ethnoracism, ethno-racism, 民族=人種主義
☆ By using stereotype of race, racism is the scientific and/popular dogma which asserts that one group has the stigmata of superiority and the other has those of inferiority. By using stereotype of ethnic difference that confuses intentinally or not intentionally with racial difference, ethno-racism is the scientific and/popular dogma which asserts that one group. Today's cultural anthropologists or ethnographers are taught that race and ethnicity are two very different things. Nonetheless, they themselves have internalized the confusion that the general public has between the concepts of ethnicity and race. For this reason, the idea of ethno-racism can be evident in many current explanations of "cultural difference" by cultural anthropologists or ethnographers.
By using stereotype
of race, racism is the scientific and/popular dogma which asserts that
one group has the stigmata of superiority and the other has those of
inferiority. |
章(徴=しるし)を持ち、他の集団は劣等の烙印(徴=しるし)を持つと主張する科学的・一般的な教義である。 |
then, is not the modern superstition. But racism is. Racism is the
dogma that one ethnic group is condemned by Nature to hereditary
inferiority and another group is destined to hereditary superiority. It
is the dogma that the hope of civilization depends upon eliminating
some races and keeping others pure .It is the dogma that one race has
carried progress with it throughout human history and can alone ensure
future progress. It is a dogma rampant in the world today and which a
few years ago was made into a principal basis of German polity."
(Benedict 1945:98) |
「人 種は現代の迷信ではない。しかし人種差別はそう である。人種主義とは、ある民族集団は自然によって遺伝的劣等を宣告され、別の集団は遺伝的優越を運命づけられているというドグマである。文明の希望は、 ある民族を排除し、他の民族を純粋に保つことにかかっているというドグマである。人類の歴史を通じて、ある民族が進歩を担ってきたというドグマであり、そ れだけが将来の進歩を保証できるというドグマである。それは今日の世界で横行しているドグマであり、数年前には[ナチス・]ドイツの政治の主要な基礎と なっていた」(Benedict 1945:98)。 |
ethnicity or ethnic group is a grouping of people who identify with
each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish
them from other groups. Those attributes can include a common nation of
origin, or common sets of ancestry, traditions, language, history,
society, religion, or social treatment. The term ethnicity is often
used interchangeably with the term nation, particularly in cases of
ethnic nationalism." -Ethnicity. |
(ethnic nationalism)の場合、しばしば国家という用語と同じ意味で使われる。」 |
By using stereotype of ethnic difference that confuses intentinally or not intentionally with racial difference, ethno-racism is the scientific and/popular dogma which asserts that one group has the stigmata of superiority and the other has those of inferiority. | 意 図的であろうとなかろうと、人種的差異と混同されるような民族的差異というステレオタイプを用いることで、エスノレイシズムとは、あるグループには優越性 の徴(スティグマや紋章)があり、もう一方には劣等性の徴(スティグマや紋章)があると主張する科学的・大衆的ドグマである。 |
cultural anthropologists or ethnographers are taught that race and
ethnicity are two very different things. Nonetheless, they themselves
have internalized the confusion that the general public has between the
concepts of ethnicity and race. For this reason, the idea of
ethno-racism can be evident in many current explanations of "cultural
difference" by cultural anthropologists or ethnographers. |
て明らかになることがある。 |
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