Research Integrity
Mitzub'ixi Qu'q Ch'ij
The ORI Office of Research Integrity,
defines Research integrity mentioned below.
Research integrity may be defined as active adherence to the ethical principles and professional standards essential for the responsible practice of research.
Scientific integrity : text and cases in responsible conduct of research / Francis L. Macrina, ASM , 2014.
"Allegations of fraud, conflict of interest, and other
ethical dilemmas have troubled the scientific community. With
increasing frequency, graduate programs in the biomedical sciences are
offering formalized training in the principles of responsible
scientific conduct. Scientific Integrity, Fourth Edition covers
essential topics related to the conduct of scientific investigation,
such as guidelines, policies, standards, and codes and contains highly
relevant interactive case studies. This textbook covers broad areas of
scientific integrity and meets the needs of students and scientists
working in the biomedical sciences. Newly updated case studies that
parallel the material presented in the chapters are included to
illustrate the diversity of issues that have been identified under the
umbrella of scientific integrity. All chapters have been thoroughly
updated, especially with regard to the new technologies in data
discovery and sharing, and the latest NIH and international best
practices guidelines. This title is published by the American Society
of Microbiology Press and distributed by Taylor and Francis in rest of
world territories. " - from Nielsen books database.
1. Methods, Manners, and the Responsible Conduct of
2. Ethics and the Scientist
3. Mentoring
4. Authorship and Peer Review
5. Use of Humans in Biomedical Experimentation
6. Use of Animals in Biomedical Experimentation
7. Competing Interests in Research
8. Collaborative Research
9. Research Data and Intellectual Property
10. Scientific Record Keeping
11. Science, Technology, and Society
Appendix I. Surveys as a Tool for Training in
Scientific Integrity
Appendix II. Student Exercises
Appendix III. Standards of Conduct
Appendix IV. Sample Protocols for Human and Animal
Appendix V. Example of a U.S. Patent Specification
Appendix VI. Laboratory Notebook Instructions
Appendix VII. Safe Laboratory Practices Resources Index
Source, Scientific integrity : text and cases in responsible conduct of research / Francis L. Macrina, ASM , 2014
Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j,