ヒトラーの12年にわた る政権中、10年の間ベルリンの帝国航空省航空医学研究所の所長を務めた。戦争犯罪および治安犯罪容疑者中央登録所(Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects, CROWCASS)に名前が載ってい たが、[1947年?]ハリー・アームストロングに勧誘され、戦後ドイツで極秘医学研究プロジェクトの共同主任を務めた。ペーパークリップ作戦では、ハイ デルベルクのアメ リカ陸軍航空軍の航空医学センターとテキサス州のアメリカ空軍航空医学校に勤めた。宇宙医学の父とうたわれたが、ペーパークリップ作戦でもっとも問題視さ れている人物のひとり。
"In October 1942, Strughold and Erich Hippke(1888-1969) attended a medical conference in Nuremberg at which SS physician Sigmund Rascher delivered a presentation outlining various medical experiments he had conducted, in conjunction with the Luftwaffe, in which prisoners from the Dachau concentration camp were used as human test subjects. These experiments included physiological tests during which camp inmates were immersed in freezing water, placed in air pressure chambers and made to endure invasive surgical procedures without anesthetic. Many of the inmates forced to participate died as a result.[2] Various Luftwaffe physicians had participated in the experiments and several of them had close ties to Strughold, both through the Institute for Aviation Medicine and the Luftwaffe Medical Corps."
"Following the German defeat in May, 1945, Strughold claimed to Allied authorities that, despite his influential position within the Luftwaffe Medical Service and his attendance at the October 1942 medical conference, he had no knowledge of the atrocities committed at Dachau. He was never subsequently charged with any wrongdoing by the Allies. However, a 1946 memorandum produced by the staff of the Nuremberg Trials listed Strughold as one of thirteen "persons, firms or individuals implicated" in the war crimes committed at Dachau. Also, several of the former Luftwaffe physicians associated with Strughold and the Institute for Aviation Medicine (among them Strughold's former research assistant Hermann Becker-Freyseng) were convicted of crimes against humanity in connection with the Dachau experiments at the 1947 Nuremberg Doctor's Trial. During these proceedings, Strughold contributed several affidavits for the defense on behalf of his accused colleagues."
シュトルークホルトらが主導した人体実験の写真(おそらくニュー ルンベルク医師裁判などで検察側から提出されたものが戦後の書物の中で利用流通してるもの)
ドイツ空軍医学関係者(ニュルンベルク医師裁判の被 告)
戦後のフベルトゥス・シュ トルークホルト(Hubertus Strughold, 1898-1986)
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Dachau concentration camp gate
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