The Mind is Bone Thesis; 精神は頭蓋骨である
c. 自己意識が自らの直接的な現実に対してもつ関係の観察 人相学と骨相学
α 精神の外的要素としての頭蓋
β 頭蓋の形と個人性の関係
γ 素因と現実
結論 物と理性の同一
In The Phenomenology
of Mind C: Free Concrete Mind: (AA) Reason A: Observation as a Process of Reason c: Observation of the Relation of Self-Consciousness to its Immediate Actuality — Physiognomy & Phrenology. (1) 309-346 |
ヘーゲル『精神現象学』 C. 自由で具体な精神(AA)理性 A: 理性の過程としての観察 c:自己意識が直接的現実性を関係性をもつ時の観察——人相学と骨相学 |
309. PSYCHOLOGICAL observation
discovers no law for the relation of self-consciousness to actuality or
the world over against it; and owing to their mutual indifference it is
forced to fall back on the peculiar determinate characteristic of real
individuality, which has a being in and for itself or contains the
opposition of subjective self-existence (Fürsichseyn) and objective
inherent existence (Ansichseyn) dissolved and extinguished within its
own process of absolute mediation. Individuality is now the object for
observation, or the object to which observation now passes. |
個性の特異な決定的特徴に立ち戻らざるを得ない。個性は今や観察の対象であり、あるいは観察が今や通過する対象である。 |
310. The individual exists in
himself and for himself. He is for himself, or is a free activity; he
is, however, also in himself, or has himself an original determinate
being of his own — a character which is in principle the same as what
psychology sought to find outside him. Opposition thus breaks out in
his own self; it has this twofold nature, it is a process or movement
of consciousness, and it is the fixed being of a reality with a
phenomenal character, a reality which in it is directly its own. This
being, the “body” of the determinate individuality, is its original
source, that in the making of which it has had nothing to do. But since
the individual at the same time merely is what he has done, his body is
also an “expression” of himself which he has brought about; a sign and
indication as well, which has not remained a bare immediate fact, but
through which the individual only makes known what is actually implied
by his setting his original nature to work. |
た、自分がもたらした自分の「表現」であり、記号であり、表示である。 |
311. If we consider the moments
we have here in relation to the view previously indicated, we find a
general human shape and form, or at least the general character of a
climate, of a portion of the world, of a people, just as formerly we
found in the same way general customs and culture. In addition the
particular circumstances and situation are within the universal
reality; here this particular reality is a particular formation of the
shape of the individual. On the other side, whereas formerly we were
dealing with the free activity of the individual, and reality in the
sense of his own reality was put in contrast and opposition to reality
as given, here the shape assumed by the individual stands as an
expression of his own actualization established by the individual
himself, it bears the lineaments and forms of his spontaneously active
being. But the reality, both universal as well as particular, which
observation formerly found outside the individual, is here the actual
reality of the individual, his connate body; and within this very body
the expression due to his own action appears. From the psychological
point of view objective reality in and for itself and determinate
individuality had to be brought into relation to one another; here,
however, it is the whole determinate individuality that is the object
for observation, and each aspect of the opposition it entails is itself
this whole. Thus, to the outer whole belongs not merely the original
primordial being, the connate body, but the formation of the body as
well, which is due to activity from the inner side; the body is a unity
of unformed and formed existence, and is the reality of the individual
permeated by his reference to self. This whole embraces the definite
parts fixed originally and from the first, and also the lineaments
which arise only as the result of action; this whole so formed is, and
this being is an expression of what is inner, of the individual
constituted as a consciousness and as a process. |
うに形成された全体は、内面的なものの表現であり、意識として、また過程として構成された個人の表現である。 |
This inner is, too, no longer
formal, spontaneous activity without any content or determinateness of
its own, an activity with its content and specific nature, as in the
former case, lying in external circumstances; it is an original
inherently determinate Character, whose form alone is the activity.
What, then, we have to consider here is the relation subsisting between
the two sides; the point to observe is how this relation is determined,
and what is to be understood by the inner finding expression in the
outer. |
た、内面が外面に表現されることによって何が理解されるのかということである。 |
312. This outer, in the first
place, does not act as an organ making the inner visible, or, in
general terms, a being for another; for the inner, so far as it is in
the organ, is the activity itself. The mouth that speaks, the hand that
works, with the legs too, if we care to add them, are the operative
organs effecting the actual realization, and they contain the action
qua action, or the inner as such; the externality, however, which the
inner obtains by their means is the deed, the act, in the sense of a
reality separated and cut off from the individual. Language and labour
are outer expressions in which the individual no longer retains
possession of himself per se, but lets the inner get right outside him,
and surrenders it to something else. For that reason we might just as
truly say that these outer expressions express the inner too much as
that they do so too little: too much — because the inner itself breaks
out in them, and there remains no opposition between them and it; they
not merely give an expression of the inner, they give the inner itself
directly and immediately: too little — because in speech and action the
inner turns itself into something else, into an other, and thereby puts
itself at the mercy of the element of change, which transforms the
spoken word and the accomplished act, and makes something else out of
them than they are in and for themselves as actions of a particular
determinate individual. Not only do the products of actions, owing to
this externality, lose by the influence of others the character of
being something constant vis-a-vis other individualities; but by their
assuming towards the inner which they contain, the attitude of
something external, separate, independent, and indifferent, they can,
through the individual himself, be qua inner something other than they
seem. Either the individual intentionally makes them in appearance
something else than they are in truth; or he is too incompetent to give
himself the outer aspect be really wanted, and to give them such fixity
and permanence that the product of his action cannot become
misrepresented by others. The action, then, in the form of a completed
product has the double and opposite significance of being either the
inner individuality and not its expression; or, qua external, a reality
detached from the inner, a reality which is something quite different
from the inner. On account of this ambiguity, we must look about for
the inner as it still is within the individual himself, but in a
visible or external form. In the organ, however, it exists merely as
immediate activity as such, which attains its externalization in the
act or deed, that either does or again does not represent the inner.
The organ, in the light of this opposition, thus does not afford the
expression which is sought. |
ある。このように、器官は、この対立に照らし合わせると、求められている表現を提供することはできない。 |
313. If now the external shape
and form were able to express the inner individuality only in so far as
that shape is neither an organ nor action, hence only in so far as it
is an inert passive whole, it would then play the rôle of a subsistent
thing, which received undisturbed the inner as an alien element into
its own passive being, and thereby became the sign and symbol of it —
an external contingent expression, whose actual concrete aspect has no
meaning of its own — a language whose sounds and tone-combinations are
not the real fact itself, but are capriciously connected with it and a
mere accident so far as it is concerned. |
はなく、気まぐれにそれと結びついている言語であり、それに関する限り、単なる偶然の産物なのである。 |
314. Such a capricious
association of factors that are external for one another does not give
a law. Physiognomy, however, would
claim distinction from other
spurious arts and unwholesome studies on the ground that in dealing
with determinate individuality it considers the necessary opposition of
an inner and an outer, of character as a conscious nature and character
as a definitely embodied organic shape, and relates these moments to
one another in the way they are related to one another by their very
conception, and hence must constitute the content of a law. In
astrology, on the other hand, in palmistry and similar “sciences”,
there appears merely external element related to external element,
anything whatsoever to an element alien to it. A given constellation at
birth, and, when the external element is brought closer to the body
itself, certain given lines on the hand, are external factors making
for long or short life, and the fate in general of the particular
person. Being externalities they are indifferent towards one another,
and have none of the necessity for one another which is supposed to lie
in the relation of what is outer to what is inner. |
な学問との区別を主張するだろう。一方、占星術、手相、そして同様の "科学
無関心であり、外なるものと内なるものとの関係にあるとされる、互いに対する必然性はない。 |
The hand, to be sure, does not
seem to be such a very external thing for fate; it seems rather to
stand to it as something inner. For fate again is also merely the
phenomenal manifestation of what the specifically determinate
individuality inherently is as having originally an inner determinate
constitution. Now to find out what this individuality is in itself, the
palmist, as well as the physiognomist, takes a shorter cut than, e.g.,
Solon, who thought he could only know this from and after the course of
the whole life: the latter looked at the phenomenal explicit reality,
while the former considers the implicit nature (das Ansich). That the
band, however, must exhibit and reveal the inherent nature of
individuality as regards its fate, is easily seen from the fact that
after the organ of speech it is the hand most of all by which a man
actualizes and manifests himself. It is the animated artificer of his
fortune: we may say of the band it is what a man does, for in it as the
effective organ of his self-fulfilment he is there present as the
animating soul; and since he is ultimately and originally his own fate,
the hand will thus express this innate inherent nature. |
づける魂として存在しているからである。 |
316. From this
peculiarity, that the organ of activity is at once a form of being and
the operation going on within it, or again that the inner inherent
being is itself explicitly present in it and has a being for others, we
come upon a further aspect of it different from the preceding. For if
the organs in general proved to be incapable of being taken as
expressions of the inner for the reason that in them the action is
present as a process, while the action as a deed or (finished) act is
merely external, and inner and outer in this way fall apart and are or
can be alien to one another, the organ must, in view of the peculiarity
now considered, be again taken as also a middle term for both, since
this very fact, that the operation takes place and is present in it,
constitutes eo ipso an external attribute of it, and indeed one that is
different from the deed or act; for the former holds by the individual
and remains with him. |
なぜなら、前者は個々人によって保持され、個々人とともにとどまるからである。 |
This mediating
term uniting inner and outer is in the first place itself external too.
But then this externality is at the same time taken up into the inner;
it stands in the form of simple unbroken externality opposed to
dispersed externality, which either is a single performance or
condition contingent for the individuality as a whole, or else, in the
form of a total externality, is fate or destiny, split up into a
plurality of performances and conditions. The simple lines of the hand,
then, the ring and compass of the voice, as also the individual
peculiarity of the language used: or again this idiosyncracy of
language, as expressed where the hand gives it more durable existence
than the voice can do, viz. in writing, especially in the particular
style of “handwriting” — all this is an expression of the inner, so
that, as against the multifarious externality of action and fate, this
expression again stands in the position of simple externality, plays
the part of an inner in relation to the externality of action and fate.
Thus, then, if at first the specific nature and innate peculiarity of
the individual along with what these become as the result of
cultivation and development, are regarded as the inner reality, as the
essence of action and of fate, this inner being finds its appearance in
external fashion to begin with in his mouth, hand, voice, handwriting,
and the other organs and their permanent characteristics. Thereafter
and not till then does it give itself further outward expression in its
realization in the world. |
までは、それは世界における実現という形で、さらに外側に表現される。 |
317. Now because this middle
term assumes the nature of an outer expression, which is at the same
time taken back into the inner, its existence is not confined to the
immediate organ of action (the hand); this middle term is rather the
movement and form of countenance and figure in general which perform no
outward act. These lineaments and their movements on this principle are
the checked and restrained action that stops in the individual and, as
regards his relation to what he actually does, constitute his own
personal inspection and observation of the action — outer expression in
the sense of reflexion upon the actual outer expression. |
観察を構成する。 |
The individual, on the occasion
of his external action, is therefore not dumb and silent, because he is
thereby at once reflected into himself, and he gives articulate
expression to this self-reflexion. This theoretical action, the
individual's conversing with himself on the matter, is also perceptible
to others, for his speaking is itself an outer expression. |
ことは、他人にも知覚される。 |
318. In this inner, then, which
in being expressed remains an inner, observation finds the individual
reflected out of his actual reality; and we have to see how the case
stands with regard to the necessity which lies in the unity here. |
ものにおいて、観察は個々人がその実際の現実の外に映し出されるのを見いだす。 |
His being thus reflected is to
begin with different from the act itself, and therefore can be, and be
taken for something other than the deed is. We look at a man's face and
see whether he is in earnest with what he says or does. Conversely,
however, what is here intended to be an expression of the inner is at
the same time an existent objective expression, and hence itself falls
to the level of mere existence, which is absolutely contingent for the
self-conscious individual. It is therefore no doubt an expression, but
at the same time only in the sense of a sign, so that to the content
expressed the peculiar nature of that by which it is expressed is
completely indifferent. The inner in thus appearing is doubtless an
invisible made visible, but without being itself united to this
appearance. It can just as well make use of some other appearance as
another inner can adopt the same appearance. Lichtenberg, (2)
therefore, is right in saying: “Suppose the physiognomist ever did have
a man in his grasp, it would merely require a courageous resolution on
the man's part to make himself again incomprehensible for centuries." |
「仮に人相学者がある人物をつかんだとしたら、その人物は、何世紀もの間、自分自身を再び理解不能にするという勇気ある決心を必要とするだけであろう」。 |
In the previous case (3) the
immediately given circumstances formed a sphere of existence from which
individuality selected what it could or what it wanted, either
submitting to or transmuting this given existence, for which reason
this did not contain the necessity and inner nature of individuality.
Similarly here the immediate being in which individuality clothes its
appearance is one which either expresses the fact of its being
reflected back out of reality and existing within itself, or which is
for it merely a sign indifferent to what is signified, and therefore
signifying in reality nothing; it is as much its countenance as its
mask, which can be put off when it likes. Individuality permeates its
own shape, moves, speaks in the shape assumed; but this entire mode of
existence equally well passes over into a state of being indifferent to
the will and the act. Individuality effaces from it the significance it
formerly had — of being that wherein individuality is reflected into
itself, or has its true nature — and instead puts its real nature
rather in the will and the deed. |
わりにその本性をむしろ意志と行為に置く。 |
319. Individuality abandons that
condition of being reflected into self which finds expression in lines
and lineaments, and places its real nature in the work done. Herein it
contradicts the relationship which the instinct of reason, engaged in
observing self-conscious individuality, establishes in regard to what
its inner and outer should be. This point of view brings us to the
special idea at the basis of the science of physiognomy-if we care to
call it a “science”. The opposition this form of observation comes upon
is in form the opposition of practical and theoretical, both falling
inside the practical aspect itself — the opposition of individuality,
making itself real in action (in the most general sense of action), and
individuality as being in this action at the same time reflected thence
into self, and taking the action for its object. Observation apprehends
and accepts this opposition in the same inverted form in which it is
when it makes its appearance. To observation, the deed itself and the
performance, whether it be that of speech or a more solid reality,
stand for the nonessential outer, while the individuality's existence
within itself passes for the essential inner. Of the two aspects which
the practical mind involves, intention and act (the “meaning” regarding
the action and the action itself), observation selects the former as
the true inner; this (i.e. the intention or true inner) is supposed to
have its more or less unessential externalization in the act, while its
true outer expression is to be had in the form in which the individual
is embodied. This latter expression is a sensuous immediate presence of
the individual mind: the inwardness, which is intended to be the true
internal aspect, is the particular point of the intention, and the
singleness of self-existence: both together the mind subjectively
“meant” Thus, what observation takes for its objects is an existence
that is “meant”; and within this sphere it looks for laws. |
の内面であると意図される内面とは、意図の特殊な点であり、自己存在の単一性である。 |
320. The primary way of making
conjectures (meinen) regarding the “presumptive” presence of mind is
everyday (natürlich) physiognomy, hasty judgment formed at a glance
about the inner nature and the character of its outer form and shape.
The object of this guesswork thinking (4) is of such a kind that its
very essence involves its being in truth something else than merely
sensuous and immediate. Certainly what is really present is just this
condition of being in sensuous form reflected out of sense into self;
it is the visible as a sensuous presentment of the invisible, which
constitutes the object of observation. But this very sensuous immediate
presence is the mind's reality” as that reality is approved by mere
conjecture (Meinung); and observation from this point of view occupies
itself with its “presumed” (gemeint) existence, with physiognomy,
handwriting, sound of voice, etc. |
人相、筆跡、声の響きなど、その「推定された」(gemeint)存在で自らを占める。 |
Observation relates such and
such a sensuous fact to just such a supposed or presumed (gemeintes)
inner. It is not the murderer, the thief, that is to be known; it is
the capacity to be a murderer, a thief. The definitely marked abstract
attribute is thereby lost in the concrete indefinite characteristic
nature of the particular individual, which now demands more skilful
delineations than the former qualifications supply. Such skilful
delineations no doubt say more than the qualification, “murderer”,
“thief”, or “good-hearted”, “unspoiled”, and so on; but are a long way
short of their aim, which is to express the being that is “meant”, the
single individuality; as far short as the delineations of the form and
shape, which go further than a “flat brow”, a “long nose”, etc. For the
individual shape and form, like the individual self-consciousness, is
qua something “meant”, inexpressible. The “science of knowing men”, (5)
which is concerned about the supposed human being, like the “science”
of physiognomy, which deals with his presumed reality and seeks to
raise to the level of knowledge uncritical assertions of everday
(natürlich) physiognomy, (6) is therefore something with neither
foundation nor finality; it cannot manage to say what it “means”
because it merely “means”, and its content is merely what is “presumed”
or “meant”. |
的な(natürlich)人相学の無批判な主張を知識のレベルに引き上げようとするものであるが、(6)それゆえ、基礎も最終性もないものである。 |
321. The so-called “laws”, this
kind of science sets out to find, are relations holding between these
two presumed or supposed aspects, and hence can amount to no more than
an empty “fancying” (meinen). Again since this presumed knowledge,
which takes upon itself to deal with the reality of mind, finds its
object to be just the fact that mind is reflected from sense existence
back into self, and that, for mind, a specific bodily expression is an
indifferent accident, it is therefore bound to be aware at once that by
the so-called “laws” discovered it really says nothing at all, but
that, strictly speaking, this is mere chatter, or merely giving out a
“fancy” or “opinion” (Meinung) of its own — (an assertion which has
this amount of truth that to state one's “opinion”, one's “fancy”, and
not to convey thereby the fact itself, but merely a “fancy of one's
own”, are one and the same thing). In content, however, such
observations cannot differ in value from these: “It always rains at our
annual fair, says the dealer; “And every time, too,” says the
housewife, “when I am drying my washing." |
「年に一度の見本市ではいつも雨が降る」と商人は言い、「洗濯物を干しているときはいつもそうだ」と主婦は言う。 |
322. Lichtenberg, who
characterizes physiognomic observation in this way, adds this remark:
“If any one said, 'You act, certainly, like an honest man, but I can
see from your face you are forcing yourself to do so, and are a rogue
at heart,' without a doubt every brave fellow to the end of time when
accosted in that fashion will retort with a box on the ear." |
「もし誰かが、"あなたは確かに正直者のように振る舞っているが、私はあなたの顔を見れば、あなたが無理にそう振る舞っているのがわかる。 |
This retort is to the point, for
the reason that it refutes the fundamental assumption of such a
“science” of conjecture (meinen), viz. that the reality of a man is his
face, etc. |
る、などという前提を否定しているからである。 |
The true being of a man is, on
the contrary, his act; individuality is real in the deed, and a deed it
is which cancels both the aspects of what is “meant” or “presumed” to
be. In the one aspect where what is “presumed” or “imagined” takes the
form of a passive bodily being, individuality puts itself forward in
action as the negative essence which only is so far as it cancels
bring. Then furthermore the act does away with the inexpressibleness of
what self-conscious individuality really “means”; in regard to such
“meaning”, individuality is endlessly determined and determinable. This
false infinite, this endless determining, is abolished in the completed
act. The act is something simply determinate, universal, to be grasped
as an abstract, distinctive whole; it is murder, theft, a benefit, a
deed of bravery, and so on, and what it is can be said of it. |
り、窃盗であり、利益であり、勇敢な行為であり、等々、それが何であるかを語ることができる。 |
It is such and such, and its
being is not merely a symbol, it is the fact itself. It is this, and
the individual human being is what the act is. In the simple fact that
the act is, the individual is for others what he really is and with a
certain general nature, and ceases to be merely something that is
“meant” or “presumed” to be this or that. No doubt he is not put there
in the form of mind; but when it is a question of his being qua being,
and the twofold being of bodily shape and act are pitted against one
another, each claiming to be his true reality, the deed alone, is to be
affirmed as his genuine being — not his figure or shape, which would
express what he “means” to convey by his acts, or what any one might
“conjecture” he merely could do. In the same way, on the other hand,
when his performance and his inner possibility, capacity, or intention
are opposed, the former alone is to be regarded as his true reality,
even if he deceives himself on the point and, after he has turned from
his action into himself,. means to be something else in his “inner
mind” than what he is in the act. Individuality, which commits itself
to the objective element, when it passes over into a deed no doubt puts
itself to the risk of being altered and perverted. But what settles the
character of the act is just this — whether the deed is a real thing
that holds together, or whether it is merely a pretended or “supposed”
performance, which is in itself null and void and passes away.
Objectification does not alter the act itself; it merely shows what the
deed is, i.e. whether it is or whether it is nothing. |
がその点に関して自分自身を欺き、演技から自分自身に戻った後、彼の "内なる心
となった実在のものなのか、それとも、それ自体が無効で過ぎ去ってしまう、見せかけの、あるいは "想定された
だけである。 |
The breaking up of this real
being into intentions, and subtleties of that sort, by which the real
man, i.e. his deed, is to be reduced again to, and explained in terms
of, a “conjectured” being, as even the individual himself may produce
out of himself particular intentions concerning his reality — all this
must be left to idle “fancying and presuming” to furnish at its
leisure. If this idle thinking will set its ineffective wisdom to work,
and will deny the agent the character of reason, and use him so badly
as to want to declare his figure and his lineaments to be his real
being instead of his act, then it may expect to get the retort above
spoken of, a retort which shows that figure is not the inherent being,
but is on the contrary an object sufficiently on the surface to be
roughly handled. |
の物体であることを示す反論が返ってくるかもしれない。 |
323. If we look now at the range
of relations as a whole in which self-conscious individuality can be
observed standing towards its outer aspect, there will be one left
which has still to come before observation as an object. In psychology
it is the external reality of things which in the life of mind is to
have its counterpart conscious of itself and make the mind
intelligible. In physiognomy, on the other hand, mind or spirit is to
be known in its own proper outer (physical) aspect, a form of being
which may be called the language or utterance of mind — the visible
invisibility of its inner nature. There is still left the further
character of the aspect of reality — that individuality expresses its
nature in its immediate actuality, an actuality that is definitely
fixed and purely existent. |
本質をその直接的な実在性、つまり確実に固定され純粋に存在する実在性において表現するのである。 |
This last relation [of mind to
its reality] is distinguished from the physiognomic by the fact that
this is the speaking presence of the individual, who in his practical
active outer expression brings to light and manifests at the same time
the expression wherein he reflects himself into himself and
contemplates himself, an expression which is itself a movement, passive
lineaments which are themselves essentially a mediated form of
existence. In the character still to be considered, however, the outer,
element is finally an entirely inactive objectivity, which is not in
itself a speaking sign, but presents itself on its own account,
separate from the self-conscious process, and has the form of a bare
thing. |
のの形を持つ、まったく非活動的な客観性である。 |
324. In the first place in
regard to the relation of the inner to this its outer, it is clear that
that relation seems bound to be understood in the sense of a causal
connexion, since the relation of one immanent and inherent entity to
another, qua a necessary relation, is causal connexion. |
な結びつきという意味で理解されなければならないのは明らかである。 |
325. Now, for spiritual
individuality to have an effect on the body it must qua cause be itself
corporeal. The corporeal element, however, wherein it acts as a cause,
is the organ, not the organ of action on external reality, but of the
action of the self-conscious being within itself, operating outward
only on its own body. It is at the same time not easy to see what these
organs can be. If we merely think of organs in general, the general
organ for work would at once occur to us, so, too, the organ of sex,
and so on. But organs of that sort are to be considered as intruments
or parts, which mind, qua one extreme, possesses as a means for dealing
with the other extreme, which is an outer object. In the present case,
however, an organ is to be understood to be one wherein the
self-conscious individual, as an extreme, maintains himself on his own
account and for himself against his own proper actuality which is
opposed to him, the individual not being at the same time turned upon
the outer world, but reflected in his own action, and where, further,
his aspect of existence is not an existence objective for some other
individual. In the case of physiognomy, too, the organ is no doubt
considered as an existence reflected into self and criticizing the
action. But in this case the existence is objective in character, and
the outcome of the physiognomical observation is that
self-consciousness treats precisely this its reality as something
indifferent. This indifference disappears in the fact that this very
state of being reflected into self is itself active upon the other:
thereby that existence occupies and maintains a necessary relation to
self-consciousness. But to operate effectually on that existence it
must itself have a being, though not properly speaking an objective
being, and it must be set forth as being this organ. |
ならない。 |
326. In ordinary life, anger,
e.g. as an internal action of that sort, is located in the liver. Plato
(7) even assigns the liver something still higher, something which to
many is even the highest function of all, viz. prophesying, or the gift
of uttering in an irrational manner things sacred and eternal. But the
process which the individual has in his liver, heart, and so on, cannot
be regarded as one wholly internal to the individual, wholly reflected
into his self; rather his process is there (viz. in the liver, etc.) as
something which has already become bodily and assumes a physical animal
existence, reacting on and towards external reality. |
現実に反応し、外的な現実に向かう、肉体的な動物的存在を引き受けるものとして、そこ(すなわち肝臓など)にある。 |
327. The nervous system, on the
other hand, is the immediate stability of the organism in its process
of movement. The nerves themselves, no doubt, are again organs of that
consciousness which from the first is immersed in its outward impulses.
Brain and spinal cord, however, may be looked at as the immediate
presence of self-consciousness, a presence self-contained, not an
object and also not transient. In so far as the moment of being, which
this organ has, is a being for another, is an objective existence, it
is a being that is dead, and is no longer the presence of
self-consciousness. This self-contained existence, however, is by its
very nature a fluent stream, wherein the circles that are made in it
immediately break up and dissolve, and where no distinction is
expressed as permanent or real. Meanwhile, as mind itself is not an
abstractly simple entity, but a system of processes, wherein it
distinguishes itself into moments, but in the very act of
distinguishing remains free and detached; and as mind articulates its
body as a whole into a variety of functions, and designates one
particular part of the body for only one function: — so too one can
represent to oneself the fluent state of its internal existence [its
existence within itself] as something that is articulated into parts.
Moreover, it seems bound to be thought of in this way, because the
self-reflected being of mind in the brain itself is again merely a
middle term between its pure essential nature and its bodily
articulation, an intermediate link, which consequently must partake of
the nature of both, and thus in respect of the latter must also again
have in it actual articulation. |
れ自体における心の自己反映的存在は、その純粋な本質的性質と身体的連結との間の中間項、中間的連結にすぎないからである。 |
328. The psycho-organic being
has at the same time the necessary aspect of a stable subsistent
existence. The former must retire, qua extreme of self-existence, and
have this latter as the other extreme over against it, an extreme which
is then the object on which the former acts as a cause. If now brain
and spinal cord are that bodily self-existence of mind, the skull and
vertebral column form the other extreme separated off, viz. the solid
fixed stable thing. |
している。 |
When, however, any one thinks of
the proper place where mind exists, it is not the back that occurs to
him, but merely the head. Since this is so, we can, in examining a form
of knowledge like what we are at present dealing with, content
ourselves with this reason — not a very bad one in the present case —
in order to confine the existence of mind to the skull. Should it
strike any one to take the vertebral column for the seat of mind, in so
far as by it too knowledge and action doubtless are sometimes partly
induced and partly educed, this would prove nothing in defence of the
view that the spinal cord must be taken as well for the indwelling seat
of mind, and the vertebral column for the existential counterpart,
because this proves too much. For we may bear in mind that there are
also other approved external ways for getting at the activity of mind
in order to stimulate or inhibit its activity. |
り抑制したりするために、心の活動を知るための認可された外的な方法が他にもあることを念頭に置いてもよいからである。 |
The vertebral column, then, if
we like, drops rightly out of account; and it is as well made out as
many another doctrine of the philosophy of nature that the skull alone
does not indeed contain the “organs” of mind (but its existent
embodiment). For this was previously excluded from the conception of
this relation, and on that account the skull was taken for the aspect
of existence; or, if we may not be allowed to recall the conception
involved, then experience unquestionably teaches that, as we see with
the eye qua organ, so it is not with the skull that we commit murder,
steal, write poetry, etc. |
とを、経験は疑いなく教えている。 |
We must on that account refrain
from using the expression “organ” also when speaking of that
significance of the skull which we have still to mention. For although
it is a common thing to hear people say, that to reasonable men it is
not words but facts that really matter, yet that does not give us
permission to describe a thing in terms not appropriate to it. For this
is at once stupidity and deceit, pretending merely not to have the
right “word”, and biding from itself that in reality it has not got
hold of the fact itself, the notion. If the latter were there, it would
soon find the right word. |
すぐに正しい言葉が見つかるだろう。 |
What has been here determined
is, in the first instance, merely that just as the brain is the caput
vivum, the skull is the caput mortuum. |
死体の頭蓋であるということだけである。 |
329. It is in this ens mortuum,
then, that the mental processes and specific functions of the brain
would have to find their external reality manifested, a reality which
is none the less in the individual himself. For the relation of those
processes and functions to what, being an ens mortuum, does not contain
mind indwelling within it, there is offered, in the first instance, the
external and mechanical relation defined above, so that the organs
proper — and these are in the brain — here press the skull out round,
there make it broad, or force it flat, or in whatever way we care to
state the effect thus exerted. Being itself a part of the organism, it
must be supposed to have in it too, as is the case in every bone, an
active, living, formative influence, so that, from this point of view,
it really, from its side, presses the brain, and fixes its external
boundary — which it is the better able to do being the harder. In that
case, however, the relation of the activity of the one to the other
would always maintain the same character; for whether the skull is the
determining factor or the factor determined, this would effect no
alteration in the general causal connexion, only that the skull would
then be made the immediate organ of self-consciousness, because in it
qua cause the aspect of existence-for-self would find expression. But,
since self-existence in the sense of organic living activity belongs to
both in the same manner, the causal connexion between them in point of
fact drops altogether. |
は、同じように両者に属するので、事実上、両者の因果関係はまったくなくなってしまう。 |
This development of the two,
however, would be inwardly connected, and would be an organic
preestablished harmony, which leaves the two interrelated aspects free
as regards one another, each with its own proper form and shape,
without this shape needing to correspond to that of the other; and
still more so as regards the relation of the shape and the quality —
just as the form of the grape and the taste of wine are mutually
independent of one another. |
じめ確立された調和であり、相互に関連する2つの側面は、互いに対して自由である。 |
Since, however, the character of
self-existence appertains to the aspect of brain, while that of
existence to the feature of skull, there is also a causal connexion to
be set up between them inside the organic unity — a necessary relation
between them as external for one another, i.e. a relation itself
external, whereby their form and shape are determined the one through
the other. |
両者の形態と形状が一方によって他方が決定されるという関係そのものが存在する。 |
330. As regards the condition,
however, in which the organ of self-consciousness would operate
causally on the opposite aspect, all sorts of statements can be made.
For the question concerns the constitution of a cause which is
considered in regard to its indifferent existence, its shape and
quantity, a cause whose inner nature and self-existence are to be
precisely what leave quite unaffected the immediately existing aspect.
The organic self-formation of the skull is, to begin with, indifferent
to the mechanical influence exerted, and the relationship in which
these two processes stand, since the former consists in relating itself
to itself, is just this very indeterminateness and boundlessness.
Furthermore, even though the brain accepted the distinctions of mind,
and took them into itself as existential distinctions, and were a
plurality of inner organs occupying each a different space, it would be
left undecided whether a mental element would, according as it was
originally stronger or weaker, either be bound to possess in the first
case a more expanded brain-organ, or in the latter case a more
contracted brain-organ, or just the other way about. But it is
contradictory to nature for the brain to be such a plurality of
internal organs; for nature gives the moments of the notion an
existence of their own, and hence puts the fluent simplicity of organic
life clear on one side, and its articulation and division with its
distinctions on the other, so that, in the way they have to be taken
here, they assume the form of particular anatomical facts. |
をとるからである。 |
The same holds good in regard to
the question whether the improvement of the brain would enlarge or
diminish the organ, whether it would make it coarser and thicker or
finer. By the fact that it remains undetermined how the cause is
constituted, it is left in the same way undecided bow the effect
exerted on the skull comes about, whether it is a widening or a
narrowing and shrinking of it. Suppose this effect is named in perhaps
more distinguished phrase a “solicitation”, we cannot say whether this
takes place by swelling like the action of a cantharides-plaster, or by
shrivelling like the action of vinegar. |
スターの作用のように膨張して起こるのか、それとも酢の作用のように収縮して起こるのかはわからない。 |
In defence of all views of that
kind plausible reasons can be adduced; for the organic relation, which
quite as much exerts its influence, finds one fit as well as another,
and is indifferent to all this wit of mere understanding. |
あるものにも別のものにも適合するものであり、このような単なる理解の機知には無関心だからである。 |
331. It is, however, not the
interest of observation to seek to determine this relation. For it is
in any case not the brain in the sense of a physical part which takes
its stand on one side, but brain in the sense of the existential form
of self-conscious individuality. This individuality, qua abiding
character and self-moving conscious activity, exists for itself and
within itself. Opposed to this existence within itself and on its own
account stand its reality and its existence for another. Its own
peculiar existence is the essential nature, and is subject, having a
being in the brain; this being is subsumed under it, and gets its value
merely through its indwelling significance. The other aspect of
self-conscious individuality, however, that of its existence, is being
qua independent and subject, or qua a thing, viz. a bone: the real
existence of man is his skull-bone. This is the relationship and the
sense which the two aspects of this relation have when the mind adopts
the attitude of observation. |
と意味である。 |
332. Observation has now to deal
with the more determinate relation of these aspects. The skull-bone
doubtless in general has the significance of being the immediate
reality of mind. But the many-sidedness of mind gives its existence a
corresponding variety of meanings. What we have to find out is the
specific meaning of the particular regions into which this existence is
divided; and we have to see how the reference to mind is denoted in
them. |
心の多面性は、その存在に対応する多様な意味を与える。私たちが見つけなければならないのは、この存在が分割されている特定の領域の具体的な意味である。 |
333. The skull-bone is not an
organ of activity, nor even a process of utterance. We neither commit
theft, murder, etc., with the skull-bone, nor does it in the least
distort its face to suit the deed in such cases, so that the skull
should express the meaning in the language of gesture. Nor does this
existential form possess the value even of a symbol. Look and gesture,
tone, even a pillar or a post stuck up on a desert island, proclaim at
once that they stand for something else than what they merely are at
first sight. They forthwith profess to be symbols, since they have in
them a characteristic which points to something else by the fact that
it does not belong peculiarly to them. |
には、それらに特有のものではないという事実によって、何か別のものを指し示す特徴があるからである。 |
Doubtless, even in the case of a
skull, there is many an idea that may occur to us, like those of Hamlet
over Yorick's skull; but the skull-bone by itself is such an
indifferent object, such an innocent thing, that there is nothing else
to be seen in it or to be thought about it directly as it is, except
simply the fact of its being a skull. It no doubt reminds us of the
brain and its specific nature, and skull with other formations, but it
does not recall a conscious process, since there is impressed on it
neither a look or gesture, nor anything which would show traces of
derivation from a conscious activity. For it is that sort of reality
which, in the case of individuality, is intended to exhibit an aspect
of another kind, one that would no longer be an existence reflecting
itself into itself, but bare immediate existence. |
すことを意図している現実のようなものであり、それはもはや、自らを自らに反映させる存在ではなく、剥き出しの即時的存在となるものだからである。 |
334. While, further, the skull
does not itself feel, there seems still a possibility of providing it
with a more determinate significance in the fact that specific feelings
might enable us, through their being in proximity to it, to find out
what the skull may mean to convey; and when a conscious mode of mind
has its feeling in a specific region of the skull, it may be thought
perhaps that this spot of the skull may indicate by its shape what that
mode is and what its peculiar nature. Just as, e.g., many people
complain of feeling a painful tension somewhere in the head when
thinking intensely, or even when thinking at all, so it might be that
stealing, committing murder, writing poetry, and so on, could each be
accompanied with its own proper feeling, which would over and above be
bound to have its peculiar localization. This locality of the brain,
which would in this manner be more disturbed and exercised, would also
most likely develop further the contiguous locality of the bone of the
skull; or again this latter locality would, from sympathy or
conformity, not be inert, but would enlarge or diminish or in some
other way assume a corresponding form. |
ろう。 |
What, however, makes such a
hypothesis improbable is this: feeling in general is something
indeterminate, and that feeling in the head as the centre might well be
the general feeling that accompanies all suffering; so that mixed up
with the thief's, murderer's, poet's tickling or pain in the head there
would be other feelings too, and they would permit of being
distinguished from one another, or from those we may call merely bodily
feelings, as little as an illness can be determined from the symptom of
headache, if we restrict its meaning merely to the bodily element. |
るものとも区別できるだろう。 |
335. In point of fact, from
whatever side we look at the matter, all necessary reciprocal relation
between them comes to nothing, as well as any intimation the one might
give of the other in virtue of such a relation. If the relation is
still to hold, what is left to form a sort of necessary relation is a
pre-established harmony of the corresponding features of the two sides,
a harmony which leaves the factors in question quite detached and rests
on no inherent principle; for one of the aspects has to be a non-mental
reality, a bare thing. |
あり、その調和は、問題となる要素をまったく切り離したままにしておき、固有の原理に基づいていない。 |
Thus then, on one side we have a
number of passive regions of the skull, on the other a number of mental
properties, the variety and character of which will depend on the
condition of psychological investigation. The poorer the idea we have
of mind, the easier the matter becomes in this respect; for, in part,
the fewer become the mental properties, and, in part, the more
detached, fixed, and ossified, and consequently more akin to features
of the bone and more comparable with them. But, while much is doubtless
made easier by this miserable representation of the mind, there still
remains a very great deal to be found on both sides: there remains for
observation to deal with the entire contingency of their relation. When
every faculty of the soul, every passion and (for this, too, must be
considered here) the various shades of characters, which the more
refined psychology and “knowledge of mankind” are accustomed to talk
about, are each and all assigned their place on the skull, and their
contour on the skull-bone, the arbitrariness and artificiality of this
procedure are just as glaring as if the children of Israel, who had
been likened to “the sand by the seashore for multitude”, had each
assigned and taken to himself his own symbolic grain of sand! |
のと同じように、目に余るものである! |
The skull of a murderer has —
not this organ or sign — but this “bump”. But this murderer has in
addition a lot of other properties, and other bumps too, and along with
the bumps hollows as well. Bumps and hollows, there is room for
selection! And again his murderous propensity can be referred to any
bump or hollow, and this in turn to any mental quality; for the
murderer is neither this abstraction of a murderer, nor does he have
merely one protuberance and one depression. The observations offered on
this point must therefore sound just about as sensible as those of the
dealer about the rain at the annual fair, and of the housewife at her
washing time. (8) Dealer and housewife might as well make the
observation that it always rains when neighbour so-and-so passes by, or
when they have roast pork. From the point of view of observation a
given characteristic of mind is just as indifferent to a given
formation of the skull as rain is indifferent to circumstances like
these. For of the two objects thus under observation, the one is a
barren isolated entity (Fürsichsein), an ossified property of mind, the
other is an equally barren potentiality (Ansichsein). Such an ossified
entity, as they both are, is completely indifferent to everything else.
It is just as much a matter of indifference to a high bump whether a
murderer is in close proximity, as to the murderer whether flatness is
near him. |
ては平坦が近くにいようがいまいが無関心であるのと同じである。 |
336. There is, of course, no
getting over the possibility that still remains, that a bump at a
certain place is connected with a certain property, passion, etc. We
can think of the murderer with a high bump here at this place on the
skull, the thief with one there. From this point of view phrenology is
capable of much greater extension than it has yet had. For in the first
instance it seems to be restricted merely to the connexion of a bump
with a property in one and the same individual, in the sense that this
individual possesses both. But phrenology per naturam-for there must be
such a subject as well as a physiognomy per naturam-goes a long way
beyond this restriction. It does not merely affirm that a cunning
fellow has a bump like a fist lying behind the ear, but also puts
forward the view that, not the unfaithful wife herself, but the other
party to this conjugal transaction, has a bump on the brow. |
こぶがあると断言するだけでなく、不貞の妻自身ではなく、この夫婦の取引の相手方にも眉間にこぶがあるという見解を打ち出すのである。 |
In the same way, one may too
/imagine” and “conjecture” the man living under the same roof with the
murderer, or even one's neighbour, or, going still further afield,
“conjecture” one's fellow citizens, etc., with high bumps on some part
of the skull, just as well as one might picture to oneself the flying
cow that was caressed by the crab riding on a donkey, and afterwards,
etc. etc, But of possibility is taken not in the sense of a possibility
of “imagining” and “conjecturing” and “picturing”, but in the sense of
inner possibility, or possibility of conceiving, then the object is a
reality of the kind which is a mere thing and is, and should be,
depived of the significance of reality, and canthus only have the sense
of it for imaginative or figurative thinking. |
われるべき種類の現実であり、したがって、想像的または比喩的思考のためにのみ、その意味を持つことができるのである。 |
337. The observer may, in spite
of the indifference of the two sides to one another, set to work to
determine correlations, supported partly by the general rational
principle that the outer is the expression of the inner, and partly by
the analogy of the skulls of animals — which may doubtless have a
simpler character than men, but of which at the same time it becomes
just so much the more difficult to say what character they do have, in
that it cannot be so easy for any man's imagination to think himself
really into the nature of an animal. Should the observer do so, he will
find, in giving out for certain the laws he maintains he has
discovered, a first-rate means of assistance in a distinction which we
too must necessarily take note of at this point. |
ばならない区別をする上で、第一級の助けとなることを発見するだろう。 |
being of mind cannot be
taken at any rate to be something completely rigid and immovable. Man
is free. It will be admitted that the mind's original primordial being
consists merely in dispositions, which mind has to a large extent under
its control, or which require favourable circumstances to draw them
out; i.e. an original “being” of mind must be equally well spoken of as
what does not exist as a “being” at all. Were observations to
with what strikes any one as a warrantable law, should it happen to be
fine weather at the annual fair or on the housewife's washing day —
then dealer and housewife might say that it, properly speaking, should
rain, and the conditions are really all that way. So too in the case of
observing the skull, it might be said when those contradictory
observations occur, that the given individual ought properly to be what
according to the law his skull proclaims him to be, and that he has an
original disposition which, however, has not been developed: this
quality is not really present, but it should be there. The “law” and
the “ought-to-be” rest on observation of actual showers of rain, and
observation of the actual sense and meaning in the case of the given
character of the skull; but if the reality is not present, the empty
possibility is supposed to do just as well. |
の与えられた性格の場合における実際の感覚と意味の観察に基づいている。 |
This mere possibility, i.e. the
non-actuality of the law proposed, and hence the observations
conflicting with the law, are bound to come out just for the reason
that the freedom of the individual and the developing circumstances are
indifferent towards what merely is, both in the sense of the original
inner as well as the external ossiform structure, and also because the
individual can be something else than he is in his original internal
nature, and still more than what he is as a skull-bone. |
るものよりも、もっと別のものになりうるという理由だけで、出てくるに違いない。 |
338. We get, then, the
possibility that a given bump or hollow on the skull may denote both
something actual as well as a mere disposition, one indeed so little
determined in any given direction as to denote something that is not
actual at all. We see here, as always, the same result of a bad excuse,
viz. that it is itself ready to be used against what it is intended to
support. We see the thinking that merely “conjectures” brought by the
very force of facts to say in unintelligent fashion the very opposite
of what it holds to — to say that there is something indicated by such
and such a bone, but also just as truly not indicated at all. |
のもある、と言うようになるのを見るのである。 |
339. What hovers before this way
of “conjecturing” when it makes this excuse is the true thought — a
thought, however, which abolishes that way of “conjecturing”, — that
being as such is not at all the truth of spirit. As the disposition is
an original primordial being, having no share in the activity of mind,
just such a being is the skull-bone on its side. What merely is,
without participating in spiritual activity, is a thing for
consciousness, and so little is it the essence of mind that it is
rather the very opposite of it, and consciousness is only actual for
itself by the negation and abolition of such a being. |
存在の否定と廃絶によってのみ、それ自身のために実在するのである。 |
From this point of view it must
be regarded as a thorough denial of reason to give out a skull-bone as
the actual existence of conscious life, and that is what it is given
out to be when it is regarded as the outer expression of spirit; for
the external expression is just the existent reality. It is no use to
say we merely draw an inference from the outer as to the inner, which
is something different, or to say that the outer is not the inner
itself but merely its expression. For in the relation of the two to one
another the character of the reality which thinks itself and is thought
of by itself falls just on the side of the inner, while the outer has
the character of existent reality. |
なるものは実在する現実の性格を持っているからである。 |
When, therefore, a man is told,
“You (your inner being) are so and so, because your skull-bone is so
constituted,” this means nothing else than that we regard a bone as the
man's reality. To retort upon such a statement with a box on the ear —
in the way mentioned above when dealing with psysiognomy — removes
primarily the “soft” parts of his head from their apparent dignity and
position, and proves merely that these are no true inherent nature, are
not the reality of mind; the retort here would, properly speaking, have
to go the length of breaking the skull of the person who makes a
statement like that, in order to demonstrate to him in a manner as
palpable as his own wisdom that a bone is nothing of an inherent nature
at all for a man., still less his true reality. |
明白な方法で彼に示すことである、 ましてや彼の本当の現実など。 |
340. The untutored instinct of
self-conscious reason will reject without examination phrenology — this
other observing instinct of self-conscious reason, which having
succeeded in malting a guess at knowledge has grasped knowledge in the
soulless form that the outer is an expression of the inner. But the
worse the thought, the less sometimes does it strike us where its
badness, definitely lies, and the more difficult it is to explain it.
For a thought is said to be the worse, the barer and emptier the
abstraction, which thought takes to be the essential truth. But in the
antithesis here in question the component parts are individuality
conscious of itself, and the abstraction of a bare thing, to which
externality has been reduced — the inner being of mind taken in the
sense of a fixed soulless existence and in opposition to just such a
being. |
外部性が還元された裸のものの抽象化である。 |
With the attainment of this,
however, rational observation seems in fact to have also reached its
culminating point, at which it must take leave of itself and turn right
about; for it is only when anything is entirely bad that there is an
inherent and immediate necessity in it to wheel round completely into
its opposite. Just so it may be said of the Jews that it is precisely
because they stand directly before the door of salvation, that they are
and have been the most reprobate and abandoned: — what the nation
should be in and for itself, this, the true inner nature of its self,
it is not conscious of being, but puts away beyond itself. By this
renunciation it creates for itself the possibility of a higher level of
existence, if once it could get the object thus renounced back again to
itself, than if it had never left its natural immediate state of
existence — because spirit is all the greater the greater the
opposition out of which it returns into itself; and such an opposition
spirit brings about for itself, by doing away with its immediate unity,
and laying aside its self-existence, a separate life of its own. But if
such a consciousness does not mediate and reflect itself, the middle
position or term where it has a determinate existence is the fatal
unholy void, since what should give it substance and filling has been
turned into a rigidly fixed extreme. It is thus that this last stage of
reason's function of observation is its very worst, and for that reason
its complete reversal becomes necessary. |
り、そのためにその完全な逆転が必要となるのである。 |
341. For the survey of the
series of relations dealt with up to this point, which constitute the
content and object of observation, shows that even in its first form,
in observation of the relations of inorganic nature, sensuous being
vanished from its ken. The moments of its relation (i.e. that of
inorganic nature) present themselves as pure abstractions and as simple
notions, which should be kept connected with the existence of things,
but this gets lost, so that the abstract moment proves to be a pure
movement and a universal. This free, self-complete process retains the
significance of something objective; but now appears as a unit. In the
process of the inorganic the unit is the inner with no existence. When
the process does have existence qua unit, as one and single, it is an
organism. |
単位は存在のない内面である。プロセスが単位としての存在を持つとき、ひとつであり単一であるとして、それは有機体である。 |
The unit qua self-existent or
negative entity stands in antithesis to the universal, throws off its
control, and remains independent by itself, so that the notion, being
only realized in the condition of absolute dissociation, fails to find
in organic existence its genuine expression, in the sense that it is
not there, in the form of a universal; it remains an “outer”, or, what
is the same thing, an “inner” of organic nature. |
その真の表現を見出すことができない。それは、有機的性質の「外側」、あるいは同じことだが「内側」にある。 |
The organic process is merely
free implicitly (an sich); it is not so explicitly, “for itself” (für
sich). The explicit phase of its freedom appears in the idea of
purpose, has existence as another inner nature as a self-directing
wisdom that lies outside that mere process. Reason's function of
observation thus turns its attention to this wisdom, to mind, to the
notion actually existing as universality, or to the purpose existing in
the form of purpose; and what constitutes its own essential nature is
now the object before it. |
て存在する。こうして理性の観察機能は、この知恵に、心に、普遍性として実際に存在する観念に、あるいは目的という形で存在する目的に注意を向ける。 |
342. Reason here in the activity
of observation is directed first to the pure abstract form of its
essential nature. But since reason, in its apprehension of the object
thus working and moving amidst its own distinctions takes this object
as something that exists, observation becomes aware of laws of thought,
relations of one constant factor to another constant factor. The
content of these laws being, however, merely moments, they run together
into the single one of self-consciousness. |
かし、これらの法則の内容は単なる瞬間に過ぎず、それらは自己意識という一つのものに集約される。 |
This new object, taken in the
same way as existent, is the contingent individual self-consciousness.
The process of observation, therefore, keeps within the “conjectured”
meaning of mind, and within the contingent relation of conscious to
unconscious reality. Mind alone in itself is the necessity of this
relation. Observation, therefore, attacks it at closer quarters, and
compares its realization through will and action with its reality when
it contemplates and is reflected into itself, a reality which is itself
objective. This external aspect, although an utterance of the
individual which he himself contains, is at the same time, qua symbol,
something indifferent to the content which it is intended to denote,
just as what finds for itself the symbol is indifferent to this symbol. |
れが示そうとする内容に対して無関心なものである。 |
343. For this reason,
observation finally passes from this variable form of utterance back to
the permanent fixed being, and in principle declares that externality
is the outer immediate reality of mind, not in the sense of an organ,
and not like a language or a symbol, but in the sense of a lifeless
thing. What the very first form of observation of inorganic nature did
away with and superseded, viz. the idea that the notion should appear
in the shape of a thing, this last form of observation reinstates so as
to turn the reality of mind itself into a thing, or expressing it the
other way about, so as to give lifeless being the significance of mind. |
表現するように、生命を持たない存在に心の意義を与えるように、復活させるのである。 |
Observation has thus reached the
point of explicitly expressing what our notion of observation was at
the outset, viz. that rational certainty means objectivity of reason,
that the certainty of reason seeks itself as an objective reality. |
現実として自らを求めるということである。 |
One does not, indeed, suppose
that mind, which is represented by a skull, is defined as a thing.
There is not meant to be any materialism, as it is called, in this
idea; mind rather must be something very different from these bones of
the skull. But that mind is, means nothing else than that it is a
thing. When being as such, or thingness, is predicated of the mind, the
true and genuine expression for this is, therefore, that mind is such
an entity as a bone is. Hence it must be considered as supremely
important that the true expression has been found for the bare
statement regarding mind — that it is. When the statement is ever made
about mind, that it is, has a being, is a thing, an individual reality,
we do not mean it is something we can see, or knock about, or take in
our hands, and so on, but that is what we say, and what the statement
really amounts to is consequently conveyed in the expression that the
existence of mind is a bone. |
どという意味ではないのだ。 |
344. This result has now a
twofold significance: one is its true meaning, in so far as the result
is a completion of the outcome of the preceding movement of
self-consciousness. The unhappy self-consciousness renounced its
independence, and wrested its distinctive self-existence out into the
shape of a thing. By doing so, it left the level of self-consciousness
and reverted to the condition of mere consciousness, i.e. to that phase
of conscious life for which the object is an existent, a thing. But
what is “thing” in this case is self-consciousness; “thing” here is the
unity of ego and being — the Category. When the object before
consciousness is determined thus, consciousness possesses reason.
Consciousness, as well as self-consciousness, is in itself properly
reason in an implicit form; but only that consciousness can be said to
have reason whose object has the character of being the category. From
this, however, we must still distinguish the knowledge of what reason
is. |
らない。 |
The category, which is the
immediate unity of being and self (Seyn und Seinen), must traverse both
forms, and the conscious attitude of observation is just where the
category is set forth in the form of being. In its result,
consciousness expresses that, whose unconscious implicit certainty it
is, in the shape of a proposition — the proposition which lies in the
very notion of reason. This proposition is the infinite judgment that
the self is a thing — a judgment that cancels and transcends itself. |
存在と自己(Seyn und
であり、それ自体を取り消し、超越する判断である。 |
Through this result, then, the
category gets the added characteristic of being this self-cancelling
opposition. The “pure” category, which is present to consciousness in
the form of being or immediacy, is still an unmediated, a merely given
object, and the attitude of consciousness is also direct, has no
mediation in it. That infinite judgment is the moment which is the
transition of immediacy into mediation or negativity. The given present
object is therefore characterized as a negative object while
consciousness in its relation towards it assumes the form of
self-consciousness; or the category, which traversed the form of being
in the process of observation, is now set up in the form of
self-existence. Consciousness no longer seeks to find itself
immediately, but to produce itself by its own activity. Consciousness
itself is the purpose and end of its own action, as in the process of
observation it had to do merely with things. |
とする。観察の過程では、意識は単に事物と関係するだけであったように、意識そのものが、それ自身の作用の目的であり目的なのである。 |
345. The other meaning of the
result is the one already considered, that of unsystematic (begrifflos)
observation. This has no other way of understanding and expressing
itself than by declaring the reality of self-consciousness to consist
in the skull-bone, just as it appears in the form of a thing of sense,
still retaining its character as an object for consciousness. In
stating this, however, it has no clear consciousness as to what the
statement involves, and does not grasp the determinate character of the
subject and predicate in the proposition and of their relation to one
another, still less does it grasp the proposition in the sense of a
self-resolving infinite judgment and a notion. Rather, in virtue of a
deeper-lying self-consciousness of mind, which has the appearance here
of being an innate decency and honesty of nature, it conceals from
itself the ignominiousness of such an irrational crude thought a that
of taking a bone for the reality of self-consciousness; and the very
senselessness of introducing all sorts of relations of cause and
effect, symbol”, “organ”, etc., which are perfectly meaningless here,
and of hiding away the glaring folly of the proposition behind
distinctions derived from them — all this puts a gloss on that thought
and whitewashes its naked absurdity. |
条理を白日の下にさらすのである。 |
346. Brain-fibres and the like,
looked at as forms of the being of mind, are already an imagined, a
merely hypothetical actuality of mind — not its presented reality, not
its felt, seen, in short not its true reality. If they are present to
us, if they are seen, they are lifeless objects, and then no longer
pass for the being of mind. But its objectivity proper must take an
immediate, a sensuous form, so that in this objectivity qua lifeless —
for the bone is lifeless so far as the lifeless is found in the living
being itself — mind is established as actual. |
は、実際のものとして確立されるのである。 |
The principle involved in this
idea is that reason claims to be all thinghood, even thinghood of a
purely objective kind. It is this, however, in conceptu: or, only this
notion is the truth of reason; and the purer the notion itself is, the
more silly an idea does it become, if its content does not take the
shape of a notion (Begriff) but of a mere presentation or idea
(Vorstellung)-if the self-superseding judgment is not taken with the
consciousness of this its infinity, but is taken as a stable and
permanent proposition, the subject and predicate of which hold good
each on its own account, self fixed as self, thing as thing, while one
has to be the other all the same. |
己として固定され、事物は事物として保持され、一方は他方でなければならない。 |
Reason, essentially the notion,
is immediately parted asunder into itself and its opposite, an
opposition which just for that reason is immediately again superseded.
But if it presents itself in this way as both itself and its opposite,
and if it is held fast in the entirely isolated moment of this
disintegration, reason is apprehended in an irrational form; and the
purer the moments of this opposition are, the more glaring is the
appearance of this content, which is either alone for consciousness, or
alone expressed ingenuously by consciousness. |
によってのみ独創的に表現される。 |
The “depth” which mind brings
out from within, but carries no further than to make it a presentation
(Vorstellung), and let it remain at this level — and the “ignorance” on
the part of this consciousness as to what it really says, are the same
kind of connexion of higher and lower which, in the case of the living
being, nature naïvely expresses when it combines the organ of its
highest fulfilment, the organ of generation, with the organ of
urination. The infinite judgment qua infinite would be the fulfilment
of life that comprehends itself, while the consciousness of the
infinite judgment that remains at the level of presentation corresponds
to urination. |
れ自身を理解する生命の成就であり、提示のレベルにとどまる無限なる判断の意識は、排尿に対応する。 |
http://www.waste.org/~roadrunner/Hegel/PhenSpirit/309_BIL.html |
《精神は骨(頭蓋骨)なのだ》人種主義に ついて書いてきたものがいっぱいになり、整理することにしました(→「人種主義をめぐるポータル」)。人種主義について書いてある日本の和書もチェックしてきましたが(これはフランスでの書籍にも言えるこ とですが)それらの書物では、レイシズムはどうも著者の外側に厳然として、かつ現前 としてあり、自分は人種主義の思想的根をもっていないという、お気楽人種の概念の本だらけであることがわかりました(唯一の例外は、アイヌ 民族当事者が書いた骨と「アイヌアイデンティティ」を論じた著作や論文あるいはエッセーぐらいか)。まさに、(ヘーゲルが言うように)精神は骨(頭蓋骨) なのである(→「ヘーゲル『精神現象学』1807ノート」)。
アイヌ民族の精神は骨 でもアイデンティティでもなく、埋葬のプロセスであり、慰撫の精神であると見事に喝破しているのが、葛野次郎さんである。彼のエッセーをよく読もう。
CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 1996-2099