Frank Rudolph Emmanuel Olson, 1910-1953
Frank Olson (1910-1953)〈フォート・デトリック〉の特別作戦部(SO部門)の細菌生物兵器の専門家で、CIA局員として〈キャンプ・キング〉で〈ブルバー ド作戦〉や 〈アーティチョーク作戦〉などの物議を醸した尋問活動に従事した。のちにCIAのシドニー・ゴットリーブの指示のもと、LSDを秘密裏に(あるいは故意に——MK Ultra 計画の過程で)投与され、ニュー ヨーク市内のホテルの窓から投身自殺、または突き落とされて死亡。
Frank Rudolph Emmanuel Olson (July 17, 1910 – November 28, 1953)
was an American bacteriologist, biological warfare scientist, and an
employee of the United
States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories (USBWL) who worked at
Camp Detrick (now Fort Detrick) in
Maryland. At a meeting in rural Maryland, he was covertly dosed with
LSD by his colleague Sidney Gottlieb
(1918-1999, head of the CIA's MKUltra program)
and, nine days later, plunged to his death from the window of the Hotel
Statler. The U.S. government first described his death as a suicide,
and then as misadventure, while others allege murder.[1] The Rockefeller Commission report on the
CIA in 1975 acknowledged their having conducted drug studies.
「MKウルトラの前身は、統合諜報対象局(Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency、1945年設立)によるペーパークリップ作戦である。こ の作戦は、かつてナチ政権に関与した科学者を募集する目的で展開され、拷問やマインドコントロールを研究していた研究者もいれば、ニュルンベルク裁判にて 戦犯とされた者も存在した[4][5]。 アメリカ政府が極秘裏に行った計画の中には、チャーター計画(Project CHATTER, 1947年実施)やブルーバード計画(1950年実施、翌年アーティチョーク計画, Project ARTICHOKEと改名)をはじめ、ペーパークリップ作戦から生まれた内容も多かった。 こうした中、朝鮮戦争での中国による米軍捕虜の洗脳が注目されていた1953年4月13日、アレン・ダレスの命を受け、シドニー・ゴッドリーブを先頭に MKウルトラ計画が始まった[6]。実験はしばしば被験者の同意無く行われ[7]、実験に関わった研究者でさえ「計画の最終目的を知らされてないことも あった」という[8]。 冷戦下の1964年には「MKサーチ」と改名され、自白剤を用いてソ連のスパイ容疑者を尋問する、海軍では超音波を利用して記憶を消去する実験を行う [9]など、54のサブ計画が存在した。しかし前述の通り、1973年にヘルムズ長官が計画の記録をほとんど破棄したため、実験の全貌を解明することは、 現在においても困難である[10]。」︎MKウルトラ計画)
Project CHATTER,
"Project CHATTER was a United States Navy program beginning in the fall
of 1947 focusing on the identification and testing of drugs in
interrogations and the recruitment of agents. Their search included
laboratory experiments on both animal and human subjects. The program
operated under the direction of Charles Savage of the Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda,
Maryland, from 1947 to 1953.[1][2] The project was geared to
identifying agents both synthetic and natural that were effective
during interrogation. The project was centered on, but not restricted
to, the use of anabasine (an
alkaloid), scopolamine and mescaline. The program ended shortly
after the Korean War in 1953."
Project ARTICHOKE (also referred to as Operation ARTICHOKE) was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project that researched interrogation methods. Preceded by Project BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE officially arose on August 20, 1951 and was operated by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence.[1] The primary goal of Project ARTICHOKE was to determine whether a person could be involuntarily made to perform an act of attempted assassination.[2] The project also studied hypnosis, forced morphine addiction (and subsequent forced withdrawal) and the use of other chemicals including LSD, to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in subjects. Project ARTICHOKE led to Project MKUltra, which began in 1953.[3]
"Project ARTICHOKE (also referred to as Operation ARTICHOKE) was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project that researched interrogation methods. Preceded by Project BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE officially arose on August 20, 1951 and was operated by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence.[1] The primary goal of Project ARTICHOKE was to determine whether a person could be involuntarily made to perform an act of attempted assassination.[2] The project also studied hypnosis, forced morphine addiction (and subsequent forced withdrawal) and the use of other chemicals including LSD, to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in subjects. Project ARTICHOKE led to Project MKUltra, which began in 1953.[3]"
MKUltra (or MK-Ultra) is the code name given to a program of
experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), some of which were
illegal.[1][2][3] Experiments on humans were intended to develop
procedures and identify drugs such as LSD to be used in interrogations
in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through
brainwashing and psychological torture. The project was organized
through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and
coordinated with the United States Army Biological Warfare
Laboratories.[4] Other code names for drug-related experiments were
Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke.[5][6]
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