Diversity of the definiton of
Harm Reduction
reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing
negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also
a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for,
the rights of people who use drugs. https://harmreduction.org/about-us/principles-of-harm-reduction/ |
ハームリダクションとは、薬物使用に伴う否定的な結果を減らすことを目的とした、一連の実践的な戦略と考え方である。ハームリダクションはまた、薬物を使用する人々の権利を信じ、尊重する社会正義のための運動でもある。 |
reduction is an evidence-based approach that is critical to engaging
with people who use drugs and equipping them with life-saving tools and
information to create positive change in their lives and potentially
save their lives. Harm reduction is a key pillar in the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services' Overdose Prevention Strategy. https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/harm-reduction |
命ツールや情報を提供するために不可欠である。ハームリダクションは、米国保健社会福祉省の過剰摂取防止戦略における重要な柱である。 |
reduction refers to policies, programmes and practices that aim to
minimise the negative health, social and legal impacts associated with
drug use, drug policies and drug laws. Harm reduction is grounded in justice and human rights. It focuses on positive change and on working with people without judgement, coercion, discrimination, or requiring that people stop using drugs as a precondition of support. https://hri.global/what-is-harm-reduction/ |
ハーム・リダクションとは、薬物使用、薬物政策、薬物法に関連する健康、社会、法的な悪影響を最小限に抑えることを目的とした政策、プログラム、実践を指す。 ハームリダクションは、正義と人権に根ざしている。肯定的な変化を重視し、判断、強制、差別、支援の前提として薬物使用をやめることを要求することなく、人々と協力することに重点を置いている。 |
reduction, or harm minimization, refers to a range of intentional
practices and public health policies designed to lessen the negative
social and/or physical consequences associated with various human
behaviors, both legal and illegal.[1] Harm reduction is used to
decrease negative consequences of recreational drug use and sexual
activity without requiring abstinence, recognizing that those unable or
unwilling to stop can still make positive change to protect themselves
and others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harm_reduction Needle exchange programs provide people who inject substances with new needles and injection equipment to reduce the harm (e.g., HIV infection) from needle drug use. Street Outreach Services needle exchange, on the alley, in back of University Methodist Temple, University District, Seattle, Washington. |
い人や止めたくない人も、自分自身や他人を守るために積極的な変化を起こすことができると認識されている(→「ハームリダクションのすすめ」)。![]() 注射針交換プログラムは、新しい注射針と注射器具を注射をする人々に提供し、注射針の薬物使用による害(HIV感染など)を減らすものである。ワシントン 州シアトル、ユニバーシティ・ディストリクト、ユニバーシティ・メソジスト・テンプル裏の路地にあるストリート・アウトリーチ・サービスの注射針交換所。 (Permission details GFDL granted by photographer) |
Harm Reduction Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that
publishes research and commentary on approaches diminishing the harm of
stigmatization, marginalization and criminalization of public health,
human rights and social justice issues, as well as rebuking the de
facto criminalization of marginalized and stigmatized communities.
Historically applied to drug use and policy, Harm Reduction Journal now
encourages submissions on gambling, alcohol, tobacco, sex work, the
internet, human enhancement drugs, psychoactive and addictive
substances, incarceration, road trauma, youth, and law enforcement. We
define harm reduction as 'policies and programs which aim to reduce the
health, social, and economic costs of this range of behaviors without
necessarily reducing the behaviors themselves'. https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/ |
に適用されてきた『ハームリダクション・ジャーナル』は、現在、ギャンブル、アルコール、タバコ、セックスワーク、インターネット、人体強化薬物、精神作用物質、中毒性物質、投獄、交通外傷、青少年、法執行に関する投稿を奨励している。私たちは、ハームリダクションを「必ずしも行動そのものを減らすことなく、このような一連の行動の健康的、社会的、経済的コストを減らすことを目的とした政策やプログラム」と定義しています。 |
reduction approaches help reduce certain health and safety issues
associated with drug use. As a model of substance use care distinct
from treatment or recovery support, harm reduction was created by and
for people who use drugs to improve health and wellbeing, including
during active drug use. Well-studied harm reduction strategies include
syringe services and naloxone distribution programs. Decades of research have shown that some harm reduction strategies provide significant individual and public health benefits,4,5,6 including preventing deaths from overdoses and preventing transmission of infectious diseases among people who use drugs and the larger community. Others reduce emergency department visits and costly healthcare services,7,8 while in some cases offering people who use drugs opportunities to connect to substance use treatment9,10 and other healthcare10 services in settings relatively free of stigma. NIDA supports research on how to best implement proven harm reduction strategies and to explore the effectiveness of new and emerging approaches, particularly in resource-challenged settings. National Institute on Drug Abuse https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/harm-reduction |
人々のために作られた。よく研究されたハームリダクション戦略には、注射器サービスやナロキソン配布プログラムなどがある。 数十年にわたる研究の結果、いくつかのハームリダクション戦略は、薬物過剰摂取による死亡を防ぎ、薬物を使用する人々やより広いコミュニティーの間での感 染症の伝播を防ぐなど、個人と公衆衛生に大きな利益をもたらすことが示されている4,5,6。また、救急外来を受診する回数や費用のかかる医療サービスを 減らす7,8 こともできる一方、薬物使用者がスティグマの比較的ない環境で薬物使用治療9,10 やその他の医療10 サービスにつながる機会を提供するケースもある。 NIDA は、特に資源に乏しい環境において、実証された薬害軽減戦略をどのように実施するのが最善か、また新しいアプローチの有効性を探るための研究を支援している。 |
reduction is exactly what it sounds like: reducing the harm associated
with using drugs through a variety of public health interventions. But
the concept relies on more than these tools and begins, at the most
fundamental level, with recognizing that all people deserve safety and
dignity. It does not treat drug use as a moral failing. Harm reduction acknowledges that drugs are widely available in our society. It encompasses the understanding that traditional law enforcement approaches or those that require complete abstinence do not decrease demand, use, or negative health consequences of substance use. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/what-is-harm-reduction |
始まります。ハームリダクションは、薬物使用を道徳的な失敗として扱うものではありません。 ハームリダクションは、薬物が私たちの社会で広く利用可能であることを認めます。伝統的な法執行のアプローチや完全な禁欲を求めるアプローチでは、薬物の需要や使用量、あるいは薬物使用による健康への悪影響は減らないという理解を包含しています。 |
Reduction is an evidence-based, client-centred approach that seeks to
reduce the health and social harms associated with addiction and
substance use, without necessarily requiring people who use substances
from abstaining or stopping. Included in the harm reduction approach to
substance use is a series of programs, services and practices.
Essential to a harm reduction approach is that it provides people who
use substances a choice of how they will minimize harms through
non-judgemental and non-coercive strategies in order to enhance skills
and knowledge to live safer and healthier lives. Harm reduction acknowledges that many individuals coping with addiction and problematic substance use may not be in a position to remain abstinent from their substance of choice. The harm reduction approach provides an option for users to engage with peers, medical and social services in a non-judgemental way that will ‘meet them where they are.’ This allows for a health oriented response to substance use, and it has been proven that those who engage in harm reduction services are more likely to engage in ongoing treatment as a result of accessing these services. Some harm reduction initiatives have also reduced blood borne illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C, and have decreased the rates of deaths due to drug overdoses. https://ontario.cmha.ca/harm-reduction/ |
略を通じて、物質を使用する人々に、どのように害を最小限にするかという選択肢を提供することである。 ハーム・リダクションは、依存症や問題のある物質使用に対処している多くの人々が、選択した物質を断ち続けることができる状況にない可能性があることを認 めている。ハームリダクションのアプローチは、利用者が「その人が今いる場所で出会う」ことができるようなジャッジメントをしない方法で、仲間、医療、社 会サービスと関わる選択肢を提供するものである。 これにより、薬物使用に対する健康志向の対応が可能になり、ハームリダクション・サービスを利用した結果、継続的な治療に取り組む可能性が高くなることが 証明されている。一部のハームリダクション・イニシアチブは、HIV/AIDSやC型肝炎のような血液を媒介とする病気も減らし、薬物の過剰摂取による死 亡率も減少させている。 |
reduction is a public health strategy that was developed initially for
adults with substance abuse problems for whom abstinence was not
feasible. Harm reduction approaches have been effective in reducing
morbidity and mortality in these adult populations. In recent years,
harm reduction has been successfully applied to sexual health education
in an attempt to reduce both teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted
diseases, including HIV. Programs using a harm reduction philosophy
have also successfully lowered risky alcohol use. The target patient
population and the context in which harm reduction strategies are
delivered influence the specific interventions used. Health care
practitioners (HCPs) who provide care to adolescents should be aware of
and familiar with the types of harm reduction strategies aimed at
reducing the potential risks associated with normative adolescent
health behaviours. Paediatr Child Health. 2008 Jan; 13(1): 53–56. doi: 10.1093/pch/13.1.53 |
的な健康行動に関連する潜在的なリスクを軽減することを目的とした危害軽減戦略の種類を認識し、精通しているべきである。 |
Policies, programs, and practices that aim to reduce the harms associated with the use of alcohol or other drugs. Harm reduction is an approach that promotes health in a way that meets people where they are at, accepting that not everyone is ready or capable of stopping their substance use at a given time. Instead of making judgments about where individuals suffering from addiction should be with regards to their health and behavior, harm reduction focuses on promoting evidence-based methods for reducing associated health risks in the current moment (e.g., preventing HIV transmission). The defining features of harm reduction include a focus on the prevention of harm, rather than on the prevention of substance use itself. Harm reduction initiatives run the gamut from medical care and disease prevention, to education and linkage to addiction treatment. https://www.recoveryanswers.org/resource/drug-and-alcohol-harm-reduction/ |
アルコールやその他の薬物の使用に伴う害を減らすことを目的とした政策、プログラム、実践。 ハームリダクションは、すべての人がその時点で薬物使用を止める準備ができているわけでも、止めることができるわけでもないことを受け入れ、その人が今い る場所で、その人に合った方法で健康を促進するアプローチである。ハームリダクションは、依存症に苦しむ人々が、健康や行動に関してどのような状態にある べきかを判断するのではなく、今この瞬間に関連する健康リスク(例えば、HIV感染の予防)を軽減するための、エビデンスに基づいた方法を推進することに 重点を置く。 ハーム・リダクションの特徴は、薬物使用そのものを予防することよりも、むしろ害を予防することに重点を置いていることである。ハームリダクションの取り組みは、医療ケアや疾病予防から、教育や依存症治療への連携まで、多岐にわたる。 |
reduction refers to an approach to services and policy that protects
the life, health, and dignity of people who use illegal drugs and their
communities. Unlike approaches that insist that people stop using
drugs, harm reduction recognizes that many people are not willing or
able to abstain, and that withholding assistance and otherwise
punishing people and communities for using illegal drugs only worsens
health, racial and economic inequities, and other harms. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/explainers/what-harm-reduction |
や処罰は、健康、人種的・経済的不公平、その他の害を悪化させるだけであることを認識している。 |
reduction refers to interventions aimed at reducing the negative
effects of health behaviors without necessarily extinguishing the
problematic health behaviors completely. The vast majority of the harm
reduction literature focuses on the harms of drug use and on specific
harm reduction strategies, such as syringe exchange, rather than on the
harm reduction philosophy as a whole. Given that a harm reduction
approach can address other risk behaviors that often occur alongside
drug use and that harm reduction principles have been applied to harms
such as sex work, eating disorders, and tobacco use, a natural
evolution of the harm reduction philosophy is to extend it to other
health risk behaviors and to a broader healthcare audience. https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-017-0196-4 |
へとそれを拡大することである。 |
inherently deserve services that promote health, regardless of whether
they use drugs. Evidence-based harm reduction strategies minimize
negative consequences of drug use. These activities further expand
access to harm reduction interventions and better integrate harm
reduction into general medical care. https://www.hhs.gov/overdose-prevention/harm-reduction |
薬物使用の有無に関係なく、個人は本来、健康を促進するサービスに値する。エビデンスに基づくハームリダクション戦略は、薬物使用の悪影響を最小限に抑える。これらの活動は、薬害軽減介入へのアクセスをさらに拡大し、薬害軽減を一般医療によりよく統合する。 |
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