On Martin Barker's "A
'Toxic Genre': The Iraq War Films," 2011
映画, The Hurt Locker (2008) の中でもっとも印象的なシーンは、ウィリアム率いる爆弾処理班のチームが、自爆爆弾をとりつけられたイラク人の男を最後には救済できなくて(最後まで必死 に頑張るのだが)見殺しにするところだ。観客は、イラク人とウィリアムの両方に《同時に》深く感情移入してしまう。俺たちは、時限爆弾を取り付けらた惨め な人間爆弾であり(それゆえ映像は過激なイスラム原理主義を無反省かつ自動的に憎むように構成されてしまう)そして、そのような人類同胞を必死ですくおう ともがく市民的理性を兼ね備えているーー(命知らずで性格が破綻しているウィリアムは、部下のサンボーン[彼がもっとも人間味豊かに描かれているのは僕ら の黒人に対する偏見の裏返しの後ろめたさにあることがこれも見事に表現されている]の忠告を最後のギリギリまで聞かずに惨めなイラク人を救おうとすること だ)。イラク人の男が爆発して肉体が粉々になるシーンには(僕が)KLMの機内で見た時には、モザイクがかかっているように見えた。僕らには、人間が粉々 になるのは見てはいけない/見せてはいけない猥褻なものなのだろう。
この映画も含めて、イラク戦争映画には、拷問の容認、ハイテク戦争時代の精神の荒廃など、そしてそれらの「現実」を赤裸々に描くことの倫理的問 題など、複雑な事情がある。それをMartin Barkerは、"A 'Toxic Genre': The Iraq War Films," 2011という著作のなかで、効果的に論じている。アマゾンの書籍の内容紹介は以下のものがある。
"Over the last five years, a cycle of films has emerged addressing the ongoing Iraq conflict. Some became well-known and one of them, The Hurt Locker, won a string of Oscars. But many others disappeared into obscurity. What is it about these films that led Variety to dub them a 'toxic genre' Martin Barker analyses the production and reception of these recent Iraq war films. Among the issues he examines are the borrowing of soldiers' YouTube styles of self-representation to generate an 'authentic' Iraq experience, and how they take refuge in 'apolitical' post-traumatic stress disorder. Barker also looks afresh at some classic issues in film theory: the problems of accounting for film 'failures', the shaping role of production systems, the significance of genre-naming and the impact of that 'toxic' label. A 'Toxic Genre' is fascinating reading for film studies students and anyone interested in cinema's portrayal of modern warfare." - Source:Amazon.com.
"'A touchstone: the first to comprehend entirely the wave of war films in the decade following 9/11. As a chronicle, it is encyclopedic. As a work of interpretation, it deftly sketches the complex of narrative contradictions that animate the genre. Baker's book cuts like a laser sight through the fog of contemporary war film' -- Roger Stahl, Associate Professor in the Department of Speech Communication at University of Georgia, author of Militainment, Inc(2009). 'One of the best studies yet of filmmaking in our contemporary age of war. This volume is an indispensable guide both to a challenging cycle of films and to the wider struggle of cinema to be seriously political today' -- David Slocum, Professor and Faculty Director of the Executive MBA Program at the Berlin School of Creative Leadership, Steinbeis University, editor of Hollywood and War (2006). 'An excellent and original analysis of a range of films related to the war in Iraq that also makes a wider contribution to our understanding of the various pressures. Lucidly argued and a model of level-headed analysis' -- Geoff King, Professor of Film and TV Studies, Brunel University, London 'A critical, multidimensional analysis of how film culture deals with war and politics. Clearly written, broadly informed, and engagingly insightful' -- Michael Parenti, author of God and His Demons and The Face of Imperialism"
マーチン・ベイカーに関する情報:Martin Barker is Research Professor (Emeritus) at Aberystwyth University. He has researched and published widely on topics ranging from comic books, censorship campaigns, arguments over 'dangerous media', methods of film analysis, and audiences for films ranging from Judge Dredd and Crash to Being John Malkovich and The Lord of the Rings.
この映画(The Hurt Locker ()に関する評価は日本語のウィキペディアでは、以下のように記載されている。
アカデミー賞に輝いた『ハート・ロッカー』は米軍への敬意に欠ける ニューズウィーク日本語版
場にトッド・ブレスシール中佐(Todd Breasseale)を送ることになっていたが問題が発覚したため中止になったという[ 'The Hurt Locker' sets off conflict Los Angeles Times]。」
Copyleft, CC, Mitzub'ixi Quq Chi'j, 2019