachau concentration camp were used by Sigmund Rascher in experiments to aid German pilots who had to eject at high altitudes. A low-pressure chamber containing these prisoners was used to simulate conditions at altitudes of up to 68,000 feet (21,000 m). It was rumored that Rascher performed vivisections on the brains of victims who survived the initial experiment.[47] Of the 200 subjects, 80 died outright, and the others were murdered.[23] In a letter from 5 April 1942 between Rascher and Heinrich Himmler, Rascher explains the results of a low-pressure experiment that was performed on people at Dachau Concentration camp in which the victim was suffocated while Rascher and another unnamed doctor took note of his reactions. The person was described as 37 years old and in good health before being murdered. Rascher described the victim's actions as he began to lose oxygen and timed the changes in behavior. The 37-year-old began to wiggle his head at four minutes; a minute later Rascher observed that he was suffering from cramps before falling unconscious. He describes how the victim then lay unconscious, breathing only three times per minute, until he stopped breathing 30 minutes after being deprived of oxygen. The victim then turned blue and began foaming at the mouth. An autopsy followed an hour later.[48]

In a letter from Himmler to Rascher on 13 April 1942, Himmler ordered Rascher to continue the high altitude experiments and to continue experimenting on prisoners condemned to death and to "determine whether these men could be recalled to life". If a victim could be successfully resuscitated, Himmler ordered that he be pardoned to "concentration camp for life".[49]
1943年12月から1944年10月にかけて、ブッヘンヴァルトでは、さまざまな毒物の効果を調べる実験が行われた。毒薬は、実験対象者の食事に混ぜて 密かに投与された。犠牲者は毒が原因で死亡するか、解剖を可能にするために直ちに殺されました。1944年9月、実験対象者は毒弾を撃たれ、拷問を受け、 しばしば死亡していた[33]。




1942年初頭、ダッハウ強制収容所の囚人はジークムント・ラッシャーによって、高高度で脱出しなければならないドイツのパイロットを助けるための実験に 使用された。この囚人たちを収容した低圧室は、高度21,000mまでの状況を再現するために使用された。1942年4月5日のラッシャーとハインリッ ヒ・ヒムラーとの手紙の中で、ラッシャーはダッハウ強制収容所で行われた低圧実験の結果について説明しており、被害者はラッシャーと他の無名の医師によっ てその反応を記録されながら窒息させられた。その被害者は37歳で、殺される前は健康だったという。ラッシャーは、被害者が酸素を失い始めたときの行動を 説明し、その変化をタイミングよく記録した。37歳は4分後に頭をくねらせ始め、その1分後にラシャーは意識を失う前にけいれんを起こしているのを観察し た。その後、被害者は意識を失い、1分間に3回しか呼吸をせず、酸素が奪われてから30分後に呼吸が停止したと説明している。そして、青くなり、口から泡 を吹き始めた。検死は1時間後に行われた[48]。

1942年4月13日のヒムラーからラッシャーへの手紙の中で、ヒムラーはラッシャーに高高度実験の継続と死刑囚の実験を続け、「これらの人々を生き返ら せることができるかどうか判断する」よう命じた。犠牲者の蘇生に成功した場合、ヒムラーはその者を「終身強制収容所」に赦免するよう命じた[49]。

Other documented transcriptions from Heinrich Himmler include phrases such as "These researches… can be performed by us with particular efficiency because I personally assumed the responsibility for supplying asocial individuals and criminals who deserve only to die from concentration camps for these experiments."[51] Many of the subjects died as a result of the experiments conducted by the Nazis, while many others were murdered after the tests were completed to study the effects post mortem.[52] Those who survived were often left mutilated, with permanent disability, weakened bodies, and mental distress.[23][53] On 19 August 1947, the doctors captured by Allied forces were put on trial in USA vs. Karl Brandt et al., commonly known as the Doctors' Trial. At the trial, several of the doctors argued in their defense that there was no international law regarding medical experimentation.[citation needed] Some doctors also claimed that they had been doing the world a favor. An SS doctor was quoted saying that "Jews were the festering appendix in the body of Europe." He then went on to argue he was doing the world a favor by eliminating them.[10]

The issue of informed consent had previously been controversial in German medicine in 1900, when Albert Neisser infected patients (mainly prostitutes) with syphilis without their consent. Despite Neisser's support from most of the academic community, public opinion, led by psychiatrist Albert Moll, was against Neisser. While Neisser went on to be fined by the Royal Disciplinary Court, Moll developed "a legally based, positivistic contract theory of the patient-doctor relationship" that was not adopted into German law.[54] Eventually, the minister for religious, educational, and medical affairs issued a directive stating that medical interventions other than for diagnosis, healing, and immunization were excluded under all circumstances if "the human subject was a minor or not competent for other reasons", or if the subject had not given his or her "unambiguous consent" after a "proper explanation of the possible negative consequences" of the intervention, though this was not legally binding.[54]

In response, Drs. Leo Alexander and Andrew Conway Ivy, the American Medical Association representative at the Doctors' Trial, drafted a ten-point memorandum entitled Permissible Medical Experiment that went on to be known as the Nuremberg Code.[55] The code calls for such standards as voluntary consent of patients, avoidance of unnecessary pain and suffering, and that there must be a belief that the experimentation will not end in death or disability.[56] The Code was not cited in any of the findings against the defendants and never made it into either German or American medical law.[57] This code comes from the Nuremberg Trials where the most heinous of Nazi leaders were put on trial for their war crimes.[58] To this day, the Nuremberg Code remains a major stepping stone for medical experimentation.[59]

ハインリッヒ・ヒムラーの他の記録には、「これらの研究は...私が個人的にこれらの実験のために強制収容所から死に値する非社会的な個人と犯罪者を供給 する責任を負っているので、特に効率的に我々によって行うことができます」といったフレーズが含まれている[51]。 「ナチスによって行われた実験の結果、多くの被験者が死亡し、他の多くの被験者が死後の影響を調べるために実験終了後に殺害された[52]。生き残った人 々は、しばしば切断され、後遺症、弱った身体、精神的苦痛を残した。 1947年8月19日、連合軍によって捕えられた医師たちはUSA vs. Karl Brandt et al, 通称「ドクターズトライアル」。この裁判で、医師たちの何人かは、医学実験に関する国際法は存在しないと弁護した[citation needed]。また、一部の医師たちは、自分たちは世界のためにやっているのだと主張した。ある親衛隊の医師は、「ユダヤ人はヨーロッパの体内の化膿し た盲腸である」と言ったことが引用されています。そして彼は、彼らを排除することで世界のためになっていると主張し続けた[10]。

インフォームド・コンセントの問題は、1900年にアルベルト・ナイザーが患者(主に売春婦)に同意なしに梅毒を感染させたときに、ドイツの医学界で論争 になったことがある。ナイサーは学界の大半から支持されていたにもかかわらず、精神科医のアルベルト・モルが率いる世論はナイサーに反対していた。ナイ サーは王立懲戒裁判所から罰金を科されることになったが、モルは「患者と医師の関係について、法的根拠に基づく実証的な契約理論」を展開し、ドイツの法律 には採用されなかった[54]。 [54] 最終的には、宗教・教育・医療担当大臣が、診断、治癒、予防接種以外の医療介入は、「被験者が未成年であるか、その他の理由で能力がない」場合、あるいは 被験者が介入の「起こりうる否定的な結果についての適切な説明」の後に「あいまいではない同意」を与えていない場合には、いかなる状況でも除外されるとい う指示を出しているが、これは法的拘束力はないものである[54]。

これに対して、医師裁判のアメリカ医師会代表であったレオ・アレクサンダー博士とアンドリュー・コンウェイ・アイビー博士は、後にニュルンベルク・コード として知られるようになった「許容される医学実験」と題する10項目のメモを起草した[55]。このコードは、患者の自発的同意、不必要な痛みと苦しみの 回避、実験が死亡や障害に終わらないと信じること、といった基準について要求している。 [この規範は、ナチスの最も凶悪な指導者が戦争犯罪のために裁判にかけられたニュルンベルク裁判に由来する[57]。 今日まで、ニュルンベルク規範は医学実験のための主要な足がかりとして残されている[59]。
Jadwiga Dzido shows scars on her leg from medical experiments to the Doctors' Trial ヤドヴィガ・ジドさんが医師裁判で見せた医療実験による足の傷跡
Modern ethical issues
Andrew Conway Ivy stated the Nazi experiments were of no medical value.[17] Data obtained from the experiments, however, has been used and considered for use in multiple fields, often causing controversy. Some object to the data's use purely on ethical grounds, disagreeing with the methods used to obtain it, while others have rejected the research only on scientific grounds, criticizing methodological inconsistencies.[17] Those in favor of using the data argue that if it has practical value to save lives, it would be equally unethical not to use it.[38] Arnold S. Relman, editor of The New England Journal of Medicine from 1977 until 1991, refused to allow the journal to publish any article that cited the Nazi experiments.[17]

The results of the Dachau freezing experiments have been used in some late 20th century research into the treatment of hypothermia; at least 45 publications had referenced the experiments as of 1984, though the majority of publications in the field did not cite the research.[17] Those who have argued in favor of using the research include Robert Pozos from the University of Minnesota and John Hayward from the University of Victoria.[38] In a 1990 review of the Dachau experiments, Robert Berger concludes that the study has "all the ingredients of a scientific fraud" and that the data "cannot advance science or save human lives."[17]

In 1989, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considered using data from Nazi research into the effects of phosgene gas, believing the data could help US soldiers stationed in the Persian Gulf at the time. They eventually decided against using it, on the grounds it would lead to criticism and similar data could be obtained from later studies on animals. Writing for Jewish Law, Baruch Cohen concluded that the EPA's "knee-jerk reaction" to reject the data's use was "typical, but unprofessional", arguing that it could have saved lives.[38]
アンドリュー・コンウェイ・アイビーは、ナチスの実験に医学的価値はないと述べている[17]が、実験から得られたデータは様々な分野で利用・検討されて おり、しばしば論争を巻き起こしている。1977年から1991年まで『ニューイングランド・ジャーナル・オブ・メディシン』誌の編集長だったアーノル ド・レルマンは、ナチスの実験を引用する論文の掲載を拒否している[17]。

ダッハウ凍結実験の結果は、低体温症の治療に関する20世紀後半のいくつかの研究において利用されている。1984年の時点で少なくとも45の出版物がこ の実験に言及していたが、この分野の出版物の大部分はこの研究を引用していなかった。 [1990年のダッハウ実験のレビューにおいて、ロバート・バーガーは、この研究は「科学的詐欺のすべての要素」を持ち、そのデータは「科学を進歩させる ことも、人命を救うこともできない」と結論付けている[17]。

1989年、アメリカ合衆国環境保護庁(EPA)は、ホスゲンガスの影響に関するナチスの研究データを、当時ペルシャ湾に駐留していたアメリカ兵を助ける ことができると考え、その使用を検討した。しかし、批判を浴びそうなことと、同様のデータは後に動物実験によって得られるという理由から、結局は使用を見 送った。バルーク・コーエンは、Jewish Lawに寄稿し、このデータの使用を拒否したEPAの「膝を打つような反応」は「典型的だが、プロフェッショナルではない」と結論づけ、人命を救えたかも しれないと論じている[38]。
Bullenhuser Damm
Erwin Ding-Schuler
Guatemala syphilis experiment
Herta Oberheuser
Henry K. Beecher
Human experimentation in North Korea
Human radiation experiments
Japanese human experimentation
Jewish skeleton collection
Karl Genzken
Karl Gebhardt
Viktor Frankl
List of medical eponyms with Nazi associations
List of Nazi doctors
Nazi eugenics
Project MKUltra (CIA)
Shiro Ishii
Unethical human experimentation in the United States
Margarethe Kraus

Further reading
Annas, George J. (1992). The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code: Human Rights in Human Experimentation. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0195101065.
Baumslag, N. (2005). Murderous Medicine: Nazi Doctors, Human Experimentation, and Typhus. Praeger Publishers. ISBN 0-275-98312-9
Michalczyk, J. (Dir.) (1997). In The Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine. First Run Features. (video)
Nyiszli, M. (2011). "3". Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account. New York: Arcade Publishing.
Rees, L. (2005). Auschwitz: A New History. Public Affairs. ISBN 1-58648-357-9
Weindling, P.J. (2005). Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials: From Medical War Crimes to Informed Consent. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1-4039-3911-X
USAF School of Aerospace Medicine (1950). German Aviation Medicine, World War II. United States Air Force.

External links
The Infamous Medical Experiments from Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project: "Forget You Not"
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum – Online Exhibition: Doctors Trial
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum – Online Exhibition: Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum – Library Bibliography: Medical Experiments
Jewish Virtual Library: Medical Experiments Table of Contents

Controversy regarding use of findings
Campell, Robert. "Citations of shame; scientists are still trading on Nazi atrocities", New Scientist, 28 February 1985, 105(1445), p. 31.Citations of shame; scientists are still trading on Nazi atrocities[1]
"Citing Nazi 'Research': To Do So Without Condemnation Is Not Defensible"
"On the Ethics of Citing Nazi Research"
"Remembering the Holocaust, Part 2"
"The Ethics Of Using Medical Data From Nazi Experiments"

"A prisoner in a special chamber responds to changing air pressure during high-altitude experiments. For the benefit of the Luftwaffe, conditions simulating those found at 15,000 meters [49,000 ft] in altitude were created in an effort to determine if German pilots might survive at that height." 高高度実験中、気圧の変化に反応する特殊な部屋に入れられた囚人。ドイツ空軍のために、高度15,000メートルでドイツ軍のパイロットが生き残れるかどうかを調べるために、高度15,000メートルを模擬した条件が作られた。
A victim loses consciousness during a depressurization experiment at Dachau by Luftwaffe doctor Sigmund Rascher, 1942. ドイツ空軍の医師ジークムント・ラッシャーがダッハウで行った減圧実験で、意識を失う被害者(1942年)






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